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Customers desired service output levels:

1. Lot size2. Waiting time3. Spatial convenience4. Product Variety5. Service backup

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Identifying major channel alternatives:

1. Types of intermediaries : The firm need to identify the types of intermediaries avilable to carry on its channel work

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2. Number of intermediaries: Exclusive distribution

i. Exclusive ii. Selectiveiii. Intensive

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Terms and responsibility of channel partners:

Each channel member must be treated respectfully and given opportunities to be profitable.

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Trade-relation mix:1. Price policy2. Conditions of sale3. Territorial rights4. Mutual services and


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Evaluating channel members:1. Economic2. Control3. Adaptive

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Channel management decisions:

1. Selecting channel members:2. Training channel members3. Motivating channel members:

Channel offering, Channel building programs

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Eliciting power to Co-operate:1. Coercive power2. Reward power3. Legitimate power4. Expert power5. Referent power

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Channel Dynamics: distribution channels do not stand still.

1. Conventional Marketing system2. Vertical Marketing Systemi. Corporateii. Administerediii. Contractual

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3. Horizontal Marketing systems: Symbiotic marketing

4. Multi-channel marketing systems

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Conflict , co-operation and Competition:

1. Types: Vertical, Horizontal, Multichannel

2. Causes

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3. Managing Channel Conflict: i. Superordinate goals, ii. Exchange persons, iii. Cooptation, iv. Joint membership,v. Diplomacyvi. Mediation vii. Arbitration

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Legal & Ethical Issues in Marketing:

i. Exclusive Dealingii. Exclusive territoriesiii. Tying arrangements: Full-line

forcingiv. Dealers Rights

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Wholesaling includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services to those who buy for resale or business use.

They are also called as distributors

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Functions of wholesalers;i. Selling and promotingii. Buying and assortment buildingiii. Bulk breakingiv. Warehousingv. Transportationvi. Financingvii. Risk bearingviii. Market informationix. Management services and counselling

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Retailing includes all activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non business use.

Levels of service:i. Self-serviceii. Self selectioniii. Limited serviceiv. Full service

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Four broad positioning strategies:i. Bloomingdaleii. Tiffanyiii. Sunglass hutiv. Wal-Mart

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Bloomingdale Wal-mart

Tiffany Sunglass hutProduct line

Value Added



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Major Communication Skills1. Encoding2. Decoding3. Response4. Feedback

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Developing effective communications:

1. Identify the target audience 2. Determine the communication objective3. Design the message4. Select the communication channel5. Establish the total communication

budget6. Decide on the communication mix7. Measure the communication results8. Manage the integrated marketing

communication approach.

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Communication strategy

Marketing communication mix:1. Advertising2. Sales promotion3. Public relation 4. Personal selling5. Direct marketing

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