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Page 1: MMCC Call to Commitment 2007 TOPICS FOR COMMITMENT DEVOS Our Beliefs Our Structure Our Strategy Our Response Discipling Giving Commitment Time of affirmation.

MMCC Call to Commitment 2007


Our Beliefs

Our Structure

Our Strategy

Our Response




Time of affirmation

Page 2: MMCC Call to Commitment 2007 TOPICS FOR COMMITMENT DEVOS Our Beliefs Our Structure Our Strategy Our Response Discipling Giving Commitment Time of affirmation.


By Rolan Monje BD, MMin

Page 3: MMCC Call to Commitment 2007 TOPICS FOR COMMITMENT DEVOS Our Beliefs Our Structure Our Strategy Our Response Discipling Giving Commitment Time of affirmation.


• Church existence

• Church membership

• Church direction

• Church strategy

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Why does the church exist?

• Because Jesus desired it (Mt 16.16-18)

• Because God owns her (Acts 20.28)

• Because the Church is the fullness of Christ (Eph 1.23)

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Can you be “in Christ” without being “in the church”?

• No, because Christ is the Head and the Church is his Body (Col 1.18, Eph 1.21-23)

• No, because Christ is the King, and the Church is his Kingdom (1 Tim 6.15, Col 1.13)

• No, because Christ is the Bridegroom, and the Church is his Bride (Eph 5.23-32)

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What about church direction?• Our direction is based on our obedience to

God’s commands.

• The path has been laid out already; we do not need to ‘invent’ a new direction for the church.

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What does God want for us?#1 LOVE GOD • Matt 4:10; Matt 22:37-40; Ps 34:3

Personal worshipGroup worship

• How do you feel about your relationship with God? How are your times with God?

• Do you feel like you are loving God the way that he wishes?

• Do you usually miss devotionals/church services? Why so?

• What can you do to help others be more committed?

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#2 LOVE EACH OTHER• Rom 15:14; Eph 4:12-13; Col 1:28; Acts 2:42-47


Fellowship• Who is/are your discipling partner/s?• How do you feel about the discipling you are

getting in your life?• Do you have any ill feelings towards someone that

you need to be resolved about?

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#3 LOVE THE LOST• Matt 28:18-20; Col 1:6

Evangelistic outreach

Benevolent outreach• When were you last involved in outreach to the

needy or the hurting?• How do you feel about your personal evangelism?• When did you last tell someone about your

conversion, or about church? • When did you last lead a personal Bible study?

When did you last sit in a study?

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What about church direction?• Our direction is based on our obedience to

God’s commands.

• The path has been laid out already; we do not need to ‘invent’ a new direction for the church.

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The Role of the Holy Spirit (Acts)

• Directing

• Encouraging

• Convicting

• Building up

• Strengthening

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Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord. – Ac 9.31

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So what’s our strategy?

• To stick by what God has called us to do

• To evaluate if we’re headed in the right direction

• To adjust accordingly by repentance

• To wait on God for him to move

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To Recap…

• Church existence

• Church membership

• Church direction

• Church strategy

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Family Album – Bohol Scoutinglocation search & meetings with govt officials

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Let us thank the Lord that he guides and directs his church.


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