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User involvement - make it work!By Anna Witteman & Robin van den Oever

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Robin van den Oever Head of Communication

and Collaboration

Anna Witteman Head of UX Lab

Hello :)

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Copyright © A. Witteman & R. van den Oever - All Rights Reserved.

“Mobile internet will become

the most important medium

in people's lives.”

Founded in 2002

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“Put users first. Focus on love. The best marketing is investing in the user experience.

Then the user will market for you.”

- Brian Chesky, CEO and co-founder Airbnb

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Orient Plan Build Ta-da!

Business wo(men)

Kindergarten students

0 18 Minutes


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Traditional Usability Testing

Pulse UX

0 Time

Involve users

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Pulse: iterative User Involvement

•Prioritize: test important part(s) most extensive

•Frequent: reliable results, also test improvements

•Empathize: learn what matters to users

•Optimize: learn to test

Allow responding to change

'I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work.’

Sir Thomas Edison

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FOCUS Eliminate Waste DIY

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• Finding the right problem to solve

• Check if you provide a good solution to a problem

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Business assumptions

I believe my customers have a need to …….…………

I believe these needs can be solved with ……………….

The #1 value a customer wants to get out of my service is ……………

I will acquire the most of my customers through ………………………

I will make money by ……………………

My primary competition in the market will be ………………

My biggest product risk is ……………..

We will solve this through ……………………

What other assumptions, if proven false, will cause our business to fail?

User assumptions

I believe my user is …….…………

I believe our products solves (needs) ……………….

Our product is used (when) ………………….

Our product is used (how) …………………..

Our product should look ……………………

Our product should behave ……………………

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We believe that we are

[doing this/building this feature/creating this experience]

for [these people/personas]

will achieve [this outcome].

We will know this is true when we see

[this market feedback, quantitative measure, or qualitative insight].

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We believe that we are

creating a way to give users discount on shipping costs of online ordering by buying

product X

for online grocery-shoppers at Retailer Y

will achieve more people ordering product X and more online orders

We will know this is true when we see

an increase in the number of orders being placed (with product X in it)

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known unknown

high risk

low risk

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Step 2: Eliminate WasteEliminate Waste

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1. Find your RhythmPrevent or defuse the bomb

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Sequential way of working




User Testing

User Testing

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The agile way of working

Product Backlog

Sprint Backlog

Potentially Shippable Product

2-3 weeks

24 hours

Daily Scrum Meeting




User Testing

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Eliminate WasteTame the dragon

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• Write a scenario

• Create a prototype

• Recruit users

• Pilot test

• Conduct Tests

• Edit videos

• Analyze video

• Write report

• Present results

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Product = Prototype

• Write a scenario

• Create a prototype

• Recruit users

• Pilot test

• Conduct Tests

• Edit videos

• Analyze video

• Write report

• Present results

User test = Report

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Pulse UX TestingTraditional UX testing

Iterative UX testing: every 2 weeks

UX testing (near) the end of a project

Continuous testingSingle test

Small sessionsBig session

Performed by the teams: the team members learn most

Performed by researchers: the researchers learn most

Changes early in the process; thus less costly

Changes late in the process; thus very costly

Rise in ‘first time right’ of features

Few ‘first time right’ of features

120% end-result in 80% of the time

Difficult to measure success

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Eliminate Waste


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The setup can be low-cost & simple:

• Find a tool that fits your project

• Different tools to different types of questions & needs

• How to find out what people really think about your product/service


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What kind of fancy testing tool is this?

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Our setup is a combination of simple tools

less than €120,-

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Preparation time? Results? Scripted or

Free?Over longer

period? In context? Real use? Duration? Effective time spend?

Interview < 1/2 day audio/video scripted can be can be yes < day day

Paper prototyping

< 1/2 day video scripted no can be no < day day

Lookback days video free yes yes yes depends week

Usability Testing

< 1/2 day video both no no no < day depends

WhatsApp/ WeChat

day text/photos videos scripted yes yes yes weeks depends

Your own tool/ method ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Rob Fitzpatrick ‘The Mom Test’

Always ask about the now & before,

never ask about the future

Always ask about specific situations &

examples, never anything generic.

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SUMMARY of Today:

FOCUS Where to start Reduce Risk

Eliminate Waste Frequency Efficiency

DIY Tools

& Questions

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Thank you!

More? Questions? Feedback? Share experience? We would love to talk some more.

Find our presentation at slideshare.net/icemobile [email protected] [email protected]

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IceMobileAmsterdam @icemobile@icemobile

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