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1. DRUGS: NEVER USE, DONT ABUSE By: Amelia Chandler, Cory Veal, Corey McFadden, & Jasmin Santiago 2. OUR CAMPAIGN & WHY The issue of Drugs & Alcohol Abuse with Teens Teens are the future Workforce Impact of Drugs mentally Capability declines Agenda Setting Theory- ability [of the news media] to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda. 3. OUR TARGET AUDIENCE According to studies, 90% of Americans who are addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs started using before the age of 18. Teenagers are subject to drug abuse for several reasons Some have a family with a history of alcohol and/or drug abuse Some experience depression at a young age Some have low self esteem Some feel the need to fit-in Teenagers are also likely to use drugs recreationally Parties With intimate partners and friends 4. CAMPAIGN DESCRIPTION In our campaign, we plan to reach out to high school students in ways that are more convenient for them. Our organization understands not all high school students are interested in their local news or constant updates on drug and alcohol abuse in their school and community. From an administrative standpoint, we will have our PSAs played daily over the schools intercom system during the schools announcements. We will be distributing our campaign posters as well as our PSA to every high school in the district. We will also hold assemblies throughout the different high school which will include guess speakers, that will give the students a real life perspective on a high school student who was addicted to drugs and alcohol. 5. CAMPAIGN POSTER 6. SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is by far one of the most effect ways to reach a younger age group such as high school students. We plan to create profiles in the most popular social apps students use in their day to day lives. All accounts will be updated constantly with useful information on drug and alcohol abuse the can be accessed by the students. Twitter - Students to view quick tips on avoiding the use of drugs as well as the affects of specific drugs in a standard 140 text blog. Facebook - Creating drug and alcohol awareness groups and allowing students to connect with one another. Instagram Provide drug abuse pictures and helpful hints relating to drug and alcohol abuse. Vine Provides 6sec clips of anti drug and alcohol abuse. 7. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS 8. Storyboard #1 9. scene 1 Script: Dance music (background continuous till scene 9) Action: Dancing in club Wide Shot 1 second google images Storyboard #2 10. scene 2 Action: Girl dancing with friends having a good time. Wide shot 3 seconds google images 11. Scene 3 Action: Friends pour alcohol closeup 2 seconds google images 12. scene 4 Action: girl starts pounding back drinks with friends closeup 3 seconds google images 13. scene 5 Action: walking through crowd and conversing with others (drinks in hand) wide shot 4 seconds google images 14. Scene 6 Action: walking through crowd flirting with guys as she passes through closeups 4 seconds google images 15. scene 7 Action: attractive male lead in the distance with backlight closeup 2 seconds google images 16. Scene 8 Action: both leads meet and begin to flirt 3 seconds google images 17. Scene 9 Script: Music stops completely Action: Girl proceeds to look vomit all over male lead. (everyone in club stops dancing and stares) 3 seconds google images 18. scene 10 Script: Male lead begins to scream as crowd begins to groan with disgust Action: Male lead squirms in panic 2 seconds google images 19. Scene 11 Script: complete quiet wide shot of couple standing in dramatic scene 1 second google images 20. scene 12 Script: (overvoice) Save yourself the embarrassment. 3 seconds SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT google images 21. Scene 13 Script: (overvoice) Never use, Dont Abuse 4 seconds NEVER USE, DONT ABUSE google images 22. Thank you for your time!!

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