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Page 1: Mobile Marketing 2012

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Keith Griffis @MrSimpleMediaSimple Media Marketingwww.SimpleMediaMarketing.com

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Mobile Marketing 2012:How to Leverage Mobile Users to drive revenue

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1. Mobile Statistics

2. What is Mobile Marketing?

3. Basics of Mobile Marketing

4. Mobile Advertising

5. SMS Text Campaigns

6. Open Discussion

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

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Who am I?

• Web Nerd starting at 14

• B.S. EE & MBA

• Full Time Marketing

• Marketing Blogger

• Speaker/Coach

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Keith GriffisSocial Media & Internet Marketing Consultant

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Guess that number?


Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

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Guess that number?

101,300,000Mobile Subscribers using

smartphones in U.S.*

13% growth in 1 year (U.S. Population is 300M)

*Data provided by MobileLens and published courtesy of techncrunch.com

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Usage statistics

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

• 74.6% Use their Smartphone for SMS Texts.

• 48.6% Use Mobile Apps

• 50% Use Mobile Browsers

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What is Mobile Marketing?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Goal of MM is to obtain customers via mobile technology (Mobile Apps, SMS Text, etc) for a specific purpose 

(i.e. Visit a location, make a purchase, or capture a lead)

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What is a Mobile Device?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Basic Phones(SMS Only)

Smart Phones w/ Data Plan(iPhone, Droid, Blackberry)

Tablets(iPad, Galaxy)

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Are All Mobile Devices the Same?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

No! Demographic, Available Technology, Usage Behavior, & Marketing Tactics Differ between


= = ?

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Demographic per Device

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Lifestyle/tech saavy


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Available Technology

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Different Technology dictates different marketing

techniques per device.


Mobile Apps,Mobile Web

Mobile Apps,Mobile Web

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Behaviors per Device

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Different behavior dictates different marketing

techniques per device.

Talk first, text second

Casual Browsing, Traveling

Everyday use, shopping, directions,


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How do we leverage Mobile Users?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

1. Get in front of them

2. Capture the Lead

3. Make the Sale!

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Get in Front of Customers

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Mobile AppsMobile AdsSMS Text Campaigns

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How do SMS Text Campaigns Work?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

1. User Text a code to a special number

2. User is added to a list

3. Company sends periodic texts to the list (like email lists)

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A few uses for SMS Text?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Deals &Discounts

Real Estate Updates

Local biz

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Service for SMS Text Campaigns?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

SimpleTexting.com offers 30 day free trial

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How do Mobile Ads work?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

1. User is using an app and clicks a mobile ad

2. User is taken to a landing page with a form or phone #

3. User signs up on form or calls #.

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A few uses for Mobile Ads

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Event Promotion

Multimedia Content


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Services for mobile ad campaigns?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Admob by Google

iAds by Apple

Yp Mobile & Others

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Capture the Lead

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Use a landing page with 1 Call to Action

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How to leverage mobile apps?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

Leverage Existing AppsCreate Your Own App

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Existing Mobile Apps to use?

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.



Map-Centric Apps


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Make the Sale

Visit www.SimpleMediaMarketing.com for more web marketing strategies.

70% use Smartphone while shopping.

20% of Visitors who visit mobile-optimized

site, Call.

Stats courtesy of DudaMobile.

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Thank You!

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