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miteraministry in motherhood





eeing your value as a

woman of

What stumps your health and fitness goals?

Building your house on the wisdom of God’s word

Underage dating: acceptable or unsuitable?


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Choose to see the good in your life

welcome to mitera!summer 2012

writersrachelle mullins

rhetha mingsgenia miller

molly lasaterloma lasater

bryana johnsonangie hott

jill hartjackie gill

brent barnettangela asbill

photographerssylvia taylorandres rodriguezjune okarachelle mullinsscott m. liddelljust molly photographykari fraziermonica de moss

Mitera magazine was born in 2012 out of a vision from God, calling me to create a magazine just for Christian moms to help support them during their time of ministry during motherhood. Even though most moms wouldn’t think of mothering as a ministry, it truly is, and it truly is one of the most crucial ministries on earth. You and I are raising up children who will one day change the world. It is our responsibility as their primary influence on their thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs to encourage them to seek God each day, to love other humans, and to fulfill God’s chosen role for them in relation to making Christ known on the earth.

Mitera magazine is different than other magazines because we accept article and photo submissions from the public. We believe that people who’ve experienced real life are highly qualified in helping other people live real life. We don’t need psychologists and therapists to help us traverse through our parenting journey, but just real people...people who feel led by God to share what they know and what they’ve experienced. Enjoy the magazine, which is full of articles written by mothers, people who have mothers, or people who know mothers who help shape the world....one little blessing at a time. And if you feel led by God to share something with our readers, please follow that call! See our submissions page at www.miteramagazine.com or at the end of this magazine for more details.

I hope you are blessed by mitera.

Molly Lasater founder and editor

Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:19

disclaimerThe views and opinoins of the magazine contributors are not related to the views and opinions of mitera magazine, its editor, or its affiliates. All submitted work is assumed to be of original quality and content from the contributor and any misrepresentation from this falls on the contributor of that work. Mitera Magazine is not responsible for any actions, damages, or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through the magazine. This magazine is not a substitute for professional advice.

This is me with my grandma, Johniece McDaniel. One of the best Motherly influences in the world. I hope you all have a grandma like mine!

Ahhhh, summer. I work so hard every year to get my garden to this point. It is now fairly self-sufficient. I water, pick and weed a bit but the garden has grown up. It’s not a baby anymore. This is a fabulous break from the compulsive attention that had to be paid early in the season.

I am reminded that the same cycle is occurring in my own children. Babies grow into children, children sprout into teens. Pretty soon, all they need from mom is a bit of tending here and there. They might have a few weeds that need to be removed but they are producing their own fruit.

As a gardener, many seasons are challenging. The problems dirt and seed can grow are endless. Some years bring too much rain and some years, not enough. One year might be so hot that the plants wither. The next year might be too cool for the plants to produce fruit. But no matter the condition of the season, God provides.

The years of parenting can offer the same difficult seasons. Children bring new challenges with every year. They might grow wild or they might wither under harsh conditions. But with tender attention and care, these times pass and bring new blessings. No matter the condition of the season, God provides.

This year in the garden, Abba has been good to us. I say a prayer of wonder and thanksgiving every time I step into the garden. The rest of the world might be dead and brown but this little piece of land brings forth life. What a picture of His Faith. Our striving means nothing without His blessing. I give praise to the Everlasting!

By Rachelle Mullins



God’s Beautiful Bounty

let the faith I have in your care for my garden be magnified in my children. I pray that I would give them up to your hands the same way I give up my plants. My hope in this world is in you. Take everything God!

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.

Psalm 128:3

Rachelle Mullins is a 30-ish mom to 5 babies 10, 8, 6, 2 and a new baby girl!

Her husband works hard to allow her to stay at home with the family. They

live on the prairie. (Well, inside a small town on the prairie.) She has an

idea of what she wants to be when she grows up but doesn’t know if it is pos-

sible. She lives for and loves Adonai. He is the reason that everything else,

is. You can follow Rachelle’s life on her blog: Little Wife On The Prairie.

God Provides

Rachelle Mullins

Rachelle Mullins

A wise mother cares for her home and has a loving relationship with her husband and children. She builds her home by making wise decisions and choices. When you build something, whether a home or a family, it takes time. It’s like laying bricks. Each brick is laid on top of another brick until a sturdy and safe home is built. Mothers are like masons, plugging and replugging the weak spots in the walls with mortar, tapping the brick until it lines up and gets sturdy under the level of God’s word.

Our homes are the primary place for our children to learn and benefit from wisdom and how to use it in their own lives. Loving relationships in the home are built on fair and honest communication and understanding. Wisdom given sweetly to our children will be more easily swallowed and digested than wisdom given with impatience and a know-it-all, legalistic attitude.

Usually, wise parents raise wise children. There are always exceptions, but the odds are in your favor if you build your house on the wisdom found in the word of God. We cannot make all the decisions for our children, but we need to make sure we have given them the training and information they need to make the best decisions they can. When our children decide to choose the path of foolishness, parents suffer terrible heartache and grief. Our part then is to be on our knees daily until there is change in their lives. In much the same way as a bricklayer carefully applies mortar and levels bricks while building a home, there may be weak spots that need to be attended to at a later date. It was never the intentions of the bricklayer to have crumbling mortar or shifting bricks, but he is confident in knowing that he can reapply the mortar and straighten the bricks through his wisdom learned in his field. And as a mother, you and I are able to apply God’s wisdom however often and whenever necessary in order to keep our homes strong and sturdy.








Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.Psalm 127:1


BUILTBy Loma Lasater

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6When mothers move away from the Bible as their sole authority and look to self-help books not based on the word of God or worldly advice from others to instruct and follow in the upbringing of their children, they are making a foolish mistake. The Bible is the divine blueprint that leads to a sturdy foundation in your child’s life. It’s not to say that there won’t be weak spots and missing mortar occasionally in your bricks’ walls, but ultimately God’s way is the only way and the best way to get it all repaired and keep it strong. Repairing the weak spots in your family through prayer and God’s direction is not an attempt to present a showcase of a perfect family to the world. There is no such thing as a perfect family. Our job is to show an unbelieving world that we are an ordinary family going through the ordinary family struggles with real issues. The difference is we are a family that finds our strength and wisdom in a loving God who will never fail us.

Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4As mothers, wisdom is sometimes a hard thing to grasp and hold onto confidently. We hope we are giving our children good information and counsel. Sometimes we base it on our own experiences in life. At other times we are operating in unknown territory. We have to have faith that what we are saying to our children is the best advice. It often is not what they want to hear, but it needs to be said and often enforced. Raising children is an ever-moving learning scale, both ours and theirs. We learn many things as we go through life, and one of the most important things is not all children are alike nor will all children react the same way to a situation or to your counsel.

Wisdom is the ability to use the knowledge you have about God and apply it to everyday situations in your home. This is one of the things that builds a godly home and godly children. Understanding is also really important because it is linked to discernment. Your children may be doing or saying some-thing requiring you to look below the surface to discern, or indentify, what is really going on that is causing their actions

or behavior. The older a child gets, the more likely this at-tribute will need to be used when counseling your children. Knowledge in itself is something anyone who has a studious nature and intelligence can obtain, but a Christian woman with Godly knowledge is able to fill the rooms of her home with precious and pleasant riches. Filling your home with riches does not mean you build your home with expensive furniture, designer bed linens, and high end accessories, but that you are filling your home with a strong foundation of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of the word of God.

One of the things we need to remember when we can gain earthly wisdom and apply it in our own lives is it dims to a small nothingness when compared to the great and mighty wisdom of God. God is never wrong. His word will never fail us in our pursuit of building our homes on a strong foundation of wisdom and discernment.

As a mother of two adult sons, one wonderful daughter-in-law, and three precious grandsons, my life is now being honored by their lives. As a grandmother, my role is to help my grown children build a strong and godly foundation for THEIR chil-dren. The job of a grandparent is not to spoil their grandchil-dren or undermine the discipline or parenting decisions of the parents. As a grandparent, my focus is to support and make sure my grandsons know their parents are in charge. My in-fluence is to help my grandsons form values and character ac-cording to God’s word. With mortar in hand, I assist my chil-dren now in repairing those small cracks or weak spots in the building of their own godly homes, and I am honored to be standing nearby watching my own children build their homes with the same discipline and knowledge that I once used to raise them. What a heritage! It’s not too late to begin build-ing a godly heritage in your home that no one or nothing can take away from your family. You can read the word of God, pray, and ask Him to show you scripture that will help you to repair the weak spots and level the bricks of the home you are building with your children. Allow God to strengthen that foundation and bring a strong fortress to you and your family.

Loma Lasater is a mother to two adult sons, one daughter-in-law, and the

grandmother to three boys. She was raised in a strong Pentecostal home

by a loving mother of her own who truly left a legacy through her training

and instruction in the word. Loma is also a public school teacher and has

taught 3rd and 4th grade students for 20 years.

“The Bible is the divine

blueprint that leads to a

sturdy foundation in your

child’s life.”

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.Psalm 127:1

It happens every year just about this time; not long after school lets out, usually the third week of June. It is always the same time of day; every morning from 8:45 a.m. It always lasts from Monday through Friday. It occurs in several locations, actually. However, for the past twelve years, (yes, I said TWELVE years), it has been at the same very special location for the Hott family. And, it has been here for the past 12 years that I have had the privilege and honor to be the “Drama Mama” in Vacation Bible School, or “VBS!”

No Matter WhatBy Angie Hott

Do you remember those days? This time of year, one can see signs in towns all over the country -- invitations for children to go to Vacation Bible School. Parents will be hauling kids off for a week that somewhat represents a “Bible Day Camp”. Now, I must tell you that the majority of my 45 years have found me involved with a VBS in some capacity, be it child participating, a parent, to a volunteer helping with everything from Crews Leader, crafts, snacks, to story telling. So, I have reserved a week, sometimes more, to a VBS; let’s just say that it is something that I grew up with and has also become a summertime feature for my wee ones as well.

So, why? Why, since I have been involved in the tradition of VBS year after year, this year has taken on an entirely different significance? Why is this VBS any different than the rest? I’ll try to explain.

I must tell you all, and please don’t tell Pastor Andrew, that I feel a bit guilty about having so much fun doing VBS at First Church. Honestly, somewhere or somehow it is surely looked upon unfavorably for not just me but all these kids to be allowed to get this crazy in church. Seriously! For some reason, the Children’s Coordinator, Ms. Sarah, allows me to dress up in just about anything to tell kids, yes… to tell kids stories in the Bible!

And the kids! Oh the kids! I wish you could see the faces of




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Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord.Romans 14:6

these kids as they line up outside the door, waiting to enter the Bible Adventure Room. Eyes wide and gigantic grins; one would think that they were waiting in line at an amusement park to ride a world famous roller coaster! The anticipation is SO great; you might wonder if a popular Disney star like Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber was inside! Excitement levels are so high… Is it tickets to the final Harry Potter movie? Or could it be a performance from their favorite gymnast, Shawn Johnson, or a football star, Peyton Manning?

No. It’s none of those. It’s not even the Disney channel, Nickelodeon, or Cartoon Network. It’s just me and Pastor Andrew. And we’re here to share stories in the Bible.

And it’s not just Biblical history and the stories we all grow up with. You know what else it is? Not every child will grow up with these stories and hear them in the way that First Church allows them to be shared. More than the stories about Noah, Peter, Jonah, Hannah, Sarah and Abraham…; it is my honor to let each and every child know that they are loved no matter what. Today, I realize this simple thing more than ever!

They are loved by all the people at the church, their families, and by God. God made them each special. Each one. And no matter what utterly crazy thing happens in the world, God loves them.

No matter what.

And today, I realized something. After 12 years, I have seen hundreds of kids grow through the entire elementary program, graduate, and move on to college. I have watched them accept Jesus and celebrate these precious decisions. I have partied and played until my back aches (especially after today’s hiding from the Roman guards). Year after year, I watched many VBS children listen to the invitation and tell kids about eternity with Jesus.

Today, I realized what a blessing this is.

Because at this year’s VBS, a certain bundle of energy and enthusiasm was missed. You see, over the weekend, a terrible handgun accident took the life of a boy just thirteen, Andrew Arther Butler. Born in Russia, Andrew came to our church just a little boy. He attended VBS regularly and was always a part of our holiday dramas. Our VBS felt the absence of him and his family as they attempt to recover from this shocking event.

My heart aches as I think and remember the many times Andrew came through the Bible Adventure Room at VBS. I rack my brain and try to remember: Did I personally tell Andrew he was special and loved by God no matter what? Did I show him God’s amazing gift, Jesus? Did I take a moment to hug Andrew, for what I didn’t know was one last time?

For the blessing is that simple: Each time God honors me with the privilege of a child, another child in the Bible adventure room, it could be their last time. Their last time to hear a Bible adventure story; their last time to be told God loves them, their last time to get a hug from the goofy “drama mama” at VBS. This year in the Bible story room, I have been extra conscious of a very important message: to be sure that each and every child knows that God created them unique and God loves them.

No matter what.For when God gives her giggles to goose bumps, Angie Hott shares the stories of the daily adventures of raising four astonishing children in today’s crazy world: Caity (22), Violet (12), Isaac (8), and Levi (7) with her “Hott-hubby” Dan. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, Angie “writes with great humor about some of life’s greatest joys, yet touches the deepness of life’s hardships with encouragement.” In mid 2008, Dan was diagnosed with a chronic illness at just 49. Living with Parkinson’s Disease, life took an unexpected turn and Angie began blogging about it in 2010 when God whispered “Excuse me, can I tell you something?”

Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord.Romans 14:6

How do you, as a Christian mom,

protect your child from bullying?

We want to hear from you!

Email your story to [email protected]

Has a bully declared war on your child?

We Love...French Bull

Think Color. Think Pattern. Think you’re amazing. (Because, of course, you are.) Any woman is going to feel super cool, ultra chic, and better prepared to handle her day with a colorful knife (or any of the other totally rad accessories) available through FrenchBull.com. I’ve been using my Raj Chef’s Knife for months now, and I can honestly say I...Love...This...Knife. It’s beautiful. And it cuts superbly. And it makes me feel like a super-chef.

She’s like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises.

Proverbs 31:14



ly Ph




{The following excerpt is taken from Angela Asbill’s book, Wholly Holy, released April 2012 by Creation House}

Jesus used such vivid and beautiful stories to connect to our hearts. I want to use the parable of the sower from the book of Matthew the same way He did. I must ask, “What kind of soil are you?”

“Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: “Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. And some fell among thorns,

and the thorns sprang up and choked them. But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” ~Matthew 13:3-9The first soil Jesus called “wayside,” representing people who hear but allow the birds to take the seed away. The “rocky” soil are those who start out well but have no deep roots for the seed to grow. Next, we see “thorny” ground—the ones who allow the cares of this world to choke out the Word. Finally, we see the “good” ground that yielded a crop far beyond what was planted. Those who hear the Word, allow it to take root, keep it, and produce fruit. So in regards to your health and fitness, “what kind of soil are you?”

By Angela Asbill

Growing MotivationWhat stumps your health and fitness goals?












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Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

3 John 1:2


When I get new clients, I see four types of soil. I have those who come in and receive the “seed/word” of health with excitement. It’s the New Year, and they are pumped up and ready for a change, but within a few weeks they allow the “birds” to snatch it away. The birds in this parable could be a number of things. They’re whatever has snatched away your motivation. Many times people become their own worst ene-my in this process. Perhaps you don’t believe in yourself, you feel hopeless to change, you think you are lazy, or you think you are a failure. Or the birds could be so-called friends who belittle what you are doing. I have seen many women give in to peer pressure when out with friends or family. Ever heard this line: “Oh, go ahead and have some, just a little bit won’t hurt you”? (“Surely you shall not die”: quote the serpent.) You must make the decision to walk this road and protect the seed at work in your life regardless of what the little birds may try to do to snatch the seed away. Start out by surround-ing yourself with people who will both support and hold you accountable when you need it.

Rocky Soil

The next type of clients I see are those who are the “rocky” soil. (Unfortunately, this does not mean Sylvester Stallone/”Eye of the Tiger” clients.) These are people I call diet-hoppers, those who have tried every diet known to man—and even invented their own! Without deep roots, these people get bored with a plan and give up, claiming it doesn’t work, and a few weeks later they hop on to the next diet train. (“All aboard the Going Nowhere Express! If you’re going nowhere, we can get you there fast!”)

These kinds of people don’t have what it takes to dig deep (no pun intended) and allow roots to grow. Health is a lifelong commitment, not a crash diet. It will not “bloom” overnight. You will need patience and the ability to allow the roots to grow deep.

Thorny Ground

I also see those who are “thorny” ground. Most of my “thorny” clients are women. Women are the ones who allow the cares of the world to choke out the health seed that has been planted.

Women tend to feel guilty if they invest in themselves, hav-ing jobs, husbands, and children to look after. Now, I am not saying a woman should neglect any of these things; I have all three as well and don’t neglect them. But what most women don’t realize is that if they don’t invest in their own health now, they will have nothing to give to their job, husband, or children later.

Think about it this way. Cars need to be invested in with upkeep and maintenance now so they will run properly down the road. We are no different! Invest in yourself now, and

avoid breakdown later (pun intended this time).

For men, the major thorn I see is pride. “Health and diet are for sissy girls,” they say. Or, “Manly men eat french fries, not salad!” Yes, and those same manly men die of heart attacks at age sixty. That doesn’t show me a manly man; it shows me a dead father! I hear many women say they have been try-ing to get their man to clean up his diet for years but he just won’t listen. Well, men, it’s time to swallow your pride and listen to your wives. After all, you have daughters to walk down the aisle, grandchildren to take fishing, and retirement to enjoy. Do you really want to miss all of these events be-cause you let pride choke out the truth?

Good Soil

When I find a “good soil” client to work with, it makes my job worthwhile. This is the kind of client who gets it. For this analogy, I want to tell you about someone I work with. I am going to call her Client A. Client A came to me one January. At only twenty-four years old, she was well over 300 pounds. Client A suffered a knee injury and had been morbidly obese for most of her life. She told me she knew she needed to lose some weight but really hated working out.

To be honest, my first thought was that she would be wayside soil. The first day we worked together, she turned white as a ghost and asked me if I had ever had anyone throw up. But as time went by, I saw a change come over her. Weight began to come off, and that inspired her to persevere and work even harder. I only had her for one hour a week, but I saw her in the gym on her own four to five other days. She told me about struggling with her diet, so we talked through it, and she actually began to text me with pictures of the food choic-es that she was making to stay accountable. Now Client A is unstoppable! She has lost more than seventy-five pounds so far and has gained back the abilities that someone in their twenties should have.

I have Client A the hammer, and she chose to swing it. I can’t do the work for her or for anyone else. Her good soil pro-duced good fruit in her health.

Do you see yourself in one of the parables? Are you a diet-hopper? Do you feel guilty about investing in yourself? Do you allow others to choke out your vision for a healthy life? Well, don’t lose heart! Just as soil can be tilled and nour-ished to produce a good crop, so can you. Now is the time to get educated, to commit to this life change, and to honor the Lord in your physical body. God is full of mercy and grace and always ready to help in our hour of need. All He needs is an honest heart before Him and a willingness to turn to the life He offers you. Angela Asbill is a certified personal trainer through the National Strength & Conditioning Association. She has also developed Take Initiative, her well-ness programs geared individually toward women, pastors, church lead-ers and school programs. Angela’s passion is to see people live their lives wholly; body, mind and spirit, in order to live out their God given call.

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

3 John 1:2

Giant Breakfast Cookies


Trueeasy, tasty, kid-pleasing

meals in minutes

&1 cup butter, melted ¾ cup honey 2 eggs 1 t. salt 1 t. cinnamon 1 t. baking soda 1 t. vanilla ½ cup buttermilk 2 cups whole wheat flour 2 cups whole rolled oats 1 cup raisins or chocolate chips

(*note: if you do not have buttermilk, you can pour 1/2 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon into a measuring cup, then pour in milk to equal 1/2 cup total. Let sit 10 minutes, and you will have the equivalent to buttermilk!)

Mix butter, honey, eggs, salt, cinnamon, soda, vanilla and buttermilk. Stir in flour and oats. Fold in raisins or chocolate chips. Scoop heaping tablespoons of dough onto a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Allow cookies to cool 3-4 minutes on cookie sheet before removing cookies to cool on a wire rack. Makes 36 cookies.

Laura Coppinger is someone who loves to laugh, loves to cook, and apparently, loves to have huge piles of laundry in her upstairs hallway, as is evident by the perpetually huge piles of laundry in her upstairs hallway. She can be found occasionally with a Nerf gun in her hand, as she figures that in a life with an handsome husband and four active sons, if she can’t beat ‘em, she may as well join ‘em. Writing her blog, HeavenlyHomemakers.com has become a delightful ministry, hobby and full time job, which she is blessed to participate in from home. She loves hospitality and generally figures – the more the merrier – as long as her guests don’t mind looking at the flour in her hair, and you guessed it, the huge piles of laundry in her upstairs hallway.

Breakfast should be easy. We NEED it to be easy. Moms everywhere, let’s take a stand against ultra-processed, boxed and bagged breakfast choices! Check out this recipe from Laura at www.heavenlyhomemakers.com. It is seriously SO easy. I can get the ingredients mixed together and in the oven in less than 10 minutes! AND my boys LOVE these cookies! This single recipe makes 36 cookies, so we have an entire week covered in very little time! I bake all the cookies at once and place them in a glass dish in the refrigerator. In the mornings, when I’m too tired to cook, or when we are in a hurry, or when I just don’t want to THINK about what to fix for breakfast, I pull out 1-2 cookies per kid and heat them in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. {Pour a glass of milk per kid, and breakfast is done, son! }

Yes these cookies still have sugar (honey). Yes, they have chocolate chips if you choose (we always do). But they are better for your kids than the super-processed sugary cereals and pastries you can buy in the stores. These ingredients are things you can find in your pantry right now probably! It’s THAT easy!

Did you know that two “pop-style” breakfast pastries have 438 total calories? (Compare that to 268 calories in two giant breakfast cookies.) Did you know that there is also 428 mg of sodium in those two pastries?! (Maybe you aren’t aware of this, but bagged and boxed foods are STUFFED with sodium, which is how they are able to “live” in your pantry for months or years without going bad!) These cookies will only give your kiddos 288 mg of sodium in two cookies. (that’s almost HALF the amount that’s in the pastries!)

So do yourself a favor: go to the kitchen. Right now. And make these cookies. Your kids will love you for it. You will love yourself for it when you see their sweet little faces enjoying the yummy goodness...and knowing that you are providing a more nutritional alternative to the ultra-processed choices in the store.



ly Ph




She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family...Proverbs 31:15

Who can find a virtuous woman?

for her price is far above rubies.” (KJV)

~ proverbs 31:10

We’ve all read this passage or heard it before....but let’s really LOOK at it. The wonderful thing about God’s word is that when you really search it, and study it, and explore it....it means so. much. more. I think you will be surprised to examine this statement on a deeper level.

First, think about the word “virtuous.” What do you think it means to be a virtuous woman? Before studying this word, I would have told you that to be a virtuous woman meant that you were morally just, that you were faithful and true to your word. Thefreedictionary.com defines virtuous as “moral excellence; upright; chaste (morally pure).” So, I guess my internal definition wasn’t too far off, and more than likely you had a similar thought in your head when first reading that scripture. But when we look at the Hebrew root of the word virtuous, we see that it comes from the word chayil, which means “efficiency, strength, ability.” And when looking at the Greek root of the word virtuous, we find it means, “able and content, through the idea of humbly seeking God through prayer.” So when a man finds a virtuous woman, he has found a woman who has the strength and ability to BE A WOMAN! Yes, being a woman is complex and complicated, and being a wife or mommy is very time consuming and requires a great commitment and devotion....but we are all capable of being exactly what that man and those children need by seeking God first and therefore becoming content and able! Before we look at ways to be “able and content” in our roles as women, let’s finish looking at the rest of the scripture. A woman is worth far more than rubies. In today’s times that might not sound like much. Seriously, no one is wearing big bright rubies on their fingers....they’re wearing DIAMONDS. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. A diamond is forever. It’s the rock, the bling, the frosting. We’re probably all thinking, “what’s the big deal about rubies?”

This photo shows an 8.62 carat ruby ring sold at Christie’s auction in 2006 for over $3.6 million dollars. (click the

photos to see the detailed sale listings)

And this photo shows a 17.65 carat diamond ring sold in 2009 at Christie’s auction house for only $967,167. Did you catch that? This diamond is more than TWICE as large as the ruby and sold for less than ONE-THIRD the price! Do you see how valuable you are yet??? According to the word of God, you’re worth FAR MORE than rubies! Rubies were a symbol of royalty in Biblical times; all the kings had rubies placed in their crowns. True rubies are very rare. That is why you don’t see them on every gal’s finger like you do diamonds. And that is why God’s word compares your worth to RUBIES, not diamonds. Okay, FOCUS ladies.....get your EYES off that diamond {I know it’s hard to stop staring at that beauty} and let’s get back to seeing YOUR worth! Which, if you remember, is SO MUCH MORE than that diamond anyway. If we are ABLE and CONTENT with being a woman, being a wife, being a mom...then we are valuable. Far more than rubies. Get it? You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to take your kids to every karate class,

PRICELESSyou, my sister, are truly...

by Molly Lasater

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Proverbs 31:28

soccer, baseball, basketball, and tennis tryouts in town, piano lessons, voice lessons, and dance/gymnastics/whateverelseyouthinktheyneedbuttheyreallydontclass! Those things don’t make you virtuous. Wearing that expensive handbag isn’t making you virtuous (and neither is your discount store bag btw). Piling your hair up high on your head or wearing that extra long streak of eyeliner isn’t making you virtuous. {But I’m not dissing your style, sister. Wear it proud! Be who you are!} Just realize that all those things aren’t making you…YOU. God already made you who you need to be....all this other stuff is just fluff. {And we have a right to fluff. We like fluff. I’m not advocating getting rid of your fluff.} Just realize that all we do to SHOW our selves to the world is really not SHOWING our virtuousness at all. To be virtuous, all we have to do is be ABLE to do our duties and to be CONTENT with them.

be ableI’m able. Everyone at my house is fed, clothed, tended to daily. I cook. I clean. I organize. I help people prepare. I lead. I pray. What more is there to being “able” in the home? I think we all have an area {or two} where we could use a little more motivation or assistance with our womanly/motherly duties. What is your area? Take some time and do some reading in that area and let God give you the guidance you need to be MORE able. Before starting your search for reading materials, take time to thank God for giving you the power to serve your family. Ask Him to direct you to the right resources you need that can help you most in your weak areas. God will lead the way to the answers you seek. The internet is a great tool to do some searching. Your public library will also have a wide selection of books available in any area you need a little guidance in. And the website www.Amazon.com is another great place to get informational books. I truly love Amazon. My UPS man knows all about my love for Amazon. Amazon is great for reading reviews of what other people thought of the book as well as sometimes getting to read several pages from the actual book right there on the website! And, all of you with your e-readers of course, you have books right at your fingertips! Get busy reading; you have no excuse! The one thing you want to consider as you begin searching for information is whether or not the book you are reading is based on the word of God. We can easily be led astray by “worldly” books that don’t keep us living according to God’s will as wives and mothers. Here are some books I have read in the past few years. I enjoyed them all, and while I’m sure there may be other books out there better suited to you and your needs, these were great for me.

They are a great start if you’re just not sure what you even want! Search for these on Amazon and read more about each book.

I love this book. It helps you see some things maybe you’ve forgotten because you’re so busy living. My favorite concept from this book at this moment is to “listen with your eyes” to your kids. When my kids are telling me stories or just talking to me, I am often cleaning, cooking, on the computer....and while I’m listening, I’m not really SHOWING them that I’m listening. Because of this book, I am currently working on stopping what I’m doing and making eye contact with them while they talk to me. It breaks my heart to think they are the most important people in my life and I don’t give them the attention they need to know that I truly care about what they tell me. How often do you “listen with your eyes” when your kids are talking to you?

So now you have some starting points to becoming more ABLE. Do some praying. Do some research. God will give you the tools to help you. Even if you don’t think you need any help, if you will open your heart to hear from Him, you might find an easier way or faster way of doing what you already do!

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Proverbs 31:28

be contentThis is a tough one because society has programmed us to always want MORE. More money, more kids, more time, more help around the house, more peace, more free time.....I’m sure we all have our “more” needs. But just for today, let’s consider the possibility of being content with things just the way they are. The dictionary definition of content is “a state of satisfaction.” It doesn’t say that content means you have everything you’ve always wanted, that you’re not doing without, that you’re perfectly and blissfully happy....it just says SATISFIED.

God has given you this life. Enjoy what you have. Find that peace through being SATISFIED with where you’re at, who’s with you, and what you’re doing. Yes, you can still want more....but be satisfied with things as they are at this moment. Here are some areas to think about. See if you can find some satisfaction in any of these areas in YOUR life: 1) Your Kids. Find a place of satisfaction with what God has given you. If you don’t have any kids, but want them....God has a plan. If you have some kids, but want more....God has a plan. If you have all the kids you can handle, and are just trying to keep your sanity....God has a plan. It’s hard to remember this, but HE truly does know what He’s doing! God can bless you with more children if that is HIS will for your life.....and He doesn’t need you worrying and reading fertility books and eating crazy foods and vitamins each day to try to GET pregnant. HE can do it. And if you already have all the kids you think you want, be satisfied with your situation. Raising kids is hard. It’s a ton of work that never ends. And sometimes we grow weary and tired and exhausted, but GOD can give you the strength and perseverance to continue shaping them into the men and women they will become. Just seek GOD and you will find the contentment and satisfaction with your current situation. 2) Your husband. If you have a husband, thank God for him every day. Focus on his positive qualities. Relish in the things he DOES do for you. Don’t allow negativity in when thinking of your husband. It seems that so often in today’s world, women are quick to judge and condemn their husbands for not being what the women “want” them to be. That’s not fair to your husband. God made that man and GOD is the only one who can change him if some things need to be changed. And it’s not up to YOU to decide what your husband can/should/could be doing better or differently! I feel so strongly about this one because I see so many men being emasculated by their wives. We as wives are not MOTHERS to these men. When you emasculate your husband, you are making him weaker, making him lose his vigor. Give that man a PURPOSE! Let him be himself and stop trying to control and change him. Let GOD do the work while you love your husband and pray for him and show him a Christ-like example

through your service to him. Basically, find peace. Find a place of satisfaction with your husband. And this contentment usually starts with YOU -- when you stop trying to control or change him, but just decide to serve him with love each day, then you will feel more content in that relationship. Try it. It’s really quite liberating on your OWN happiness. 3) Your home. Be satisfied with your home. Yes, even with its narrow closets, dead tree out front, cramped living room, and stovetop with one burner out. These things can cause us some frustration. They can make us feel like moving or neglecting our household chores because we are so focused on the “problems” we see. But listen, think about where you’d be if you didn’t have that house. There are millions of people who sleep WITHOUT a roof over their heads in this world. And there are millions of people who have it much worse than you do. I’m assuming if you’re reading this that you have internet access, some sort of media device, and enough money to pay for those services/devices. So you’ve got it pretty good, babe. God can bring you a bigger house, a newer house, a house in a different location, or just a house with bigger closets. But let GOD bring it to you. For now, find the peace and be content with the house He has already blessed you with! Take care of what you have, tend to it, make it WORK. Then God will see that you are taking good care of what He’s given you and He will open up doors for the things you wish for. 4) Your money. God wants you prosperous. Somebody’s got to be rich in this world....it might as well be the children of GOD! Claim it. I’m claiming my share! If money is an issue in your world and you are not content with your situation, take a look at where it’s going. Stop wasteful spending. Lattes for $5 a day? Purses that cost you $200-$500? Shoes costing hundreds of dollars? Clothes? Eating out several times a week for hundreds of dollars a month? These things are NOT necessary for a happy life. What can YOU give up? Pick one and do it! What about subscriptions? Cancel them! Sirius radio, while nice, is not a necessity. You have radio for FREE in your car already. Magazines? You can check those out at the public library for free a month after they come out! Cable? Do you REALLY need 300 plus channels? Maybe you can just reduce your cable bill by reducing your subscription, or cancel it altogether. And what about cell phones? They are outrageously expensive. I love having a cell phone....it gives me a sense of security when travelling and being able to reach my husband anytime if I need him. But my kids don’t have cell phones. (okay, they are only 18 months, 5 years, and 7 years old...but I know 7 year olds with cell phones!) If money is tight, cancel that phone that you bought your kids! My husband and I believe that a cell phone isn’t necessary for a kid until they are driving age. And by that point, my boys can get their own jobs and make enough money to PAY for that phone themselves. Now if your kids have their own phones, you are probably offended and upset with my statements. Don’t be mad. This is how WE do things. I’m not

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Proverbs 31:28

saying everyone has to be like us. But I AM saying if money is tight, ditch the phones. They are NOT a necessity...no matter what you’ve convinced yourself so far. Think back to when YOU were growing up. You survived childhood, and for most of us even through our teenage years, just fine without a cell phone. Ultimately, the one way you can find peace, satisfaction, and contentment in all these areas is to bring it all to God. Do you tithe? God blesses the tither. When you are not giving 10% of your income to your God, then you are basically telling God that your car (how much is that payment per month again??), your new purse, your new shoes, or your kids’ cell phones are all more important than Him. Ouch. I know that hurts. We were there once ourselves. It seemed there was no “room” in our budget to “give to God.” But this isn’t just about giving. It’s about sowing seed. And through you sowing seed into God’s kingdom, you will reap. You WILL be blessed. Trust me. When we started out, we put $20 a week into the church’s offering plate. That’s literally ALL we could afford. And that wasn’t anywhere NEAR 10% of our income. But we were faithful. And consistent. And pretty soon we were blessed.....maybe a large amount of money came in and we were able to pay off a loan. Or we got raises or bonuses. All these little things started happening that HELPED us. We were able to give more and more to our church. And eventually we got to the point where we WERE giving 10%. And now we are able to give even MORE than 10%. And God has blessed us richly.

He continues to provide for us. He continues to give us that peace, that satisfaction, that feeling of being CONTENT with where we’re at, who we’re with, and what we’re doing. And NOTHING can replace that feeling of peace. Not a single $300 purse or $200 pair of shoes, and definitely not a meal at a fancy restaurant. NOTHING can replace the CONTENTMENT we feel from God because we are faithful to His word. Talk to God today. Find time when you’re alone (in the car, in the shower, in bed at night) and just ask God what to do. He will talk to you. You will have ideas and thoughts put into your mind that you KNOW came from Him. Listen to what He says and follow His directions. And watch His immeasurable peace and satisfaction come over your thoughts and your life.

Also, don’t forget to recognize your worth. Walk with your head held high as you perform your motherly and wifely duties, recognizing the esteem you hold in your womanly position. Because even though every ruby has a price on it, no matter how high...you, my sister, are truly priceless.

Molly Lasater is a wife to Darrik and a mother to three boys: Logan (7), Judd (5), and Ryder (19 months). She was called by God to homeschool the boys and also to start mitera magazine to help other Christian women have support and encouragement in their journey through life. She is constantly amazed at the astounding ways God will work in our lives to bless us and protect us when we trust Him fully.

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Proverbs 31:28

we’re hungry...and waiting.

send your Tried & True recipes to [email protected]

Underage Dating:The Elephant in the

Social Conservative Living RoomBy Bryana Johnson

I have a bone to pick with you socially conservative Americans, and I know it’s something that will get under your skin. Just sit tight, though, and hear me out, because the elephant in our tidy little room is starting to tear things up. It’s time we acknowledge his existence, and maybe even call in some animal movers to take him back to the zoo.

I currently live in a small community in the Bible-belt of the country and I have been given some opportunities to mentor young people from my area through different venues. I can count on one hand the kids I know from the local high school whose parents have never been divorced. I’ve witnessed reactions of genuine surprise and envy from students who hear that my own parents are still together. In any given conversation that I have with a group of youth, I can expect to hear continual references to step-parents, step-siblings, and half-siblings. Divorce is a way of life down here – albeit one that has taken its toll in the lives of the young people that will make up the next generation.

However, while I could certainly write extensively on my experience with the negative effects of divorce on children and on society at large, I actually want to address something else entirely. I want to talk about the number one way that our culture chooses to perpetuate the cancer of broken marriages and failed relationships. Sadly, it’s not one that many of our conservative leaders are denouncing. In fact, it would appear to the casual observer that on this battlefield we’ve completely given up our fight. I am referring to underage dating.

You can follow them on Facebook – the failed attempts at love, I mean. Somebody is always changing their status from “in a relationship” to “single.” Unfortunately, a huge number of these disappointed lovers are too young to be legally allowed to marry. I wonder sometimes if I am the only one who winces to hear a thirteen-year old speak with cavalier abandon of his or her “ex”? Since when is it considered healthy and acceptable for underage people to be in “relationships”? Just what do parents and educators expect to be the result of the spoony talk and romantic conquests of these middle-school children and young high school students? The results I’ve witnessed personally are beyond disturbing: they are downright sinister, and have caused me to question whether or not those who claim to champion marital fidelity and family values are paying any attention at all to the standards we are passing on to our children.

The trouble with underage dating is that it presents an entirely faulty view of what interaction with the opposite gender should be all about. Rather than placing emphasis on building one strong relationship with one person at a stage of life when a marital commitment is feasible, dating encourages young people to pour their energies into consistently seducing other young people at a time m



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Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.Ephesians 5:17

when none of them are capable of making any long-term commitments. Their “relationships” are destined from the get-go to fail, because they are founded on unhealthy perceptions of love and not backed by any real necessity to stick it out.

The beauty of marriage is that it teaches two people of opposite genders to learn to work through their incompatibilities and give of themselves. In the same way, the great ugliness of dating as it is practiced by our culture and portrayed by our media, is that it teaches two people of opposite genders to be selfish by giving them an easy “out” when things don’t go according to their inclinations. I believe it is fair to say that this form of dating is a training manual for divorce, because it encourages young people to grow accustomed to giving their hearts away and then taking them back. When they find themselves in a marriage perturbed by some rough spots, they don’t find it especially emotionally difficult to walk away. After all, they have already walked away so many times before. Sadly, parents who should know better continue to display shocking naïveté regarding the absurd practices of driving their twelve year olds out on a “date” or purchasing provocative clothing for their sixteen-year-olds, or sympathizing with their broken-hearted fourteen-year-olds by assuring them that they’ll “find someone better.” “They’re just having fun,” they’ll tell us, rolling their eyes at what they consider to be our excessively high-minded principles. I happen to work a volunteer shift at Crisis Pregnancy Clinic where I witness every week the ruined lives and broken dreams that this “fun” has left with our youth.

Another defense offered for the ridiculous habit of underage dating is that the kids are “just learning how to relate to the opposite sex.” It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out that what they’re really learning is how to recover quickly from a break-up and set their sights on another gorgeous and equally hormonal person. The culture of dating is a culture of hunger and unsatisfied eyes that are always looking around for someone else. But perhaps the most ludicrous and most willfully naïve assertion is that “relationships” between young teens are “not really about sex.” Just what do we think such relationships are about between people too young to be interested in any of the other things (family, stability, home-making, etc. ) that come out of a romantic involvement with the opposite gender? Contrary to such half-baked assurances, it IS all about sex for these young people, and whenever they forget that, the pop-culture is quick to remind them of it. In the media, girls are unfailingly presented as having value to boys only in proportion to their physique and their manner of flaunting it. Boys are presented as bestial and incapable of responsibility. Overwhelming, this is the primary message being offered to our kids by the movies, magazines, music artists, and commercials directed at their age group. It is inexcusably irrational for us to suppose that their relationships with one another are untainted by the stereotypes that surround them.

If the situation is so straightforward, why is there not a greater resistance to this cultural trend that trivializes relationships and produces jaded and cynical people who have already been through the warm fuzzies of love and are ready to settle for mere physical gratification by the age of eighteen? Could it be that big-money industries like Justin Bieber and Hannah Montana, who thrive off of exploiting our hormonally charged youth, are partially responsible for throwing the wool over the eyes of so many well-meaning parents? Are sex-education advocates like Planned Parenthood, who profit from purchases of birth control and abortions, throwing money at the movement to desensitize parents about the perils of underage “relationships”? Are we really being duped into sacrificing our kids for the buck?

While social conservatives may proclaim the virtues of pre-marital abstinence and fidelity, their actions don’t line up with their words. They behave as though they expect our young people to embrace or at least abide by the values we preach to them, all the while continuing to direct them in lifestyle choices that foster exactly the opposite principles and attitudes. And we wonder why 95% of Americans admitted to having premarital sex in 2006? Or why it was estimated in 2008 that 40% of all US marriages ended in divorce? Or why 4 in 10 children are born to unwed mothers today? My friends, it’s time for us to wake up and smell the coffee! Or, better yet, give those animals movers a call and get that elephant out of here before he knocks over another delicate and priceless piece of furniture…..

Bryana is a homeschool graduate whose many interests include political science, educational theory, poetry, art, music and literature. She has won prizes in multiple poetry contests and her poems have been published in several literary journals including the Boston Literary Magazine, Time of Singing, Quantum Poetry Magazine, Assisi,The Mayo Review and Adroit Journal. Some of her favorite authors are G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Amy Carmichael, Emily Dickinson, Thomas Sowell and P.G. Wodehouse. Bryana is unashamedly pro-life and volunteers at a local Pregnancy Help Clinic. She also helps mentor youth through a Teen Court Program in her area and writes for the Washington Times Communities and The College Conservative, which is where this article first appeared.




Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.Ephesians 5:17

Wear it, Share it!As a mom, you want to look good but you also need to feel good. And as a Christian mom, you probably want to feel feminine and beautiful for what you wear, not what you bare. (confession: I totally stole that line from their website.) Solution: Shabby Apple

(more from their website)---->Shabby Apple is a fashion company for women, by women, and of women. Because serving women and families is a core value at Shabby Apple, we devote a certain percentage of our net proceeds to charitable causes serving women and children. (how cool is that? see photo of tag below!)

mitera magazine has TWO Shabby Apple dresses to give away to our readers! Be sure to leave a comment on our blog page {Shabby Apple Giveaway} telling us what your favorite

dress is from the Shabby Apple site before September 1st for your chance to win!

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.Proverbs 31:25

Do you ever feel like someone compiled an unattainable list of expectations that you must accomplish in life, yet you know you can never achieve all that is on it? I know I have felt that way before. Many a day items are added to the list. Few are checked as done, and off to bed I stagger, weary and exhausted. There is an actual, Biblical list of how the “perfect woman” should look, talk, act, interact with others, handle money and manage time. It even defines how others should view and respond to her. In the book of Proverbs, Chapter 31 we read the words of Solomon as he shares for all generations the sage words of King Lemuel’s mother. It is great advice; clearly she loved her son. When you read the chapter from a loving mother’s point of view, I think you would agree with me that it is advice we hope our sons will follow. Far too often however, we read verses 10 through 31 as a defensive daughter-in-law. “You expect what? How is it my responsibility to make my husband and kids always feel

happy and wonderful? Planting gardens? Making and selling crafts? Working late into the night and rising early to prepare breakfast for the family? I can’t be perfect! I have already failed!” We defend ourselves, or beat ourselves up. Maybe we focus on the items we are not, or only the items we are. Perhaps we ignore it altogether or worse, we strive to do it all. We work and push….ever trying to keep the proverbial plates spinning, and then watch as they come crashing to the floor. We see the list describing a modern day Martha - no, not Martha Stewart, although similar, but the Martha described in Luke 10:38-42…..distracted, busy, cumbered about much serving, and finally becoming bitter, complaining about all her efforts going unnoticed. Yet we tend to idolize this behavior. What if we change our perspective?

The saying goes, “Love is blind.” When we are in love it is easy to see the object of our affection in a positive

Measure Up?By Genia Miller







Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Proverbs 31:31

do you

light. Sure we know they have faults, but we look past their shortcomings, instead focusing on the good, their strengths and their potential. Rarely do we describe in detail the negative attributes of those we love to the masses. When we fell in love we bragged to our friends, parents, pretty much anyone who would listen about how awesome our guy was. Through the years we have bragging competitions over what a great husband we have. When you ask someone about their kids, it would be odd for them to begin with a list of bad attitudes and horrible behavior of their offspring. No, we describe the highlights. “Little Tommy is on the honor roll!” “Baby Julia started walking at 9 months old!”

God sent His Son, Jesus, to make the ultimate sacrifice for us! He saw our faults, but through eyes of love, saw our good also. In our relationship with our Heavenly Father, he forgives our sins, and through Jesus we are made a new creation, positive and good, capable and able to do all things, given renewed strength and a clean slate! What makes a woman worth far more than jewels, pearls and rubies? It is summed up in Proverbs 31: 30 KJV, “….a woman who fears the Lord.” That word fear actually translates to reverence. Reverence is defined as an outward act or attitude resulting from deep feelings of respect and honor. It is not Martha’s actions but instead Mary’s attitude that we want to model in our lives. In Luke 10:39 we read about Mary, Martha’s sister, who sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to His words. In Luke 10:42 (KJV) Jesus told Martha, “… Mary hath chosen that good part.” If we compare ourselves to the Proverbs 31 woman using a magnifying glass pointed toward our own mistakes and shortcomings, we may feel like we can never live up to these expectations.

Choose to see the good in your life, for it is within that good that we find God at work in us.

I do not see the Proverbs 31 chapter as a daily checklist handed to you from a mean Mother-In-Law who thinks you will never be good enough. No, I believe it is the praises from the perspective of one who loves her; perhaps her son, her husband, a friend or a Mother-In-Law who is so thankful her son found her. I believe the description is one that spans a lifetime instead of a day. I believe these words describe our potential as Godly women. This is our potential for a lifetime of love and achievement. No matter the many times we fail to do and achieve perfection our loving God holds our hand and says, “I love you, I will never leave you, you can do all things.” When we fall in love with the Lord, our entire being changes.

Our attitude, our behavior, our perspective of life and our view of others, begin to line up with the word of God. It does not happen overnight, but it happens as we learn more about God’s love for us. When we know Him more, love begins to drive and equip us to be who He has called us to be. Many times we must first believe it is possible to achieve a task before we will even put forth the effort to try. Yes it will take effort to change our actions to live as Proverbs 31 states, purposing to hear His voice, learn His ways and do what God has asked of us but first you must believe you are loved, and within you is worth and purpose. The worth and ability of the Proverbs 31 woman is in you, “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” When you read Proverbs 31 you have just read the synopsis of your legacy as a woman of God. The highlights of a well lived life. His promises fulfilled. Matthew 6:33 tells us to “…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV)” It may mean walking by faith through every season of your entire life to see the completion of Proverbs 31 within you, but do not give up! Do not lose hope! Our past is forgiven! Our future is full! Our ability is limitless! Our God sees us and encourages us to move forward. We get to choose. Does this Mother-in-Law’s checklist point out our faults, or does it represent an example of the highlights of our life and our possibilities? I recommend we choose to look at ourselves through eyes of love, through the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Choose to see the good in your life, for it is within that good that we find God at work in us. As you purpose to accomplish all that God is calling you to put effort toward, give yourself a little grace along the journey. You are the Proverbs 31 woman. Just change your perspective. Genia Miller is a wife, a Life Coach, a John Maxwell Team founding member, leader of the Dream Initiative Team at Crosswinds Community Church and CEO of Ascension Group International. She thrives with the purpose of helping people unveil the bigger picture of who they were created to be through the eyes of their creator.

Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Proverbs 31:31


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Life as a mom can be hectic.We hurry from here to there. We scurry to clean the house, chase the kids, squeeze in some work and somehow still get dinner on the table. We worry that even though we’re trying to do it all, we may not be doing any of it well. And the days seems to bleed together and everyday begins to feel like a carbon copy of the day before. Diapers. Meals. Work. Sleep. Start Again.

How do we keep our eyes on the Lord when life feels out of our control?

When the kids are melting down …

When we’re overloaded with work ...

When we’re tired …

When we’ve come to the end of our rope …

Believe me when I say we all have these moments. You’re not the only one who has locked herself in the bathroom in order to have two minutes alone just to take a deep breath. A few of the things that I found helpful to keep me spiritually afloat during my toughest “mommy moments” were:

* Keeping a small devotional book in the bathroom. I know this sounds silly, but it’s amazing what even a tiny dose of God’s Word can do in a life. And the bathroom is the perfect place to claim a few moments of reading time.

* Christian friends. Having friends around you who share

your beliefs plays a huge part in spiritual growth. We need friends who we can be authentic with and who will tell us the truth - in a loving way - even when we don’t want to hear it.

* Getting involved at church. I never realized the value of getting plugged in at church until I started serving in our church’s AWANA program. I met new people and began to feel like I “fit in” in some small way. If you’re feeling disconnected from your church - jump in and serve!

Being a mom is one of the richest blessings we’re given on this Earth. Whether we’re at home with them all day, trying to work from home or our in the corporate world, there is nothing more important than our time with our kids. And the best foundation for raising great kids is to keep your eyes on Christ.

If you’re hanging on by a thread right now, be encouraged that you are not alone. Reach out and ask someone to pray for you. Get involved at church and make it a point to read God’s Word daily. Jill Hart is the founder of Christian Work at Home Moms, a website that provides resources and encouragement for women who work from home. She is the author of So You Want To Be a Work-at-Home Mom and has been featured in places such as The Wall Street Journal and FIRST magazine. But mainly Jill is a wife and mom of two. She lives with her family in Nebraska. Learn more about Jill at JillHart.com and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter @cwahm.

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29

By Jill Hart

how to stay focused on

Godwhen life feels out of control

Submission is a word that conjures up all kinds of thoughts of one being held in bondage to an authority figure wielding ty-rannical power over someone. Unfortunately there are many men and even some religions who believe it is the “man’s” God-given right to reign over their spouses or even women in general. Some men behave as though they are an authori-tarian figure before their wives and she must bend, bow, seek his approval, and beg his permission to spend money, make decisions, or go anywhere. There are many in today’s society, both men and women, who believe it is the man’s place to lord authority over their wives, but this is not of GOD.

Go back to the beginning: The Garden of Eden where God created both male and female and put things in order where according to Genesis 2:18-25, God created the man but saw it was not good for him to be alone so He made him a help mate, a female helper. The GREAT DESIGNER (God) had a plan. Woman came from a rib below the man’s heart to become bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. This is why a man leaves his mother and father, becomes joined to his wife, and they become one. This is the beginning of a wonderful love story written on the pages of scripture by our Heavenly Father.

God has an order to all things and man has been designed to be the “head” of his family. Just like in a business when there are too many leaders and not enough followers, you end up with complete chaos where nothing is accomplished and the business fails. A husband must remember as head of his

household that he still has a “head,” Christ, in authority over him and if he does not submit to HIS head, his family will eventually end up in complete chaos. With this said, women are to submit to the authority of their husbands. Look to the men to lead the family as the women stand beside them, supporting and encouraging their husbands all the way. Not every decision made on a daily basis is a catastrophic ordeal and women are quite capable of making decisions, but those that impact the family should be bathed in prayer and made together. There are times in a family when a husband and wife do not agree, and it is the position of the husband to make the final decision with the wife supporting him, even if she does disagree. This does not mean that he is some type of lord over the woman, but a decision must be made and the responsibility falls by order to the husband.

While Adam obviously did not rule Eve with an iron fist, (remember the apple incident) God still held him responsible for the decisions made by the family. Adam, as head of his family, did not speak up and stop Eve from sinning. God had actually told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve had not even been created when God gave this commandment to Adam. Adam was present when the serpent came to tempt Eve, and he did not speak up and remind her that it was wrong. His silence was his sin. His punishment was to be put out of the garden and toil for the rest of his days. Chaos would reign on the earth because Adam did not speak up. Man would be separated from God and now need a Savior to reconcile mankind back to God.

By Jackie Gill

SubmissionGod’s perfect order

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.Jude 1:2







Jesus Christ, of course, would be that Savior.

Christ would submit to His father in another garden, the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would lay down his own will and seek the will of His Father. Once again, you have or-der as Christ reconciled mankind back to God laying his life down in obedience, paying the price for man’s sins. Christ’s submission to the Father is shown as Him laying down His life for the Church. (Ephesians 5:25) Husbands’ submission to Christ is to love their wives, as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for her.

When you have a husband who is willing to love you that much, you not only want to be submissive, but you can’t help but be submissive to that type of loving authority. Wives are told in Ephesians to obey their husbands, but the husbands are told to LOVE the wives. This is a love that causes the husband to care more for his wife than he does for himself-wow! When you look at it in scripture it seems easy but when it comes to practice it is much harder. Women are not to judge what type of Christian their husband is and whether he deserves to have authority over them or not, but are told

to SUBMIT to their husband as they would SUBMIT to the LORD. Not judging, critiquing, criticizing, or comparing him to someone else, but simply obeying the teachings of Christ.

Submission is not a word that implies weakness in any way. Submission is not just for the proud, arrogant, abused, ne-glected, or the average. Submission applies to all in one way or another. Women who are divorced, widowed, or aban-doned by a husband and find themselves as heads of the household are still to submit to Christ. While many will not, Christian men and women who are willing to submit to the Lord will be able to lay aside their own desires and submit to another as being head over them. Submission is part of the order designed by God; He alone is the ultimate Authority and will not share that with anyone other than Christ, His Son. By showing submission to a loving husband, wives are honoring God and His ordered design of the world He cre-ated. Jackie Gill is a loving mother to three children, one daughter-in-law, and one grandson. She is an active member of her church and a wonderful example of a Christian woman, wife, and mother for all who have the privilege to know her.

cont. from previous page

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.Jude 1:2

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Simple Serviceeasy ways YOU can make a difference and serve others according to God’s wordIt’s Simple. God’s word instructs us to serve others.

Beyond the scope of tending children, running a household, working inside and outside the home, and

volunteering at school and church, we might just think we don’t have an ounce of ourselves left to give to anyone else. But we do. Here’s an easy and simple

way to serve others without feeling like it’s a burden.

There’s a population of people in this world who are forgotten and left behind. They need to know that we love them and that we value them. They need to know that they still exist in our fast-paced, technology-driven, celebrity-status loving life. These people are our senior citizens. While you and I rush through each day trying to accomplish all our tasks on our to-do list and feeling overwhelmed with the hectic pace of life, the seniors around us are moving more slowly, watching as invisible bystanders in our world of go-go-go.

There are simple things we can do to make the elderly feel loved and appreciated. One of the easiest things we can do is to simply call and check on them. A quick phone call reminds them they are loved or thought about by others. If you are planning a trip to the store, you could call an elderly relative or neighbor and ask if they need you to pick up any-thing for them. Many times they have trouble driving or get-ting out to shop in the heat of summer or cold of winter, and they would appreciate the assistance. If you’re out running errands and stop by their homes just to say hello or to bring them their favorite drink, they will feel special.

If calling and stopping by seem too tedious for you, you could always just drop a card in the mail and let them know you are thinking about them. Have the kids draw them a pic-ture or sign the cards themselves. The kids will love it, and the recipients will love receiving it! And this involves very little time or attention on your part as well.

Simply smiling at senior citizens at the grocery store is an-other way you can easily serve them. Acknowledge their existence. Smile and strike up a conversation while wait-ing in line to checkout. If you see an elderly man or woman shopping you can always ask them if they need help getting items from a top shelf, or if they need help placing bags into their cars after shopping. They are yearning for conversation and feeling “accepted” in the general population. Americans seem so busy living our fast-paced lives that we often over-look the needs of our previous generations. We forget about an entire group of human beings because they don’t seem to serve a real purpose in our hectic lives. But we truly should honor God’s word by finding little ways to show love to them and serve them. Surely the aging population is not thrilled with the fact that they seem to be left behind by those of us they once raised with tender-loving hands. Remember, you too will one day be “old” and feel the same rejection we now offer up our senior citizens. Love them. Serve them. Turn the trend around and let’s start showing the aging population just how special they are to us!

Rhetha Mings is the mother of two adult daughters and grandmother to 7 grandsons. She has always served the elderly with love and attention, of-fering up her time and love to help them through their final stage in life. She has never asked for anything in return for the multiple cards she’s sent, the blankets she’s handmade for them, or the hours she’s spent with them to help them with their daily lives.

By Rhetha Mings

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.Proverbs 31:20



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Christian mothers must never underestimate their calling. It is an extremely difficult, challenging, and tiring calling, but its rewards are in proportion to the tasks. God has given principles in His Word to guide mothers as they navigate through the challenges of raising children.

#1 Godly mothers relish their young children and tenderly nurture them.

As 1 Thessalonians 2:7 says, “But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.” There is great comfort, rest, and security in a mother’s embrace. Isaiah 66:13 says, “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” Psalm 131:2 adds, “Like a weaned child rests against his mother, my soul is like a weaned child within me.” Men can be nurturing, but there is just something unique about the tender embrace of a mother to her child. Children can sense the difference, and they crave a mother’s gentle touch and love. Women should not run from bearing and nurturing children, thinking that there is something supposedly more important or significant for them to do. Even Hannah who dedicated her son Samuel to serve the Lord still took him home to care for him until he was weaned (1 Samuel 1:22-24). God honors mothers who invest in their children, and mothers should adore and treasure the moments that they have with young ones. As Luke 2:19 says, “But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Children are only young for a short time, and the mother should be there to enjoy her God-given children.

#2 Godly mothers recognize that children are a great gift and reward and thus view and treat them as such.

Eve said in Genesis 4:1, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD.” Every time a woman becomes pregnant, it is because God is involved in creating a life (1 Samuel 1:5,19, Psalm 113:9). This is another reason why life is precious and

why children are precious to God. It is imperative that mothers recognize the value of children and that they are indeed a gift from God. Psalm 127:3 says, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” If a mother views her children as a punishment, inconvenience, or the like, she needs to change her perspective quickly lest she treat her children as such. Godly mothers value their children as rewards from God and are thus motivated to do all that they can to nurture, care, and train their children rightly.

#3 Godly mothers instruct their children in God’s truths. Proverbs 1:8 says, “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” Proverbs 6:20 adds, “My son, observe the commandment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother.” King Lemuel in Proverbs 31:1 said that it was his mother who taught him about how to recognize a godly woman who would be a godly mother for his children. Timothy’s godly heritage was a result of his mother and her mother before her (2 Timothy 1:5). Mothers must

never underestimate the role that they play in teaching their children about God, about His Word, and about salvation. From as early on as possible, God is to be central in a mother’s instruction. Even in the case of an unsaved or absentee father, mothers can still reach their children by faith (1 Corinthians 7:14). Teaching children the Bible is a huge calling with eternal ramifications, and godly mothers are honored to take up the challenge.

#4 Godly mothers are willing and faithful to discipline their children.

Proverbs 29:15 says, “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother.” Mothers who enjoy or tolerate their children disrespecting and disobeying them are not operating as God would have them. They should be ashamed of themselves, and they must become willing and faithful to discipline.

By Brent Barnett

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

#5 Godly mothers do not pick favorites among their own children.

Proverbs 28:21 says, “To show partiality is not good, because for a piece of bread a man will transgress.” Not only is picking favorites not Christ-like behavior (James 2:1), but it can lead to children sinning as they grow jealous, establish rivalries, and become deceptive and manipulative. Unconditional love for children and fairness in discipline is essential to being a godly mother. Regardless of a mother’s marriage or work situation, God is faithful to honor the faith and obedience of mothers who do whatever they can by faith to follow His principles in raising godly children. Some mothers will have all day with their children, while other mothers will need to work for various reasons. In either case, mothers can follow Biblical principles

and be godly mothers. As Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Mothers, as you have opportunity to be with your kids, to love them, to nurture them, and to care for them, perhaps even to provide for them, do it with all your heart unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). God will remember and honor your faithfulness. As Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Motherhood is certainly wearying, but mothers must stand fast in their calling. As they are faithful in their work at home (Titus 2:4-5), God will be honored, and He promises to honor those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 31:28).

Brent Barnett is the author behind the free Bible teaching website “Relevant Bible Teaching” and the author of Times of Refreshing: 100 Devotions to Enrich Your Walk with God. www.relevantbibleteaching.com

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

All submitted material should be original and reflect your personal work. (this includes recipe submissions)

All submitted material should be Christian-focused and designed to encourage living according to the word of God.

Material should be encouraging as much as possible. However, controversial issues can be addressed in a loving spirit.

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For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.Matthew 11:30

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