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Page 1: Modelling the optical and radiative properties of freshly ... · 1404 M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC approach is applicable for many liquid-phase water-soluble aerosols. However,

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1403–1416, 2010www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/1403/2010/© Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


and Physics

Modelling the optical and radiative properties of freshly emittedlight absorbing carbon within an atmospheric chemical transportmodel

M. Kahnert

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, 601 76 Norrkoping, Sweden

Received: 16 October 2009 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 26 November 2009Revised: 26 January 2010 – Accepted: 2 February 2010 – Published: 8 February 2010

Abstract. Light absorbing carbon (LAC) aerosols have acomplex, fractal-like aggregate structure. Their optical andradiative properties are notoriously difficult to model, andapproximate methods may introduce large errors both in theinterpretation of aerosol remote sensing observations, andin quantifying the direct radiative forcing effect of LAC. Inthis paper a numerically exact method for solving Maxwell’sequations is employed for computing the optical propertiesof freshly emitted, externally mixed LAC aggregates. Thecomputations are performed at wavelengths of 440 nm and870 nm, and they cover the entire size range relevant for mod-elling these kinds of aerosols. The method for solving theelectromagnetic scattering and absorption problem for aggre-gates proves to be sufficiently stable and fast to make accu-rate multiple-band computations of LAC optical propertiesfeasible. The results from the electromagnetic computationsare processed such that they can readily be integrated into achemical transport model (CTM), which is a prerequisite forconstructing robust observation operators for chemical dataassimilation of aerosol optical observations. A case study isperformed, in which results obtained with the coupled op-tics/CTM model are employed as input to detailed radiativetransfer computations at a polluted European location. It isfound that the still popular homogeneous sphere approxima-tion significantly underestimates the radiative forcing at topof atmosphere as compared to the results obtained with theaggregate model. Notably, the LAC forcing effect predictedwith the aggregate model is less than that one obtains by as-suming a prescribed mass absorption cross section for LAC.

Correspondence to:M. Kahnert([email protected])

1 Introduction

Coupling atmospheric chemical transport models (CTM) tomodels for aerosol optical properties (AOP) is a challengingtask with high relevance in chemical data assimilation andclimate research. One major problem in chemical data as-similation of aerosol remote sensing observations is the con-struction of aerosol observation operators (Kahnert, 2008).An observation operator is a forward model that maps theoutput of the CTM to observed quantities, such as aerosoloptical depth, or aerosol backscattering and extinction coef-ficients. This forward model is employed in a data assim-ilation algorithm to solve the inverse problem of retrievingaerosol physical and chemical properties from remote AOPobservations. Another important application within climatemodelling is the computation of the direct radiative forcingeffect of aerosols. General circulation models (GCM) haveoften employed climatological aerosol fields. However, thetrend in modern earth-system modelling is to treat aerosolfields dynamically by coupling a CTM to a GCM. To makeuse of the information provided by a CTM in calculationsof the direct radiative forcing effect of aerosols, it is essen-tial to have an accurate and robust method for mapping theaerosols’ physical and chemical properties to their radiativeproperties.

By far the simplest and most wide-spread method for com-puting AOP based on size-resolved chemical composition isto approximate aerosols by homogeneous spheres. The dif-ferent chemical aerosol components are, in general, assumedto be partially externally, partially internally mixed. TheAOP are computed within the homogeneous-spheres approx-imation (HSA) by use of effective medium theory (Chyleket al., 2000) and by Lorenz-Mie theory (Mie, 1908). This

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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approach is applicable for many liquid-phase water-solubleaerosols. However, it is well known that for non-sphericalmineral aerosols the optical properties (Mishchenko et al.,1997; Nousiainen et al., 2006; Kahnert and Nousiainen,2006; Veihelmann et al., 2006; Kahnert, 2004; Schulz et al.,1999, 1998) and even the climate forcing effect of aerosols(Pilinis and Li, 1998; Jacobson, 2000; Kahnert and Kylling,2004; Kahnert et al., 2005, 2007; Otto et al., 2009) can behighly morphology-dependent. In such cases, more sophis-ticated optical models need to be employed (Mishchenkoet al., 1996; Dubovik et al., 2002; Rother et al., 2006).

Mineral dust is one class of aerosol particles for whichthe HSA usually fails. Another class of aerosols with com-plex morphologies are light absorbing carbonaceous aggre-gates, commonly referred to as “soot”, “black carbon” (BC),or “light absorbing carbon” (LAC). Freshly emitted LAC canbe regarded as hydrophobic, externally mixed agglomeratesof primary spherules. As these particles age, they are oxi-dized in the atmosphere, become partially hydrophillic, andcan mix internally with other weakly absorbing aerosols. Un-certainties in modelling optical properties of LAC aggregatesarise mainly from (i) variability in the refractive index; and(ii) approximations in the treatment of particle morphology.This article will focus on freshly emitted, externally mixedLAC aggregates, and on how to treat the complex morphol-ogy of such particles in AOP/CTM computations. Prob-lems specific to internally mixed LAC are, e.g., discussed byFuller(1999); Bond et al.(2006); Kocifaj and Videen(2008);Worringen et al.(2008).

For AOP computations of fractal-like aggregates, approxi-mate methods, such as Rayleigh-Debeye-Gans (RDG) theory(Sorensen, 2001), and other approximations (Okada et al.,2007) have been developed and applied, e.g. byZhao and Ma(2009). In parallel, methods based on rigorous electromag-netic scattering theory have been developed (Borghese et al.,1984; Mackowski and Mishchenko, 1996; Xu and Gustafson,2001) and applied to various case studies. Applications to at-mospheric LAC have, e.g., been reported byLiu et al.(2008).Astrophysical applications to interplanetary dust aggregateshave, e.g., been presented byOkada et al.(2008).

In an excellent recent review paper,Bond and Bergstrom(2006) discussed the state-of-the-art of different methods andconcluded that the use of the HSA for fresh LAC is likely tointroduce significant errors in modelling AOP based on sizeand chemical composition of aerosols. Although the RDGapproximation can be expected to give improved results, itstill under-predicts LAC-absorption by about 30%. As meth-ods based on rigorous theory have, so far, proved to be com-putationally too demanding for broadband applications, theauthors recommended for externally mixed LAC to (i) use amass absorption cross section (MAC) of (7.5±1.2) m2/g at awavelength ofλ=550 nm, where the mass density of LACcan be assumed to be 1.8 g/cm3; (ii) assume a single scat-tering albedo ofω=0.25; (iii) assume an inverse wavelengthdependence of MAC.

In this paper, a method for computing the scattering andabsorption properties of fresh LAC based on rigorous elec-tromagnetic theory will be employed (Xu and Gustafson,2001). This method has been developed by astrophysicists,who are mainly interested in light scattering by interplanetarydust, which usually is much less absorbing than LAC. Thefocus in the present study is on assessing the feasibility ofcoupling this method to CTM computations with the idea ofusing it for developing aerosol optical observation operatorsfor chemical data assimilation, and for performing radiativeflux computations for constraining the direct climate forcingeffect of LAC. The results are compared to correspondingcomputations based on the HSA and on prescribed MAC.

Section2 briefly reviews some of the main physical prop-erties of freshly emitted LAC. Section3 explains the method-ology employed in this study. Results are presented inSect.4, and discussed in Sect.5.

2 Physical properties of freshly emitted light absorbingcarbon

2.1 Morphological properties

Light absorbing carbon aggregates formed in combustionprocesses typically have a fractal-like structure that can bemodelled by the scaling relation (Jones, 2006)

Ns= k0




, (1)

whereNs denotes the number of spherical monomers in theaggregate,a denotes the monomere radius,k0 and Df areknown as the structure factor and the fractal dimension, re-spectively, andRg is the radius of gyration of the aggregate,which is defined by

Rg =

√√√√ 1



r2i . (2)

Hereri denotes the distance of theith sphere in the aggre-gate from the centre of mass. FollowingMackowski(2006)andSorensen and Roberts(1997), we assumeDf =1.82 andk0=1.27, which correspond to typical values of freshly emit-ted LAC formed in diffusion limited cluster aggregation pro-cesses. The monomer radius typically ranges between 10and 25 nm (Bond and Bergstrom, 2006). In this study, weshall assumea=25 nm. We used the aggregation algorithmby Mackowski(1994) to generate random fractal geometries.Figure1 shows an example forNs=1000.

As this article focuses on freshly emitted LAC, it will beassumed throughout this study that the LAC aggregates arehydrophobic and not internally mixed with other chemicalaerosol components. Note, however, that the hygroscopicand morphological properties of LAC change as the aggre-gates age in the atmosphere. The aggregates become more

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Fig. 1. Light absorbing carbon aggregate withNs=1000 pri-mary monomers, fractal dimensionDf=1.82, and structure factork0=1.27.

Fig. 1. Light absorbing carbon aggregate withNs=1000 pri-mary monomers, fractal dimensionDf =1.82, and structure factork0=1.27.

hydrophillic, and the fractal dimension increases to valuesDf>2. Aged LAC aggregates tend to mix with other aerosolscomponents, such as sulphate aerosols (Worringen et al.,2008).

2.2 Size range

We need to obtain a first very rough estimate of the size rangewe have to consider in our optical modelling study. Figure2(solid line) shows a schematic number size distributionn(r)

of diesel soot emissions based onFarnlund et al.(2001). Themajority of particles is emitted in the size range up to a ra-dius of 100 nm. In fact, some aerosol dynamic models as-sume that all externally mixed LAC is limited to the Aitkenmode, such as the M7 model (Vignati et al., 2004), thus ne-glecting externally mixed LAC in the accumulation mode.However, since the optical cross sections increase with par-ticle size, even small number densities of large particles canmake a significant contribution to the size-averaged opticalcross sections. Let us consider the extinction cross sectionCext(r) of homogeneous spheres with a refractive index ofm=1.70+0.64i (typical for LAC at 440 nm), and computeCext(r)n(r). The result is represented by the dashed line inFig. 2. Particles up to a radius of approximatelyr=300 nmcan make a significant contribution to the total extinction ef-ficiency.

Measurement methods of LAC size distributions, such asthose employed byFarnlund et al.(2001), are often based onaerodynamic size segregation methods. Thus, the radius inFig. 2 is to be understood as the radius of an aerodynami-cally equivalent sphere, denoted byRa. This quantity is dif-ficult to convert into physically more tangible size measures,such as the radius of gyrationRg, the radiusRA of a sphere

16 M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.40











particle radius [µ m]

number density per size intervalextinction efficiency per size interval

Fig. 2. Diesel soot emissions (solid line), and corresponding ex-tinction efficiency per size interval (dashed line) for homogeneousspheres with a refractive index ofm=1.70+0.64i.

Fig. 2. Diesel soot emissions (solid line), and corresponding ex-tinction efficiency per size interval (dashed line) for homogeneousspheres with a refractive index ofm=1.70+0.64i.

M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC 17

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500









R [µ


a=25 nm




Fig. 3. RA, Rg, andRV as a function ofNs for aggregates witha=25 nm,Df=1.82, andk0=1.27.

Fig. 3. RA , Rg, andRV as a function ofNs for aggregates witha=25 nm,Df =1.82, andk0=1.27.

with equivalent geometric cross section, or the radiusRV of asphere with equivalent volume. However, it can be assumedthat for fractal clustersRa lies much closer toRA than toRV(Smekens et al., 1997). Figure3 showsRA , Rg, andRV asa function of the number of primary monomersNs for theaggregates considered in this study. A size ofRA =300 nmwould correspond to aboutNs=250. Since this is only avery rough estimate, we extend this range by a factor of 4 upto aggregates sizes ofNs=1000. This should safely coverthe entire size range (in terms of mass per particle) that canbe reasonably expected to contribute to the extinction cross

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section. Note, however, that for smaller monomer radiia,aggregates may even be larger thanNs=1000.

Since we are interested in coupling AOP and CTM simula-tions, and since CTMs are primarily mass transport models,the size of the LAC aggregates shall from now on be speci-fied in terms ofRV .

2.3 Refractive index

The refractive indexm=n+ iκ of LAC can vary dependingon the degree of graphitisation and depending on the voidfractions in the material. These two effects give rise to dif-ferent inter-dependencies of the real partn and imaginarypartκ of m.

In the graphitisation model the refractive index of LAC isexplained in terms of the molecular structure of the carbona-ceous material, as discussed in detail byBond and Bergstrom(2006). LAC usually consists of a mixture of carbon bondsknown assp2 and sp3 bonds. In the former, ones andtwo p electrons in the carbon atom are hybridized into threemolecular orbitals in a plane with 3-fold rotational symme-try. In the latter, thes and all threep valence electrons arehybridized into molecular orbitals with tetrahedral symme-try. sp3 bonding is, e.g., found in methane and in diamond,whereassp2 is found in benzene and in graphite. In thesp2

hybridization, the remainingp valence electron of each car-bon atom becomes part of a delocalizedπ-orbital, in whichthe electrons can move quite freely. Theseπ -electrons haveclosely spaced energy levels, which allows them to absorbelectromagnetic radiation over a broad spectrum. Variationof the size of thesp2 “islands” within ansp3 “matrix” givesrise to a characteristic variation ofn andκ.

The void fraction model, on the other hand, is based on theassumption that there exists strongly absorbing carbon with asingle refractive index. The variation of the refractive indexof LAC is explained in terms of a variable void fraction inthe material. This model gives rise to a characteristic inter-dependence ofn andκ that is distinctly different from that ofthe graphitisation model.

By performing a critical review of available measure-ments, and by comparing observations with model results,Bond and Bergstrom(2006) were able to show that a ma-jority of observed LAC refractive indices lie along the voidfraction curve. Thus they were able to constrain the range ofLAC refractive indices to a rather narrow range. Most no-tably, they find that the refractive index ofm=1.74+0.44iat a wavelengthλ=550 nm, which is commonly employedin climate models, clearly lies outside the range of rea-sonablem values of LAC. Present estimates of the cli-mate forcing effect of LAC aerosols may therefore be inerror. In the present study, we employ the refractive in-dex values reported byChang and Charalampopoulos(1990),which lie within the range specified byBond and Bergstrom(2006). We consider two wavelengths, namely,λ=440 nm

18 M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC












SO4sea saltOCLACdustwater








λ [µm]



SO4sea saltOCLACdustwater

Fig. 4. Real part (top) and imaginary part (bottom) of the refractiveindex of sulphate (red), sea salt (purple), organic carbon (green),LAC (black), dust (cyan), and water (blue) as a function of wave-length.

Fig. 4. Real part (top) and imaginary part (bottom) of the refractiveindex of sulphate (red), sea salt (purple), organic carbon (green),LAC (black), dust (cyan), and water (blue) as a function of wave-length.

andλ=870 nm, at which the corresponding refractive indicesarem=1.70+0.64i andm=1.79+0.57i, respectively.

For most of the other aerosol components the refractive in-dices are taken from the OPAC database (Hess et al., 1998),where the OPAC refractive index for soluble particles hasbeen used for ammonium and nitrate. For organic carbonand mineral dust we have adopted the values employed inthe ECHAM model. The refractive index of water is takenfrom Segelstein(1981). Figure4 shows the spectral varia-tion of the refractive indices of different aerosol componentsin our AOP/CTM code.

2.4 Modelling the optical properties

AOP computations are usually performed by computing opti-cal properties of single particles with given chemical compo-sition and physical properties, followed by performing an en-semble average over sizes, compositions, morphologies, andorientations. Figure5 shows, as an example, the extinctionefficiencyQext of homogeneous spheres as a function of sizeparameterx=kr for a refractive index ofm=1.6+0.001i(blue line), which is typical for mineral aerosols at visiblewavelengths, and corresponding results form=1.7+0.64i(red line), which is typical for LAC atλ=440 nm. This fig-ure clearly illustrates the quenching of internal resonances inhighly absorbing material, which allows us to significantlyreduce the number of discrete sizes over which we performthe size-averaging. Thus, despite the morphological com-plexity of LAC aggregates, the computational burden relatedto the size averaging is substantially reduced.

The strategy is to compute AOP for a selected number ofsizes, followed by a suitable interpolation. Size-integrationof AOP in conjunction with the size distribution obtained

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size parameter




10 201.5




Fig. 5. Extinction efficiencyQext vs. size parameter for homoge-neous spheres withm=1.6+0.001i (blue line), andm=1.7+0.64i

(red line).

Fig. 5. Extinction efficiencyQext vs. size parameter for homoge-neous spheres withm=1.6+0.001i (blue line), andm=1.7+0.64i(red line).

from a CTM can then be achieved by integrating the inter-polation functions weighted by the size distribution.

3 Methods

Optical properties of LAC are computed forNs=20, 40,60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 180, 220, 260, 300, 350, 650, and1000, assuming a radiusa=25 nm of the primary monomers,and assuming a fractal structure characterized byDf =1.82and k0=1.27. Calculations are performed at wavelengthsλ = 440 nm and 870 nm. We used the code byXu andGustafson(2001), which computes a numerically exact so-lution to Maxwell’s equations.

Several versions of this code exist. One version is basedon computing the fullT -matrix of the aggregates. A ma-jor advantage of this approach is that the integration of theoptical properties over orientational angles can be done ana-lytically. However, preliminary tests indicated that this ver-sion of the code does not allow us to cover the entire sizerange needed for this study. We therefore employed a sim-pler version of the code that computes the optical propertiesfor discrete orientational angles and performs the angular in-tegration numerically. Although less elegant and slower, thismethod is able to cover the required size range. It turned outthat 2000 discrete angles were sufficient to obtain accurateorientationally-averaged results. Note that for larger particlesor weakly absorbing particles, for which the angular distri-bution of the scattered radiation may display numerous sharpresonance features, the number of discrete angles requiredfor numerical orientational averaging may be considerablylarger.

For comparison, AOP computations for volume-equivalenthomogeneous spheres were performed with the Mie-codewritten by Michael Mishchenko (http://www.giss.nasa.gov/staff/mmishchenko).

The AOP computations were coupled to size-resolvedaerosol mass mixing ratios computed with the 3-D Multiple-scale Atmospheric Transport and CHemistry (MATCH)modelling system (Robertson et al., 1999; Foltescu et al.,2005; Andersson et al., 2007). We employed a version of themodel which computes aerosol mass mixing ratios in fourdifferent size classes. The size classes cover particle diame-ters in the ranges [0.02,0.1] µm, [0.1,1.0] µm, [1.0,2.5] µm,and [2.5,10.0] µm. The model contains a photochemistrymodule which, apart from reactive gases, computes sulphate,nitrate, and ammonium concentration fields. It further con-tains a seasalt module and a primary particle module for com-puting transport and deposition of LAC, primary organic car-bon (OC), and dust. Water is treated as a diagnostic variable.The model is run with a horizontal resolution of 0.4◦, usingmeteorological input data from the HIgh Resolution LimitedArea Model (HIRLAM).

In the calculation of size-averaged optical properties, LACis assumed to extend into the second size class only up to asize ofRV =170 nm. Truncating the size range of LAC at areasonable cut-off size is important in a bin representation ofthe size distribution in order not to over-estimate the opticalcross sections. In a modal representation such a truncation isusually not necessary.

The contribution to AOP from aerosol components otherthan LAC is modelled by assuming that sulphate, nitrate,ammonium, seasalt, water, and the soluble fractions of OCand dust are internally mixed, homogeneous spheres. Theeffective refractive index of those is computed by iterativelyapplying the Bruggemann rule (Bruggemann, 1935) to sul-phate, nitrate, ammonium, seasalt, OC, and water, and theMaxwell-Garnett rule (Maxwell-Garnett, 1904) to dust. Theinsoluble fraction of OC and dust is represented by exter-nally mixed, homogeneous spheres. In the standard ver-sion of the code, the hydrophillic fraction of LAC is mixedby applying the Maxwell-Garnett rule. However, for thepurpose of the present study, all LAC is treated as exter-nally mixed. AOP computations for homogeneous spheresare done off-line in MATCH. In a first step, Mie compu-tations are performed for 40 000 equally-spaced size pa-rametersx=0.025, 0.050,...,1000, for 101 equally-spacedreal parts of the refractive indexn=0.82, 0.84,...,2.82,and for 17 imaginary partsκ of the refractive index withlogκ=−9.0,−5.0,−4.0,−3.0,−2.0,−1.8,...,+0.4. In asecond step, pre-computed size-averaged AOP are computedfor each of the four size classes used in MATCH, and foreach value ofn and κ. The range of refractive indices isdeliberately chosen sufficiently broad to also include LACrefractive indices within a wavelength range fromλ=0.2µmup toλ = 12 µm (compare with Fig.4).

Several of the assumptions in our AOP model can in-troduce errors. Application of the HSA to dust is at leastequally problematic as its application to LAC (Kahnert et al.,2005, 2007; Nousiainen et al., 2006; Kahnert and Nousi-ainen, 2006; Veihelmann et al., 2006; Kahnert and Kylling,

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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250







s [µ m

2 ]0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25







a [µ m

2 ]

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250






RV [µ m]


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250




RV [µ m]


c [µ m

2 ]

LAC aggregatesCubic fitSpheres

Fig. 6. Absorption cross sectionCabs (upper left), scattering crosssectionCsca (upper right), asymmetry parameterg (lower left),and backscattering cross sectionCbsc (lower right) as a functionof volume-equivalent radiusRV atλ=440 nm for aggregates (sym-bols) and homogeneous spheres (dashed blue line). The red linerepresents a cubic fit of the aggregate results.

Fig. 6. Absorption cross sectionCabs (upper left), scattering cross sectionCsca (upper right), asymmetry parameterg (lower left), andbackscattering cross sectionCbsc (lower right) as a function of volume-equivalent radiusRV at λ=440 nm for aggregates (symbols) andhomogeneous spheres (dashed blue line). The red line represents a cubic fit of the aggregate results.

2004; Kahnert, 2004; Schulz et al., 1999, 1998). Neglectinginternal mixing of aged LAC is likely to underestimate its ra-diative forcing effect (Bond and Bergstrom, 2006). Thus,performing a detailed morphological treatment of freshlyemitted LAC is only one issue in a critical assessment of theAOP model currently employed in MATCH.

The radiative aerosol properties were computed by usingAOP computed in MATCH as input parameters to libRad-tran (http://www.libRadtran.org), using the DIScrete Ordi-nate Radiative Transfer (DISORT) model (Stamnes et al.,1988) as a radiative transfer (RT) solver. RT computationswere performed for (i) LAC optics treated by the aggregatemodel, (ii) LAC optics computed with the HSA, (iii) LACoptics accounted for by converting the recommended valueof MAC=7.5 m2/g at 550 nm (Bond and Bergstrom, 2006)to the two wavelengths considered in this study (assumingan inverse wavelength dependency of MAC), (iv) setting theLAC mass mixing ratio equal to zero. By subtracting theradiative net flux results obtained in (iv) from each of theresults obtained in (i)–(iii), one obtains the LAC radiativeforcing for the three LAC optics models.

4 Results

4.1 Optical properties of LAC

Figure6 presents optical properties of LAC computed withthe aggregate model (symbols) and the HSA (dashed blueline). The absorption cross sectionCabsatλ = 440 nm (upperleft) is only slightly overestimated by the HSA up to sizes ofRV = 0.08 µm. At larger sizes, the HSA strongly underesti-matesCabs. The scattering cross sectionCsca(upper right) of

the aggregates is overestimated by the HSA for sizes betweenRV =0.06 and 0.22 µm. The asymmetry parameterg (lowerleft) is strongly underestimated by the HSA over much of thesize range up toRV = 0.18 µm. Thus, over a large portionof the size range the homogeneous sphere model predicts astronger influence of scattering and more side- and backscat-tering than the aggregate model. The lower right panel showsthe backscattering cross sectionCbsc=Cscap(180◦), wherep(180◦) denotes the phase function in the backscattering di-rection. Whereas spherical model particles display an os-cillating behaviour of the backscattering cross section withparticle size, the aggregate model predicts a monotonous in-crease. Note, however, the small amplitude fluctuations ob-served for the aggregate model at larger sizes. The reason forthese is most likely related to the fact that the fractal param-etersDf andk0 only define a class of aggregates. They donot unambiguously define the exact geometry of the aggre-gate, so for a given selection ofa, Ns, Rg, Df , andk0 thereexists, in principle, infinitely many geometries. Whereas thecross sectionsCabsandCscaare rather insensitive to a varia-tion of the geometry for fixed fractal parameters, the angulardistribution of the scattered radiation, thus the backscatter-ing cross section, is more sensitive to such a variation. Onecould, for the price of considerably more computation time,smooth out the fluctuation of the backscattering cross sectionby averaging over several geometries.

Incidentally, we verified that the optical cross sections aresufficiently constrained by specifying the values ofa, Ns,Rg, Df , andk0. For each of the aggregates up toNs=100monomers, computations were repeated for five different ge-ometries having the same values of the fractal parameters.The results for the optical cross sections varied by less than1%.

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Table 1. Cubic fitting coefficients and rmse for LAC optical prop-erties atλ=440 nm.

c0 c1 c2 c3 rmse

Cext – – – 68.38 1×10−3

Csca – – – 18.61 4×10−3

Cabs – – – 49.77 5×10−3

g −0.33 16.54 −86.32 151.10 2×10−2

gCsca 0 −0.27 1.69 11.56 3×10−3

Cbsc 0 0 −0.08 3.57 3×10−3

The LAC optical properties obtained with the aggregatemodel can be fitted with a Taylor series. It turns out that it issufficient to carry the polynomial up to third order, i.e.

AOP= c0+c1RV +c2R2V +c3R

3V . (3)

We found thatCext, Csca, andCabs can be fitted by settingc0=c1=c2=0. Table1 shows the resulting coefficients andthe root mean square errors (rmse) of the cubic fits, obtainedby least-squares error minimization. All coefficients are de-fined such that the resulting cross sections have units µm2.Note that the size-average〈g〉 of the asymmetry parameterg(r) over a size distributionn(r) is defined as

〈g〉 =1


∫n(r)Csca(r)g(r)dr (4)


〈Csca〉 =1


∫n(r)Csca(r)dr (5)

N =

∫n(r)dr . (6)

For this reason, Table1 provides the fitting parameters forgCsca, which, for the purpose of computing〈g〉, are moreuseful than the fitting parameters forg.

Note that for small homogeneous spheres the optical crosssections behave asymptotically as









V , (7)








R6V (8)

(van de Hulst, 1981). For Cabs, this yields an asymp-totic value ofcabs

3 =47.22µm−1 for small spheres, which issomewhat smaller than the result obtained for the aggregatemodel. However, the absorption cross section of homoge-neous spheres in Fig.6 cannot accurately be fitted over theentire size range by the simple ansatzCabs=cabs

3 R3V . The

absorption cross sections of the larger homogeneous spheresare considerably lower than those predicted by Eq. (7). The

physical reason for this is that the electromagnetic field isunable to penetrate into the centre of larger, highly absorbingspheres. This means that only the mass near the surface of thelarger particles contributes to absorption. Hence, the increaseof Cabswith RV is weaker than the third power. By contrast,the geometry of fluffy aggregates is such that most of themass interacts with the electromagnetic field, which is whythe relationCabs∝R3

V holds over the entire size range consid-ered here. This agrees with results byLiu and Mishchenko(2005), who computed optical properties of aggregates up toNs = 400 and observed thatCabs/M is independent ofNs ,whereM denotes the mass of the aggregate.

The asymptotic form for the scattering cross section givenin Eq. (8) is known as the Rayleigh approximation, which isalso referred to as the dipole approximation. It is based on theassumption that all electrons in the particle oscillate in phasein response to the external electromagnetic forcing, just likea dipole. This only holds for particles considerably smallerthan the wavelength. In general it cannot be assumed that allmonomers in our aggregate oscillate in phase, as they wouldin Rayleigh scattering. For this reason, Eq. (8) is not validover the size range considered here. Clearly, the polynomialfitting ansatz is physically motivated only forCabs. For theother parameters, it is a purely mathematical approximation.The merit of this fitting approach is that the coupling of AOPand CTM computations is greatly facilitated. For instance,the output of an aerosol dynamic model with a log-normalor sectional size distribution can be easily employed in con-junction with Eq. (3) for computing size-averaged AOP, asthe moments of such size distributions can be computed an-alytically.

From Cabs=cabs3 R3

V , we can compute the mass absorp-tion cross section MAC=Cabs/(ρV )=3cabs

3 /(4πρ), whereV denotes the particle volume andρ denotes the massdensity of LAC. Assumingρ=1.8 g cm−3, this yieldsMAC=6.6 m2 g−1. Bond and Bergstrom(2006) recom-mended a value of MAC=(7.5±1.2) m2/g at a wavelengthof λ=550 nm, and they assumed an inverse wavelengthdependence of MAC (compare with Eq.7). This yieldsMAC=(9.4±1.5) m2/g at a wavelength ofλ=440 nm. Thus,our detailed electromagnetic scattering computations forthe aggregate model yield MAC results that lie below therange of MAC values recommended byBond and Bergstrom(2006).

Figure 7 shows results analogous to those in Fig.6, butfor a wavelength ofλ=870 nm. Discrepancies between theaggregate model and the HSA are even more pronounced atλ=870 nm than atλ=440 nm. In Fig.6 (upper left) we ob-served a relatively small size region in which the HSA over-estimatesCabsas compared to the aggregates. By contrast, inFig.7 (upper left) this effect now extends up to sizes of aboutRV =0.2µm. Qualitatively, the graph in the upper left panelin Fig. 7 appears to be shifted to larger sizes as comparedto the upper left panel in Fig.6, which can be understood in

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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250







s [µ m

2 ]

LAC aggregatesCubic fitSpheres

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250






a [µ m

2 ]

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250






RV [µ m]


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250





RV [µ m]


c [µ m

2 ]Fig. 7. As Fig. 6, but forλ=870 nm.

Fig. 7. As Fig.6, but forλ=870 nm.

terms of the change in size parameters. Similar observationscan be made for the lower left and right panels in Figs.6 and7.

The HSA results are particularly poor for those quantitiesthat describe the scattering properties, i.e.Csca, g, andCbsc.The poor representation ofg becomes clear when inspectingthe phase function computed with the aggregate model andthe HSA, respectively. Figure8 gives an example for ag-gregates (red) and spheres (blue) with a sizeRV =167 nm atλ=870 nm. Clearly, the HSA predicts less forward scatteringand more side scattering, which explains the underestimationof the asymmetry parameter.

Comparing Cabs and Csca in Figs. 6 and 7, we seethat the single scattering albedoω=Csca/Cext is around0.27 atλ=440 nm, and around 0.16 atλ=870 nm. Bondand Bergstrom(2006) recommended to assume a value ofω=0.25 atλ=550 nm.

Table2 presents the cubic fitting parameters of the opticalproperties computed with the aggregate model atλ=870 nm.Here we obtaincabs

3 =23.01µm−1, from which we deriveMAC=3.1 m2/g. Assuming an inverse wavelength de-pendence of MAC, the recommended value ofBond andBergstrom(2006) corresponds to MAC=(4.7±0.8) m2/g ata wavelength ofλ=870 nm. Again, our result obtained withthe aggregate model lies below this range.

We noted earlier that the electromagnetic field inside ahighly absorbing large sphere is so quickly attenuated thatit does not penetrate to the sphere’s core. As a consequence,the mass near the centre of the sphere is not able to contributemuch to the total absorption. One would therefore expect thata hollow sphere with an LAC shell of outer radiusRshell andan empty inner core of radiusRcore=(R3

shell−R3V)1/3 should

have a higher absorption cross section than a mass-equivalent

22 M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 18010





Scattering angle


se fu


nλ=870 nm, R

V=0.167 µ m


Fig. 8. Phase function of aggregates (red solid line) and homoge-neous spheres (blue dashed line) with a sizeRV=167 nm at a wave-length ofλ=870 nm.

Fig. 8. Phase function of aggregates (red solid line) and homo-geneous spheres (blue dashed line) with a sizeRV =167 nm at awavelength ofλ=870 nm.

homogeneous sphere of radiusRV . As this hollow-spheremodel distributes more mass near the surface, the electro-magnetic field can interact with and be absorbed by a largeramount of the particle’s mass. Also, the hollow sphere hasa larger physical cross section than the homogeneous sphereof equal mass. We test this idea by computing the opticalproperties of hollow spheres with the electromagnetic scat-tering code written byToon and Ackermann(1981). Resultsare shown in Fig.9. The solid line showsCabs (upper left)andCsca (lower left) of a hollow sphere as a function of theouter shell radiusRshell at a wavelength of 440 nm and for

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Table 2. As Table1, but forλ=870 nm.

c0 c1 c2 c3 rmse

Cext – – – 27.55 2×10−3

Csca – – – 4.54 3×10−3

Cabs – – – 23.01 1×10−3

g −0.18 6.88 −9.56 −15.09 3×10−2

gCsca 0 0.02 −0.70 5.97 6×10−4

Cbsc 0 0.01 0.10 0.75 5×10−4

M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC 23

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10.1






s [µ m

2 ]

RV=176 nm, λ=440 nm

Hollow SpheresSolid SpheresAggregates

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10






a [µ m

2 ]


[µ m]

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10.12







RV=176 nm, λ=870 nm

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10







[µ m]

Fig. 9. Absorption cross sectionCabs (upper row) and scatteringcross sectionCsca (lower row) for a hollow LAC sphere as a func-tion of the outer shell radiusRshell (solid lines). The particleshave a constant mass corresponding to a volume-equivalent radiusof RV=176 nm. Results are presented for wavelengths of 440 nm(left column) and 870 nm (right column). For comparison, corre-sponding results for massive spheres (Rshell=RV) and aggregatesare indicated by dotted and dashed lines, respectively.

Fig. 9. Absorption cross sectionCabs (upper row) and scatter-ing cross sectionCsca (lower row) for a hollow LAC sphere as afunction of the outer shell radiusRshell (solid lines). The particleshave a constant mass corresponding to a volume-equivalent radiusof RV =176 nm. Results are presented for wavelengths of 440 nm(left column) and 870 nm (right column). For comparison, corre-sponding results for massive spheres (Rshell=RV ) and aggregatesare indicated by dotted and dashed lines, respectively.

RV =176 nm. For comparison, the dotted and dashed linesshow the corresponding results for the homogeneous sphereand the aggregate at this size, respectively. One observesindeed that by increasingRshell one can increaseCabs. AtRshell=310 nm, the absorption cross sections of the hollowsphere and the aggregate coincide.

However, there are two major problems with the hollow-sphere model. First, this model overestimates the scatteringcross section atRshell=310 nm by about 50%. So it fails topredict a correct single scattering albedo. Second, the hol-low sphere model does not consistently produce reasonableresults forCabs at other wavelengths. The upper and lowerright panels in Fig.9 showCabsandCsca, respectively, for awavelength of 870 nm. At this wavelength, both the solid andhollow sphere models overestimate the absorption cross sec-

24 M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC



1e-4 1e-3 0.01 0.1 1 10010Mixing ratio [ppb-m]

Fig. 10. MATCH results for LAC (left) andPM2.5 (right) massmixing ratios in the lowest model layer on 25 July 2006.Fig. 10. MATCH results for LAC (left) and PM2.5 (right) massmixing ratios in the lowest model layer on 25 July 2006.

tion of the aggregate for all values ofRshell. The comparisonof the aggregate results with those obtained for the hollowspheres underlines the fundamental difficulties encounteredwhen trying to model the AOP of aggregated particles withsimple geometries.

4.2 Radiative properties of LAC

One advantage of the cubic fitting approach given in Eq. (3)is that for sectional or log-normal aerosol size distributionsmodels the integration of AOP over size can be done ana-lytically. Thus, coupling the AOP results obtained with theaggregate model to the output of a CTM becomes a fairlysimple task.

Figure 10 shows an example of mass mixing ratios ofLAC in the second size class (left) and PM2.5 (right) com-puted with MATCH for 25 July 2006. PM2.5 denotes thetotal mass of aerosols with diameters up to 2.5 µm. The fig-ure shows results for the lowest model layer (between ca.0–60 m). Although LAC only contributes a few percent tothe total aerosol mass, it can contribute significantly to theaerosol optical depth owing to its high extinction cross sec-tion.

We pick a location south of Paris at a latitude of 48.2◦ Nand a longitude of 2.3◦ E. So we choose a location that liesnear, but not directly within one of the major source regionsof LAC emissions in Europe. Figure11 shows vertical pro-files of the extinction efficiency computed by coupling theMATCH aerosol profile at this location (see Fig.10) to the re-sults from the AOP computations. The upper and lower pan-els correspond to wavelengths ofλ=440 nm andλ=870 nm,respectively. The extinction efficiency is defined as dτ/dz,where τ(z)=

∫ z

z0〈Cext〉(ζ )N(ζ )dζ is the extinction optical

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0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.0250








λ = 440 nm

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.0250




Extinction efficiency [km−1]





λ = 870 nm


Fig. 11. Total aerosol extinction efficiency as a function of altitudeatλ=440 nm (upper panel) andλ=870 nm (lower panel). The con-tribution of LAC has been computed by the aggregate model (redsolid line), the HSA (dashed blue line), and assuming a constantMAC (dash-dotted black line).

Fig. 11. Total aerosol extinction efficiency as a function of altitudeatλ=440 nm (upper panel) andλ=870 nm (lower panel). The con-tribution of LAC has been computed by the aggregate model (redsolid line), the HSA (dashed blue line), and assuming a constantMAC (dash-dotted black line).

depth at altitudez, 〈Cext〉 denotes the ensemble-averaged ex-tinction cross section, andN is the aerosol number density.Note that dτ/dz in Fig. 11 contains contributions from allchemical aerosol components in all four size classes (up todiameters of 10 µm). The contribution of LAC has been com-puted with the aggregate model (red solid line), the HSA(dashed blue line), and assuming a constant MAC (dash-dotted black line).

As expected, the constant-MAC approach yields the high-est extinction efficiencies. Atλ=440 nm, the HSA yieldslower values for dτ/dz than the aggregate model. Atλ=870 nm, the order is reversed. This is what we expectfrom our previous discussion ofCabsandCsca in Figs.6 and7. Note also the pronounced maximum at 2 km, which iscaused by the presence of an aerosol layer at this altitude.

The vertical profiles of the extinction efficiency, the sin-gle scattering albedo, and the asymmetry parameter are takenas input parameters to libRadtran, with which we computethe spectral radiative net fluxFλ=F s


λ −F+

λ . HereF sλ

denotes the direct solar flux, i.e. that part of the incomingflux that survives extinction,F−

λ represents the diffuse down-welling flux, andF+

λ is the upwelling flux. We assume asolar zenith angle of 35◦. Repeating these computations inthe absence of LAC, we obtain a spectral net fluxF 0

λ for anLAC-free atmosphere, from which we can compute the spec-tral radiative forcing effect1Fλ of LAC according to

1Fλ = Fλ −F 0λ . (9)

Figure 12 shows the resulting profiles of1Fλ atλ=440 nm (upper panel) andλ=870 nm (lower panel). Thehigh absorption due to LAC causes a pronounced positiveradiative forcing effect in and above the aerosol layer. Asa consequence, less solar radiation can penetrate down tothe ground, resulting in a negative forcing effect below the

26 M. Kahnert: Optical properties of LAC

−14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 60








λ = 440 nm

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 20




spectral forcing [mW m−2 nm−1]





λ = 870 nm


Fig. 12. As Fig. 11, but for the spectral radiative forcing effect ofLAC, assuming a solar zenith angle of 35◦.

Fig. 12. As Fig. 11, but for the spectral radiative forcing effect ofLAC, assuming a solar zenith angle of 35◦.

aerosol layer. Table3 shows spectral forcing at top of atmo-sphere (TOA) obtained with the three LAC-optics models.

At λ=440 nm, the HSA under-predicts spectral forcing atTOA by roughly a factor 1/2 as compared to the aggregatemodel, whereas the constant-MAC prediction lies 37% abovethe result computed with the aggregate model. In the pre-ceding discussion of Fig.6, it was noted that the HSA over-predicts the effect of scattering. In fact, atλ=440 nm theHSA yields single-scattering albedos ofω=0.46, whereasthe aggregate model predicts onlyω=0.27. In addition, theHSA overestimates the amount of side- and backscattering.However, scattering counteracts the positive forcing effectowing to absorption. Thus, the high HSA-error in TOA spec-tral forcing is the combined effect of too little absorption andtoo much scattering.

The situation is seemingly different atλ=870 nm. TheHSA results shown in the lower panel of Fig.12 lie ratherclose to those obtained with the aggregate model. How-ever, the origin of this agreement is not a better performanceof the HSA, but a rather lucky error cancellation. As canbe seen in Fig.7, the agreement between the AOP mod-elled with the HSA and with the aggregate model is con-siderably worse than that between the corresponding resultsshown in Fig.6. The HSA yields a single-scattering albedoof ω=0.39, whereas the aggregate model predicts a valueof only ω=0.16. Further, the HSA considerably underesti-mates the asymmetry parameterg. Thus, the HSA overes-timates the negative cooling effect due to scattering. At thesame time, the HSA overestimates the positive forcing effectdue to absorption. The net effect of these two large errorswith opposite signs is that the spectral forcing computed withthe HSA shows a coincidental agreement with that computedwith the aggregate model.

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Table 3. Spectral forcing in mW m−2 nm−1 at TOA computedwith the three different LAC-optics models.

λ=440 nm λ=870 nm

Aggregates 3.8 1.2Spheres 1.6 1.0MAC 5.2±0.9 1.7±0.3

It can be difficult to think in terms ofspectral forcingrates. It may help to gauge the results shown in Fig.12by comparing them to broadband results. The solar broad-band flux isF s

=1373 W m−2. Global broadband forcingestimates of LAC range between 0.4 to 1.2 W m−2 (Forsteret al., 2007), which is 0.3–0.9‰ of the solar flux. The so-lar spectral flux at the two wavelengths we considered isF s

440=1722 mW m−2 nm−1 and F s870=986 mW m−2 nm−1,

respectively. Thus the spectral forcing results obtained withthe aggregate model (see Table3) correspond to 2‰ of thesolar spectral flux atλ=440 nm, and to 1‰ atλ=870 nm.These are rather high percentages compared to the globalbroadband forcing estimates of LAC. However, it is impor-tant to keep in mind that our spectral forcing estimates arebased on modelling a local situation near a polluted area.

5 Conclusions

The main message of this study is that it is feasible to treatoptical properties of freshly emitted LAC within both chem-ical data assimilation and climate modelling by use of nu-merically exact solutions to Maxwell’s equations. This willhelp to constrain the radiative forcing effect of LAC, and toconstruct accurate observation operators for assimilating re-mote sensing observations into chemical transport models.As the optical properties for sub-wavelength sized, highlyabsorbing aerosols are relatively smooth functions of size,it is sufficient to perform computations of optical proper-ties at each wavelength for a relatively small number of dis-crete sizes, between which one can interpolate with cubicfitting polynomials. The results are easily coupled to aerosolsize distributions modelled with an aerosol chemical trans-port model, thus obtaining 3-D fields of size-averaged opticalproperties. Those can subsequently be included in the obser-vation operator of a chemical data assimilation algorithm, or,as demonstrated in this study, coupled to radiative transfercomputations to simulate the direct radiative forcing effectof aerosols.

Another important message of this investigation is that theuse of the homogeneous sphere approximation introduces er-rors in radiative forcing computations that can, depending onthe wavelength range, underestimate the positive forcing ef-fect of LAC by as much as a factor of 1/2.

An important methodological observation was that the useof aT -matrix based analytical computation of orientationallyaveraged aerosol optical properties was numerically too lim-ited to cover the relevant range of size parameters. In manyapplications this approach is superior to other formulationsof the electromagnetic scattering problem, as it significantlyexpedites the computation of orientationally-averaged opti-cal properties (Mishchenko, 1991; Khlebtsov, 1992). How-ever, this version of the code byXu and Gustafson(2001)was too limited in the range of accessible size parametersowing to its high memory requirements. A simpler version ofthe same code, which computes the optical properties for dis-crete orientational angles and performs the angular integra-tion numerically, proved to be sufficiently fast and stable forour task. This corresponds to similar observations byOkadaet al.(2008) made for silicate aggregates in conjunction withthe code byMackowski and Mishchenko(1996).

One advantage of the code byMackowski and Mishchenko(1996) is that there exists a version byOkada andKokhanovsky(2009) in which the numerical integration overorientations is parallelized. A potential advantage of the codeby Xu and Gustafson(2001) is that it allows for limiting therange of interactions between distant monomers in the aggre-gate, which may be exploited to reduce computation time.

Optical and radiative properties computed with the aggre-gate model have been compared to corresponding results ob-tained by the homogeneous sphere approximation (HSA),and to results assuming a prescribed mass absorption crosssection (MAC). Clearly, the HSA is far from being state-of-the-art, as the Rayleigh-Debeye-Gans (RDG) approximation(Sorensen, 2001) is known to yield more accurate results forthe optical properties of aggregated particles. However, com-parison of the aggregate model with the HSA model is notonly of historical, but above all of didactic value. Since useof the HSA is still common practice in the climate modellingcommunity, the test cases presented in this study clearly il-lustrate the potentially high errors one introduces with theHSA in modelling the radiative forcing effect of LAC in theatmosphere.

The comparisons between the results obtained with theaggregate model and with the prescribed MAC-values mayhave to be taken with a grain of salt. The aggregate model is,to be sure, based on rigorous theory, and it uses realistic ag-gregate geometries. Hence, this approach eliminates errorsrelated to approximations made in the homogeneous spheremodel or in the RDG approach. Thus, results obtained withthe aggregate model can be taken as an “exact” reference forrelative comparisons with theoretical approximations or sim-plified geometrical models. However, the aggregate modelstill needs to rely on assumptions about the refractive indexof LAC and its spectral dependence, as well as on the size ofthe primary monomers in the aggregate, both of which canvary depending on the combustion conditions under whichthe LAC aggregates are formed. Thus, the results obtainedwith the aggregate model cannot be interpreted as an absolute

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exact reference. To gauge the performance of the aggregatemodel in comparison to the range of MAC values recom-mended byBond and Bergstrom(2006), more detailed stud-ies are needed to test the sensitivity of the optical and radia-tive properties of the aggregates to variations in the refractiveindex and the primary monomer size.

We may speculate at this point what kind of outcome onecan expect from such a sensitivity study. If we keep themass per aggregate constant and decrease the monomer ra-dius a, then the number of monomersNs will increase. Ithas been noted by Bond and Bergstrom (2006) that MAC iscompletely insensitive to a variation ina for monomer radiismaller than 40 nm (diameters smaller than 80 nm). So onewould not anticipate MAC to change appreciably by decreas-ing a while increasingNs. At the same time, such a variationis likely to change the scattering cross section, hence the sin-gle scattering albedo. To obtain higher values of MAC itseems to be most promising to increase|m|.

It is emphasised, once more, that the fitting ansatz em-ployed for the cross sections is physically well motivated forCabs, but only approximately valid forCsca. The constancyof the single scattering albedoω resulting from this ansatzusually breaks down at very small particle sizes. In fact,from Eqs. (7) and (8), one can see thatω=Csca/(Csca+Cabs)

should, for smallRV , go to zero as∼ R3V . Instead of fitting

CabsandCsca, it may be a more accurate approach to fitCabsandω, where one would have to find a suitable fitting func-tion for ω.

Finally, one may question the measure of size-equivalenceemployed in this study. The classical approach in simulat-ing the optical properties of complex-shaped particles is toemploy model geometries that are as simple as possible, andto find a suitable measure of size-equivalence such that theoptical properties of the model particles agree with those ofthe complex reference particles as closely as possible. Onemay, as in this study, define size-equivalence in terms ofequal mass/volume. Alternatively, one may consider parti-cles to have equivalent size if they have the same averageprojected surface area. For aggregates, one may also employthe radius of gyration as a size measure.Grenfell and War-ren (1999) considered the optical properties of ice particlesand argued that for getting the most out of spherical modelparticles one should use spheres that have the same area-to-volume ratio as the nonspherical ice crystals. Other measuresof size-equivalence could be contrived, and it is possible thatone could find a suitable measure that improves the HSA re-sults in comparison to the aggregate model results. One prob-lem with this approach is that measures of size-equivalencethat perform well at one wavelength tend to perform worseat others (Kahnert et al., 2007). The main problem withinthe context of our study is that the ansatz of manipulating themeasure of size equivalence does not represent an acceptableoption in chemical data assimilation. Choosing any measureof size-equivalence other than the equivalent mass/volumeradiusRV implies that the model particles (e.g. spheres) have

a different mass per particle than the reference particles (e.g.aggregates). Thus, in order that the total aerosol mass mix-ing ratio remains constant, one needs to change the aerosolnumber densityn(r) accordingly. However, in an aerosol dy-namic model the aerosol massand the aerosol number distri-bution are the prognostic variables of the model. The aerosoloptical properties are merely diagnostic variables employedin assimilating observations. The purpose of assimilation isto improve the model prediction of the prognostic variables(Kahnert, 2008), or to inversely model the observations in thespace of the prognostic model variables (Kahnert, 2009). In-troducing measures of size-equivalence other thanRV wouldmean to discard one of the main prognostic model variablesin order to make the computation of auxiliary optical vari-ables somewhat more convenient. Thus, an aerosol opticsmodel that is to be useful in conjunction with aerosol dy-namic CTM computations should be based on employingmodel particles with equivalent volume radiusRV . This con-straint can make AOP modelling coupled to CTM computa-tions particularly challenging.

Acknowledgements.The author thanks D. Mackowski for pro-viding his program for aggregated-particle generation. Y.-L. Xuand B. Gustafson are acknowledged for making their electro-magnetic scattering program publicly available. M. Mishchenkois acknowledged for making his Lorenz–Mie program publiclyavailable. O. Toon and T. Ackerman are acknowledged for mak-ing their coated-sphere code available. This work was supportedby the Swedish Research Council under contract number 80438701.

Edited by: E. Weingartner


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