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Page 1: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Mirt Stoves for Ethiopian Households

MoARD/ SUN: Energy

Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources for Improved Food Security Program: Energy (GTZ-SUN: Energy)



Page 2: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Ethiopia:- Energy and Biomass

Energy consumption by fuel type

Biomass Fuels94%

Petroleum (Oil)5% Electricity


Page 3: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Ethiopia:- Energy and Biomass

Energy consumption by sector


Services & others




Page 4: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Objectives Promote energy efficiency at all levels (especially the efficient use of

biomass resources at the households) Promote the developments of Renewable Energy (RE), to promote

rational use of natural resources, poverty reduction and food security Enhance the capacity of the different development partners to

integrate into their programs and execute energy development


Overall goal to contribute to the protection and sustainable utilization

of the natural resources

MoARD/ SUN: Energy

The Intervention

Page 5: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Mirt Production and dissemination Areas

Current status

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

The Product

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia



GTZ- SUN Energy, Ethiopia

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


Why the Mirt Stove Injera staple food for the majority Injera baking takes 50% of primary

energy consumption of the nation Injera baking is by far the most

hazardous and tiring of the traditional cooking practices in Ethiopia

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


The Mirt Stove (Cont.D) 50% fuelwood savings compared to

open fire stoves Considerable reduction of smoke

and exposure to heat and fire High acceptance by users Marketable product

Life time: about 5 years Easy to produce Suitable for local production

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


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Page 11: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


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The coupon for the price subsidy

Page 12: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


Page 13: Mirt stoves for ethiopian households (gtz)

GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Promotion of Stove Production

The principles:

Selection of stove producers: Involve all concerned stakeholder for synergy Focus on bringing the stove to the market

Main focus should be on individuals who can bring the stove to the market in a sustainable manner

Avoid “agenda hijacking” by taking the leadership: different stakeholders have different priorities


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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


Assistance and follow up

construction of sheds, provision of tools and moulds

raw materials for start-up production

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


Promotion of stove production (cont.d) Follow-up during pilot

production Monitoring of production and

sales figures Facilitation of micro-credits

for producers

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Marketing and Commercialisation Public stove demonstrations Distribution of posters and user



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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


Marketing and Commercialisation (Cont.D) Participation in exhibitions and trade


Promotional theatre tours, videos dramas, TV and radio clips …

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia


Net working and integrationInstitutional Co-operation government institutions other organizations / projects / civil

society forums micro credit institutions private sector

Regular stakeholders’ workshops

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GTZ-SUN Energy, Ethiopia

Up comingTikikil? Michot? Kenubish? Economy? A GTZ-SUN Energy version of

the rocket wood stove Rocket part made out of same

material as mirt (Sand/scoria and cement)

Thermal efficiency 25-28% For up to Ø45 cm pots Currently being tested in the

AAU and by 16 families

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