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Page 1: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010

Prashant ShuklaNuclear Physics DivisionBARC, Mumbai India

1India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai

Page 2: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

PbPb Run Status

1. Heavy Ion PbPb collisions: November – December 2010

5.5 TeV ---> 4 TeV --> 2.76 TeV

2. Integrated Luminosity

Rough estimates 10 to 50 µb-1.

Mock Data Challenge in July 2nd week.

Hydjet Events, Signals (Z0, photons, jets) embedded.


Test the preparedness of the analysis flow/framework.

Stress test for all tools; condor, crab jobs.


Page 3: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Heavy Ion Physics Analysis Groups

1. Charged Particle Spectra (Edward Wengar)

a) Pseudorapidity distribution of charged hadrons.

b) Charged hadron transverse momentum spectra

c) Transverse momentum spectra of identified hadrons

2. High PT Group (Marguerite B. Tonjes)

a) π0 RAA (C. Maguire)

b) Direct photons RAA ( '' )

c) Jet: Transverse energy

3. Correlation/Flow ( Julia Velkovska)

a) Dihadron correlation -->

Correlation between identified CalJets (10-15 GeV) and associated

tracket track (2-4 GeV).

b) Eleptic flow v2 = < cos 2 (atan(py/px)) > Pressure tarnsfer from y to x

4. Dileptons (Catherine Silvestre)


Quarkonia ( J/psi, B2Jpsi, Upsilon) 3

Page 4: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Dilepton Group : aim


Aim is to produce following spectrum for PbPb --> Z0, J/psi, B->J/psi , Y

BPH‐10‐002 & 003:

1. 2000 J/ψ with 18 nb –1

σ = 221 ± 46 ± 70 nb

2. 211 Y with 80 nb –1

σ = 9.7 ± 0.9 ± 1.1 nb

Page 5: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Extrapolation from pp


X- section at 2.76 TeV = 11065.4 pb

Ratio (2.76/7.0) = 0.422897

77 Z0->mumu in pp for 198 nb-1

70 Z0->mumu in PbPb for 10 nb-1

Page 6: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

July Exercise by Heavy Ion Dilepton Group

Start with Z0 embedded Hydjet Data

• Skimming (Hyunchul)• Checking (di)muon plots (Mihee)• Signal extraction (Vineet, Prashant, Cath)• Acceptance and efficiency corrections (DongHo)• Alternate method (Jorge, Camelia)• Rcp (Camelia)


The Framwork: (Vineet) Skim0 -> Heavy Ion specific Skim1 -> Dilepton Specific Histograms Filling Fits

Page 7: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Z0 signals with July


400 Signals were embedded in Hydjet

Reconstructed signalwith two global muon tracks.

More details by Vineet

Page 8: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Spectra Group


Pseudo Rapidity distribution of charged tracks

0-10 % Central Corrected by Hydjet

Consistency is 3 % level.

Page 9: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Photon Analysis


Reconstruction of Pi0 ---> 2 photons

1. To show if ECAL calibrations work for HI events

--> Direct photon spectrum for ET = 20 GeV to 100 GeV

2. RAA of pi0 over large pT and centarlity coverage.

Aims of July exercise:

Show that the pi0 mass peak can be reconstructed over a wide pT and centrality.


Reco -> 3X3 Cluster Finder -> Ntuple -> combine clusters to make pi0

cluster pT > 0.75 GeV, pair pT > 2 GeV

Adopted from pp

Page 10: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Pi0 -> 2 photons


30000 events for 50 -100 % centrality

pT = 2-8 GeV/c

Page 11: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Jets and Dijets reconstruction


Event Selection

Top 20 % Centrality

Dijet selection

Jet Eta < 2.0

Dijet dPhi > 2.5

100 GeV < Leading Jet Et < 170 GeV, 50 GeV < Away Jet Et

Dijet Statistics

220 Dijets

Track Selection

hiSelectedTracks, pt > 1.2 GeV

Page 12: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Jets reconstruction


Jets reconstruction Jets reconstruction

Page 13: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Event Characterization


1. Vertexing

2. Centrality

3. Trigger Efficiency

4. Event Plane

Event Characterization techniques for

Page 14: Mock Data Challenge PbPb collisions - July 2010 Prashant Shukla Nuclear Physics Division BARC, Mumbai India 1 India CMS, 29-30 July 2010, BARC, Mumbai.

Summary and Outlook


1. Most of the analysis framework is ready: First spectra will be quick: In 2 weeks after reconstruction

2. Many analysis in PbPb benefit by pp exeprience

3. The statistics of signals will similar to pp.

4. BARC participation in dileptons is significant.

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