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Page 1: Mise En Scene POWERPOINT

Sarita Chander


Mise-en-scene means the arrangement of actors and the scenery.

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The setting of a movie highly depends on the genre and the location, where it is, when it is and why its there. The settings of certain areas either could be natural, made up, stylized or a backdrop could have been used in the movie.- The setting which I am going to talk about is the setting from the horror movie called Jeepers Creepers and I think this setting is great as it goes very well with the theme of the movie Is about, which is a horror. As you can see the image below you can see that the house seems quite old and abandoned, the fact that its on its own and in an area which is very much secluded, by looking at it, it already gives you an atmosphere which is quite scary and you know that the movie will not turn out very well.The setting is very important because without it the film wouldn't’t make sense and the genre of the movie wouldn't’t be clear. In this image still the setting is out in the exterior as its which seems to be in a sort of forest and what makes it really scary is the surroundings of the trees, the trees give a huge impact as they are literally dying away and the plants are dead around the house, the house also has boxed up windows which shows that no one has been in there or that no one should try and enter the house.The expectation which this image still creates for the audience is that something bad will happen as the house seems very scary as well as secluded.

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-Props are used in films to subconsciously manipulate the audience by building certain expectations.-A key prop which Is used in the movie Jeepers Creepers is the reoccurring image and sounds of the crows, in the movie they are very frequent which leads me into thinking that something is going to happen and that is absolutely correct as bad things do happen in the movie. Crows also symbolize death and bad luck so this clearly shows you that the characters will experience death and nothing will go well for them.-The crows in the movie are always flying around and making noises within the whole of the movie so this shows the audience bad things are going to happen, the fact that the sounds of the crows come up in the scenes unexpectedly again gives a scary impact and gives you shock which created an impact and a jumpy effect.-The sword in this movie which the villain uses is also a key and beneficial prop because without that, the villain wouldn't’t be able to kill the characters. -The car and the truck are both very important props in this movie because without these the characters wouldn't have any transport, so this again is important because the car scenes are a big part of the movie. The truck which the villain drives also has a very distinctive horn noise so this to me shows that the use of the sound is linked in with a use of a prop.

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Lighting and colour can be used in many ways. Lighting and colour is mainly used to highlight the significance in certain scenes to represent the characters state or emotion.- Three types of light which is used is key light, fill light and backlight.The key light is the main light which is used allover and the fill light fills in any gaps and the backlight is lit behind so there is no shadows.

The lighting in this scene is very good and I think it goes very perfect within the scene the fact that the characters are in the main frame and in the main focus shows the audience hat they need to focus on and the fact that everything out is very dark shows that our attention should be on the characters. The fact that there is a very shallow light which is above them as well as around them shows me that there isn't much hope for the two characters because light represents so because their light is blocked and literally fading it shows me there is no hope for these characters. The light on this image creates a very eerie atmosphere which is quite intense because its very dark almost black shows that there isn't going to be anything good at the end of that tunnel. if there was a lot of light in this image and it was generally quite bright then the scene would not have the spooky affect and it wouldn't’t work as well as it does now.


The sounds which are used in these scenes go very well as they are intense sounds such as screams, crows, cries and bangs. These sounds go very well with the theme of this movie as it’s a horror so to be hearing these sounds is definitely good. The fact that the sounds are used in such a good way gets the audiences attention and the fact that some of the sounds come unexpectedly also give the viewers a shock.

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Costume hair and make up is an instant indicator to the audience of where a character is from for example the location and time their status and even there personality.

A good film which uses an amazing range of costumes as well as make up is the movie GREASE which stars the amazing actor John Travolta. This movie was was set in the year of 1978 so from that we know that the way they used to dress then and how they would dress now will be completely different. The costumes and make up are pretty much coordinated with the settings of the time as it was set in a high school so you had the items such as school uniforms, skirts, shorts, shirts and jackets which went with the ideas of them being in a high school. The female characters in the movie Grease normally wore big oversized floral dresses mainly in bright colours such as yellow and pink. The clothing also had a really vintage and retro look which went very well with the time of the movie as a lot of lace and net was in fashion as in those days this was the style of dress. The hair and make up which the females wore also was very exaggerated in terms of colours as it was bright and bold. Lipstick was always red and bright and the eye makeup was always heavy on the eyeliner as well as eye shadow. The hairstyles were always very big, always in rollers and quite long in length which was very volumised and that is what gives us that vintage look from back in the day.The actors in GREASE also dressed up in a way which was very distinctive as they normally had big hair with a huge front quiff which was gelled backwards to make it look big this gives us that vintage look so when we see such a hairstyle we know that its from the past and from a certain era.

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Fac ia l express ions prov ide us w i th c lear ind icators on how the charac te rs are fee l ing . Body language can a l so ind icate how someone i s fee l ing as we l l as the i r re la t ionsh ip

w i th other charac ters . Fac ia l express ions and body language both por t ray d iff erent meanings .

The fac ia l express ion o f th i s charac ter i s f rom the movie Confess ions o f a Shopaho l i c and I th ink th i s s t i l l shows express ion very we l l and the express ion that she i s showing on her face i s shock , you can c lear ly te l l th i s a shocked express ion as you can see that her eyes are open very wide as she has seen someth ing wh ich she rea l l y l oves at a pr i ce that she adores .


From this still you can tell from the characters body language that she is a very proud and confident individual as she is walking with her head held high she also has very stern look in her face which shows she is confident and ready to accomplish whatever comes her way.

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Positioning and space can draw the audiences attention to a character which is important to the story. Positions of the character can indicate the relationships between characters or the emotions.

This image still is taken from a Bollywood movie called Karthik calling Karthik and I think this shows the use of deep space really well and I think it has been used in a nice way as you have the both background detail of the sun and the foreground detail of the two people who are sitting their watching the sunset. The space gives the audience a very good and clear idea of the location their in swell as the size.

This image is from Jeepers Creepers and I would say this image shows the use of shallow space very well as it seems like a two dimensional image because there is very little depth in the image as a whole and there isn't any distance between the forefront of the image and what's behind it.

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Frontality – is when the characters are directly talking to the camera, providing the viewers with the feeling that they are looking directly at them.A great example of frontality is from the movie called Maniac which stars Elijah Wood. The character in this film is talking to the camera as he generally explains the way he is feeling and he talks about what he is going to do. I think this is a good way of using camera as it gets your attention very well because it seems more real.

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A movie which uses a huge range of visual eff ects is the movie cal led Avengers. They use many eff ects as some of the characters in the movie are are computer generated.


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