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Page 1: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Mission Possible: empowering readers & writers

North Kansas City!#teamkittle cohort!August 5, 2014

What have you been reading?

Page 2: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

–Paul Lockhart

“It is far easier to be a passive conduit of some publisher’s “materials” and to follow the

shampoo-bottle instruction—lecture, test, repeat—than to think deeply and thoughtfully about the meaning of one’s subject and how to best convey

that meaning directly and honestly !to one’s students. !


We are encouraged to forego the difficult task of making decisions based on our individual wisdom

and conscience, and to get with the program.”

–Paul Lockhart

“If you don’t have a personal relationship !to your subject, and if it doesn’t move you !

and send chills down your spine, !then you need to find something else to do. !


If you love working with children and you really want to be a teacher, that’s wonderful—but teach something that actually means something to you,

about which you have something to say.”

What have you been reading?

And what will you be sharing with students?

Page 3: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

What have you been writing?

–Roger Rosenblatt, “I Write Blindly”

“The explanation I've been able to come up with has to do with freedom. You write a sentence, the basic unit of storytelling, and you are never sure

where it will lead. The readers will not know where it leads either. Your adventure becomes

theirs, eternally recapitulated in tandem--one wild ride together. Even when you come to the end of

the sentence, that dot, it is still strangely inconclusive. I sometimes think one writes to find

God in every sentence. But God (the ironist) always lives in the next sentence.”

Why write?

Page 4: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Paradigm Shifts❖ relying on a program !❖ teachers are keepers &

deliverers of knowledge!❖ one-and-done alone!❖ dependent readers/writers

“too much support”!❖ “cover this” surface learning!❖ teachers isolated!❖ congenial (nice)

❖ understand the intent of what you’re teaching!

❖ teachers guide discovery!❖ process with others!❖ independent, confident problem-

solvers!❖ understand the value of

engagement: the implications of what we teach on student drive!

❖ teachers seek help!❖ collegial (we have a craft to learn)

Old New







Page 5: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Workshop Components

❖ Independence in reading: practice, building volume & stamina, conferring, book clubs, asking questions, writing to think deeper!

❖ Notebooks: access ideas & practice skills in unit as well as revision tools & strategies, sentence study, fluency!

❖ Mini-lesson: explicit instruction, teacher modeling, text study, reading like writers, using the process to work towards clarity and elegance in writing

Workshop Components❖ Independence in writing: choices about how to work:

guided practice of skill from mini-lesson, application of learning in small groups or individually, conferences (student/student & student/teacher), reading like a writer, composing for a clear purpose & audience!

❖ Catch & Release: only as needed to reinforce/reteach to correct misconceptions or to monitor progress!

❖ Debrief/share: process sharing, exit slips for formative assessment, questions, sharing of beautiful lines

How will you become a working community of readers & writers

in a workshop?

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Encyclopedia of a Workshop Classroom

Goals for Today:❖ Welcome new members of our cohort!!

❖ Study author’s craft moves in a mentor text for a first writing unit !

❖ Practice reading like a writer to find mentor texts for craft study (and for book talks)!

❖ Understand elements of scene writing & practice crafting scenes (to share with students) at different levels of complexity

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Goals for Today:

❖ Confer & analyze how a writing group conference challenges and encourages you as a writer!

❖ Analyze your process as a writer: accessing ideas, organizing, crafting & shaping the text for an audience!

❖ Plan for clear, specific formative assessments in both reading and writing for your first writing unit, for independent reading, & for workshop procedures

–Sir Ken Robinson, Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative

“If public education were personalized !to begin with, far fewer students !

would pull away from it… !Education is personal or it is nothing. !

Personalized learning is an investment not a cost… !the only way to raise overall standards !

is to engage the energies and imaginations !of every student in the system. !

We already know the massive cost !of not doing so.”

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turn & talk about what you’re thinking

–Douglas Hesse, “Imagining a Place for Creative Non-fiction”

“Imagination is what’s required to turn plain reality into art and idea. Writing creative non-

fiction means perceiving what details are worth telling, why they might matter, and how they

might connect.”

What will students write first?

Page 9: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Story is the double-overtime goal in the Stanley Cup of writing.

–Dana Gioia, Stanford speech, 2007

“There are some truths about life that can be expressed only as stories, or songs, or images.!


Art delights, instructs, consoles. It educates our emotions. And it remembers.!


Art awakens, enlarges, refines, and restores our humanity.”

–Douglas Hesse, “Imagining a Place for Creative Non-fiction”

“Teach story first to provide students with a better map of the textual world… !

and to represent and reflect life as we make it. !!

As writers narrate themselves into the text, they stand plainly as readers of their worlds. !


For students, these kinds of texts offer clearer views of how writers think.”

Page 10: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

❖ abundance: it is easier to write when you have a lot of material to draw from.

Narrative gives writers power.

❖ authority: the student knows the content better than the teacher. Independent decision making is required. I say, “You know this better than I do, so you’ll have to figure that out.” Students build confidence when they make decisions.

Narrative gives writers power.

❖ autonomy: the writer makes decisions about what to include and what to conceal, analyzing the effect of those choices. The combination of show and tell is all about pace and importance—things a writer must choose.

Narrative gives writers power.

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❖ audience: We write for ourselves first. My students also imagine real & important audiences for their work and often deliver their best writing to people they care about.

Narrative gives writers power.

❖ transfer: Story is a fundamental element of thought. We think in story to explain our worlds. We use story to argue, to explain, to question, and to better understand people and places we’ve never been.

Narrative gives writers power.





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turn & talk about what you’re thinking

Page 13: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Plan for Engagement

❖ I can explain why this unit of study is important. I understand the compelling reasons for students to engage in the hard thinking required to master this.!

❖ I can articulate what I want students to learn and be able to do as a result of this study. !

❖ I can articulate what all students need to know, what is important to know, and what is nice to know in my content.

I can explain why writing stories matters.

to Michael:!early decision!acceptance to


to Jesse, !Jake, & Alyssa, who

see no purpose in !English class

❖ Every writer will experience the electricity of investing in writing that says something vital to the writer.!

❖ Every writer will work on one piece over time, as it changes shape, emerges in a new way, or misfires entirely & must be recreated. Writers should experience the energy of getting to their best.

We need goals for process & products.

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❖ Every writer will come to understand her own process as a writer, watching writing move from chaos to clarity. !

❖ Every writer will learn a process that works for her and stop working against it.

We need goals for process & products.












study craft in If I StayReading like writers: writing craft is embedded in your independent reading (SSR today)!

Practice inquiry model for craft study: student observations lead!

Talk deepens thinking: practice naming & noticing craft with a partner

Page 15: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Day 1: we begin with text studyReading like writers: a short passage from a book I am recommending; a mentor text for the unit—active study of the moves writers make!

Free writing beside beautiful words + daily revision!

Modeling writing or asking for feedback on a draft: teaching how to to develop an idea from first thinking

Day 1: possible assessments

annotations on mentor text: what do these students know? What did they miss?!

student talk about text: how well do pairs work? who shares?!

NB: stamina for quick writing!

NB: understanding of revision tools and strategies

Read Like Writers

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scene elementsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




increasing complexityStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!

•!Voice, SeAng,$Sensory$details,$Dialogue,$The$so$what?$or$WHY$of$the$story


Notebook Autobiography

❖ Purpose: to get to know my students early in the year!

❖ Purpose: to get students filling their notebooks with photos & their passions— so we can find big ideas for first writing!

❖ Purpose: to get students writing a lot as habit

Page 17: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Year after year, students should expect a teacher who understands and values

the role of approximation in learning. ~Katie Wood Ray

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

write scenes from photographsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




Page 18: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Imagine a photograph that means a lot to you...!who is in it?!!

Tell the story of that moment.

scene elementsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




Reread your writing and listen to it. Where can you make it better? How?

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–Ann Patchett

““Art stands on the shoulders of craft,!which means that to get to the art you must !

master the craft.”!

turn & talk/share/think together !in writing groups of 3-4 people

Goals for Today:

❖ Confer & analyze how a writing group conference challenges and encourages you as a writer!

❖ Analyze your process as a writer: accessing ideas, organizing, crafting & shaping the text for an audience!

❖ Plan for clear, specific formative assessments in both reading and writing for your first writing unit, for independent reading, & for workshop procedures

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increasing complexityStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!

•!Voice, SeAng,$Sensory$details,$Dialogue,$The$so$what?$or$WHY$of$the$story






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now you try it… second person (you)

or third person (she/he)

scene elementsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




Reread your writing and listen to it. Where can you make it better? How?

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turn & talk/share/think together !in writing groups of 3-4 people

a menu of instructional moves:

Reading like writers: a short passage from a book I am recommending; a mentor text in the genre we’re studying—active study of the moves writers make!

Free writing beside beautiful words + daily revision!

Modeling writing or asking for feedback on a draft: teaching how to to develop an idea from first thinking!

Sentence study & imitation: writing with intention!

Teach a strategy or skill (storyboards, annotation, writing from information, organizing, leads etc.)

Which did we use!today?

Page 23: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

Now let’s see what one senior created in her notebook.

Consider what!this series!

of entries shows!you about this!



What would you!celebrate?!


Where is there a!teaching !


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The crisp autumn air bites!at her cheeks, stinging her!nose as she dashes about the yard with her older brother. The best part of raking the leaves was the end, when they got to jump!in the pile of leaves gathered in the middle of the lawn. She is three years younger than him and he can do no wrong, but he is almost always annoyed by her. He doesn’t want to play with her, so in this small moment in the yard, when he’s finally noticing her, she can’t stop laughing. She runs away from him as he throws great piles of leaves at her direction. Mom stands on the porch, grinning and waving a camera. The brisk Michigan air blows the leaves in a tornado of twigs as she races away from him.

scene elementsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




increasing complexityStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!

•!Voice, SeAng,$Sensory$details,$Dialogue,$The$so$what?$or$WHY$of$the$story


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Mom’s point of view

Reread your writing and listen to it. Where can you make it better? How?


Page 26: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

turn & talk/share/think together !in writing groups of 3-4 people

Catch & Release:

❖ monitor your understanding: analyze your best scene to see which of the elements of an effective scene you included !

❖ This will help you understand the expectations for this writing practice.!

❖ This will help you plan for revision.

scene elementsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




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What about grading? What about grading?

Have we gone a little grade crazy?

What’s the balance between feeding!and weighing the pig?

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STOP grading so much!!!





It puts the emphasis on product!instead of practice.!


Grading doesn’t make anyone a better writer. !It just sorts winners from losers.!

!Most importantly, it attempts to standardize what is

essentially, importantly, not the same: writing.

Why are we grading so much?

❖ Showing students exactly what you want them to learn is an important part of engagement.!

❖ Helping students mind the gap between their performance and the standard for the product they are creating helps students move towards mastery.!

❖ So…

What’s the answer?

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formative assessmentsannotations on mentor text: what do these students know? What did they miss?!

student talk about text: how well do pairs work? who shares?!

NB: stamina for quick writing!

NB: understanding of revision tools and strategies!

how well did students evaluate their work based on criteria?

Catch & Release:

❖ monitor your understanding: analyze your best scene to see which of the elements of an effective scene you included !

❖ This will help you understand the expectations for this writing practice.!

❖ This will help you plan for revision.

scene elementsStep$one:$write$a$scene$which$includes$most*&of$these$elements:$$!




Page 30: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

What will you teach next? How will you decide?

Unit design in a workshop is an active, living process

of aligning instruction with the needs of your students.

~Grant Wiggins, Understanding by Design (co-author Jay McTigue)

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UBD guiding questions for unit design:

❖ Determine WHAT will you teach and WHY it matters!

❖ Determine WHAT students will know, do, and understand & then what they will CREATE to demonstrate this understanding!

❖ Put product due dates on a calendar and plan your instructional moves both backwards from this date as well as DURING the unit itself to reteach/reinforce

The Art of Writ ing Story: increasing ski l ls & learning to trust the writ ing process of discipl ine & struggle

Process Volume:"words"in,"words"out"(You"have"to"read"a"lot"to"write"well."There"is"no"substitute."Also,"the"more"you"write,"the"better"you"write.)"What+writers+need:"time"(use"it"wisely),"choice,"response"(learning"to"set"direction"in"a"conference,"collaboration,"self?reflection)"" " "Conditions+of+a+writing+workshop:"independence"&"deadlines,"resources,"and"respect"for"our"writing"community"" ""How"writers"find"ideas:"Daily+notebook+writing+beside+beautiful+words+++rereading+our+writing+to+listen+to+it+&+finely+tune+it+for+clarity+and+voice."Study+models+of+writing:"read"like"a"writer;"study"author’s"craft"moves;"emulate"the"moves"of"other"writers;"write"(&"punctuate)"with"intention" "Study+models+of+process:"class"feedback"conferences,"multiple"drafts,"writing"groups,"analyzing"your"process"over"time" " """""""""Imagine+readers:"analyze"your"audience;"revise"structure,"tone,"&"craft"to"engage"readers;"read"your"work"aloud"to"others,"listen"to"response" "" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Skil ls effective"voice(s),"point"of"view/multiple"narrators" " ""read"like"a"writer" " " """analysis"of"growth"in"reading"&"writing"sensory"details"which"add"clarity"&"precision" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""text"study"&"annotation"of"pace"""""""""""""""""""""evidence"of"proficiency"with"skills"skillful,"fluid"dialogue"/what"is"&"isn’t"said" " """"""""""""""""story"+"‘so"what?’"resolution"in"conclusion"""""""""""""""FX:"memorization,"pacing,""show"and"tell/when"to"show,"when"to"tell" " """"""""""""""""subtlety"&"clarity"with"language""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""performance""scenes"work"together"within"a"logical,"coherent"structure" ""rereading"your"work"like"a"reader,"anticipate"Qs"&"respond"sentence"structure"is"fluid,"rhythmic" " " " ""use"of"flashbacks"in"a"smooth"progression"of"events" " " "smooth"transitions"between"scenes" " " " ""character"development"through"experiences,"dialogue"&"reflection"controlling"time"in"a"story:"zoom"in/zoom"past"" " """"""""""""""""developing"theme:"interpretation"&"elaboration"of"big"ideas"" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Products scenes/ narrative: Q1: reading ladder storyboarding ideas extended, annotated Q2: reading ladder FX: moments fiction or memoir portfolio reflection revision unit of study narrative + digital story portfolio/class book storytelling

Time to get to work!

The Art of Writ ing Story: increasing ski l ls & learning to trust the writ ing process of discipl ine & struggle

Process Volume:"words"in,"words"out"(You"have"to"read"a"lot"to"write"well."There"is"no"substitute."Also,"the"more"you"write,"the"better"you"write.)"What+writers+need:"time"(use"it"wisely),"choice,"response"(learning"to"set"direction"in"a"conference,"collaboration,"self?reflection)"" " "Conditions+of+a+writing+workshop:"independence"&"deadlines,"resources,"and"respect"for"our"writing"community"" ""How"writers"find"ideas:"Daily+notebook+writing+beside+beautiful+words+++rereading+our+writing+to+listen+to+it+&+finely+tune+it+for+clarity+and+voice."Study+models+of+writing:"read"like"a"writer;"study"author’s"craft"moves;"emulate"the"moves"of"other"writers;"write"(&"punctuate)"with"intention" "Study+models+of+process:"class"feedback"conferences,"multiple"drafts,"writing"groups,"analyzing"your"process"over"time" " """""""""Imagine+readers:"analyze"your"audience;"revise"structure,"tone,"&"craft"to"engage"readers;"read"your"work"aloud"to"others,"listen"to"response" "" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Skil ls effective"voice(s),"point"of"view/multiple"narrators" " ""read"like"a"writer" " " """analysis"of"growth"in"reading"&"writing"sensory"details"which"add"clarity"&"precision" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""text"study"&"annotation"of"pace"""""""""""""""""""""evidence"of"proficiency"with"skills"skillful,"fluid"dialogue"/what"is"&"isn’t"said" " """"""""""""""""story"+"‘so"what?’"resolution"in"conclusion"""""""""""""""FX:"memorization,"pacing,""show"and"tell/when"to"show,"when"to"tell" " """"""""""""""""subtlety"&"clarity"with"language""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""performance""scenes"work"together"within"a"logical,"coherent"structure" ""rereading"your"work"like"a"reader,"anticipate"Qs"&"respond"sentence"structure"is"fluid,"rhythmic" " " " ""use"of"flashbacks"in"a"smooth"progression"of"events" " " "smooth"transitions"between"scenes" " " " ""character"development"through"experiences,"dialogue"&"reflection"controlling"time"in"a"story:"zoom"in/zoom"past"" " """"""""""""""""developing"theme:"interpretation"&"elaboration"of"big"ideas"" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Products scenes/ narrative: Q1: reading ladder storyboarding ideas extended, annotated Q2: reading ladder FX: moments fiction or memoir portfolio reflection revision unit of study narrative + digital story portfolio/class book storytelling




Page 32: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

The Art of Writ ing Story: increasing ski l ls & learning to trust the writ ing process of discipl ine & struggle

Process Volume:"words"in,"words"out"(You"have"to"read"a"lot"to"write"well."There"is"no"substitute."Also,"the"more"you"write,"the"better"you"write.)"What+writers+need:"time"(use"it"wisely),"choice,"response"(learning"to"set"direction"in"a"conference,"collaboration,"self?reflection)"" " "Conditions+of+a+writing+workshop:"independence"&"deadlines,"resources,"and"respect"for"our"writing"community"" ""How"writers"find"ideas:"Daily+notebook+writing+beside+beautiful+words+++rereading+our+writing+to+listen+to+it+&+finely+tune+it+for+clarity+and+voice."Study+models+of+writing:"read"like"a"writer;"study"author’s"craft"moves;"emulate"the"moves"of"other"writers;"write"(&"punctuate)"with"intention" "Study+models+of+process:"class"feedback"conferences,"multiple"drafts,"writing"groups,"analyzing"your"process"over"time" " """""""""Imagine+readers:"analyze"your"audience;"revise"structure,"tone,"&"craft"to"engage"readers;"read"your"work"aloud"to"others,"listen"to"response" "" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Skil ls effective"voice(s),"point"of"view/multiple"narrators" " ""read"like"a"writer" " " """analysis"of"growth"in"reading"&"writing"sensory"details"which"add"clarity"&"precision" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""text"study"&"annotation"of"pace"""""""""""""""""""""evidence"of"proficiency"with"skills"skillful,"fluid"dialogue"/what"is"&"isn’t"said" " """"""""""""""""story"+"‘so"what?’"resolution"in"conclusion"""""""""""""""FX:"memorization,"pacing,""show"and"tell/when"to"show,"when"to"tell" " """"""""""""""""subtlety"&"clarity"with"language""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""performance""scenes"work"together"within"a"logical,"coherent"structure" ""rereading"your"work"like"a"reader,"anticipate"Qs"&"respond"sentence"structure"is"fluid,"rhythmic" " " " ""use"of"flashbacks"in"a"smooth"progression"of"events" " " "smooth"transitions"between"scenes" " " " ""character"development"through"experiences,"dialogue"&"reflection"controlling"time"in"a"story:"zoom"in/zoom"past"" " """"""""""""""""developing"theme:"interpretation"&"elaboration"of"big"ideas"" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Products scenes/ narrative: Q1: reading ladder storyboarding ideas extended, annotated Q2: reading ladder FX: moments fiction or memoir portfolio reflection revision unit of study narrative + digital story portfolio/class book storytelling

a menu of instructional moves + a collection of texts to study

= a unit of study which increases engagement & independence

in reading & writing

The Art of Writ ing Story: increasing ski l ls & learning to trust the writ ing process of discipl ine & struggle

Process Volume:"words"in,"words"out"(You"have"to"read"a"lot"to"write"well."There"is"no"substitute."Also,"the"more"you"write,"the"better"you"write.)"What+writers+need:"time"(use"it"wisely),"choice,"response"(learning"to"set"direction"in"a"conference,"collaboration,"self?reflection)"" " "Conditions+of+a+writing+workshop:"independence"&"deadlines,"resources,"and"respect"for"our"writing"community"" ""How"writers"find"ideas:"Daily+notebook+writing+beside+beautiful+words+++rereading+our+writing+to+listen+to+it+&+finely+tune+it+for+clarity+and+voice."Study+models+of+writing:"read"like"a"writer;"study"author’s"craft"moves;"emulate"the"moves"of"other"writers;"write"(&"punctuate)"with"intention" "Study+models+of+process:"class"feedback"conferences,"multiple"drafts,"writing"groups,"analyzing"your"process"over"time" " """""""""Imagine+readers:"analyze"your"audience;"revise"structure,"tone,"&"craft"to"engage"readers;"read"your"work"aloud"to"others,"listen"to"response" "" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Skil ls effective"voice(s),"point"of"view/multiple"narrators" " ""read"like"a"writer" " " """analysis"of"growth"in"reading"&"writing"sensory"details"which"add"clarity"&"precision" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""text"study"&"annotation"of"pace"""""""""""""""""""""evidence"of"proficiency"with"skills"skillful,"fluid"dialogue"/what"is"&"isn’t"said" " """"""""""""""""story"+"‘so"what?’"resolution"in"conclusion"""""""""""""""FX:"memorization,"pacing,""show"and"tell/when"to"show,"when"to"tell" " """"""""""""""""subtlety"&"clarity"with"language""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""performance""scenes"work"together"within"a"logical,"coherent"structure" ""rereading"your"work"like"a"reader,"anticipate"Qs"&"respond"sentence"structure"is"fluid,"rhythmic" " " " ""use"of"flashbacks"in"a"smooth"progression"of"events" " " "smooth"transitions"between"scenes" " " " ""character"development"through"experiences,"dialogue"&"reflection"controlling"time"in"a"story:"zoom"in/zoom"past"" " """"""""""""""""developing"theme:"interpretation"&"elaboration"of"big"ideas"" " " " " " " " " " " " "

Products scenes/ narrative: Q1: reading ladder storyboarding ideas extended, annotated Q2: reading ladder FX: moments fiction or memoir portfolio reflection revision unit of study narrative + digital story portfolio/class book storytelling




Page 33: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

a menu of instructional moves:

Reading like writers: a short passage from a book I am recommending; a mentor text for the unit—active study of the moves writers make!

Free writing beside beautiful words + daily revision!

Modeling writing or asking for feedback on a draft: teaching how to to develop an idea from first thinking!

Sentence study & imitation!

Teach a strategy or skill (storyboards, annotation, writing from information, etc.)

Page 34: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers


Studying!mentor!texts!in a comic!book or!Superhero!story unit,!grade 6

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Create anchor charts of what students notice.


Page 36: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

What does it mean to be engaged in composing writing?


We make decisions about writing & wrestle with those decisions—taking

risks, shifting focus, analyzing results.

There are as many quick writing ideas as stars in the sky…

read your world like a writing teacher.

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What does this text say? What does it NOT say?

Jake, grade 12

How quick writing and

notebook work leads writers to

longer pieces of writing.

Page 40: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

\h .'L;-,. D r^*\\ <o\\kho^ffi$6yr,tr\t€.rhk ( {VAY\ T{a* R.*g



. \ ",jc+

r=i, zi#€; fF; ; €j€i i aF;€di i " g; s€€S'; i t EE"iE EeTEEJ *r

- c- - rBS

. ' i r i - \ , l t l thr ' r ! !1 ' l i l l lk ' ' i r I '

' - , i \ , t r l t \ \ " ' i l i r r i ls fu l l ' Bakt ' '

. l - r : - lc :€ r lc I I ct t l ' r ' i the f lc lur

: i . . i . . i ' r r ' i l ; t !cr i i is t '

. : ' 1:: :: ;r iP ;h..pireJ Peccru rot.a.,-'"-l,-,-oln. .t.ttt nlttrt ttlu'Pf"

. , -1, ; , . , . t - : i i - r .he. i l i l , " r r an i t " l , I

^- -:; ; i .rppeJ pirr d dates or 1/;

,; '. J€j rlrsp Jrl i cr*mbled, to

particularly rf you are using any kind,of metal' Wash after each use witldetergent or haking soda; soak anv fl l ters'

' Dorr't leave cofee sitting on the grounds too long'. Dr-rn't repour coffce thrcugh the grounds'. Try tr: avoi<l reheating coftee; it is better to make just what you ne{

. Tn make iced coft'ee, clouble the amoult of cofr-ee' prepare by,on'**rfroi*",*it".J t*li*'*"J"'i**" ln co*1. If you add ice cubes while tlis still hot, You maY *utti"* muk* att cven stronger brew'


TYPES OF COFFEE , JThekind'ofcoffee,youi ikebest isamatterctf individualtaste'Samplct*"it "",ir you "p

tuiitfrtd' lf y.u have, the '<'rpp.rcunity to experim'

il;E *uri.i t.rrir, try mixing your own blends. The results are more jthanusingjustoneindiv idual type,ant l rv i thagt iodblendonef lavorwj l |

*:i'fi:Y:t'.f :ti".'ffm*l,m:u'*:!:tl'i:ilfi fl 'llT-.li[*tl#l';i:#[:;.#j'ii';;;i -A'k q;;;tions ab.ut the nature or differe

and work out blends that please you'Usually an a{tq-dinner cofree is stronger

'|r,"" P *?*]nI 1".l:..L1ttiit is served in demitasses, You can sinrply $ouble the strength of your ur;;

.,,,Ji;;i; ;;i;;iil c ofree ot c om-bi''ft i o "s thereof'

Steeped Cot'fee \,iu can use a clean *"ut"ban,,* :,:p::t-11-titi;j,:1*iih a plung.r (t.. i l lustration ]FPo.site, the third-potti::j?ll 'Yi*"'tablespoogs ot regular grind coffee for each cup' then Pow barelvoboiLover and let steep , *L,uttt' If using. a saucerlan' oour otf the cottee ffine-meshed strainer; i;;^;h;6;t;"ift"tt mod*l' timplv push d':wn theso the grounds remain at the bottom

:ral"Boild" Coffee. This is somewhat of a misnomer because to n,,r.#iriJty ir*g ,i''it "id-ldii ;d-ping method, vou"shouldn't b.oil tl,*it., t.t it i.ome just to the boil' Meature 2level tablespoons of regt';;ff; i;t each cup desired into the bottorn of a clean sauceqan oifashiuned coffee por

""J pt"t the required number trf cups of cold ware

ffii;.j1f,A tf .if , ̂ "J .iu.i. nri"g ihe coffee slowly to ihe boil and iu'as th"'b.,bbtes break through the surface crust'-srir it and.remov9 Tt*'S;i"kk ; lt;tl* eold t"t*r" on top and let settle a few minutes befores5;Tffiil;;i*""^.r".t an ess and mix it, crumpled.qn shell and ai!,;;tr;;;;;;;H't;io'; po"'ins"I' the wrtcr' 1', hitp' 'h:.s:::1* I":either iase one is apt to have a- slighrly muddy. but gor>d strong Drf '

;;,fit *"v f**" on this method hrit it.can pr'duce a deliehrrs cup' '

Perc'olct;rr Coffee'Be sure rhat all parts c'f the percolutor are absolut'Fil l

-;h;--6"rf*i 'with the correct am()unt of .rcgular grind cottee-itablespoons per cuP*and pour the measured amount ot cold wati

#;;;il;;;"i*r-,d. i"to th'e bottom'"lnsert. the brasket and percolate'heat $*8 minutes, br..iti. t*t"ulators have the disadvantage of not enato control the timing il itG h"ut s$ that somerimes overextracrion oftlccilrs' causing bitterness'

/ t l l COFFEE

Oarmeal Muff ns

r- iup i1 dL) mi lki egg, well L'eatctrJ rab,iesp ,(rnE butter', cup .t+ L) co'.'ketl

- : -' Br::;r rhe rnuffin P'il ' tl:l '. . ' i : r 'n ' l : t i r the mt lk ' cgl

: : - i ' . ' ; ' r i :e lhe t rvt ' ' mixt t t '

: . . ,a- a a- "t l 'at ' ' Bakt t ' rr ;rhtr

; ' ' ' . : ' - . ' ' l ' tn rnsertei in cel] ier '

Brarr Muffins

:preaj * 'r th butter. these lrt

1 cup (J.40 s) wlrr t ' ' '3 teaspoons haktng 1!+ cup (50 g) sugati: teaspoon salt

-;J ' ' --) Butter rnuff in pans' Put t l ' t, . . t ' - ' . , r "J for 1u'minutt ' - r ' [ ' l. . ;*[ en 'ugh to dampcn ' tr".". '' . - 'hrr l ' tu l l Bake for ab()rr t ' \ r

Rerkshire Muffins

' . i : { rmt- commeal give tht ' r t t i i t r l '

DriD tlofee. Use Z let'cl rablespoons.drip erind per cllp' It 's hertern'nr,,rc lhan'you need. and preheating the glr with holl l l l t l w0ter wrll l".}t

4- v%'1, ^3.

i . ' i t - ' )

i.5 .A.n.t 1A., . rL^"€ f e L.:






j'* Fronot Ng-kf{f*(j* :'{ '-}I)**-,-G\\.} if.. .ffiT;- fr;^ rv! [b'::*"'',i' it ;{ ffi dg**=!*-.":*q*}. *;'- t*;6's'{{E-ffi;l{: a-{r#'" $.*gl t-1v"*ss---*\s Jo.ur*.7 \ry:iY t:x.Ie- tr*o..-/ #"o:,{""*<I# F o-* C-+-,y i r.-:|{.? -'.. i":r,*5P

-'- - *--"**:'' *"{fr- **- - LITetc_*_S*.tu:.itl* Y*fio. A /*( (-)-^,o trio-s

6*;;;;il.: .5{ -,;r I5 <ni Err .l-'L^"e r < t"

(.,'tA';"1 A\ Ury- ;i(T'" c- .*: Ao' " *:: t+'* k:'lr-***.&*-''ts.4i*.*>*:-'i-:-

47-:"-*P-a-';'- ii -' -'r - '-. T-' ;.; ,[41- itr,\crzi ^' q . t''' '-u --'V(.t''-'"r7:

-J r { -

--G;; {:tmJ*#d' r fui",,., '':'tt't'E''-lir"

' Tkt' r'+ p*&'T

\,'re ;i r fLq, ppJdlr5 , t[^ n \ a\c o{ { hz ri*er} 'J:nq eErt ( b; \ '< r- i i l+ &-^^ Q,+. >5

J { . f* i f L rrvJ(r \#4. . r {"Fl f . .d3.r . i . . r " ' . r ' " 'rD {r cr \?> Xt s \ 6x w".t5 €}'-' c I np'trti xit'*

,9 r ' -#F*n;1s*e*!#i**q! Zr l^ - , t t , f <", t .^^*- , . . - ; { -" :R* '

fettr&rai\e-t A;'A'

' W't' inCtpI co'lo r !


".,',^v dnin*<treq*v ,flnr -'lz +lWfrW hn WtbL-. r1f -ln r+Vly '/rJ 1, l/yrnw 4rrvt rMichfv% Srs mlA,:.,,fu, 4* '// ,-yruav't 4rrv'r vnichY lowlkry. t n'rtr ALt c . lnn t/n no i,lln ,t tnAy ,lgt'l fn|Y'rL '


? 8- \D€ f : - - " ' t


" .;, f .\1 ., ,. ' ,,, i

{ ." ,.r...1

Il r j r1

,/:'(\vv y \norttg rlo idle vrlnal' ,le',tI

Page 41: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

I th ink IfRStrJ' Beins heard meant seeing my sisGi'w;iirtfi's ;"*iffigs"rsa*il's to my seizinE body with tugil_rcverur?"i,Iel -r*;Jiil d;: ffii, ,r.,e *utr f in i te|ynottheidea|rotemod.e| ,uu"" i '1*. 'Shera

:T 1_"T",, violent, down.my whote r.;ght iige, rq/UJi

l,jl_"" ":l fryTffimq Tffi . s-sasruoe,

T*"Fe -[L-",*\E

ciffiiteiffiiit the iieat ,rr" *oo"r, urt t. She wasgtrong'

,11-"L:j':tj::gTl",Tll:_1?.rry1;u1i a; evident. r had no idea what this was. rheffi :,1:il,,i1.:,X..!1:.J::?f**jt:1;*tiffi ilffi';"#tr#"J_li"rTi?rl#*:-:njir1-lr'ijil?,.tT:ll:,i'.." i1..'g q."u"'*iil, *.'" nsh border, ,n" JrlJ-".i,*obureau, or evei-th6 inJ wooc of trof the bed I shook in. I couldnggl€fltSeSpast the motion of my

re. Mv whot-e wtiilifiiiic" cha?f;;;''nrn pa c.with.greying. haii.MY €" r'i6ild\fi"8E" sT a-Rfi 6 .

ppr,zericomesrs5$qF g'9 n : lTtT over, *Kpy shoutder a nd,g gemp!_e-gliving room answeiing qu WI

I sat on the cilrl'ih in ourwas the best I could do.

g\q&6 t'*


I"r,, Sluo-t-pb.\(lou

qooA o\U\f i } r



P5's q"a8 rrgtfr; \+\4b" -'tatr-3e-i*';5t.- +\<*Y Yr \ifz'\tv, ,tl-ttn ,:=bt;to [e., tryta {fo*,* o Kt* i.t,.t. y i ,i , i,,Prq .fu*,.F'. {t-W+.- Cotb., 6 G Li, \s,f, o- il-ri*\.

r t tcr \ t \ \ \ .

Tbr* Bo11 w-,s q\oau Jl..Jrog, } fue *&#4{ "**r-* c. V'4r+i" Cit * g + **${ u*ruyo 5g "vn's3.1 trd o t* q,^ra1{g 6( woyl"LY , Er-tI { ua'5 h6i1q1i''q

f,f ^*h Kyt/ *.,n"1 fs -l', Ki te"r5Lrouft =D

".e {d\*r-rs5 (gd'

W No '+h wa\koj crtotS lkKy drutr*.ou &* gLx'. h'; ^Q*tFw<rs t *c f$t"- o\ f ; r<

-q \utq{,e ,

a.ftet i{q*S' f " *"":# 11 e) Lo-.i*- 1;:

'."*r tq.'(c}+.r-d

':h :x-


Tho\ A*y !^ta$ e, sr?ok , €e\ * sq*&f4or rr;ffi -,,

;{g* a- B,**p bi.r€ kcr*n1 -**tsp .t h w ru 5.- { r ;*r.# - I"le q" r,rJ (c ur} -S e rr 4 hc e>^if ognes sf, l\ up'I\- yq> tht** s'.bCL ' '* 4&.e noarrrin"lekd Kqlr{- kd gt : { qh+ s iq\ t h; \S*uhro*l , lil*r ol#*h , f.h*F?-*$<+ L-a^r

] ,s"*,*b'- ni *,r*-a,lq*l r{ru 9, t h,.r*,k5,

h"_ *t* *v1b*d#* : f_".\'. F:i. ie U*t frlnru 6f€i," - **t t u.lJ'ro

"r%5 h , T ietq k& ",y1 {l-e co..r.h



g,t,q.S hd*fiJ 5 a a'te{ o61r $g

Fl7I L:rs

6r-ok,Fa *, i )ier 1e{6*t4 ;*rr[:,. "tL f*. ' h*tp ̂' '1 rffi *f qni4 u-e .*t# e{{ - o{qr

* Slrcf.htr t*;\ k

^T b")1 ' I

a^;JAr. - #qerlpri*3 n il'# \L,f

+csfp {"*se:p*p&bL-r \ift"r}Tho Sd-refr,x$ATc ueg el

ws*-,3&w , Ns+ tb4 &sfr*u€ fl.d' +ha '-:'.tu3*S.l *t'r*f

Page 42: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

s?iG'Y f - {J4a*rc{- -dl.i.'$ rreacat- h3l'qs_,*ae&!qlq !4rqU€!S-

-l B\d bo-

aUs_ xregL-j115t j>-,lu€5 s[-; i l : . . - lvu4 XW*Wkr.o '

fi :'-Hn v rray 1 oll ChC,:kgoGS_ ce\ e br&* 'x r^l q(- -f_-{--t' " ^ r - r r" rl

^\ruye sbgs -!*'Y" a-d e'^;lF

4;rvt qEaW al_oQJVr WyytL g11-,farrrn4d/e*.__v,__ ry __ _,_T_-y^Q.Y-a^v uu,ht

^ is ampvql ,W tL ,-,,t!-]gd Y*-Q..Ya*v,tYoea ie @mpw!,w lh *|!!*]94 yy_ __

ce, , bdi'we ,()r _

gk +\^ctr.'tvtac

Exit Slips for today

❖ At the end of the first unit I want my students to know and to CREATE…!

❖ Today I feel smarter about…!

❖ Now, I’m wondering…

writing next to poetry helps!us find our own stories…

Page 43: Mission Possible: Empowering Readers & Writers

we collect regular free!writing in notebooks…

Colin shows his students!how the quick write!could lead to a series of!scenes: a story.

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