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Social Media, Activism & Community Building

Marie K. ShanahanUniversity of Connecticut, Department of Journalism

January 20, 2014Associated Press File Photo

“Coalition of conscience"

Associated Press File Photo

Social Networks

One to many

Many to many

Independently networked Independently networked publicpublic

Image courtesy of photoxpress.com

Social media as an organizational toolAssociated Press File Photos

Image from Time.com

Social media as an alternative press, an outlet for citizen journalism.

Associated Press File Photo

Social media as a tool for generating awareness, regionally &


Tap into power of the crowd

Some key moments in social media and Internet activism

September 1998MoveOn.org

November 30, 1999WTO Protests in


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2004College students get


Sunday, December 26, 2004

TsunamiA 9.1-magnitude underwater earthquake caused a huge tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, killing more than 225,000 people in 11 countries.

February 2005YouTube launched

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March 2006Twitter founded

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September 2006Facebook Goes


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September 2007 Protests in Burma

Peaceful citizen protests in Burma captured on mobile phones showed the world images of monks being attacked.

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September 2008Kashmir’s mobile phone


Citizens using mobile phones document atrocities during demonstrations, then post footage on

YouTube. AP File Photo

June 2009Iran election protests

Twitter proved significant in keeping Iranians and the world advised as to happenings in Iran -- where open Internet and cell phone communication had been thwarted after the highly disputed reelection of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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April 2010New Jersey Students




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December 2010 – presentThe Arab Spring

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August 2011London Riots

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September 2011Occupy Wall Street


March 2012 #StopKony

Invisible Children, Inc..

Slacktivism: ‘Liking’ is too easy

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"The founders of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube did not create their products with the intent of starting revolutions and ousting dictators.

“Though they may feel they have played a role in the process by providing these vehicles for change, these revolutions begin in the minds and imaginations of those driving them.

[Individuals] choose their tools and their mediums for communication, whether it is print, radio, blogging or just word of mouth, but the strength of a movement lies ultimately in the will for activism. "

-- Madeline Storck

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