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Page 1: modals ppt 10º

8/6/2019 modals ppt 10º

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Can I go to the concert tonight please, mom?

May I come in please, teacher?

It may rain this afternoon

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8/6/2019 modals ppt 10º

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I can swim quite well.

When I was small I could play with marbles

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8/6/2019 modals ppt 10º

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Shall we go to the movies tonight?

You are not looking well, you should see a doctor.

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You must only smoke outside!

You mustnt go in there, it is only for VIPs.

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Our team will win the championship!

He would work harder if you left.

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Can I go with you to the concert tonight?

May I come in please, teacher?

It may rain this afternoon.

I can swim quite well.

When I was a child I could play with marbles.

Shall we go to the movies tonight?

You are not looking well, you should see a doctor.

You must only smoke outside!

You mustnt go in there, it is only for VIPs!

Our team will win the championship!

He would work harder if you left.

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Can I go with you to the concert tonight?

May I come in please, teacher?

It may rain this afternoon.

I can swim quite well.

When I was a child I could play with marbles.

Shall we go to the movies tonight?

You are not looking well, you should see a doctor.

You must only smoke outside.

You mustnt go in there, it is only for VIPs.

Our team will win the championship!

He would work harder if you left.

Permissão - informal

Permissão - formal


Capacidade/ Habilidade

Capacidade - passado






Intenção - passado

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Page 9: modals ppt 10º

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Os verbos modais:

� não têm marcas de número (-s de 3ª pessoa);

He can run very fast.

� não tem tempo (-ing ou -ed);

I could run faster when I was thinner.

� são sempre seguidos de infinitivo sem to;

He must run faster otherwise he will lose the race.

� como outros verbos auxiliares (do, have), passam para antes do sujeito nas perguntas;

May I go out tonight?

� são seguidos de "not" nas negativas;

I shouldnt eat too many ice-creams.

Algumas regras importantes

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8/6/2019 modals ppt 10º

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1. Mom I go to school tomorrow? Im feeling better today. (asking permission)

2. You study for your test otherwise you will fail. (giving advice)

3. Children talk to stangers . (prohibition)

4. I come in, please Doctor? (asking permission)

5. Our family be famous if we had been rich. (ability)

6. we eat out tonight? (suggestion)

7. We go to the beach if it is hot. (probability)


8. You take your medicine everyday.

9. They be comming home today.



Exercise examples

must n t 


c ould 



must / should 


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