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Miss Dzialo & Mrs. Hartman’s Class

What does our day look like?

Our Classroom teachers and paraprofessionals

Miss Dzialo Mrs. HartmanMrs. Brogan

Mrs. Smith Mrs. Carlisle

The Class Schedule The schedule is posted each day. (Times are not indicated.)We

review the schedule at morning meeting. We work hard to stick to it!

September 22, 2015


Morning Work

Morning MeetingMathSnack & Bathroom BreakWriting WorkshopRecessLunchGymReading WorkshopWord WorksDismissal

Morning Work Morning work is given each day to

review both ELA & Math skills. Your child may work on this

independently or in a small group with Miss Dzialo…depending on the assignment and its difficulty.

Morning Meeting This is a time to start our day with a

warm greeting. We sing our greeting song, say good morning to each other and start the day with a smile.

We review our schedule for the day along with any questions the students may have regarding the activities for the day.

We’ll also discuss any upcoming events happening in our classroom and school.

Math Pearson Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Brogan & I group our math

students homogeneously by ability. Students who are on or above grade level in

math stay in my class. They work at a pace appropriate to their abilities.

Students who have gaps or struggle in math will go to Mrs. Brogan’s class. Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Brogan & Mrs. Smith then break our students into smaller groups based on individual needs.

Writing Workshop Writing Workshop is an important part of

our curriculum framework. It is aligned to the Common Core. It consists of building connections,

teaching points, small and independent work time as well as sharing our finished writing pieces.

We are working on small moments in personal narrative writing.

Snack & Bathroom Break This is a time when your child may relax and have a mid-morning

snack and take a bathroom break, if needed.

Students are expected to bring in their own snack. (Thank you to the parents who have been sending in classroom snacks! )

Morning work can be finished as well as any catch-up work.

Shared Reading This is a time when student’s may listen

to a chapter book, story book, or passage.

It is a time to model fluency, reading strategies (ie, mental images) as well as reading a book for enjoyment.

RecessHip hip horray! Let’s all go

outside and play!

Lunch Our lunch time is 12:20 – 12:50. Parents are welcome to come in and

enjoy lunch with their child!

Reading Workshop

10- 15 minutes Teacher Read Aloud & Mini-lesson

20-40minutes Guided Reading & Independent Reading.

10 Minutes Closing Meeting

Word Works

Students are divided into three groups with similar abilities

They will work with Mrs. K. Nassivera, Mrs. Brogan, or Miss Dzialo and Mrs. Hartman

They will be working on phonics skills using sorts, manipulating letters and chunks to make words

Dismissal Agendas & homework: All homework is passed out to

students & we check the agenda. Please sign each night to ensure your child’s homework is completed an any communication from school to home is viewed. If your child is struggling with his/her homework, please let us know. The agenda is a great tool!

Bus Dismissal: group 1 – 3:12 parent pick-ups – 3:25

group 2 – 3:25 group 3 – 3:35

Thank you for spending some time with us!

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