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Page 1: Module 3 Lesson 1 Important Introdcutory Vocabulary

Key Vocabulary for

Module 3, Lesson 1:

Settlement of the Thirteen Colonies

Review these important vocabulary terms as you prepare to learn about Colonial America.

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People who were on a “religious journey” to America... in order to flee religious persecution

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A group of Protestants that arose out of the Church of England who wanted to “purify” the Church and believed in a greater strictness of religious discipline

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religious dissenters

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Those who spoke out against the teachings of the church

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This word means, “many differences.” (religious diversity, ethnic diversity, etc)

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The religious group that settled Pennsylvania – they opposed war and fighting

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People, like the Quakers, who do not like war or fighting…therefore they were known as pacifists.

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The religious group that settled in Maryland

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The idea that a nation should export more than it imports and become wealthy and more powerful

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cash crops

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Crops that were grown in the New World in order to make lots of “cash!” (like tobacco, rice, etc.)

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Native Americans

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The native inhabitants of North America

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Jamestown (Virginia)

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The first permanent English settlement in North America

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plantation system

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The economic system of the Southern Colonies…based on large scale farming and the use of slaves

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indentured servants

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People who exchanged a promise for a number of years work in order to get passage to America

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triangular trade

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The trade route that developed between the North American Colonies, England, and Africa

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The Middle Passage

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The terrible, cramped voyage of the slaves from Africa to the Colonies

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Joint stock colony

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Colonies that were settled by people who invested in hopes of earning a profit

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proprietary colony

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A colony controlled by one (or a small group) of owners

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royal colony

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A colony controlled entirely by the King

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Colonial America.

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