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Page 1: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching
Page 2: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Miss Thomas (class teacher)

PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays.

Teaching Staff

Page 3: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

More responsibilities; fruit and milk monitors, paper bin monitors, librarians, restorative ambassadors, sports ambassadors

Specialist music lessons

Specialist French lessons

Swimming (SPRING TERM)

Separate building

School Linking project

Expectations and preparations for secondary school


What’s new?

Page 4: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Arrive promptly – lessons start as soon as the children come in at 8.50am

Be prepared by having full PE kit, homework and reading book in school every day. I check reading comments on a Monday (please aim for at least 4 a week).

Behaviour – 3 main strands and team points

Get into good homework routines

Please make sure everything is labelled

Holidays in term time can not be sanctioned by school; attendance is very important

Establishing some good habits!

Page 5: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Your child should be reading every day. Continue to hear them read; ask lots of questions, challenge them to read different authors and genres, show an interest in what they are reading.

It’s time to know all multiplication tables off by heart – lots of regular practice required!

Homework will be given out at the start of each half term. This is due in at the end of each half term. It will include lots of different activities for your child to choose from. Maths challenges and arithmetic tests can also be taken home by the children weekly to complete/practise.

This homework should total no more than 2 ½ hours per week. Please talk to us if it is taking longer than this.

Homework in Year 5

Page 6: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Autumn 1 Topic; Magical Me!

Trips and hook days: Harry Potter Day and Eyam Trip.

Autumn 2 Topic; Earth and Space Explorers!

Trips and hook days: Mission Survive day and SLP trip

PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Autumn Term

Page 7: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Spring 1 Topic; Myths and Mayans!

Trips and hook days: Mayan Feast and a visit from Romiley Primary School.

Spring 2 Topic; What a Wonderful World!

Trips and hook days: Animal experience day and a visit to Romiley Primary School.

Swimming will be on a Thursday

Spring Term

Page 8: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Summer 1 Topic; Ancient History!

Trips and hook days: Last visit for SLP (Lyme Park/Longdendale) and Anglo-Saxon day.

Summer 2 Topic; A day in the life of…

Trips and hook days: French Week, Culture Week and London trip.

Summer Term

Page 9: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

Daily English and maths lessons (plus a weekly arithmetic lesson and SPaG lesson)

English divided into: Class Literacy which is cross-curricular wherever possible, focusing on speaking and listening, reading and extended writing skills; and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Guided group reading/ Whole class reading

French, music, RE, art, design and technology, PSHE, PE, Science, History, Geography and Computing

Throughout the year

Page 10: Miss Thomas (class teacher) - Lum Head Primary · 2019-01-03 · Miss Thomas (class teacher) PPA will be covered by Mrs V, Ms Nolan, PE specialists and Ms Paisley on Tuesdays. Teaching

We are all here for the same purpose, to do the best we can for our children, so…

Please talk to me before or after school about any concerns or questions you have

Encourage your child to enjoy school and get the most out of every opportunity they are offered – the more they participate, the more they will enjoy themselves, and the more they will learn!

And finally…

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