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Page 1: Module 1 - The Clear path mainframe


Welcome to the ClearPath Mainframe Awareness Certification course. In this course

you will learn the history of ClearPath, what ClearPath is, and the business and

technical sides of the ClearPath mainframe.

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Ed Coleman, chairman and CEO of Unisys Corporation is a champion of the

ClearPath product line.

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Never have the challenges that business IT departments face been greater. Financial

constraints, dynamic global markets, cyber security, consumerization of IT, Cloud

Computing, fast development cycles to meet new business requirements,

automation, global 24x7 businesses, open system complexities, and multiple vendor

solutions are just a few of the challenges IT departments face.

Unisys has a response for each IT challenge: Unisys ClearPath Mainframes! A

mainframe server with a proven track record.

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Unisys ClearPath mainframes handle many of the world‘s most demanding, mission-

critical workloads, delivering a scalable, reliable, and secure real-time infrastructure.

ClearPath mainframes offer corporations and organizations a competitive advantage

and a measurable ROI.

In many environments they process the business-critical applications of the

enterprise–the applications that a business fully depends on to function. ClearPath

mainframes are often the silent power running the back-office applications that serve

users at their Web browsers and mobile/smart devices.

IT analysts including Gartner all agree that the modern mainframe has unique value

and superior cost-effectiveness, especially for large scale enterprise computing.

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What is a mainframe? How does a mainframe differ from Windows, UNIX, or Linux-

based servers? This module, and the modules to follow, will state the case for the

mainframe, and specifically, Unisys ClearPath mainframes.

When was the last time you used a mainframe? Did you answer, ―not lately, or

perhaps never?‖

You will learn today that ClearPath servers are the engines that fuel business.

Chances are if you have left a voicemail, made an airline reservation, used a

government service, cashed a check, or filed a tax return you have used a ClearPath

system. ClearPath systems may be transparent, but they are the engines that make

business possible!

Furthermore, you will learn that ClearPath mainframes share a long and impressive

heritage dating back to the first general purpose computer, the UNIVAC. You will

learn about the proud history of ClearPath mainframes, where they came from, where

they are today, and what the future holds for these venerable mainframes. You will

also learn why Unisys offers two distinct ClearPath product lines.

You will learn about the ClearPath technology and you will learn a few differentiators

between ClearPath servers and Unix, Linux, Windows, and other servers.

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The purpose of this section is to provide an introduction to ClearPath mainframes.

Subsequently, we will go into much greater detail in Modules 2 and 3.

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Unisys started the IT era, changing the everyday life of people all

around the world.

Unisys has a long history of mainframe computers with a heritage that

goes back 60 years to the UNIVAC I, the first general purpose

mainframe computer, and 70 back years to the ENIAC, the first

successful digital computer.

John Mauchly, an American physicist, and J. Presper Eckert, an

American engineer, proposed an electronic digital computer, called the

Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC). The ENIAC

was completed in 1945 and is regarded as the first successful, general

digital computer.

During the 1950s, an expanding awareness of data processing

applications laid the foundations for a civilian computer industry. Eckert

and Mauchley formed their own company. They produced the Universal

Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), which was used for a broad variety of

commercial applications. Work started on UNIVAC I in 1948, and the

first unit was delivered in 1951. The Rand Corporation, then the Sperry

Rand Corporation, and now Unisys, acquired the Eckert-Mauchly

Computer Corporation in 1950.

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Eckert and Mauchly‘s creation of a reliable electronic system, led to

widespread usage throughout governments worldwide, and secured

Unisys success in these markets. In 1950, Eckert and Mauchly

launched the UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), an important

forerunner of today's computers. The first UNIVAC computer was

delivered to the United States Census Bureau in June 1951 with a

much improved design over ENIAC. The second, third and fourth

production computers were delivered to the Internal Revenue Service

facility in Baltimore beginning in 1952.

Over one thousand units were produced before being succeeded by the

next generation of Univac mainframe computers.

The UNIVAC made history in 1952. The evening of November 4, 1952,

the CBS television and radio networks projected that Dwight D.

Eisenhower would win the presidential election by a landslide, based on

computations performed by the UNIVAC I.

And after 60 years, ClearPath clients continue to realize a competitive

advantage by employing Unisys ClearPath mainframes.

The history of Unisys is also one of talented and dedicated people, ever

looking to improve and expand computing in business and government.

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In 1986, a merger rocked the IT world. Sperry Corporation and

Burroughs Corporation, two long-time competitors in the mid-to-large

scale mainframe marketplace, joined forces to become the second

largest computer manufacturer and IT service provider in the world.

A lot has changed since then, but one fact rings out: No vendor offers a

wider range of secure, high-performance business mainframes than the

Unisys ClearPath product lines.

And the two flagship systems from those venerable corporations have

evolved to the ClearPath Dorado mainframes, based on the OS 2200

operating system and the ClearPath Libra mainframes, based on the

MCP operating system.

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Many ask why Unisys markets two mainframe product lines running two

proprietary operating systems (MCP and OS 2200). The answer is quite


1.Both product lines have proven track records of running the clients‘

core and mission-critical business applications.

2.Both product lines provide IT environments that are unmatched by

UNIX, Windows and Linux.

3.Both product lines existed as the flagship lines from the two

previously independent companies, Burroughs Corporation and Sperry


4.Both product lines have their own large and enthusiastic client bases.

5.The product lines address similar but different business needs.

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These are the systems that started the IT era!

The Univac 1 started the general computing, computer era in 1951 and there has

been ongoing innovation ever since. New platforms software, services and

innovations are introduced annually. For example, in 2010 Unisys launched three

new Dorado product lines. The latest platforms are called Dorado 4190, 4180, 4150

and 700 series of servers. These new platforms employ state of the art technology

and the latest Unisys Innovations.

Note that this table is just a sampling to show the major series of model introductions

within the OS 2200 product line.

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Take a moment to read through the list of OS1100/OS 2200 systems, beginning with

the OS 1100 and followed by the four follow-on series of ClearPath servers.

All of the Dorado servers run the powerful, reliable, and secure OS 2200 operating


The high-end Dorado systems are based on Unisys-designed CMOS processor and

I/O. The entry-to mid range systems run the Unisys OS 2200 operating system on an

enterprise-class, Intel® Xeon® processor-based Unisys platform. For the Intel-based

systems, the Unisys-designed firmware and system software contain our mission-

critical attributes to ensure the necessary stable, reliable, and secure OS 2200


Click the Job Aid button to open a PDF version of this table that you can use as a

future job aid.

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The Unisys MCP product got its start in the mid 1950s and continues strong today,

with a host of innovations and models. This chart shows the major models introduced

since 1955.

This is just a sampling. In fact, dozens of new ClearPath MCP products and services

are introduced each and every year. For instance, since 2004, the Libra 400 series,

Libra 500 series, Libra 600 series, Libra 700 series, Libra 4000, Libra 4100, and other

models have been introduced, not to mention the specialty engines, system

management features, and so forth.

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Take a moment to read through the list of MCP systems, beginning with the A Series

and followed by the series of Libra servers. All of the servers run the powerful,

reliable, and secure MCP operating system.

The high-end Libra systems are based on Unisys-designed CMOS processor and

I/O. The entry-to mid range systems run the Unisys MCP operating system on an

enterprise-class, Intel® Xeon® processor-based Unisys platform. For the Intel-based

systems, the Unisys-designed firmware and system software contain our mission-

critical attributes to ensure the necessary stable, reliable, and secure MCP


Click the Job Aid button to open a PDF version of this table that you can use as a

future job aid.

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Before we go any further, let‘s define ClearPath.

Unisys ClearPath mainframes handle some of the world‘s most demanding mission-

critical workloads, delivering scalable, reliable, and secure real-time infrastructure.

Security is exceptional, as common breaches are avoided via the native system

architecture, thus reducing costs while optimizing protection. These systems provide

significant vertical scalability, supporting mixed workloads consisting of hundreds of

applications, processing exceptionally high volume transactions and requirements

under a single operating system. ClearPath environments support an extensive range

of standard and de facto standard interfaces, allowing participation in distributed

environments, including SOA implementations.

There overall focus is on providing mission-critical and agile environments for core

business applications.

Let‘s look at 10 attributes that help define and describe ClearPath mainframe


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These fundamental ten attributes are designed and built into the

architecture, hardware, system software and middleware of every

ClearPath system.

Let‘s take scalability for instance. ClearPath scalability is not just a

hardware capability, it is an integral part of the ClearPath software

components as well.

In regards to these attributes, ClearPath is in a class of its own and the

development of these attributes is on-going. ClearPath engineers

continually push the envelope as they develop new and exciting

ClearPath technologies.

ClearPath mainframes provide high availability while processing

hundreds of mission-critical and business-critical applications and tasks

under a single instance of the operating system. ClearPath servers

handle workloads 24 x 7, with complete isolation between applications,

databases, and all activities. This is not the case with so called open

platforms. Businesses run into problems when running enterprise

applications on a single open platform server. Thus, IT departments

isolate applications by running them on dedicated, single application

servers. This results in hard to manage server farms and server sprawl.

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ClearPath and its fundamental attributes provide a rock-solid foundation

to process today‘s business requirements. But there is more. ClearPath

mainframes provide a wide set of capabilities that facilitate technology

and business flexibility. ClearPath systems are in every way, modern


These modern mainframes offer multiple, flexible business models such

as Pay-for-Use and Cloud. These business models enable ClearPath

clients to choose a business model that meets their business


These modern mainframes support all open standards enabling

integration with practically any server, application, or database, while

supporting modern end-user interfaces such as Web-based clients to

smart phones.

These modern mainframes focus on providing business value through

concrete productivity economics—it is not just about the initial cost or

even TCO. ClearPath clients realize a significant ROI by staying with or

moving to ClearPath mainframe computing.

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These modern mainframes provide autonomic systems management,

across the datacenter. Autonomic computing was conceived to lessen

the spiraling demands for skilled IT resources, to reduce operational

complexity, and to improve platform stability, availability, and

serviceability. Immediate benefits include reduced dependence on

human intervention to maintain complex systems resulting in a

substantial decrease in costs. Click the information icon to learn more

about autonomic computing.

These modern mainframes are open systems, allowing IT personnel to

use their industry-standard skill sets and tools to develop, deploy and

manage applications on the ClearPath mainframes.

Unisys-designed ClearPath Specialty Engines play a key role in

enabling our clients to take advantage of the latest technologies.

ClearPath Specialty Engines deliver a highly secure and high-

performance solution for application-specific Java, Message Queuing,

Cryptography, Web interfaces, Web Services, including smart phone


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So, how does ClearPath achieve these incredible attributes of scalability, reliability,

availability, capacity, and performance? Much of the credit must go to the ClearPath

operating environment: the Unisys Integrated Software Stacks!

The ClearPath OS 2200 and MCP operating environments include all of the software

needed to process mission-critical applications on an enterprise-class server. The

operating environment is fully integrated and qualified with all system software and

hardware components to ensure the seamless operation that our clients require to

run their core business-critical applications and databases.

And since Unisys designs the hardware and the operating environment, the

components are optimized to perform efficiently and at a very high level.


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Click on the link below to view a brief video regarding ClearPath middleware and

open system features.



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ClearPath systems are well known for their high-volume, IO intensive, online

transaction capabilities.


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The Unisys databases are known for the extreme data integrity. Regardless of the

event, natural or man-made, the data integrity can be trusted.

Online transaction and database management have been core features of ClearPath

long before Windows, UNIX, and Linux were even conceived.


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Security is one of the top concerns of IT today as per industry analysts.

Additional features include hardware and software technology to encrypt sensitive

data to ensure data privacy.

ClearPath security is not a third-party add-on application. Security is integrated

throughout the ClearPath platform and software environment and built into every

component. Consequently, ClearPath provides security that is second to none for

critical applications and sensitive data.


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What is ClearPath?

ClearPath is a mission-critical platform and an open system.

ClearPath systems support an extensive range of standard and de facto standardinterfaces, allowing participation in distributed environment and integration withpractically any application or database.

ClearPath supports modern end-user access methods such as web-based clients andsmart mobile devices.

The combination of mission-critical and open attributes results in systems which arepowerful and secure transaction processing platforms, and are able to participate indistributed environments. These unique characteristics differentiate ClearPathsystems from other platforms commonly viewed as open.

Click the information icon to read a brief report regarding ClearPath as an opensystem.

Click the Adobe Acrobat icon to view the same article in PDF format.


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And what about the ClearPath hardware platform?

ClearPath mainframes incorporate the highest quality and highest

performing computer components.

Regarding processors, our highest performance systems employ

Unisys-designed processors that support a powerful but compact

processing instruction set.

Our mid-range and entry-level systems employ the full ClearPath

environment as firmware running in the latest generation of server-type

Intel processors. Clients who choose the Intel-based platform do not

need to change any element of their application, transaction, or

database environment if they decide to move up or down within a

ClearPath product line. And rest assured that the Intel-based systems

employ Unisys-developed, ClearPath firmware to ensure a secure,

reliable, and stable platform to run each clients‘ core business


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ClearPath mainframes employ I/O processors and network processors

to reduce the I/O overhead placed on the central processors. I/O

processors offer multiple paths to critical storage arrays to reduce

single-point failures and allows for hardware and software updates with

minimal impact on business processing.

ClearPath mainframes employ the highest-performing, state-of-the-art

fault tolerant memory types such as Registered SDRAM. Multiple paths

to memory reduce bottlenecks and allow for multiple requestors such as

central processors and I/O processors to access memory


ClearPath mainframes employ redundant, fault-tolerant hardware and

software. Internal error handling and correction is employed to reduce

downtime and operator involvement to diagnose and resolve faults.

ClearPath offers specialty engines that securely off-load processing of

Web, Java, and Cryptographic operations to Intel-based appliances.

Note that additional specialty engines exist that are not shown.

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What is ClearPath?

ClearPath is not a patchwork quilt of components thrown together.

ClearPath is a tightly integrated set of hardware and software

components that are designed, tested, and qualified to seamlessly

function together.

Whether it is the operating system, the central processing environment,

the transaction or database management systems, the I/O subsystem,

or the specialty engines, they are all designed to function as one by


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Let‘s take a moment to explore a few key and specific differentiators between

ClearPath mainframes and common UNIX, Linux, and Windows servers.

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ClearPath availability and reliability is unmatched by UNIX, Linux, or Windows. Many

ClearPath clients measure the time between planned and unplanned outages in


The capability of ClearPath servers running mission-critical and business-critical

environments is unmatched by UNIX, Linux, and Windows. Mission-critical means

that a mission of some sort is depending on the computing systems. Business-critical

means that the whole business is totally depending on IT availability. ClearPath

systems are popular in both environments.

The capability of ClearPath mainframes to run I/O intensive, high-volume online

transaction processing is well known.

The capability of ClearPath to complete transactions with full data integrity is

unmatched. Full data integrity means that no matter what happens, including natural

or man-made catastrophes, the transaction data is not compromised. No matter what,

our clients can trust that their data and their client‘s data is correct and intact.

ClearPath security is in a class of its own. There is no known reported security

violation in the ClearPath environment. ClearPath is proud of its virus-free track

record and its inherent ability to thwart cyber attacks.

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Compared with UNIX, Linux and Windows servers, perhaps the most striking

difference is that ClearPath systems can run hundreds of mission-critical applications

under one instance of the MCP or OS 2200 operating system. This has been the

ClearPath design from the start.

ClearPath servers can gracefully run 100% utilization—while in the UNIX, Windows

and Linux, stable, reliable utilization is very low at 5% to 20%. Even with

virtualization, the utilization remains quite low in these environments. In a recent

Gartner Conference the Disney CIO said that their server utilization in their massive

server farms was 5%.

But what about IT economics and long-term value? IT economic value is not just

about TCO, but rather the value provided. When clients study the value of ClearPath

and their applications to their business in financial terms, results are always excellent.

While UNIX, LINUX and Windows environments have a major role in IT, so do

mainframes. ClearPath mainframes are needed when ‗good enough‘ isn‘t enough!

ClearPath mainframes are used in environments where UNIX, Windows or Linux

simply cannot deliver.

Mainframes are the silent power of IT running core business applications, accessed

by unknowing users through Web browsers and mobile devices.

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The ClearPath integrated stack is a key differentiator.

What is an ―Integrated Stack‖?Let‘s begin to answer that question by looking at the

major components within a computer system, as shown on the slide graphic.

The four major components at the center…

1) transport and communications,

2) integration middleware,

3) application environments, and

4) file and database management

…manage the applications and their interactions with data stores, and external


The remaining two components shown at the left and right of the four center


1) systems management and recovery, and

2) security

…provide services to manage and protect the four center components.


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All six components run under the operating system.

And , of course, all of this software and the operating system run in the hardware



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We will start exploring what we mean by an integrated stack by considering the

opposite: the ―open systems‖ model.

The open systems approach promotes choice. That means that the various

components can come from different sources, e.g. Dell hardware, running the Linux

operating system, employing an Oracle database, and a JBoss Application Server,

and so forth.

This model includes limitations, including:

• Because many of the components come from different sources there is minimal

scope for optimization. Specific functions cannot be relocated to other

components in the interests of efficiency because they have different owners and

each has to operate in other environments, with different components.

• As a result, significant integration work is required at each site, with extensive

testing if a new release of one of the components is required.

• There is a risk of gaps in security and systems management, especially recovery.

The ―Integrated Stack‖ model means that all of the software and the hardware

platform come from the same source.

This approach offers significant scope for optimization, as functions can be moved

between components, and even into hardware or firmware. This approach not only

enhances performance but also security and manageability.


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A further major advantage of the integrated stack is that the amount of integration

effort required for initial installation and new releases of a component is greatly

reduced. The entire stack is integrated and tested by the vendor before release.

Other IT companies are now realizing the advantages of the integrated stack. Oracle,

for example, has acquired a variety of companies–BEA Systems and Sun are two– to

enable it to offer an integrated stack. Its new strap line is ―Hardware and Software:

Engineered to Work Together‖ – just what Unisys has been doing for decades with

ClearPath MCP and OS 2200 systems.


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Let‘s take a moment to see how and where ClearPath is being used today.

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ClearPath systems are used by clients worldwide in a variety of business and

services, including the Public, Finance, Transportation, Communication, and

Commercial sectors.

As you can see, ClearPath systems and Unisys services handle some of the most

critical computing workloads–for large organizations and enterprises around the


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ClearPath is about evolution and continuing innovation. It is about decades of new

systems, software guiding IT in terms of availability, integrity, security and high

capacity and high volume. It is about innovations for enabling technology and

business flexibility. It is a long list of industry firsts!

Many of the great innovations in the IT community including commercially-available

stored logic programming, integrated recovery, core memory, disk-based operating

systems, virtual memory, stack architecture, dynamic-linked libraries, and so forth

originated with the ClearPath product line and its ancestors.

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The on-going history of Unisys is one of talented and dedicated people, ever looking

to improve and expand computing in business and government. And always pushing

the limits of IT.

Take a moment to read through this abbreviated list of Unisys mainframe innovations.

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This list represents an extensive list of Unisys patents. ClearPath technology

innovations continue at a fast pace; the last 10 years has brought forth many

innovations especially in the area of business agility.

Take a moment to read through this abbreviated list of Unisys mainframe innovations.

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Unisys is committed to the ClearPath portfolio. This commitment is clearly

demonstrated by the high level of activity in our mainframe product lines, software

releases, services, and innovations announced several times each year.

The ClearPath portfolio is important for our clients and their business and it is

important for Unisys.

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Dominick Cavuoto, President of Unisys TCIS, clearly states the commitment of

Unisys in regards to sustaining the long and storied history of ClearPath innovation…

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Unisys has a clear plan for the ClearPath product line. The first element of the plan is

to do far more than sustain the current client base. Our objective is to grow the

ClearPath client base.

We will make the investments needed to keep the platforms at the state-of-the-art ,

supported by the most current technology and by a team that will sustain support for

the long term. And over the years, ClearPath engineering has a great track record on

delivering on the Unisys plans and strategies.


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Unisys continues on the multi-year roadmap that will continue to introduce innovation

across a broad range of technology topics. This will deliver platforms that are cost-

effective while addressing complex, mission-critical environments.

The investments we make in the ClearPath infrastructure will directly benefit the

vertical solutions supported on ClearPath today, making them even more appealing to

new clients.

This is native to our growth strategy. And, we will complement all of this technology

with professional services, allowing clients to leverage ClearPath features faster, and

with less cost.


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Actions speak louder than words! Look at this amazing number of new MCP–based

systems announced over the past 10 years. Unisys has designed, developed, and

released thirty seven new ClearPath Libra Server product lines since 2001!

In addition, but not shown, are the ClearPath Specialty Engines, software,

middleware, business models, and services.

Unisys is not sitting still…we continue to develop new MCP-based product lines,

including the current line, Libra.

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Again, look at the incredible list of these large scale OS 2200 systems. This list

shows only the OS 2200 product line announcements. In addition, but not shown, are

the ClearPath Specialty Engines, software, middleware, business models, and


Unisys has designed, developed, and released thirty one new ClearPath OS 2200

server product lines since 2001!

Unisys is not standing still. As you can see, we continue to develop new ClearPath

Dorado product lines and do so at a fast pace.

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In summary…Unisys and ClearPath are not standing still. Unisys is

focusing on both business and technology innovations. Unisys

continues to deliver innovation through new business models,

architectures, platforms, software, middleware, and services. And

Unisys is doing so at a fast pace, so necessary in today‘s IT climate.

In recent years Unisys has brought to market significant capabilities for

business, supporting open and industry-standard technologies,

demonstrating the financial and technical flexibility that keeps us in a

leadership position within the mainframe and server world. And we will

continue to do so.

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In this module we have made the case for the ClearPath mainframe.

ClearPath systems are typically used in mission-critical environments

such as high-volume transaction processing.

Attributes such as reliability, efficiency, responsiveness to rapidly

changing conditions and security are essential, and security is

particularly critical.

ClearPath systems are particularly strong in these attributes, largely

due to the integrated software stack.

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You have reached the end of Module 1.

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