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Agilent 3070 User Fundamentals

Part Description Editor 6 - 1

Module 6: Part Description Editor

Table of Contents

The Test Development Process.........................................................................................................2

The Part Description Editor ........................................................... ...................................................3

Why to use the Part Description Editor......................................................................................5

The Initialization Screen. ........................................................... ................................................6

The Device Entry screen. ......................................................... ..................................................8

LAB 6A: Create a Resistor Pack Library for the angela_bd ....................................................... ....10

LAB 6B: Additional Device Entries for the class_bd and combo_bd.............................................15

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The Test Development Process

Of the overall development process, you have completed the following steps so far:

•  The CAD translation is done

•  Board Consultant was started, but missing libraries were discovered.

This prevented the Board Consultant step from being completed.

−  There is a missing library for the resistor pack on the board.

−  There is a missing library for the oscillator on the board.

During this module:

•  You will learn to use the Part Description Editor to define resistor packs

(and similar devices).

•  You will develop a resistor pack library during this module's lab.

• In the next module, you will learn to use the Digital Setup Editor and in itslab, you will create a setup test library for the oscillator.

•  Having provided both missing libraries, you will then return to Board

Consultant and complete that step of the overall development.

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Module 6: Part Description Editor  sA

Test Development Flowchart

Process Files Tools

Generates Modify



Fixture Files

Individual Test




Translate CAD1

Generate Test & Fixture files3

Build & Verify test Fixture4

Turn-On / Debug all Tests5

Release to Production

& Long Term Support


Describe board & system2

Custom libraries



CAMCAD Translator 


Board Consultant

Part Description Editor

Digital Setup Editor 

IPG Test Consultant

PushButton Debug

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The Part Description Editor

•  During this lecture, you will see how to create a Part Library.

•  You will also duplicate the new library, and learn to modify it to create a

unique library for a similar device.

•  The libraries you are about to create must reside somewhere in the file

structure. The most common placement is in a “custom_lib” directory within

the board’s file structure.

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Module 6: Part Description Editor  sA

Part Description Editor









8 9









33 Ohm 16 pin

Isolated DIP

1 R1 2

1 R8 2C






















Surface Mount

10K Common

1 R1 2

1 R9 2

C1 2










Common SIP

1 R1 2

1 R8 2

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Starting the Part Description Editor

The typical use model for the Part Description Editor (PDE) is to enter pack devices

(Resistor packs, Diode packs...). It can also be a very convenient way to enter Single In-

Line Modules (SIMs), “daughter boards”, plug-in modules or other similar devices. Theobject is to build a library of parts that can be used on several boards.

How to invoke the Part Description Editor:

•  From BT-BASIC: execute: partforms

•  From Test Consultant:


•  From the HP CDE pop-up menu:

Select Agilent 3070


•  On NT® controllers, create a shortcut for the editor and double click that


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Part Description Editor

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Why to use the Part Description Editor

An example:

•  If a given board has 20 Resistor Packs, each containing nine resistors (all are

the same part number).

If you did not use the Part Description Editor:

−  You would have to enter each of the resistors as if it were a discrete

component. If there were nine resistors per pack that means there would

 be 180 resistor entries. Even using a CAD translator, you must still edit

180 components.

−  When the individual resistors are entered, you must enter the “parent

devices”, this describes the resistors as part of a larger package. By

including this, a failure message will tell the repair operator to changethe RPack, not element C of a RPack.

−  The final tally, 180 resistors + 20 parent devices = 200 entries.

•   Now, with the Part Description Editor:

−  Enter the nine individual resistors in the pack to build a part library.

−  Enter the RPack as any other library device.

−  You would then enter 20 Resistor Pack references.

The Part Number entered in Board Consultant will allow the software to

find the internal resistors in the Part Description Library.

−  The final tally, 9 resistor entries + 20 library device entries in BoardConsultant = 29 entries.

•  Conclusion, 200 entries without PDE or 29 entries with PDE, you decide.

•  For the Angela Board:

−  There are six resistor packs

−  Each has eight resistors

−  There are five RPacks with 33 ohm resistors

−  There is one with 1k resistors.

− You will create one resistor pack library.

−  You will copy that library, modify the copy and rename it for the other 

resistor pack.

−  Thus you will enter eight discrete resistors, make one set of 

modifications and enter six parent devices.

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The Initialization Screen.

First a tutorial on the Part Description Editors Initialization screen

•  File: Provides a pull down menu:

−  create a NEW file

−  OPEN an existing file

−  SAVE the file

−  SAVE the file AS a new name

−  EXIT the Editor 

•  Task: Basically this button was developed with expansion in mind, see

 NEXT TASK below for a more practical use.

•  Help: Provides information on one of three choices:

−  General Information about Part Description Editor 

−  The Current screen (Initialization or Device Entry)

−  Which revision of code is currently running.

•  NEXT TASK: A shortcut for going from one screen to the other. If in the

Initialization Screen when this button is clicked you are moved to the Device

Entry screen and vice versa.

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Part Description EditorInitialization Screen

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•  Path to Part Description Library: Shows the current working directory

and file. Until you specify this information, this window is left blank.

•  Initial Comments: If a part description library includes comments in its firstfew lines, they will be displayed here. If you wish to document the part, data

entry process or give other information, this is the place to do it. The

software will automatically add a “!” to these lines if you do not include one

during the documentation process.

•  List of Unused (“no connect”) External Pins: A list of all the pins on the

device that are not connected to any electronics within the device.

The software wants to know that each pin is used, or that a given pin is

actually not available for use.

•  Number of Internal Nodes: The number of nodes within the device that arenot accessible by either the fixture or the hand held probe.

−  This entry is for SIMs or custom pack devices.

−  You should describe the internal workings of a device so the software

has a complete image. In that way, all tests that can be written to test the

device will be included automatically (if it is marked testable).

−  When a number is entered in this field, the area to the right is redefined

with boxes for the node names of each internal node.

 Note: All internal nodes are assumed to be inaccessible to the fixture.

• Internal Nodes: Each internal node needs a name so the device can bethoroughly described to the system software.

−  The names could be as simple as “I1”, “I2”... or more descriptive,


−  This block of the screen remains blank until a number greater than zero

is entered in the “Number of Internal Nodes” field. The block can be

deleted by changing the “Number of Internal Nodes” field to zero.

•  No Manual Probe Access: Also within the Internal Nodes block is this

entry that tells the software if an internal node is accessible by way of the

hand-held probe.

−  On a SIM, the node may be probeable; however, some SIMS are coated

or contained in a custom package that prevents access.

−  When the button is “lit” or yellow, that internal node is considered


•  List of Devices in the Part Description: This field lists the designators of 

devices already entered. These are represented as a button with a label of the

sub-devices designator. Clicking on the button will bring that device’s

information to the screen. They are listed in the order of entry.

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The Device Entry screen.

A review of the buttons and fields

•  The FILE, TASK and HELP buttons are the same as on the Initialization


•  PREV TASK: Allows you to return to the Initialization Form.

•  Device Type...: This button provides a pull down menu listing all types of 

devices that can be entered.

−  Click on this button for a list of valid device types.

•  Designator: Enter the designator for the sub-device.

−  For a Resistor Pack, the individual resistors need to be entered. In most

cases, the simplest naming convention would be r1, r2...rN.

•  Value: Enter the value in this field. Notice that if the device is a 10k resistor,

when you type “10k” the “10” goes into the value field, then the “ohms”

 button changes to “k ohms”. The other choice is “M ohms” for Megaohm.

•  Tolerance: Separate fields are provided for the plus and minus tolerances.

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Part Description EditorDevice Entry Screen

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•  Pins 1/Pins 2: Each axial device will offer a pin 1 and pin 2 entry. Choosing

a pin 1 is simply a convention. Typically, the pin that is “up” or to the “left”

is considered pin 1, the pin that is “down” or “right” is considered pin 2.

However, the only recommendation here is that you follow a convention andremain consistent.

•  Part Number: If this entry is going to be used by another PDE entry, then a

 part number is needed. This applies to SIMs or daughter boards where a

discrete component is mounted on the PDE’s entry. Such as a digital

integrated circuit mounted on a daughter board or a discrete resistor…

−  In the case of an individual resistor of a RPack, this field is left blank.

•  Failure Message: An optional entry. You can choose to provide an error 

message to be printed out with the standard failure message should this

element fail.

•  Replaceable...: The choices are YES/NO. Can this device/sub-device be

replaced? In the case of a SIM, a given component might be replaceable. In

the case of a single element of a Resistor Pack, the answer is NO.

•  Type...: In the case of a resistor, the choices are FIXED or VARIABLE.

•  Testable...: The choices are YES/NO. Should this device be tested?

−  You may say NO. If so, the software will consider this device when

writing tests for surrounding circuitry; however, it will not write a testfor this particular device.

−  If the answer is YES, then a test is generated for this individual device.

•  Add/Replace Device: Click on this button when the entry is complete. Thus

telling the software to capture the data now.

•  Delete Device: You may opt to delete a device.

•  Reset Form: Allows the form to be cleared and original defaults to be


•  List of Devices in Part Description: This shows all the sub-devices entered

so far as part of the device entry. In the case of an RPack, there would be a

 button for each individual resistor that has been entered. In the case of a SIM

with resistors, capacitors and ICs, there would be buttons showing each of 

the resistors, capacitors or integrated circuits entered thus far.

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LAB 6A: Create a Resistor Pack Library for the angela_bd

This lab is done at the test development workstation.•  During this lab, you will create libraries describing two resistor packs.

−  CAD describes the resistor pack as a package or pin library, but the

3070 needs a description of the individual resistors in the package.

The Part Description Editor provides that detail.

1.  Create a "1910-0033" resistor pack library for RP1 -RP5 used on the Angela Board.

Use BT-BASIC to create the custom_lib directory where the libraries will be saved.

    Verify the BT-BASIC window is msi'ed to: angela_bd

    create dir "custom_lib"HP-UX USERS

    Start Part Description Editor from the HP CDE interface


    Start Part Description Editor by clicking: START (lower left of screen) |

PROGRAMS | AGILENT3070 and click the Part Description Editor icon.


    Click FILE | OPEN A new menu


    Click in the DIRECTORIES: field

to select your home path

HINT: double clicking /.. moves

the directory selection up one level.

To select a directory, double click 

the desired directory name.






    Enter the file name for the library. It is the part number of the device.

    Add: 1910-0033

    Click OK 

•  The “1910-0033” is the part number of the Resistor Pack and the name of 

the file that you are about to create. The file name must be the same as

the part number entered in Board Consultant for RP1-RP5.

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33 Ohms








8 9







161 R1 2

1 R8 2

2.  Enter documentation:

    Move the mouse cursor to the INITIAL COMMENTS field and enter the

following documentation:

Resistor Pack 1910-0033 16 Pin isolated RPackValue: 33 ohmsTolerance: 10%Entered by <your name>, <date>

(Note: When the editor processes this documentation, it will insert an “!” and

space at the beginning of each line.)


For the resistor pack, there are no “unused external pins”.


For the resistor pack, there are no internal nodes.

4.   Now that the Initialization form is complete, SAVE the information entered to date.

    Click FILE | SAVE.

5.  Having completed the Initialization form, move to the Device Entry Form:

    Click NEXT TASK.

6.  You need to describe the resistor pack. But first, you need tohave a clear definition of its pins.

Use this description as a convention.

The package has 16 pins; these are labeled 1 through 16.

Each internal resistor has two pins labeled: pin 1 and 2.

This will cause some confusion when you begin using PDE,

 but it makes more sense after developing a few devices.

When you enter R1 (the resistor between pins 1 and 16),

you will map R1 pin 1 to pin 1 of the package and R1 pin 2

to pin 16 of the package. R2 pin 1 maps to pin 2 of the

 package and R2 pin 2 maps to pin 15 of the package. This

convention will be repeated until R8 pin 1 maps to pin 8 of 

the package and R8 pin 2 maps to pin 9 of the package


Unused External Pins might be found on custom integrated circuits or daughter boards. These pins are

used to insure mounting integrety, but carry no electrical signal. You will define some later in this lab.

2Internal Nodes are found on daughter boards. In this case, you might describe an inaccessible circuit on a

daughter board. This provides Test Consultant an image of how that assembly might affect an analog

incircuit measurement. Such inaccessible internal nodes are not discussed further in this class.

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7.  Enter each element of the Resistor Pack:

    Click on DEVICE TYPE.

   Select RESISTOR. (Resistor is the default.)

    Move to the DESIGNATOR field and begin entry. The first two elements are

shown below, enter all eight. The fields in bold are the only ones that change

from element to element, all the other information is consistent across all

eight individual resistors:

Highlighting information to be changed and typing new information to

overwrite the original does not work. You should delete the existing

information before entering replacement values.

Field Element 1 Element 2

Designator  R1 R2

Value 33 33Tolerance +10%




Pin 1 1 2

Pin 2 16 15

Part Number <leave blank> <leave blank>

Failure Message Check pins 1 and 16 Check pins 2 and 15

Replaceable No  No

Type Fixed Fixed

Testable Yes

Add/Replace Device


Add/Replace Device

8.  Repeat the entry process for elements R3 through R8.

As each element is entered, notice that a button with that element’s designator 

appears in the LIST OF DEVICES IN PART DESCRIPTION field. To review a

given element, simply click on the desired button.


-  The Part number is for the individual resistor element not the package.

This entry makes more sense when working with a daughter board.

-  The Failure Message indicates which element of the resistor pack is

faulty and which pins of the package are involved. But can you change

any one element? NO! However, there could be unsoldered pins.

-  The external package pins correspond to the internal device.

9.  Save the entries:

    Click FILE | SAVE

    Click FILE | EXIT

Having created this resistor pack, you can leverage its entry for the other resistor 

 pack on the Angela Board. You can copy this file to another file name and either edit

it in the Part Description Editor or in a BT-BASIC window.

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Create a second Resistor Pack library

10. Create a 1K 16 Pin Resistor Pack using a BT-BASIC Window in the same

custom_lib directory:

In a BT-BASIC window:

    Verify the msi point is angela_bd

Duplicate the library:

    copy "custom_lib/1910-0033" to "custom_lib/1910-1000"Load the new file into the BT-BASIC window:

    get "custom_lib/1910-1000"    change "0033" to "1000"This change command, changes the part number of the device.

Verify one (1) string was replaced.

 Note: If you omit this step, the next step will change the part number to 1910-

001k, which is not right!

    change "33" to "1k"    Verify nine (9) strings were replaced.

    Verify the Header/Comment section reflects the changes too.


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11. Your "1910-1000" file should look very similar to this one:

! Resistor Pack 1910-1000 16Pin isolated RPack

! Value: 1k ohms! Tolerance: 10%! Entered by <your name>, <date>resistor "r1", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 1 and 16"resistor "r2", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 2 and 15"resistor "r3", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 3 and 14"resistor "r4", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 4 and 13"resistor "r5", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 5 and 12"resistor "r6", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 6 and 11"resistor "r7", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 7 and 10"resistor "r8", 1k, 10, 10, f, nr, "Check pins 8 and 9"external pins 1

device "r1" pins 1external pins 2

device "r2" pins 1external pins 3

device "r3" pins 1external pins 4

device "r4" pins 1external pins 5

device "r5" pins 1external pins 6

device "r6" pins 1external pins 7

device "r7" pins 1external pins 8

device "r8" pins 1external pins 9

device "r8" pins 2external pins 10

device "r7" pins 2external pins 11

device "r6" pins 2external pins 12

device "r5" pins 2external pins 13

device "r4" pins 2

external pins 14device "r3" pins 2

external pins 15device "r2" pins 2

external pins 16device "r1" pins 2

There are now libraries for two Resistor Packs. You will reference these libraries using

Board Consultant in a lab that follows.

This concludes this Part Description Editor lab.

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1 2 3













r1 - A

r2 - B

r3 - C

r4 - D

r5 - E

r6 - F

12 r7 - G

12 r8 - H

 pin 1

 pin 2

 pin 3

 pin 4

 pin 5

 pin 6

 pin 7

 pin 8

 pin 9

LAB 6B: Additional Device Entries for the class_bd and combo_bd

Delay the rest of this Lab until later

Later in the class, you will have to wait for a 3070 testhead. While waiting, you can enter the following two RPacks, the three-pin Jumper, and a multiple position switch. These

devices are used on the Class Board and Combinational Board used later in the class (see

schematics in the Lab Booklet).

Mark this page so you can find it easily .

•  The CAD data describes two resistor packs on

the class_bd.

RP301 is a 1k Pulldown

RP302 is a 1k Pullup

• The CAD data describes the jumper as a three- pin device. Pins 1 and 2 are actual nodes, pin 3

is not connected. When the jumper is "in place,"

it shorts pins 1 and 2. When the jumper is open,

it is "parked" on pins 2 and 3. The 3070

software expects jumpers to be two pin devices.

The CAD data translation defined the jumpers

as three pin devices. Therefore, the three-pin

 jumper needs to be described as a two-pin jumper and an

unconnected third pin.

•  The Switch on the Combinational Board

•  The Resistor Pack on the Combinational Board

12. Enter the pull-up resistor pack shown above (the one for the Class Board).

It is a 1k, 10%+ package.

    In a BT-BASIC window msi'ed to your home directory:

Instead of saving these libraries in the Angela Board's directory, create a new

library directory that can be used for all future boards.


msi$ returns: home/user<#>This is your <home path> as referenced below.


msi$ returns: D:/Agilent3070/home/user<#>

This is your <home path> as referenced below.


    create dir "company_library"

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    Start the Part Description Editor (in BT-BASIC, enter partforms)

    Click FILE | OPEN

    Enter the path and new device name in the FILE SELECTION: box:

( NOT the File Selection Mask field):/<home path>/company_library/1810-0596

When you save your work, it will be named 1810-0596.

    Move to the INITIAL COMMENTS field and document the device:

Resistor Pack 1810-0596Value: 1kTolerance: 10%Entered by <your name>, <date>

13. Move to the Device Description page and begin data entry.

Remember that each resistor has two pins, and these can only be: pin 1 and pin 2.Assume the common connection for each resistor is pin 1. That is, pin 1 of each

individual resistor is always connected to external pin 1 of the package.

You need to enter each individual device’s pin 2 as the corresponding external pin of 

the device where it is connected.

    Enter the following information, as before, only the first two elements are


Field Element 1 Element 2

 Designator  R1 R2

Value 1k  1k 

Tolerance +10%




 Pin 1 1 1

 Pin 2 2 3

Part Number  <leave blank> <leave blank>

Failure Message Check pins 1 and 2 Check pin 1 and 3

Replaceable No  No

Type Fixed Fixed

Testable Yes Yes

14. Enter all eight resistors (Elements 1 through 8) using the above format.

As each element is entered, notice that a button with that elements designator appears in the LIST OF DEVICES IN PART DESCRIPTION field. To review a

given element, simply click on the desired button.

If an error were made in the data entry process, for instance the tolerances were

entered incorrectly, you could click on the button for “r1”. Amend the error and click 

on the Add/Replace Device button. If this were done, the order of devices would

show that “r1” was just entered; it would be the right-most entry. This helps keep

track of which device has been edited and which ones still need editing.

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1 2 3

15. Save the entries:

    Click FILE | SAVE

 Note: You added this library to the “company_library” directory because it is

not used on the Angela Board, but on the Class Board developed later in the


    Click FILE | EXIT to close the editor, or just iconify it for use later.

Enter the three-pin Jumper

16. The three-pin jumper:

In the application on the Class Board, pin 3 is unconnected.

Jumpering pins 1 and 2 shorts two active nodes.

Jumpering pins 2 and 3 opens the active nodes. This position is

 provided to keep the jumper from being lost. It is a "parking" place.

In other applications, the jumper can be thought of as a switch, pin 2 is "common"

and it shorts to either pin 1 or 3. In this example, the Part Description Editor'sdescription matches the printed circuit board application.

17. Start the Part Description Editor interface.

    If you are continuing from the previous device entry, click FILE | NEW to

reset the form.

    Enter some initial comments:! Three-Pin Jumper! Jumper shorts pin 1 to pin 2.! Pins 2 and 3 hold the jumper when open.! Part number: 1258-0141

    List of unconnected external pins? YES! Pin 3, enter  3

     Number of internal pins? There are none.

     Next Task 

    Click DEVICE TYPE and change it from Resistor to Jumper/Strap

    Enter a designator for the first pair of pins: Jumper

    PIN 1: 1

    PIN 2: 2

    Part Number: <leave blank>

    Failure Message: Check position of jumper!

    Replaceable: YES

    Type: CLOSED

    Testable: YES


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Pin 1

Pin 2

Pin 3

Pin 4

Pin 5

Pin 6

Pin 7

Pin 8

Pin 9

Pin 10




























Pin 20

Pin 19

Pin 18

Pin 17

Pin 16

Pin 15

Pin 14

Pin 13

Pin 12

Pin 11

    Click FILE | SAVE AS…

    Enter a path to a common library:

<home path>/company_library/1258-0141

The idea here is to create a library directory that is universally accessible bymultiple programmers. That is the reason the path is unique and not a part of 

the Angela Board directory.

    Open the file using BT-BASIC to see the information.

Provide the libraries for the Resistor Packs

The Resistor packs R100-R102 are 10K 

Pull Up type surface mount resistor 

 packs. The Combinational Board uses

the configuration, shown here.

•  Pin 1 is common to internal Pin 2 of R1 - R9

•  Pins 2 - 10 are connected to the

internal pin 1 of each pull up element.

•  Pins 11 - 20 are not connected.

(Unconnected external pins) These

are used as anchors for mounting the

device on the board, but are not used


    Open the Part Description Editor.

    Enter some Initial comments. Part Number (1912-1002), description and

your name.

    Enter the List of Unused ("noconnect") External Pins.11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    Press Enter 

 Notice that commas are automatically inserted between the pin numbers.

    There are no Internal Nodes.

    Click NEXT TASK 

    Enter r1 in the Designator Field (the default device is resistor).    Enter 10K in the value field.

    Leave the Tolerance at +/- 5%

    Enter 2 in the Pin 1 Field

    Enter 1 in the Pin 2 Field

    Leave the optional part number field blank.

    Enter "R1 is connected to Pin 1 and 2" (in the failure message field).


    Enter r 2 in the Designator Field (the default device is resistor).

    Enter 3 in the Pin 1 Field

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Agilent 3070 User Fundamentals

Part Description Editor 6 - 19

S11 2Pin 1

S21 2Pin 2

S31 2Pin 3

S41 2Pin 4

S51 2Pin 5

S61 2Pin 6

S71 2Pin 7

S81 2Pin 8

Pin 16

Pin 15

Pin 14

Pin 13

Pin 12

Pin 11

Pin 10

Pin 9

    Leave 1 in the Pin 2 Field

    Leave the optional part number field blank.

    Enter "R 2 is connected to Pin 1 and 3" (in the failure message field).


    Repeat for R3-R9

    Click FILE | SAVE AS:<home path>/company_library/1912-1002

Enter the part description for a sixteen pin eight element dip switch.

    Open the Part Description Editor.

    Click FILE | NEW

    Enter some Initial comments:

Part Number (90hbw0p), description

and your name.

    There are no Unused ("noconnect")

External Pins.

    There are no Internal Nodes.

    Click NEXT TASK 

    Change the DEVICE TYPE to Switch

    Enter s1 in the Designator Field

    Enter 1 in the Pins Field and 1 in the Connections Field

    Enter 2 in the Pins Field and 16 in the Connections Field

"Pins" are the leads of the device internal to the package.

"Connections" are the pins on the outside of the package.

    Click OPEN (the selection changes to CLOSED)

    Leave the optional part number field blank.

    Enter a failure message.


   Repeat for S2-S8. Notice that only S1 and S8 are Closed, all others are OPEN!

    Verify S2 through S7 are open

    Verify S1 and S8 is closed

    Click FILE | SAVE AS: <home path>/company_library/90hbw0p

(nine zero h b w zero p)

 NOTE: The HP-UX system is case sensitive and requires all library names

 be lower case only.

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Agilent Technologies

Part Description Editor 6 - 20


2 3

Enter a different kind of Switch

According to the CAD, this Switch has four pins.

This is one way of handling a switch.This switch appears on the Combinatorial board used during

Week 2, but during the class, the CAD data will be used.

Therefore, this is just an exercise and the results will not be used in this class.

•  Pin 1 connects to Vcc

•  Pin 2 connects to the node S0

•  Pin 3 connects to Ground

•  The fourth pin is actually a mounting hole.

    Start the Part Description Editor interface.

    Click FILE | NEW to reset the forms.    Enter some initial comments:

    List of unconnected external pins? YES! Pin 4, Enter  4

This is the mounting hole in the printed circuit board.

     Number of internal pins? There are none.


    Click DEVICE TYPE and change to Switch

    Enter a designator for the first pair of pins: Switch

     Number of Connections: Enter 3 and press the ENTER key to update theinterface. The software automatically lists the three pins in order, 1 to 3. It

assumes pin 1 is common and the two other connections are open. This is

only partially correct.

    Change pin 1 to pin 2 because pin 2 is the common pin. Then change the

original pin 2 to pin 1… make it look like this:

PINS: 1 Change to  PINS: 2

PINS: 2 Change to  PINS: 1

  PINS: 3 Leave alone PINS: 3

This described the internal pins of the switch package (remember, the

software is written to support multiple devices in a single package. These arethe pin numbers of the internal part.)

Enter the same numbers for the CONNECTIONS fields and define the

connection scheme. These are the external pin numbers on the package.


3 3 OPEN

    Part Number: <leave blank>

   Failure Message:

Check position of Switch!

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Agilent 3070 User Fundamentals

Part Description Editor 6 - 21

    Replaceable: YES

    Testable: YES


    Click FILE | SAVE AS…

    Enter a path to a common library:

…/<home path>/company_library/3101-0963

    Click FILE | EXIT to close the editor.

    Open the file using BT-BASIC to see the information.

This concludes the Part Description Editor lab.

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