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  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Dwayne Johnson

     Tobias Santelmann

    Ian McShane

    Rufus Sewell

     Joseph Fiennes

    Pete Mullan

     John !ut


    $ett Ratne


    Ryan Con&al

    "'an Spiliotopoulos

    "'eyone (nows the le)en& of !ecules an& his twel'e labos* #u stoy be)insafte the labos+ an& afte the le)en&, !aunte& by a sin fom his past+ !eculeshas become a mecenay* Alon) with -'e faithful companions+ he ta'els ancient.eece sellin) his se'ices fo )ol& an& usin) his le)en&ay eputation tointimi&ate enemies* $ut when the bene'olent ule of Thace an& his &au)htesee( !ecules/ help to &efeat a sa'a)e an& teifyin) walo&+ !ecules -n&s thatin o&e fo )oo& to tiumph an& 0ustice to pe'ail*** he must a)ain become theheo he once was*** he must embace his own myth*** he must be !ecules*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    Rate& P.123 fo epic battle se4uences+ 'iolence+ su))esti'e comments+ biefston) lan)ua)e an& patial nu&ity*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 89:*9 million*


    Philip Seymou !o;man

    Rachel McA&ams

    %illem Dafoe


    Anton Cobi0n

    !ambu)+ .emany7 : ai'es in the city?s Islamiccommunity &espeate fo help an& loo(in) to eco'e his late Russian fathe?s ill1)otten fotune* Nothin) about this youn) man seems to a&& up@ is he a 'ictim oa thief o+ wose still+ an e5temist intent on &estuction Dawn into this web ofinti)ue ae a ban(e =Dafoe> an& a youn) female lawye =McA&ams> who is&etemine& to &efen& the &efenseless* All the while+ they ae bein) watche& bythe billiant+ o)uish chief of a co'et .eman spy unit =!o;man>+ who -)hts toput the pieces to)ethe as the cloc( tic(s* In an a&enaline lace& an& heat1en&in) escalation of tension an& collision+ it?s not lon) befoe he becomes

    e'eyone?s most wante& man* A Most %ante& Man+ a ceebal tale of inti)ue in

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    the 'ein of Tin(e Tailo Sol&ie Spy+ is also contempoay an& &eeply human+touchin) themes in lo'e+ i'aly an& politics we li'e with e'ey &ay*

    Rate& R fo lan)ua)e*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 829*2 million*


    Foest %hita(e

    An)ela $assett

     Jennife !u&son

    May J* $li)e

     Jacob Latimoe

     Tyese .ibson


    Basi Lemmons


    Basi Lemmons

    In a contempoay a&aptation of Lan)ston !u)hes? celebate& play+ the holi&aymusical &ama $LACB NATIIT follows Lan)ston =Jacob Latimoe>+ a steet1wiseteen fom $altimoe aise& by a sin)le mothe+ as he 0ouneys to New o( City to

    spen& the Chistmas holi&ay with his estan)e& elati'es Re'een& Conell an&Aetha Cobbs =Foest %hita(e an& An)ela $assett>* Enwillin) to li'e by the

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    imposin) Re'een& Cobbs? ules+ a fustate& Lan)ston is &etemine& to etunhome to his mothe+ Naima =Jennife !u&son>* Lan)ston emba(s on a supisin)an& inspiational 0ouney an& alon) with his new fien&s+ an& a little &i'ineinte'ention+ he &isco'es the tue meanin) of faith+ healin)+ an& family*

    Rate& P. fo thematic mateial+ lan)ua)e an& a menacin) situation*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 89*< million*

    PRINCIPAL CASTAn)elina Jolie

    "lle Fannin)

     Juno Temple


    Robet Stombe)


    Lin&a %ool'eton

    Fom Disney comes Male-centGHthe untol& stoy of Disney?s most iconic 'illainfom the 2 classic Sleepin) $eauty*G A beautiful+ pue1heate& youn)woman+ Male-cent has an i&yllic life )owin) up in a peaceable foest (in)&om+until one &ay when an in'a&in) amy theatens the hamony of the lan&*Male-cent ises to be the lan&?s -ecest potecto+ but she ultimately su;es authless betayalHan act that be)ins to tun he pue heat to stone* $ent one'en)e+ Male-cent faces an epic battle with the in'a&in) (in)?s successo an&+as a esult+ places a cuse upon his newbon infant Auoa* As the chil& )ows+Male-cent ealiKes that Auoa hol&s the (ey to peace in the (in)&omHan&

    pehaps to Male-cent?s tue happiness as well*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    Rate& P. fo se4uences of fantasy action an& 'iolence+ inclu&in) fi)htenin)ima)es*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8:2* million*


    Dane Coo( ='oice>

     Julie $owen ='oice>

    "& !ais ='oice>


    $ob .annaway

    Planes7 Fie Rescue is a new come&y1a&'entue about secon& chances+featuin) a &ynamic cew of elite -e-)htin) aicaft &e'ote& to potectin)histoic Piston Pea( National Pa( fom a)in) wil&-e* %hen wol& famous aiace Dusty ='oice of Dane Coo(> leans that his en)ine is &ama)e& an& he mayne'e ace a)ain+ he must shift )eas an& is launche& into the wol& of aeial

    -e-)htin)* Dusty 0oins foces with 'etean -e an& escue helicopte $la&eRan)e an& his coua)eous team+ inclu&in) spiite& supe scoope Dippe ='oiceof Julie $owen>+ hea'y1lift helicopte %in&lifte+ e51militay tanspot Cabbie an&a li'ely bunch of ba'e all1teain 'ehicles (nown as The Smo(e0umpes*

     To)ethe+ the fealess team battles a massi'e wil&-e an& Dusty leans what itta(es to become a tue heo*

    Rate& P. fo action an& some peil*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8*2 million*

    Release& by Disney*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



     Ja(e Johnson

    Damon %ayans J*

    Nina Dobe'

     James D/Acy


    Lu(e .een-el&


    Lu(e .een-el&

    Nicholas Thomas

    It/s the ultimate bu&&y cop mo'ie e5cept fo one thin)7 they/e not cops* %hentwo stu))lin) pals &ess as police o6ces fo a costume paty+ they becomenei)hbohoo& sensations* $ut when these newly1minte& heoes )et tan)le& ina eal life web of mobstes an& &ity &etecti'es+ they must put thei fa(e ba&)eson the line*

    Rate& R fo lan)ua)e inclu&in) se5ual efeences+ some )aphic nu&ity+ 'iolencean& &u) use*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8O:* million

    Release& by Fo5

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Chistophe %al(en

     John Lloy& oun)

    Mi(e Doyle

    incent PiaKKa


    Clint "astwoo&


    Mashall $ic(man

    Clint "astwoo&?s bi) sceen 'esion of the Tony Awa&1winnin) musical tells thestoy of the fou youn) men fom the won) si&e of the tac(s in New Jesey whocame to)ethe to fom the iconic Q

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



     Jason Cla(e

    .ay #l&man

    Bi( Ace'e&o

     Ju&y .ee

    Bei Russell

    An&y Se(is

    Matt Ree'es


    Ma( $ombac(

    Ric( Ja;a

    A )owin) nation of )enetically e'ol'e& apes le& by Caesa is theatene& by a

    ban& of human su'i'os of the &e'astatin) 'ius unleashe& a &eca&e ealie* They each a fa)ile peace+ but it po'es shot1li'e&+ as both si&es ae bou)ht tothe bin( of a wa that will &etemine who will eme)e as "ath/s &ominantspecies*

    Rate& P.123 fo intense se4uences of sci1- 'iolence an& action+ an& bief ston)lan)ua)e*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8:

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    !elen Mien

    Chalotte Lebon

    Rohan Chan&

    #m Pui


    Lasse !allstom


    Richa& C* Moais

    In The !un&e&1Foot Jouney+ the openin) of a new In&ian estauant in thesouth of Fance+ ne5t to a famous Michelin stae& eatey+ is nealy cause fo anall1out wa between the two establishments until Le Saule Pleueu/s icypopietess Ma&ame Malloy eco)niKes he i'al/s un&eniable billiance fopepain) masteful meals*

    Rate& P. fo thematic elements+ some 'iolence+ lan)ua)e an& bief sensuality*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8*: million* Release& by Disney*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    In&ia "isley

    Samuel L* Jac(son

    Callan McAuli;e

    Cal $eu(es


    Ralph iman


     asuomi Emetsu

    $ian Co5

    $ase& on the )oun&bea(in)+ cult classic anime+ BIT" tells the stoy of Sawa=In&ia "isley+The Secet Life of the Ameican Teena)e+ En&ewol&7

    Awa(enin)>+ a youn) woman li'in) in a coupt society whee cime an& )an)steoiKe the steets* %hen Sawa/s mothe an& policeman fathe ae foun&

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    'ictims of a )isly &ouble homici&e+ she be)ins a uthless pusuit fo the manwho mu&ee& them* %ith the help of he fathe/s e51patne+ Bal A(e =SamuelL* Jac(son+ Captain Ameica7 The %inte Sol&ie+ The A'en)es+ D0an)oEnchaine&>+ an& a mysteious fien& fom he past =Callan McAuli;e+ The .eat.atsby+ I Am Numbe Fou>+ she becomes a meciless teen assassin+ blastin) he

    way thou)h the &a( wol& of human ta6c(in) only to unco'e a &e'astatin)tuth*

    Rate& R fo ston) bloo&y 'iolence thou)hout+ )isly ima)es+ &u) an& se5ualcontent*

    Release& by Ancho $ay "ntetainment

    Rumblin) Rails Thomas Fien&s &eli'e mi51ups an& mischief as si)nals )etcosse& on the Islan& of So&o* Thomas &i)s Maion out of a &eep hole+ while

     Timothy helps $ill an& $en with coal touble* Toby )ets his si)nals confuse& atBnapfo& Junction+ as Duncan blows steam &ealin) with a )umpy passen)e*

     Thomas+ Annie an& Claabel put on the ba(es when a passen)e causes

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    confusion an& &elay* Join Thomas an& his fien&s as they sen& out si)nals fo funan& a&'entue

    Not Rate&* Release& by Eni'esal*


    PRINCIPAL CAST Timothy #lyphant

     Joelle Cate

    Nic( Seacy

     Jee $uns

     Jacob Pitts

    %alton .o))ins

     This season+ Deputy E*S* Mashal Raylan .i'ens =Timothy #lyphant> confontsthe Cowes+ a &ea&ly+ lawless family fom Floi&a intent on settlin) in !alan withnew ciminal entepises in min&* Meanwhile+ $oy& Cow&e =%alton .o))ins>stu))les to fee his impisone& -ancUe A'a =Joelle Cate> as he patnes withthe Di5ie Ma-a?s %ynn Du;y =Jee $uns>* $ase& on the late "lmoe Leona&?sshot stoy Fie in the !ole+ Justi-e& was &e'elope& fo tele'ision by .aham


    Not Rate&*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Dan Castellaneta ='oice>

     Julie Ba'ne ='oice>

    Nancy Catwi)ht ='oice>

     ea&ley Smith ='oice>

    %hen we wee 29 it was a 'ey )oo& yea 11 a yea fo !ome/s new &a&+Mac.y'e )ets ma&+ Si&eshow $ob/s not so ba&*** Anothe comical compilation of 

     The Simpsons H the lon)est1unnin) scipte& show in tele'ision histoy H hasai'e&* Season 29 contains all :: outa)eous episo&es+ a 'ast epetoie ofSpin)-el&ian special featues+ plus a min&1blowin) list of celebity )uest 'oices+inclu&in) Alec $al&win+ Lay !a)man+ %illiam !* Macy+ Fances McDoman&+ RobReine+ Susan Saan&on an& Lily Tomlin+ 0ust to name a few+ with a&&itional )uest'oices also po'i&in) commentay inclu&in) Richa& Dean An&eson+ Ric(y.e'ais+ Michael o( an& Belsey .amme* Phew

    Not Rate&* Release& by Fo5*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Chis Patt

    oe Sal&ana

    Da'e $autista

    Lee Pace

    Baen .illan

    in Diesel ='oice>

    $a&ley Coope ='oice>


     James .unn

    Fom Ma'el+ the stu&io that bou)ht you the )lobal bloc(buste fanchises ofIon Man+ Tho+ Captain Ameica an& The A'en)es+ comes a new teamHthe.ua&ians of the .ala5y* An action1pac(e&+ epic space a&'entue+ Ma'el/s.ua&ians of the .ala5yG e5pan&s the Ma'el Cinematic Eni'ese into thecosmos+ whee bash a&'entue Pete Vuill -n&s himself the ob0ect of anunelentin) bounty hunt afte stealin) a mysteious ob co'ete& by Ronan+ apoweful 'illain with ambitions that theaten the entie uni'ese* To e'a&e thee'e1pesistent Ronan+ Vuill is foce& into an uneasy tuce with a 4uatet of&ispaate mis-tsHRoc(et+ a )un1totin) accoon+ .oot+ a tee1li(e humanoi&+ the&ea&ly an& eni)matic .amoa an& the e'en)e1&i'en Da5 the Destoye* $utwhen Vuill &isco'es the tue powe of the ob an& the menace it poses to thecosmos+ he must &o his best to ally his a)ta) i'als fo a last+ &espeate stan&Hwith the )ala5y/s fate in the balance*

    Rate& P.123 fo intense se4uences of sci1- 'iolence an& action+ an& fo some


  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8333*2 million**Release& by Disney an& Ma'el Stu&ios


     Jim Ca'ieKel

    Michael Chi(lis

    Ale5an&e Lu&wi)

    Clancy $own

    Laua Den


     Thomas Cate

    Inspie& by a tue stoy+ %!"N T!" .AM" STANDS TALL tells the ema(able 0ouney of le)en&ay football coach $ob La&ouceu =Jim Ca'ieKel>+ who too( theDe La Salle !i)h School Spatans fom obscuity to a 221)ame winnin) stea(that shattee& all eco&s fo any Ameican spot*

    Rate& P. fo thematic mateial+ a scene of 'iolence+ an& bief smo(in)*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 83

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    A&am Feaa

     Tanne Foust

    Rutle&)e %oo&

    Lauence Fishbune

    Dolph Lun&)en

    Not Rate&*

    Release& by %ane $os

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    "mma Stone

    Colin Fith

    Macia .ay !a&en

    !amish Lin(late

     Jac(i %ea'e


    %oo&y Allen

    Set in the 2:+ Stanley )oes on a mission to the CWte&?AKu mansion of the Catle&)e family7 mothe .ace =Jac(i %ea'e>+ son $ice=!amish Lin(late>+ an& &au)hte Caoline ="ica Leehsen>* !e pesents himselfas a businessman name& Stanley Taplin)e in o&e to &ebun( the alluin) youn)clai'oyant Sophie $a(e =Stone> who is stayin) thee with he mothe =Macia.ay !a&en>* Sophie ai'e& at the Catle&)e 'illa at the in'itation of .ace+ whois con'ince& that Sophie can help he contact he late husban&+ an& once thee+

    attacte& the attention of $ice+ who has fallen fo he hea& o'e heels*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    Fom his 'ey -st meetin) with Sophie+ Stanley &ismisses he as an insi)ni-cantpip1s4uea( who he can unmas( in no time+ sco6n) at the family?s )ullibility* Tohis )eat supise an& &iscomfot+ howe'e+ Sophie accomplishes numeous featsof min&1ea&in) an& othe supenatual &ee&s that &efy all ational e5planation+lea'in) him &umbfoun&e&* $efoe lon)+ Stanley confesses to his belo'e& Auntanessa ="ileen At(ins> that he has be)un to won&e whethe Sophie?s powescoul& actually be eal* If they wee to be tue+ Stanley ealiKes that anythin)mi)ht be possible+ e'en )oo&+ an& his entie belief system woul& come cashin)&own*

    Rate& P.123 fo a bief su))esti'e comment+ an& smo(in) thou)hout*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 82

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    %hen Thomas wa(es up tappe& in a massi'e maKe with a )oup of othe boys+he has no memoy of the outsi&e wol& othe than stan)e &eams about amysteious o)aniKation (nown as %*C*B*D* #nly by piecin) to)ethe fa)mentsof his past with clues he &isco'es in the maKe can Thomas hope to unco'e histue pupose an& a way to escape* $ase& upon the best1sellin) no'el by James


    Rate& P.123 fo thematic elements an& intense se4uences of sci1- 'iolence an&action+ inclu&in) some &istubin) ima)es*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 82

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    $o5 o6ce )oss7 822*: million* Release& by Paamount*


     Jason $ateman

     Tina Fey

    A&am Di'e

     Jane Fon&a

    Rose $yne

    Coey Stoll


    Shawn Le'y

    %hen thei fathe passes away+ fou )own siblin)s+ buise& an& ban)e& up bythei especti'e a&ult li'es+ ae foce& to etun to thei chil&hoo& home an& li'eun&e the same oof to)ethe fo a wee(+ alon) with thei o'e1shain) mothean& an assotment of spouses+ e5es an& mi)ht1ha'e1beens* Confontin) theihistoy an& the faye& states of thei elationships amon) the people who (nowan& lo'e them best+ they ultimately econnect in hysteical an& emotionallya;ectin) ways ami& the chaos+ humo+ heatache an& e&emption that only

    families can po'i&eH&i'in) us insane e'en as they emin& us of ou tuest+ an&often best+ sel'es*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    Rate& R fo lan)ua)e+ se5ual content an& some &u) use*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 83*3 million* Release& by %ane $os


    Reese %ithespoon

    Coey Stoll

    Maia !owell

    Saah $a(e


    Philippe Fala&eau

     They wee (nown simply as The Lost $oys* #phane& by the butal Ci'il wa inSu&an that be)an in 2O3+ these youn) 'ictims ta'ele& as many as a thousan&miles on foot in seach of safety* Fifteen yeas late+ a humanitaian e;ot woul&bin) 3Q bin)s the stoy of thei su'i'al an& tiumph to life* Aca&emy Awa&Xwinne Reese %ithespoon =%al( the Line> stas alon)si&e Su&anese actos

    Anol& #cen)+ .e Duany+ "mmanuel Jal+ an& newcome Nya(uoth %eil+ many ofwhom wee also chil&en of wa* Mamee an& Theo ae sons of the Chief in thei

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    'illa)e in Southen Su&an* %hen an attac( by the Nothen militia &estoys theihome an& (ills thei paents+ el&est son Theo is foce& to assume the ole ofChief an& lea& a )oup of youn) su'i'os+ inclu&in) his siste Abital+ away fomham* $ut the hostile+ teacheous teain has othe &an)es in stoe fo them* Asthe tattee& )oup ma(es the &i6cult te( to Ba(uma efu)ee camp in Benya+

    they meet othe eein) chil&en+ fo)in) a bon& with Jeemiah+ who+ at 23+ isalea&y a man of faith+ an& Paul+ whose s(ills become essential to thei su'i'al*

     Thiteen yeas late+ the now youn) a&ults ae )i'en the oppotunity to lea'e thecamp an& esettle in Ameica* Epon ai'in) in Bansas+ they ae met by CaieDa'is =%ithespoon>+ an employment a)ency counselo who has been enliste& tohelp -n& them 0obsHno easy tas(+ when thin)s li(e staws+ li)ht switches an&telephones ae ban& new to them* Althou)h Caie has successfully (ept heselffom any emotional entan)lements+ these efu)ees+ who &espeately e4uiehelp na'i)atin) the :

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    Maton Cso(as

    Da'i& !abou

    $ill Pullman

    Melissa Leo!aley $ennett

    Da'i& Meunie


    Antoine Fu4ua

    In The "4ualiKe+ DenKel %ashin)ton plays McCall+ a fome blac( ops comman&owho has fa(e& his &eath to li'e a 4uiet life in $oston* %hen he comes out of hisself1impose& etiement to escue a youn) )il+ Tei =ChloY .ace MoetK>+ he

    -n&s himself face to face with ulta1'iolent Russian )an)stes* As he se'es'en)eance a)ainst those who butaliKe the helpless+ McCall?s &esie fo 0ustice iseawa(ene&* If someone has a poblem+ the o&&s ae stac(e& a)ainst them+ an&they ha'e nowhee else to tun+ McCall will help* !e is The "4ualiKe*

    Rate& R fo ston) bloo&y 'iolence an& lan)ua)e thou)hout+ inclu&in) somese5ual efeences*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 82

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    Elich Thomsen

    Fom e5ecuti'e po&uce Alan $all+ ceato of Tue $loo&+ this Cinema5 action&ama chats the continuin) twists an& tuns that follow Lucas !oo& =AntonySta>+ an e51con'ict who impobably assumes the i&entity of shei; of the ual+Amish1aea town of $anshee+ whee his fome lo'e an& patne1in1cime =I'anaMilice'ic> li'es un&e the alias Caie !opewell*

    Not Rate&* Release& by !$# !ome "ntetainment*


    Rob Moow

    "ic Allan Bame

     This thi& an& -nal -lm completes the epic tilo)y a&apte& fom the no'el wittenby Ayn Ran&* Afte 2: yeas of su;ein) mysteious &isappeaances of society/smost1po&ucti'e in&i'i&uals+ the nation?s economy is on the 'e)e of collapse* Asthe )o'enment pusues policies imposin) e'en )eate butality a)ainst thoseemainin)+ Da)ny Ta))at+ ice Pesi&ent of Ta))at Tanscontinental+ must ma(ea choice between sa'in) the nation?s collapsin) infastuctue o the man shehas come to lo'e 1 the man who woul& stop the moto of the %ol&*

    Rate& P.123 fo some 'iolence an& a scene of se5uality*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    "than !aw(e

    Paticia A4uette

    "lla Coltane

    "'ie Thompson


    Richa& Lin(late

    Filme& o'e shot peio&s fom :

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Stan A&elstein

    Lanice Ache

    Robet $a((e

    %hen Paleontolo)ist Pete Lason an& his team fom the $lac( !ills Institutema&e the wol&/s )eatest &inosau &isco'ey in 2

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Cha&wic( $oseman

    iola Da'is

    #cta'ia Spence

    Nelsan "llis

    Cai) Robinson

    Beith Robinson

    In his follow1up to the fou1time Aca&emy Awa&X1nominate& bloc(buste The!elp+ Tate Taylo &iects :/s Cha&wic( $oseman as James $own in .et on Ep*$ase& on the ince&ible life stoy of the .o&fathe of Soul+ the -lm will )i'e afealess loo( insi&e the music+ mo'es an& moo&s of $own+ ta(in) au&iences on

    the 0ouney fom his impo'eishe& chil&hoo& to his e'olution into one of the mostinuential -)ues of the :

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Nicolas Ca)e

    Cassi Thomson

    Nic(y %helan

     Jo&in Spa(s

    Cha& Michael Muay

    Lea Thompson

     The most impotant e'ent in the histoy of man(in& is happenin) i)ht now* Inthe blin( of an eye+ the biblical Raptue sti(es the wol&* Millions of people&isappea without a tace* All that emains ae thei clothes an& belon)in)s+ an&in an instant+ teo an& chaos spea& aoun& the wol&* The 'anishin)s causeunmanne& 'ehicles to cash an& bun* Planes fall fom the s(y* "me)ency focese'eywhee ae &e'astate&* .i&loc(+ iots an& lootin) o'eun the cities* Theeis no one to help o po'i&e answes* In a moment+ the entie planet is plun)e&into &a(ness*

    Rate& P.123 fo some thematic elements+ 'iolenceZpeil an& bief &u) content*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 82*< million* Release& by e#ne "ntetainment an& FeestyleReleasin)*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    I&is "lba

     Taa0i P* !enson

    Leslie $ibb

    Bate &el Castillo

    !eny Simmons

     Tei =Taa0i P* !enson>+ a &e'ote& wife an& mothe of two+ li'es an i&eal life thatta(es a &amatic tun when he home an& chil&en ae theatene& by Colin =I&is"lba>+ a chamin) stan)e who smooth1tal(s his way into he house+ claimin) catouble* The une5pecte& in'itation lea'es he an& he family teoiKe& an&

    -)htin) fo su'i'al*

    Rate& P.123 fo se4uences of 'iolence+ menace+ teo+ an& fo lan)ua)e*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 8:* million* Release& by Sony Pictues an& Sceen .ems*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



     Toby Stephens

    ach Mc.owan

    Lu(e Anol&

    292* The .ol&en A)e of Piacy* New Po'i&ence Islan& is a lawless teitoy+

    contolle& by histoy/s most notoious piate captains* The most feae& isCAPTAIN FLINT* As the $itish Na'y etuns to e&eem thei lan& an& e5teminateFlint an& his cew+ anothe si&e of him eme)es* !e allies himself with "L"AN#R.ET!RI"+ &au)hte of the local (in)pin+ to hunt the ultimate piKe an& ensuethei su'i'al* Many opponents stan& in thei way7 i'al captains+ 0ealous of Flint/spowe@ "leano/s ambitious an& intusi'e fathe@ an& a youn) sailo ecentlyecuite& onto Flint/s cew+ J#!N SIL"R+ who constantly un&emines hiscaptain?s a)en&a*

    Not Rate&*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Lena Dunham

    A&am Di'e

    Allison %illiams

    In Season 3 of the "mmyX an& .ol&en .lobe1winnin) !$#X come&y seies+ thefien&ships between the )ils ae moe 'olatile than e'e+ po'in) that femalefien&ship is its own (in& of omance*

    Not Rate&*

    Release& by !$# !ome "ntetainment*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    $en A[ec(

    Rosamun& Pi(e

     Tyle Pey

    Caie Coon

    .#N" .IRL 11 &iecte& by Da'i& Finche an& base& upon the )lobal bestselle by

    .illian Flynn 11 uneaths the secets at the heat of a mo&en maia)e* #n theoccasion of his -fth we&&in) anni'esay+ Nic( Dunne =$en A[ec(> epots thathis beautiful wife+ Amy =Rosamun& Pi(e>+ has )one missin)* En&e pessue fom

    the police an& a )owin) me&ia fenKy+ Nic(/s potait of a blissful union be)ins tocumble* Soon his lies+ &eceits an& stan)e beha'io ha'e e'eyone as(in) thesame &a( 4uestion7 Di& Nic( Dunne (ill his wife

    Rate& R fo a scene of bloo&y 'iolence+ some ston) se5ual contentZnu&ity+ an&lan)ua)e*

    $o5 o6ce )oss7 82Q9*9 million*

    Release& by Fo5*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015


    As the "bola epi&emic theatens to spial out of contol+ N#A epots fom thehot Kone+ whee coua)eous me&ical teams stu))le to cope with a oo& of'ictims+ to labs whee scientists ae acin) to test 'accines an& -n& a cue*Su'i'in) "bola inclu&es chillin) -st1han& inte'iews of what it/s li(e to catch 11an& 11 su'i'e this teible a[iction*

    Not Rate&* Release& by P$S*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Liam Neeson

    Ruth %ilson

    Dan Ste'ens

    Sebastian Roche

    Ma( Consuelos

    $ase& on Lawence $loc(?s bestsellin) seies of mystey no'els+ A %al( amon)the Tombstones stas Liam Neeson as Matt Scu&&e+ an e51NPD cop who nowwo(s as an unlicense& pi'ate in'esti)ato opeatin) 0ust outsi&e the law* %henScu&&e eluctantly a)ees to help a heoin ta6c(e =Dan Ste'ens> hunt &ownthe men who (i&nappe& an& then butally mu&ee& his wife+ the PI leans thatthis is not the -st time these men ha'e committe& this sot of twiste& cime,no will it be the last* $luin) the lines between i)ht an& won)+ Scu&&e acesto tac( the &e'iants thou)h the bac(steets of New o( City befoe they (illa)ain* %itten an& &iecte& by Scott Fan( =The Loo(out>+ A %al( amon) the

     Tombstones is po&uce& by Jesey Films? Danny Deito+ Double Featue Films?Michael Shambe) an& Stacey She+ "5clusi'e Me&ia?s Tobin Ambust an& CossCee( Pictues? $ian #li'e* Eni'esal will &istibute the -lm in Noth Ameica*

    Rate& R fo ston) 'iolence+ &istubin) ima)es+ lan)ua)e an& bief nu&ity* $o5

    o6ce )oss7 8:Q*< million*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Ashley Ju&&

    $la(e Rayne

    Seth .een

    Ray Liotta

     T!" ID"NTICAL tells the compellin) stoy of twin bothes un(nowin)ly sepaate&at bith &uin) the .eat Depession* DR"\"L !"MSL" becomes an iconic

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Bisten $ell

    Don Chea&le

     Josh Lawson

    Donis Leona& J*

    Dawn #li'iei

    $en SchwatK

    .lynn Tuman

    Chamin)+ fast tal(in) Maty Baan =Don Chea&le> an& his cac( team ofmana)ement consultants (now how to play the copoate )ame bette thananyone+ by usin) e'ey &ity tic( in the boo( to woo poweful C"#s an& closehu)e &eals* In the boa& ooms+ baooms+ an& be&ooms of the powe elite+couption is business as usual an& e'eyone/s out fo themsel'es -st* Nothin)is sace& in this scathin)+ ie'eent satie of copoate Ameica to&ay*

    Not Rate&*

    Release& by Paamount*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    Pipe Peabo

    Chistophe .oham

    Dan)e+ scan&al an& smo(in) )uns ae no match fo esouceful CIA opeati'eAnnie %al(e =Pipe Peabo>+ who po'es heself as astute as e'e in season fouof Co'et A;ais* %hen Annie an& Au))ie =Chistophe .oham>+ he blin& lo'e

    an& collea)ue+ mi5 business with pleasue on a tip to Colombia+ they u[e thefeathes of local CIA station chief Cal&e Michaels =!ill !ape>+ whose seemin)lyeetin) alle)iance has ma0o implications fo the futue of the DomesticPotection Di'ision* Complicatin) mattes+ Athu =Pete .alla)he> e'eals aco'et a;aiG of his own+ while !eny?s =.e)oy ItKin> ulteio moti'es aebou)ht to li)ht* entue acoss South Ameica+ "uope+ an& Asia with Annie in all2Q thillin) episo&es+ bac(1to1bac( an& uninteupte&*

    Not Rate&*

    Release& by Eni'esal*

  • 8/9/2019 Mo Moviez New Arrivals Feb 2015



    .abiel Macht

    Patic( J* A&ams

    Ric( !o;man

    Saah Ra;ety

    .ina Toes

    Me)han Ma(le

    Powe is shiftin) an& lines ae cosse& in the )ippin) thi& season of Suits*Followin) the -m?s me)e with a pesti)ious $itish business+ loyalties aeteste& between hi)h1powee& counsel !a'ey Specte =.abiel Macht+ Lo'e an&#the Du)s>+ le)al po&i)y Mi(e Ross =Patic( J* A&ams+ T?s LostG>+ an& theiboss+ mana)in) patne Jessica Peason =.ina Toes+ T?s .ossip .ilG>* %ithRic( !o;man =T?s Samantha %hoG>+ Me)han Ma(le =!oible $osses>+ an&Saah Ra;ety =Small+ $eautifully Mo'in) Pats>+ watch all 2Q episo&es of the

    smat seies*

    Not Rate&*

    Release& by Eni'esal*

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