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Page 1: Module 3 - Lesson 6 - How To Implement Module 3 …...Module 3 - Lesson 6 - How To Implement Module 3 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar - Part 1 Christa: Hello. Hello, hello everybody.


Module 3 - Lesson 6 - How To Implement Module 3 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar - Part 1 Christa: Hello. Hello, hello everybody.

Jeanne: Hi everybody.

Christa: Welcome to webinar three module three. Tonight we are talking about macronutrients, movement and breath. Before we do that, we want to hear from you. Anya, Autumn, Nicole, Amelia. Tell us what is new and good. We want to know what is new and good [00:00:30] happening for you in your life. Hi Tracy, Lori, Micaela, Janice. Aloha, Kate. We're really pumped to be with you guys tonight. We're going to bring this program to life. While you're posting what's new and good, I'm just going to give you the flow. We're going to talk about a couple of things for those of you who are feeling overwhelmed or those of you who are struggling. Then we're going [00:01:00] to move into reviewing logs. We've pulled four logs from the Facebook group that we're going to review. Then we'll get into our presentation for where we're heading with logging the macro nutrients and the metrics and then we'll open it up for questions.

But let's celebrate. We gotta take a minute. Heidi, sleeping through the night. Mary Beth sleeping sounder. Lori, have not felt gassy or bloated. Huge plus. Sandy, thrilled with everything. Yes. High [00:01:30] five! Micaela, she loves cooking. I love that. Forcing you to do more of what you love. You're using it like a creative endeavor. All this self learning. Nancy, my body has a lot to say. Yeah it really does. Who to know it better than you? Monica, calmer. Yay. Love the sleep. Some weight loss happening. This is wonderful. Congratulations. Congratulations. A lot [00:02:00] of people sleeping better. Hi Cheryl. All right. So, I'm happy to hear. Carola, enjoying my food for the first time in years.

Jeanne: Awesome. That's the way that it should be absolutely.

Christa: Yep. Exactly. Yeah, so let's talk about ... Susan, Erica happy birthday. Happy birthday. Then Rebecca says feeling better, but part of this protocol is hard to manage. So, I want [00:02:30] to address that because I was in the Facebook group earlier and you're not alone. So, let's talk about if you feel like this is hard to manage because we have Lisa who says I'm struggling to do it all. Eating six times, remembering all the to dos amongst busy life on the go. Jill, I'm struggling too. I'm glad you posted this. Rachel, I struggle too trying to get all the meals in and the morning and night drinks. It's a lot of prepping. So,

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let's talk about those of you who feel overwhelmed. [00:03:00] Jeanne and I were just discussing it. The idea of trying to fit it all in when you're already stressed and overwhelmed is too much.

So, just like you're tuning in to your body, you also have to tune in to your emotions. You only do what doesn't make you feel overwhelmed. So, for those of you who are struggling, maybe you set your seven daily doses aside. Maybe you don't do the morning elixir for a little while. If you [00:03:30] can't get the broccoli sprouts in or sometimes you are too tired to make your golden milk. Something like that. If it's going to overwhelm you or stress you, then all we want you to do is focus on your meals and your nutrition and having protein, carb and fat with each meal.

Jeanne: I think as far as the prepping is concerned, what you guys have been doing over the last couple of weeks is really establishing a food frequency that works better for you. Your eating more frequently and that food frequency [00:04:00] is so powerful because it gives you ... It allows you to plan more efficiently for yourself. You know what those feeding times are for yourself, so, if you're going to be out of the house, you know that you have to plan for that meal, be it at home or away. So, it kind of sets you up for a greater success but as Christa just mentioned, if you're feeling too overwhelmed, just stick with the foods. You may use some of the recipes but you may modify them. Get that carb, get that protein, get that fat on your plate in a portion size that really works for you and [00:04:30] let the rest of it go. You've got a lot of time to work through these things and you're going to continuously revisit and you're going to learn something new each time you allow yourself that space and give yourself that permission to just kind of pull back and really start to settle in to what I can do.

What can I do versus what I can't do because that's really where we're going. We're trying to find that balance between your body, your mind, your spirit, your emotions. All of it.

Christa: Yeah. I want to make sure that you're watching the videos inside the portal. [00:05:00] Because we have a video for you about the journey. Because I know, and especially those of you who have been with me before this is so different than anything that I've ever done that it's 100% that resistance is going to come up. Because we're challenging you at the foundational level. We're challenging you at the cellular level. We're having you trust yourself maybe in your own body for the first time ever which is really foreign to the vast majority of the population [00:05:30] and right before we're getting ready to really kind

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of tip and change and poke holes in the story we've been living our whole life, really a lot of resistance comes up.

All of the pain is in the resistance. If that makes sense. I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a while who's a healer and I said, "How was your 2018?" She said, "You know what? It was great because I really learned how to not have resistance." You're going to learn a lot [00:06:00] of that in the emotional repatterning part two. That's what makes for a great life. Because life is going to happen. We can't maybe change some external circumstances or our responsibilities, but if we resist them, that's where the pain is and the frustration. So, I know that sounds a little nebulous, but I hope that it makes sense because you're kind of befriending yourself and doing what works for you right now. You have access to this program for an entire year. [00:06:30] We're not going anywhere. Our clinical care team isn't going anywhere. So, don't feel like you've got to get it right now just to be in line with the webinars. Just be on the webinars. Follow, consume the material, let it kind of percolate and settle in. Then you'll go through part two.

Some of you are struggling emotionally. When you go through part two, maybe that is the detox you need to go through to be able to be present to execute all of the clinical. To have the [00:07:00] space for that. So, we're doing this dance together and there's no one right way. There are a million paths up the same exact mountain.

Jeanne: Perfect.

Christa: Okay. Yes. It's a whole journey. Okay. Hello Richard from New Jersey. Okay. All right. Yeah. Drew. Okay. Well, great guys. So, we're going to go ahead and turn off the chat now because we want to review logs and I want everyone to be really listening. We're going to review four [00:07:30] different logs and I want you to really be listening for what this means to you as you log and as you make really subtle changes in your diet and then we can go ahead and turn on the chat. I just want to make sure everybody can hear me. Some people seem like they're having trouble. So, then we'll go ahead and turn the chat back on and you can ask questions. So, I'm going to screen share here and pull up some logs. We're going to start with Autumn's [00:08:00] log. We're going to start with Autumn's log and Jeanne is going to go ahead and review. Okay.

Jeanne: Okay.

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Christa: Then let's get the chat off there. Okay. Great. So, let me ... I can drive for you. Give us just one second. She pull up Autumn's log all the way nice and big [00:08:30] so everybody can see it. All right.

Jeanne: There we go.

Christa: There you go.

Jeanne: Perfect.

Christa: Oh, one quick thing before Jeanne jumps in is that when you want us to review your logs, we're always going to choose three or four to review. Make sure that they're in either PDF or Excel format because we can't see them enough to screen share like this if you just post a picture to the Facebook group. Always do it within the Facebook group. Don't send it in to the customer service team. If [00:09:00] you can do it by Monday, that would be great for next week. We're going to start turning Jeanne's Facebook live on Mondays from 9:30 to 10:30 into log reviews. Then I'm going to be taking all supplement questions on Fridays.

Jeanne: Perfect. Perfect. Okay so Autumn, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I think there's a lot of insightful information here. I just kind of want to before we start going into body temperatures and pulses just review what a normal range [00:09:30] is. That is from 97.8 to 98.6 or 36.5 to 37.0 Celsius. Again, pulses are going to range from anywhere to 70 to 85. If you fall without of those ranges that's okay. That's just informing you. So, here we have Autumn and she is showing us that she's waking up at 5:45. Looks like temperature is 96.6 or 96.3. I'm not sure. [00:10:00] Pulse is 86. She's doing an elixir. Her body temperature and pulse comes up beautifully. Actually, her pulse comes down which is showing us ... Again, 96.3 is showing us that the glycogen reserves are deficient. They're depleted. There is no energy for the body to begin to regulate.

So, those stress hormones, those [inaudible 00:10:22] stress hormones are very active at this stage of the game. We can kind of see that in that elevated pulse and see how that comes down that the [00:10:30] temperature comes up. What we're seeing right there is those stress hormones being quieted down, blood sugar being regulated and energy conversion happening. Beautiful.

Christa: This is food as medicine at its finest. Yeah.

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Jeanne: So, this meal really worked and that's what we're seeing. We're noticing that she's feeling tired and overwhelmed, worried. So, we're stepping into the day in a little bit of overwhelm, yet her body has just received some nutrition to help regulate that a little bit. So, 8:30, two hours later, we're having another meal. [00:11:00] A wrap. What we don't see, carbohydrate is lacking in this meal, that's okay. But what we're seeing is we're rushed. We're rushed, we're getting ready so there's a lot of activity going on here at 8:30 with not enough of that carbohydrate energy. Although she stabilizes it pretty well up until meal three. We have another meal coming in four hours later. Is that four hours later? Yeah. 97.9. we've got more going on. We've taught [00:11:30] two classes, graded papers, answered emails. Again, energy is energy so we really have to be aware of that although I think these meals are very stable.

Here's one thing I want to just mention. Tell us how your meals are identified for yourself really. How that meal makes you feel? Does it give you energy? Does it make your body feel warm? What are you noticing with that? A lot of you are identifying the gas and the bloating, but are you identifying again the warmth, the [00:12:00] comfort, the energy, the calmness, things like that that might be coming up as well.

Christa: Yeah. That's a sign you're heading the right direction if you feel cold after a meal, then you're going to want to revisit that.

Jeanne: Yeah. I think somebody had a question about that as far as how do I know whether a meal is working for me or not working for me. Is it the balance? What was that question that we had right there? I just want to touch on that really quickly. Affecting me is the type of food or the wrong ratio. So, again, you'll come into relationship with that [00:12:30] more over the next week, but it's really come back to how does it feel in your body? That's going to really inform you at that level.

Christa: Yeah. She says I feel dairy and eggs and sweet potatoes are not working for me. Is the temperature reflecting that too. So, yeah. If they're not working for you, your temperature will reflect that.

Jeanne: Yeah. Especially if you're adding in foods that you haven't been consuming for a while. Certainly acknowledge that and maybe pull them back out for now. So, here we are moving through the day. We're at 4:00 took a beautiful combination of meals. I love what we're doing [00:13:00] here. Happy to be back home. Looks like we're relaxed. Loose stool after almost every meal today. So, that's informative, isn't it? So, we want to look at that. I wouldn't say that it's so

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much the foods and I'll say that as we move into the next day or it's clear to me because of what's happening into the next day. So, we're moving through the day. We have a nice relaxed evening.

We're doing ... I'm not going to touch so much on each meal, but what we can see is that there's been a lot of energy. [00:13:30] Meals are regulating, but we are seeing that there are some loose stools throughout the day. Again, a lot of movement activity to consider. So, we want to think about the level of anxiety. How digestion is affected by constant movement activity. Just-

Christa: Well, this is why yes, today we're going to talk about creating parasympathetic moments. So, in this log, there's no space in your day. There's no parasympathetic moments which is where we're going to bring them in with yoga or stretching and the breathing [00:14:00] for sure is going to be crucial to you, Autumn.

Jeanne: Yes. Yep. As we move into the next day-

Christa: Okay. January 19th. New day.

Jeanne: New day. New energy. Less activity. We see a very different reaction for Autumn over all. I don't believe we see ... do we see a lot of loose stools on this day? I think we're recovered. Our bowel movements are feeling [00:14:30] better. Now, what we do have is a headache. Okay. So let's talk about this. In the previous day, there was a mention of having been out in cold weather.

Christa: But it's also a weekend. So, we really need to understand how our jobs, how our careers, how our weeks affect us so dramatically.

Jeanne: Yes. So, we had a day that was very busy. We were out in the elements. It was really cold. I believe that's what happened. So, here [inaudible 00:14:58]. We wake up. Similar body temperature [00:15:00] and pulse. What that is showing you again is, and this is where food frequency is so important and when we talk about fasting and whatnot why it's not recommended because what we're seeing is you can not regulate your blood sugar for long periods of time. That's where your food frequency is so important to interrupt those stress hormones and give your body what it needs to again create that balance throughout the day. Again, beautiful body temperature and pulse elevation. We see a little bit of an elevated pulse at night. Again, [00:15:30] I'm thinking you are doing your night time snacks. You're eating all the way to bed. Perfect.

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Over time, that will begin to correct itself. As long as you're continuously meeting your body where it is and identifying like extra activity during work or weekdays, how they affect you and using the tools that you'll be learning over the next week or even through this module three. The breathing techniques throughout the day to help regulate that nervous system. Very, very powerful. As you move through your day. I've had clients who have had pulses up in [00:16:00] the 100s and after five seconds of breathing, they're back in the 80s. So, very powerful tool to use.

Christa: I just want to remind you to breathe before you eat. Somebody posted in the Facebook group that her two year old reminded her to breathe before she ate because we don't want you eating in that sympathetic state.

Jeanne: Right.

Christa: So, I would also like you to list what you're doing while you're eating. Are you eating on the go?

Jeanne: Very important.

Christa: Are you on the computer or are you mindfully sitting down eating, focusing on your food? So, make sure you list that on your [00:16:30] logs as we go forward.

Jeanne: Yes. So, here we're moving through the day. Again a very relaxed Autumn. She's having a wonderful afternoon morning with her husband. We can see meal frequency looks really beautiful. Balances of meals look really beautiful. Again, Autumn just with that wrap, just include a little bit more carbohydrate with that meal. I think you can go a long way. You picked up your daughter. Sitting down for launch. You really enjoyed the pesto. Beautiful. beautiful. We see a nice peak mid day. That's exactly [00:17:00] what we want to see. So, we see that gradual increase over the morning. We peak mid day and that's showing you a very regulated cortisol rhythm. Now, here we have a blueberry smoothie. This is why I bring up the elements, because smoothies are not anything I would recommend for anybody in colder temperatures climates.

I think these are going to be used more if you are in that climate around an exercise or workout or activity on the go but not necessarily as a snack in that situation. [00:17:30] Now, I see that you did have a little bit of broth and ghee and apple pears. But again, just that lack of sustenance, you need a little bit more density in that meal to really ground you in those elements and then with everything else going on, to really pull that heat and maintain that heat

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because what you see is your body has a hard time holding heat. So, we want to acknowledge where we're at and what we're doing.

Christa: This is good that you were too tired and you were full. So, you didn't have the golden milk tonic. So, that's why we say there is [00:18:00] no perfect doing this. Because it's moment to moment as your body responds. It would have been too much for you. Probably would have given you a stomachache. So, for those of you who go out to eat and it's okay if you make a choice that wasn't a perfect [Rico 00:18:14] choice, sometimes some of you are going to actually need that to be able to stay on the program. It's like a pressure valve release. So, have fun and eat what you want for that meal and then correct and continue and get back on it.

Jeanne: Realize that we're not trying to meet this level of perfection. It [00:18:30] doesn't exist. So, again, give yourself permission to have that flexibility and to really move a little bit more to the center of that spectrum versus too far to one end or too far to the other.

Christa: Right.

Jeanne: Okay. I also want to say on that final reading that we see that titration back down on that body temperature and pulse.

Christa: Okay.

Jeanne: Really beautiful.

Christa: All right. I want to make sure everybody can see this one here. Now, we're going to move on to Micaela. Okay. All right.

Jeanne: [00:19:00] Okay.

Christa: Micaela, you're on the webinar tonight.

Jeanne: So, Micaela, we've got some really high body temperatures. This is great. It's informing us. What I would like to see is make sure you take that morning pulse. Because we can see those pulses are a little bit on the lower end and they stabilize throughout the day, which is not a bad thing, but we can start to see some variations in your pulses. Let's say you wake up at a 45 and you jump up to 56. Great if you wake up at a 55 and [00:19:30] you stabilize at 56 and 58 throughout the day, we can see that there is a stressor in the system or again this could potentially be closer to ovulation. We'll start to get to see a little bit

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of fluctuation and variation through the days as we move through here so you'll get to see that.

Here we have a meal at 7:45. Again, waking up with a strong body temperature. If you are in a luteal phase of your cycle if you're cycling, be aware of that because what you do here ... a long week, but you feel good. Wonderful. You feel [00:20:00] good enough to go for a hike before you eat. Now, again body temperatures are showing us that you may have a little bit more potential to store your energy for longer periods of time. However, I'm just going to click over really really quickly here. Because we see [crosstalk 00:20:18]

Christa: You can see how one day effects the other, effects the other.

Jeanne: Yeah. So, we're starting to see a big jump and I just want to jump one more time. Okay. So, there is a lot of opportunity for your body [00:20:30] to store energy for longer periods of time. So pay attention to that. If you're noticing these consistent you're staying consistently at a normal body temperature and pulse, see if you can go for longer periods of time but also pay attention to how you're feeling. So, you went for a hike before. So I was hungry. If you're going for a hike, I would say being three hours in, this can be a little tricky because I don't know if Micaela is on any thyroid medication.

Christa: Okay.

Jeanne: Or again, where you are in your cycle. [00:21:00] So, those are two variables that are really really important here. Because let's say you had ... Actually we'll have a conversation about that as we look at another log moving forward and you'll get to see that, but just be careful. Otherwise we see some really strong things. We see a lot of stability in the body temperature and pulse. Hungry, felt good. You seem to feel good throughout. Frequency looks good. Snacking before dinner while cooking. Perfect. Dinner relaxing. You're relaxed. Bedtime snack. [00:21:30] Overall things are looking pretty good.

Christa: Sorry hang on. Let's see. I just want to make sure that you are seeing the right log here. Nicole, thank you so much. Okay. If you weren't seeing Micaela's log now you should.

Jeanne: Okay.

Christa: All right.

Jeanne: All right.

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Christa: Thanks Nicole.

Jeanne: Okay, so coming into day two. We [00:22:00] see a big difference in things. The pulse is a little bit higher, temperature is a little bit lower. We see a little bit more stability. Tired upon waking. Had a really long week at work, but excited for the three day weekend to rest. So, this is informative of what we were seeing the day before. Now, we're a little bit rested. We don't have the day ahead of us. We're kind of hanging out so it would show me that those higher body temperatures that we're seeing the day before could potentially be a little bit elevated because of stress [00:22:30] hormones. So, that is not necessarily that it's true.

We need a little bit more information to confirm that but just be aware of that and again come back to how you feel in your body. We see that you felt pretty relaxed throughout the day. You were happy so we'll say that that was good. Meal choices look really good. Went to run club and farmer's market. Busy morning. But you're stabilized. You went to the laundromat. Then acupuncture. Got hungry about two hours later. Still stable. Again, this looks [00:23:00] beautiful. If you're feeling good throughout the day and you're noticing you're sleeping well, your energy is good.

Christa: Yeah good. I would just leave out the edamame next time because soy lowers thyroid function.

Jeanne: She's having sushi.

Christa: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Jeanne: Okay. Here. Yeah make sure you get those morning pulses, but we're seeing a lot of strength in the system. I'm going to be really curious and not that I'll ever find out but if you are in a cycle. A luteal phase.

Christa: Yeah. [00:23:30] Well, that's good because you're on the webinar Micaela, so you can let us know if you don't mind sharing with everybody. We're all friends here. Where are you in your cycle? So, is there anything else you want to say about Micaela's log?

Jeanne: I don't think so. I think Micaela is looking really good. There's just a couple things that I would point out.

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Christa: Okay. So, we're going to take a minute and we're going to pull up [Hell-vee 00:23:48] log next. Which we got from the Facebook group so just give us a second here. Helve there you are. Let's [00:24:00] screen share. Okay. All right.

Jeanne: Okay. We on day one?

Christa: We are.

Jeanne: Actually we're not. We're going to need day one. This is day three of her cycle.

Christa: Oh this is-

Jeanne: Yeah so we have 18, 19 and 20 on her.

Christa: 18, 19, and 20. [00:24:30] Okay.

Jeanne: Sorry guys.

Christa: All right. Let's see. Oh.

Jeanne: You know what? I'm sorry. Yeah come back to it. It's a scroll.

Christa: Okay.

Jeanne: There we go. So we need to go all the way up.

Christa: Oh there we go. Okay. Don't mind us with the technology here. We're getting there, we're getting there. Okay. Okay. Now, we're sharing. [00:25:00] I think it goes that's when she started three, four. She did day three, four and five.

Jeanne: Okay.

Christa: You see what I mean?

Jeanne: Yeah. [inaudible 00:25:07] so this is a really dramatic shift here.

Christa: Okay. All right good. This is good that we have one with the cycle.

Jeanne: Yes. So, this is a day before a cycle starts. Again going back to we're going to see higher body temperatures and pulses. It's not going to take a lot of work for your body to stay elevated in your luteal phase. You'll see those body

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temperatures and pulses, but again I think we mentioned this last time, that [00:25:30] requires energy. Okay? So, we want to really think about what we're eating. This may be a time. What we're seeing is a lot of just kind of lethargy, just low mood. Which again, can be expected with significant hormonal fluctuations that are happening in the body. Again as well as energy demands.

So, what I would say here we have meal two. Beef bone broth smelled strong so a little bit of a sensitivity to that, but I would say you might want [00:26:00] to do something like this during this phase of your cycle with maybe having a wrap. A little more sustenance in your meals to just ground what's happening hormonally in your body and that you might find could be a little bit more uplifting for your moods as well as just a little more stabilizing for you.

Christa: You also might want to consider around your cycle doing the banana cashew snack just for the vitamin B6 and it will help to blunt the progesterone drop that you get [00:26:30] during your cycle and to help you sleep better then know if you get cramps and that happens then you can use magnesium and a little bit of extra B vitamins to help you get through your cycle with less symptoms.

Jeanne: Yes. Absolutely. That was one thing that kept coming up is jump in a bath. Get in a warm bath with a little bit of Epsom salts and really nurture that lethargy but I also say we also see I think again meals look good. That's the one thing I would say about this is more density. [00:27:00] No issues staying in the ranges of body temperature and pulse. We even see it drop at 7:30 in the evening. Mood is really flat even though body felt much better than I was last month around the same time. Beautiful. You're creating more stability. It will get better as will the pain that you're experiencing the more you regulate your system. Now we come into the next day and we see quite a shift here.

However, still a lot of potential. This is where we see the lucid dreams [00:27:30] are because of the intensity of your hormonal shift. We can see that very clearly with the fact that you woke up at 98.1 and dropped to 97.2. now, when you see something like that guys, when you see your body temperature up and it comes down after breakfast, that elevated temperature is due to adrenaline and cortisol in the system. Okay? Kind of get a little confusing there. So, what actually happens when you come back down is you create [00:28:00] regulation. Even though you're out of the norm, you've still quieted those stress hormones and brought your body back to a state of balance. You've refueled it. Okay?

Come up a little bit more at 8:40. Lucid dreams, got period.

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Christa: You're chasing chickens out of your house.

Jeanne: Chasing chickens out of the house. Yep. I think we had taken a little bit of time off of work. Again, i think if you have the opportunity to do that [00:28:30] and it's available and you can do it without creating more anxiety, great. Otherwise, again use some of the tools that Christa said so you don't find yourself in that space. Sitting too long, spent 30 minutes prepping. So, again, we're just seeing the big hormonal shift here but still regulation throughout the day. We do come up at meal four I would say that I lied down in bed until one hour past a mealtime. Cramping, still watching TV. You may have taken your body temperature too close after drinking [00:29:00] the broth. So, just be aware when you're doing cold fluids or warm fluids or food that that can easily affect your readings. So, give it that time that you need to take that reading.

Christa: 20 minutes after.

Jeanne: Mm-hmm (affirmative). But yeah I think again that was just one of the shifts that we wanted to see. Again we can see there's still a lot of opportunity to regulate, but we're seeing another real big drop in the morning. So, some stress hormones elevated at night time. I think again, just in response to more what's happening [00:29:30] hormonally in the body. I like the frequency of the meals, but I think again during this time, if you need that more sustenance to just kind of heat you up, keep you grounded, I think it would be worth the try at this time of your cycle. Maybe last week of your luteal entering into your follicular. Okay?

Christa: Is there anything else? Do you want to review?

Jeanne: No. I think we're good.

Christa: Okay. All right. I think what we'll do instead of reviewing a fourth one is let's take your questions. So, we're going to enable the chat and based upon the review that [00:30:00] we just did and taking the information that we gave you, we want to hear from you what questions do you have to help you log better and help you interpret your logs before we move in to the presentation for our movement and breath. We want you to feel like you're getting this before we jump into having you log with macros. I also want to say that if what we talk about tonight, having you log with macros, if that sounds stressful [00:30:30] to you, then don't do it until next week. Okay? Or the week after or that type of thing. We want you to get getting to the point where you're logging and you can do it without stress before you start to advance.

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Jeanne: Exactly. Some of you, to be honest, will never apply macros. That's okay too. If it's constantly feeling like a trigger, then avoid it for now, but again it's very informative. So if you are really wanting to dial this in and have that [00:31:00] food freedom and get away from having to question what it is you're doing or how much, it's going to be a powerful tool for you.

Christa: Yeah. Also those of you who have struggled with eating disorders, I've answered a couple of those tickets. You're not going to log your macros for a while. Maybe towards the end of the program after we move through some emotional repatterning, but if it feels like a trigger, don't do it like Jeanne said. Okay. So, Anya. My temps are chronically low. So, this is why you're in the right place. 95.5. I wake up at 96, [00:31:30] I go down to 95 and I stay close to that even though I think I'm eating the right combos.

Jeanne: So think about it. It's not always about the combo of carb, protein and fat. It's also the type of food that you're choosing. So, most women especially if you are down in the lower numbers, no [inaudible 00:31:49] for you. You really have to pull back on that. You might include a cup of broth at a meal, but you really want to have that sustenance. You need that heat. You need that grounding energy.

Christa: [00:32:00] That's the thing. It's a little bit being kind of counterintuitive in the beginning. Especially for those of you on tier two because you don't have a ferocious appetite. So, it sounds appealing to get away with having a liquid meal, but that's not going to give you the effect.

Jeanne: Well, it can in the way that you have to always meet your body where it is. So, if you are coming out of that long period of fasting and you're really in that low metabolic state and you don't have an appetite, [00:32:30] start to nurture your body into that place, so give it that liquid fuel to help reduce those hormones which is going to allow you to increase your appetite a little bit and then at that next meal, have something a little bit more dense but still light that you can tolerate. Then at that next meal, that's when you hit yourself with a nice solid meal because [inaudible 00:32:51] have a true thyroid issue potentially when we do not see any movement there.

That's what we're looking at. However, give yourself a little bit more time. [00:33:00] Get away from thinking about the right combos and think about the right food and apply that and see if you see some shifts there.

Christa: Let me read and answer Kate's question here.

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Jeanne: So, if I'm understanding correctly, want to see our tip dip after we wake up, peak ... Okay. So, we'll answer that. Peak mid day and then start to go down slowly until bedtime. Is that correct and what should our pulse look like? You're going to want to see your temperature increase after breakfast. If you see it decrease, that's okay, it's just informing [00:33:30] you that those stress hormones are elevated because of the long period of fasting. So, your body is releasing cortisol at this point. It's elevating your body temperatures and pulses and that's fine. It's just informing you. It comes down. You stabilize. You'll see it come up again a little bit after that next meal. Peak midday and start to come down. So, that is the pattern that you're looking for. Essentially we want to see that body temperature come up after breakfast, but if you don't [00:34:00] see that for a couple weeks guys, that's okay.

We'll expected to see that and it's okay that you see those low body temperatures in the morning. Remember. That long period of fasting, you're having a hard time storing that energy. Expect to see that. Okay?

Christa: Yep. Yep. This is a good question from Dawn. How does being on birth control pills affect since it's artificial hormones?

Jeanne: Well, it's going to have an effect, but again allow your body temperature and pulse to just kind of inform you about that affect that it's having on you. So, you're going to have probably [00:34:30] lower body temperatures, but depending on what type of birth control pill you're on, essentially if you're on a birth control pill it's going to affect you metabolically quite significantly. So, just be informed by that and use your food to help kind of interrupt the effects of that hormones and create more stability in your system.

Christa: So, Nancy is asking can you give us a general guide of how to read our logs? Like low AM temps and pulse never coming into normal range. So, [00:35:00] that's what module three is about. We're going to give you four steps to log and to interpret your logs over this next week. So, that's what tonight is all about so I think you'll have more clarity.

Jeanne: Yeah I'm sorry but for some of you, if you're noticing very, very low body temperatures and pulses consistently, it's going to take time. Even it could take months for that body temperature to come up in the morning time. But likely, I think somebody was saying to us [00:35:30] earlier that they've seen their body temperature come up in the 96s, 97s, just over the last few weeks. That's great. That's great, but that's not going to happen for everybody. So, just

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be okay with that. If you're seeing it come up throughout the day and you're seeing that pattern normalize, perfect. That's what we want to see. Okay?

Christa: Like a bell curve.

Jeanne: Exactly.

Christa: Okay. This is good. Heidi, can you speak to how you guys navigate social gatherings and your meal requirements? Especially when going to eat dinner at a friend's house? I feel like a burden at [00:36:00] times. How do you handle this? I bring my own food and food to share but curious about your thoughts.

Jeanne: I'd say it depends on if you have very specific food requirements or limitations and what not then that's one thing. You're doing great. Just keep doing what you're doing. If that's okay for you and you don't have any issues with doing that. If it's because it's out of balance or it's not the types of foods that you should be eating yet you still can participate in the meal, [00:36:30] go have fun. Go have fun.

Christa: If you can get away with it without struggling and you can kind of pick and choose from the offerings once you understand the philosophy but yeah it depends. We all have different friends and we like to hang around our healthy friends because we live the same lifestyle, but yeah. If the food is just totally off the grid for you, it's good to kind of eat before and bring your own so you're still eating to be social.

Jeanne: Eat before is really important. I've never [crosstalk 00:36:57] yeah. Especially with my [00:37:00] family. [inaudible 00:37:02] then friends.

Christa: Oh okay.

Jeanne: Yes.

Christa: Okay.

Jeanne: [inaudible 00:37:05] exercise.

Christa: Okay. So, stability. Kay is asking what does that mean when she sees stability? I'm confused as to what that means. It means you're creating stability throughout your body temperature [crosstalk 00:37:16]

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Jeanne: So, we don't see a lot of fluctuation in your body temperature and pulse up and down. If you guys start to see a lot of fluctuation up and down, that's showing you that you are not regulating your blood sugar. That there are factors affecting you. Be it the food or activity.

Christa: Okay. [00:37:30] Nancy, don't worry. This is not a comparison. She said, "I feel like my log is such a mess compared to those lovely looking logs. My temperature and pulse is so much lower than those ladies and I feel anxious over that." This is the whole thing our social media culture is compare and despair. [inaudible 00:37:46] talking as we were getting ready. So, we talk about doing a social media detox in part two and there's no one to compare but you and yourself and there's nothing to judge. It's just looking [00:38:00] at it for information and correcting and continuing as we get the information. So, you should feel better after tonight. Take a deep breath. We're going to do a lot of breathing this next week and then throughout the rest of The ReCode. You're going to be amazed at how the breathing really affects your logs. It's very, very powerful.

Yeah. Okay. Let's take one more question and then I think we can jump in because that's going to answer a lot of the questions. I'll let you [inaudible 00:38:25]. Okay.

Jeanne: My pulse is over 85 many times and the temp is under range. [00:38:30] What does that mean? It means that you are stuck in the cortisol cycle. Your body is really releasing a lot of stress hormones and again, looking at all the variables, I think that the breathing is going to be a very, very powerful tool for you that will really help you kind of directly affect that nervous system. Just with your breath and throughout the day being more active. That might be something you want to set on your phone as a reminder to take that five seconds of five breaths to help you bring that pulse [00:39:00] down into normal range.

Christa: I will see how this next week goes with everybody and if you need us to develop a deeper log interpretation guide, that's something that we can do as well once we start seeing what's happening here, okay? All right. Okay. We're going to disable chat. We will open up again for more questions. Hopefully you will be a lot less confused by the end and if not, that's okay [00:39:30] too. We'll be happy to answer your questions as we go. So, let's move in here to module three. Okay. Now we're turning the camera off and Jenny, she put a picture here of the yoga. Of me doing yoga. So, I had fun teaching this yoga flow for you. Module three is movement, breath and macro nutrients. So, we are starting with macro [00:40:00] nutrients and I hope that all of you watched the videos.

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If you didn't, go back and watch them because we explain that really well in these videos as we redefine and we customize our macros. You know now this is the fifth pillar of The Adrenal ReCode clinical strategy is to use protein, carbs and fats strategically to fuel yourselves so that you can heal. Based upon what's going on in your life. The more [00:40:30] logs we review, the more you're going to really get this. That will prevent you from sliding back into adrenal fatigue and thyroid dysfunction the next time something happens. So, I want you to make sure you understand our carbohydrate strategy and I'll move through this pretty quickly since we've talked a lot about this.

But if you're constantly and chronically tired, you can't meet the energy requirements of your life and you have to use carbs to fuel the system. So, you're really going [00:41:00] to start to see as you put numbers on your logs this week, how many carbohydrates does your specific body actually need? Just to reiterate for those of you who are going slow who come from intermittent fasting, who have come from the ketogenic diet your body has been using fat and protein to fuel you and that hasn't been so great. Even animals, in order to prevent PTSD in times of stress, they end up going [00:41:30] right away for the carbohydrates. So, by refilling your glucose stores in this way, this is really going to help the nervous system and prevent future damage.

Okay. So, when your blood sugar level drops, adrenaline and cortisol increase. That's what we're starting to talk about as we're looking at these logs. We're like, "Is that what is happening here?" This is what's going to say, "Okay. You're either in an emergency situation, you're now in fight or flight or the meal that you're [00:42:00] eating is putting you in to rest and digest." So, if you are living in this state of adrenaline because a lot of us have very busy lives and even though let's say we're eating "perfectly", it's our lifestyle that keeps the adrenaline increased. That's going to limit blood circulation to the digestive tract, liver, brain. Okay?

So, finding your right carbs. That's what we're going to shoot for is to find the right amount of carbs that works for you [00:42:30] and these are all the symptoms. This is why enrolled in The Adrenal ReCode program because a lot of you are feeling these things and we want to start seeing improvements in these over the next couple of weeks and the carbohydrates are going to really help. Okay? We know that what goes with constantly feeling those emotions and having the symptoms are impaired energy production. You start to get the spare tire in the middle, the cravings and you lose bone mass even if you're working out.

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[00:43:00] So, it's important to know that all of you are different and that's why we want to use these tools because some of you are burning a ton of calories a day even resting and others aren't burning that much at all and this is about what's going on with your thyroid gland. So, if you're sedentary and you have a healthy functioning thyroid, you can burn more calories than someone who exercises a lot and has a poor functioning thyroid. So, a lot of you asked [00:43:30] about exercise. We're going to be drilling that down these next couple of weeks. Okay?

So, carbs are going to spark the thyroid to work and burn more fuel. We're using the right types of sugar. Roots and fruits. This is going to help keep thyroid function high and adrenaline low. Okay? Then it's going to kind of regenerate that relationship of the adrenals and the thyroid that have mutual control over your metabolism so they can once again become a really healthy, happy let's [00:44:00] say parenting team over the rest of your endocrine system. We know the next macro nutrient is protein and we love it to be a building block of the human body. Everything has to be consumed in moderation. So, you're going to start to see do you need more or less protein over the next week or two. We're going to customize that specific to your body's needs.

Those of you really impressed that we had some vegans enrolled who are willing to use [00:44:30] animals in order to heal and we really respect that because your body is not going to have to work as hard to convert the protein into the energy that you need. When you're in adrenal fatigue and you're in fight or flight, it's living. Just day to day living is a lot harder for that body than another body so your body doesn't have the extra reserves to break down the bacteria and the enzymes from the vegetarian protein as well. But when you're healed, you can eat more plant based [00:45:00] if that works better for you as a general lifestyle. So, those of you who are struggling, you are going to want to focus on your power proteins. Collagen, shellfish, broth, liver and eggs. If you can whatever from that food group, those food groups that you can tolerate, those are your power proteins. They're going to be the easiest for your body to use in the whole strategy.

Okay. So, protein and blood sugar. I thought you might think this was interesting. We always [00:45:30] say eat protein with a carbohydrate always. So, it's why we say an ounce of cheese with an apple or if you have some nuts, we do the cashews with the banana or almonds with berries because protein alone can stimulate the release of insulin and it can lower your blood glucose levels to the point where you get tired and anxious and crave sugar. So, an

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excess of protein. Your eating protein alone can cause low blood sugar. [00:46:00] This is why you're going to really start to see what exact percentage of protein, carbs and fats am I eating and how does that relate to how I feel? How does that relate to my temperature and pulse?

We know that fat satiates us to go longer. Some people are posting can I put some collagen in my tea and have a piece of fruit, but the fat is missing to actually give that meal the two to three hours. Sometimes those of you four hours that we want in between meals to show that [00:46:30] you're healing and you create stability within your body.

Jeanne: This is for some that are really noticing that they're constantly hungry. A little bit more of that fat can go a long way.

Christa: Yep.

Jeanne: Yep.

Christa: Okay. So, we emphasize saturated fats and we minimize polyunsaturated fats. We do that in the percentage here. The ReCode recipes, the meals, the meal plans, the additional meals are all worked out to be the fat in there. To be about 50% saturated, 45 monounsaturated [00:47:00] and 5% polyunsaturated. If you see here and some of you have seen this graphic in the mini course. So, when we look at our fat molecules it's a strain of carbon with hydrogen attached on all sides. So, we know exactly what we're getting and that is a stable molecule. Right? Then we start to create a little less stability in the monounsaturated but yet really healthy. But it's too dangerous to go heavy on the polyunsaturated because they're missing [00:47:30] all these hydrogens and they're not stable and that leaves you susceptible to be in a state of inflammation.

Okay. Jeanne is going to talk about customizing your macros.

Jeanne: Yes. So, you have become familiar with how your food and your environment affect you and have made some awesome progress. This is great. You guys are showing it a lot of you again with your sleep and your energy, mood. Great. Now we're going to look a [00:48:00] little bit more closely at your macronutrients. So, what we want to do first knowing how many carbs, proteins and fats are in your food gives you the ability to manipulate your macronutrients again as Christa was saying to more deeply come closer to what your body needs on a regular basis. That's what we're going to be doing over these next couple of weeks so this is a little bit-

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Christa: Yeah the gray area.

Jeanne: The gray area. It's not a black and white process and it's going to require you to explore some [00:48:30] of these gray areas. We talked about this a little bit already. The frustration that goes with the adjustment period. Again. This next couple weeks, all you're going to be doing step one and we'll kind of move into that, [crosstalk 00:48:45] okay. I think we've already talked a lot about that is using your grams chart cheat sheet and the food log with macros. You're going to begin to log your baseline macronutrients simply [00:49:00] by plugging in the value of that food. So, as you can see here, the chicken broth you go to your cheat sheet. Has eight grams of protein.

Christa: Yeah. So, make sure you download that module. It's a grams chart cheat sheet and it's got all The ReCode approved foods and we list the grams of proteins, carbs and fats in each food so that you can just log it. I'm sorry to interrupt you but we looked at some logs of someone who wasn't doing [00:49:30] well on the program and there were like 15 to 20 ingredients in every single meal. So, one beautiful thing about doing this because it can be annoying to log with the carbs and the grams is you're going to start to really simplify. I think that's going to be really good for a lot of you to not eat too many complicated meals. You'll notice the things that I'm posting on The ReCode Facebook group let's say I'm having shrimp with cooked spinach that was cooked in coconut oil and then butternut squash or spaghetti [00:50:00] squash, bison and asparagus.

They're really simple meals. You're not confusing your body with too much complication.

Jeanne: Exactly. Exactly. It'll make your logging a lot easier. So, again, you're simply going to be taking that information based on your portion size off of that cheat sheet and plugging it in to your log. It's already precalculated for you, so it's going to give you all of your total macros, your total calories, your total ratio. Just again, right now, just begin to enter the information. [00:50:30] Don't worry about much more than that at that stage. Give yourself a week to kind of just observe what you are doing and then begin to make adjustments accordingly. So, we want you to begin to log the macronutrients.

Christa: Well, this is going to help create stability because you may not know that you're having 140 grams of carbs one day, the next day you're only eating 80. That's too much of a fluctuation for your body to be able to create consistency from. So, that's [00:51:00] why logging these is going to help us help you close the gap.

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Jeanne: Close the gap. Exactly. So, you're going to start to see from day to day that what a big difference there is. Now, your next step is going to be taking that information and simply trying to get that carbohydrates greater than that protein and that protein greater than that fat. Now when you're trying to do that, I'm going to come back down just for a moment to the log, I want you to keep your eye on your macros. Don't worry about your total ratios right [00:51:30] now. You want your carbs to be greater. Here we have an equal and that's okay. You might find that you end up equal that's okay too. Or that equal feels better for you. Totally fine but equal or greater than by about 5 to 10 grams right now. Okay?

So, you'll start to see carbs greater. Keep your eye on your macros. Do not worry about your ratios. I only say that two times because it's really important. Okay. So, step two now we have a total macro [00:52:00] of 30 grams of carbohydrates, 35 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat. This is where it's going to get a little bit-

Christa: Gray.

Jeanne: Gray. Exactly. Because based on the guidelines, you may think the obvious thing to do would be to increase your carbs. This is where you tune in to yourself. If I decrease my carbs or I actually decrease your protein, you may respond by saying if I did that I would be starving. Well, you would then confirm [00:52:30] the right step for you would be to increase the carbs at this particular meal.

Christa: So, now do you see you're going to look and say, "Was I satisfied or was I not?" Then you'll be able to manipulate the macro nutrients accordingly and we'll help you.

Jeanne: Exactly. Exactly. So, as you begin to familiarize yourself with the carbs greater than protein, take a week to utilize that. Get familiar with it, feel it out in your body and then move forward from there.

Christa: I just want to say, we just want [00:53:00] you to get this by week eight. So, not now. Right? If you're like, "Whoa my head is spinning. What the heck are you even talking about?" That's okay. Just slowly take the information. Just do what you can and by the eighth week before we're finished, we will all have done great work together if we find the sweet spot by the eighth week and you know the exact ratio and it becomes easier for you to maintain where you're constantly shutting off the stress response and feeding the cell [00:53:30] and

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that's how we talked about this whole whirlpool analogy. Right? So, what we're doing now is we're just observing the whirlpool that's existing and we're starting to interrupt it. So, by the end of the program you will get this so don't feel like you need to understand it in this moment.

Jeanne: Exactly. Take it literally step one. Just right now enter the values. Start to see what it is you are doing and then maybe take one meal at a time and work through that and see how that feels for you.

Christa: It's worth it. I know [00:54:00] it's not fun. I hated it to be honest when I first started doing it.

Jeanne: Everybody hates it when they first start doing it. But I kind of like to look at it as a little bit of a game. You know what I mean? Test yourself because what's going to happen is you're going to be able to look at a meal and you are going to be able to create a meal that is perfectly balanced for you without ever having to look at a log again and now that log just becomes a tool for you to check in with yourself. You've got that food freedom. You know exactly what you need [00:54:30] for yourself so give yourself that time and effort to really learn it because it will just become second nature for you.

So, step three, I'm going to come back down for just a second. Now, we're going to be looking at the ratios. So, now we're taking our attention away from the macros and we're coming into the ratios to get your closer to 45% plus or minus 5% of your carbohydrates. Don't worry about anything else. [00:55:00] Just by getting that 45% closer to your carbohydrates, the proteins and the fats are going to work themselves out. So, obviously-

Christa: It's pretty cool. It's really pretty cool once you start flowing with it.

Jeanne: Okay. Yes. Absolutely. So, you again you have to always work. Your body trumps the whole process. So, you may find that at one meal of the day you reach 60% carbs but the other meals you're closer to 40, perfect. If it works for you, stay [00:55:30] with it. Not every single meal has to be at 45%. Especially if it works for you.

Christa: Yep.

Jeanne: All right. Now what we're doing, now instead of seeing the 140 grams on one day and 80 grams a day, we've narrowed that range closer to 140, 120 by working with those percentages. Instead of seeing your protein all over the place as well as your fat you're starting to narrow that gap by bringing that

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carbohydrate to that 45 [00:56:00] or taking these steps specifically to get you there.

Christa: This is like looking at what you're doing right now under a microscope so that we can improve upon it and find the right formula that's really specific to you.

Jeanne: Yes. So you can still see there is a little bit of a gap. So, now using the example above, we want to start to pay a little bit closer attention. Do I feel better on 140 grams of carbohydrates or 120 or 130 grams of protein and so on and so forth. You'll begin to closely define your perfect balance [00:56:30] as you begin. You'll begin to see how much protein and fat again your body needs at certain times throughout the day. Now, once you have an idea of this, you're going to want to look at per meal. How do you want to divvy up those macros throughout the day and that's obviously going to depend greatly on your activity, energy expenditure, time of your cycle, a lot of variables. It can fluctuate, guys.

That's really important to hear is you're going to get to a specific place and you're going to have a clear understanding, but [00:57:00] don't get away from the idea that every day changes. You're going to change throughout winter to summer, longer days, longer nights so on and so forth. All of these things have an effect on us.

Christa: Sure. Whatever you're going through in your life.

Jeanne: Exactly.

Christa: The stressors, your job, your family, your relationships.

Jeanne: Exactly, but by tuning in to yourself, you are feeling how your body responds to things and you're so much more aware of how your body communicates with you that you're going to be able to use [00:57:30] this as a guideline no matter what the situation.

Christa: Yes. It's so worth it. Okay. So, I thought that this might be helpful for those of you. There's a lot of combinations that fall within general guidelines. As you start to see where you're headed, some of you say, "Well, I feel like this so what should I do?" So, we say for those, if fatigue and depression are your main symptoms and you're seeing that on your log, more carbohydrates and less protein are probably going to be helpful for you. [00:58:00] You can try it. If you don't feel satisfied and you struggle with cravings, well, you're going to have to

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increase both your fat and your carbohydrates to get satisfied for an extra hour in between meals and not want to go run to the candy store.

Then if you're just living in a high stress environment, a lot of you I saw on the Facebook group just saying, "Hey I'm training for a marathon." Well, you're going to need more of the non muscle proteins. The power proteins that we talked about as well as an increase in carbohydrates. So, [00:58:30] this is all in your redefining and customizing macro nutrients handout. So, this could kind of be a good benchmark for you as you go forward.

Jeanne: So, I just want to kind of revisit that for just one second. It seems very overwhelming because we're throwing all these different numbers at you and possibilities. Start with step one. Again, we have another four weeks. Four or five weeks.

Christa: Yeah we have five weeks left.

Jeanne: [00:59:00] Five weeks.

Christa: Five weeks left and even when we move the webinars to the emotional repatterning, we're still going to be supporting you clinically in the Facebook group.

Jeanne: Exactly.

Christa: Yeah so it's fine. So, you can print out your redefining and customizing macro nutrients handout highlight. Step one and stay there until you get it.

Jeanne: Until you get it. Exactly. Don't move on.

Christa: Don't even look at step two until you're ready. Yeah.

Jeanne: Very important.

Christa: Okay. So, all of the videos are [00:59:30] in module three. So, this is really just a recap as we talk about breathing, movement and sleep. This is going to be some needle moving things. A lot of you are already sleeping better and you know that that's life changing, but breathing. No matter what you're doing. I'm seeing meditation on the logs which I love and I'm seeing some stretching and we want to add in because it's our sixth pillar. It's so important that it's the sixth pillar of our clinical strategy is to ReCode your breathing. [01:00:00] So,

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you can improve everything by the way that you breathe. Just slow deep breathing.

We have only three ways to detoxify the human body. That's through the breath. That's through the skin and through the bowels. So, the breath is such a powerful tool to alkalize the body and allow the body to neutralize its own acidic poisons which will stop the leaching of minerals that happens like crazy when you have anxiety and you're not sleeping and you're in adrenal [01:00:30] fatigue. So, use your breath. It is free and it is always with you and it will activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Because what we're trying to do is recover the balance between these two branches of the nervous system and you're going to do that throughout your macros, but this is all this stuff helps you get tighter and tighter into this window and accelerates the healing process.

The breath is the remote control of both your nervous system and your brain. [01:01:00] So, as a bare minimum you're going to incorporate five minutes of deep breathing twice daily and add this to your logs. You need more oxygen when you're healing from adrenal fatigue to be able to convert your food into fuel.

Jeanne: That's one of the three key ingredients.

Christa: Yeah. You need oxygen, glucose and thyroid hormone all three. So, this not an optional thing. It's 33% of the equation. A lot of us have deviated septums and obstructions within our nose [01:01:30] that prevents us from getting more oxygen. So, it's really important to actually focus on it. Okay. So, we are doing three types of breathing within The ReCode. We've got an alternate nostril breathing. I went through and I gave you a video. I gave you an example. We also wrote it on The ReCode your breathing handout. Depending on which way you like to learn. So, you don't need to get it now so to speak, but you've got metabolic breathing, you've got diaphragmatic [01:02:00] breathing and alternate nostril.

Alternate nostril breathing within five minutes can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and that's why I put it in with your ReCode sleep routine to it before bed or those of you that are waking up between 1:00 and 4:00 AM still or those of you that are waking up with your heart pounding first thing in the morning. Five minutes of alternate nostril breathing should really go a long way. Yoga. So, we store emotions in our body [01:02:30] and we sit a lot. So, we know that in order to help release trauma or interrupt the pattern of living off of stress hormones, we have to release that from our body.

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Yoga is an excellent way to help you tune in to yourself and use your breath so it's a two for one for increase cellular energy and healing and to train your body to stop over producing cortisol.

I've had so many clients say, "Why would I take a yoga class when I can get real exercise and go kickboxing?" But I'm kickboxing and [01:03:00] I'm doing the ... What is it? Crossfit and I'm not losing weight. Right? No. Of course but yet you can take a gentle yoga class and lose weight. Well that's because of cortisol. So, I'm biased towards yoga because I've been doing it for 20 years and I love it. It is a wonderful, physical tool to ReCode your hormones and send the message to the body that it's safe and it can relax. But I also want to say with movement. Those of you in The ReCode, [01:03:30] we've got people who are 25 and marathon runners and those of you who are 75 and you can't touch your toes, let alone see your toes. So, we have to meet you where you are. So, if The ReCode yoga flow that I shot for you, if that is too active for you, just do parts of it that you can do. Just do the first 10 minutes of it where we're warming up and you're loosening up the back and if it's not active enough, that's where you can instead of walking, you can add in your jogging or your strength training.

[01:04:00] Your logs are going to tell you. But if there's anything I can implore you to do it's just don't judge yourself.

Jeanne: But I think with any form of exercise that you are doing a really great kind of mindful practice to make sure you're staying within your parameters of what your body can tolerate is to breathe in and out your nose.

Christa: Yes.

Jeanne: So, if you can't maintain that breath which is a yoga breath, then you are moving beyond your abilities.

Christa: [01:04:30] That's a really good one for those of you who are working out hard see if you can breathe in and out through your nose during that workout and then you'll know if it works for you.

Jeanne: Yeah.

Christa: So, the yoga flow, when we look and we work with yoga, we work a lot with the spine. That's going to stimulate new and fresh blood flow and it's going to help your cerebral spinal fluid to nourish your nerves and flow easier. We also do certain poses in [01:05:00] the flow to support the thyroid and the hips and the [inaudible 01:05:05] muscles, we sit an awful lot. Whenever we're stressed,

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these muscles get tight and they remain tight after the stressor passes. Whenever you have a tight [inaudible 01:05:17] you have shallow breathing. That's just pure physiological. Doesn't even depend on what's going on in your life. You can lock yourself into fight or flight from sitting. That's why we say sitting is the new smoking.

So, we have [01:05:30] to release the [inaudible 01:05:31] in the hips. They are the junk drawers for our emotional storage. It's why some people just start crying in the middle of a yoga class.

Jeanne: I've done it.

Christa: Right? Yeah. Hey [crosstalk 01:05:39] you're opening up the junk drawers and you're letting it go. That's exactly what we want you to do.

Jeanne: It's a root chakra. It is that whole pelvic region.

Christa: Yeah. That's our sense of safety and groundedness and connection to the world. So, if yoga is something that resonates with you, [01:06:00] then this is going to be a wonderful tool. If it doesn't, at least try it. At least try some stretching. Maybe it's not yoga per say but some stretching and releasing of your body. Foam rolling is a great alternative. [inaudible 01:06:17] release. So, that is the application of pressure to eliminate scar tissue and soft tissue adhesion. So, you have fascia. That's a connective tissue. It's around every muscle, bone, nerve, [01:06:30] artery. It's all over your body. It's keeping you together. Your fascia is what's holding you together and you can talk more about this too as a craniosacral therapist.

Jeanne: There's a lot of ways that we bind fascia. It's not just through exercise or movement. There's so much emotional impact on the fascia that can create a lot of restrictions.

Christa: Yeah. Our nerve endings run through our fascia. When it's damaged, like a dam in a river, the energy can't flow. So, what we want [01:07:00] to do is get you foam roller. They're $10 on Amazon or if you go to the gym, all the gyms have them. After your workout or after whatever you're doing or maybe you're not even working out. Foam rolling is enough. It can release and disperse stored up physical and mental congestion and really help you feel well on all levels.

Jeanne: Just realize again with the breathing factor foam rolling because it is touching on some really sensitive places in your body if you can't breathe [01:07:30] through it, back off. Back off a little bit.

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Christa: Right. Yes. A lot of you if you have never foam rolled, it can be really painful. So, you have to again start off slow.

Jeanne: Start off slow and choose a foam roller that doesn't have so much density. You're going to see blue versions, white versions, black versions. I think the blue and the white are going to be less intense than the black foam rollers. There's a lot of different variety, so just keep that in mind. Some of them are just PVC pipes. That hurts.

Christa: Yeah [01:08:00] that definitely ... It's gotta be foam.

Jeanne: Use your breath to guide you.

Christa: Yep. We'd love for you just to move. Just to walk 30 minutes a day and to continue that and this is supposed to say one and a half to two miles or two and a half to 3.3 kilometers on each walk. That would be great just to get your left and right hemisphere of the brain gelling and for those of you, start wherever you are. If you're not walking just get out. 20, 30 minutes or if you have [01:08:30] the energy for a jog. You can pick it up based upon how you feel and what feels like it's going to add value to your body.

Okay, we've kind of talked a lot about sleep but it is one of the most important and necessary functions of the human body and so many of us that are stuck in this state aren't getting the physical or the psychic repair that we get. So, even if we're already sleeping, we still want you to get deeper and better quality sleep. Your sleep should continue to improve [01:09:00] as you go through the program. Many of you are getting a lot of traction on the tier 2 supplements. Sleeping for the first time in years. Some of you I'm putting together unique cocktails of supplements together to help once I understand your situation better. But these are other things that we want you to do in The ReCode sleep routine.

Having your snack, you're already doing that. Your supplements and your teas. You're already doing that. But this is a big one because we're looking at these logs and we're seeing [01:09:30] a ton of social media which is triggering all kinds of emotions and you don't get that time back. That 30 minutes or that hour that you blew on Instagram kind of going down the rabbit hole. Or binging on shows. That's something that's just so easy to do. Especially in the winter and you think I should go to sleep, but you're on Netflix and that next episode is just too enticing. So, you just have to have some restraint on over consuming technology so that you consciously [01:10:00] relax.

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Especially when we were looking at Autumn's log. There was no parasympathetic time. Just like you can't take a car from 0 to 60 and 60 to 0 if you slammed on the brakes. That's not going to work out so well, right? So, you need that deceleration time. So, create that. That's what the alternate nostril breathing is for, The ReCode yoga flow or even 10 minutes. If you are going to be on technology, just know that it thwarts your ability to produce melatonin [01:10:30] which is going to make you tired and enhance sleep. So make sure you have some salt lamps around the house. I've got one in every room and you start dimming the lights at night. Turn the salt lamps on. You can have those really fashionable blue blocker glasses if you're going to be watching TV or you get the F.Lux app. That's free in the app store on your phone and on your computer and it starts to diminish the screen's brightness and [01:11:00] it starts to change the lights so that you don't damage your melatonin or your ability to produce it and sleeping with a sleep mask.

These are all things that really do help and they trigger that to your body like, "Hey, it's time to relax." Okay. So. Slightly raising your core temperature at night. So, you could do a sea salt bath, a magnesium bath. Not super hot. If you go super hot, that's going to take more energy away from you.

Jeanne: If anybody is having sleep [01:11:30] issues, avoid the bath at night. You might find in a day if you have the room and time to do that. That would be a better time to avoid messing up your blood sugar.

Christa: Right or when you get home from work or something. That would be a good transition.

Jeanne: Yep.

Christa: If possible. We understand that's not possible with busy lives, but just a simple thing you can do again to trigger yourself is just rub your feet with a little sesame oil and put socks on before going to sleep. This will start to calm your system and support your thyroid and just really gently warm up your [01:12:00] core temperature. That's an [inaudible 01:12:02] technique.

Jeanne: For some of you in colder temperatures, even placing a beanie if it's comfortable enough for you to really maintain the heat in your head as well can be really helpful.

Christa: Hot water bottles.

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Jeanne: Yep.

Christa: Those are nice. On a positive note, so we've got a lot going on in the world. A lot going on politically all that stuff. Do not end on that note. Don't look at that stuff. Especially before bed. So, read [01:12:30] something positive and pleasurable. Something that makes you feel good. Gratitude is clinically proven to counterbalance stress and overwhelm. So, just list either in your head or in a little journal, five things you genuinely felt grateful for throughout the day. The mantra is just breathe. Whenever you start getting feelings that are uncomfortable, symptoms that are uncomfortable, just breathe. Okay? [01:13:00] All right. It's your turn. It's your turn to come and chat with us now.

So, we're going to come back to the screen. We're going to stop screen sharing and turn the chat back on. Now we want to hear from you. Let me get over here and turn the chat on. Okay. We have while you guys are gearing up your questions, we still have a couple [01:13:30] that weren't answered from before we turned the chat back on. So, let me see. Screen share. There we go. Now we're back and now we're big.

Jeanne: I like Rebecca's question.

Christa: Okay.

Jeanne: About what about low temps. Low temps with not low blood sugar. Mine is artificially regulated and it's almost never low.

Christa: I think Rebecca has Type 1 Diabetes.

Jeanne: Okay. I'm still trying to make out what about low temps with not?

Christa: What [01:14:00] she's saying what about when your temperature is low but that does not correlate to a low blood sugar because she's on insulin.

Jeanne: Right. Because she's ... Then this is where a situation where you're really going to want to tune in to yourself and also look at your pulses. Your pulses are going to inform you quite a bit. Again you're going to see the same kind of a sequence with your pulses. You're not going to get that real elevated peak mid day, but you're still going to see it come up considerably. Can you maintain that? So, you have a meal. Your temperature stays [01:14:30] the same or relatively low but your pulse also drops dramatically at that second meal. You're seeing a stress induced state.

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Christa: Yes. Okay. When is Vicki the right time to use a far infrared light? The right time would be, well, it depends. Again obviously this time of the year is a beautiful time to use it. If you have not ever been using it, you kind of want to start off a little bit slowly. The best time to use it is at dusk time as the day comes [01:15:00] to an end and as you move into the evening. The darker part of the day. It kind of extends that day. Artificially extends the day for you. So, those are the best times to use it but don't avoid using it in the morning time. But again mid day, later afternoon are probably the more optimal times to use it. Again if you have back issues or skin issues you can always use infrared light directly on those places for more healing is great.

Nancy, if we didn't exercise [01:15:30] during the day how late is too late to work out before bed? I wouldn't work out after three in the afternoon if it's a workout workout. But walking, going outside at night and taking a walk is a wonderful thing to do before bed. Yoga is a wonderful thing to do before bed. So, if you skipped your workout do something like that that brings your cortisol levels down. Nothing that's going to raise them.

Jeanne: Simple stretching.

Christa: Yeah. So, Monica is asking about the 30 minute consultation with you and that's available with Jeanine and her husband josh. If [01:16:00] you just say, "I just need 30 minutes for someone to just completely focus on me, go over my logs, get my health history for 30 minutes," that might be something that a lot of you would want to take advantage of. So, they're just going to email, right?

Jeanne: Yeah. They can just email us.

Christa: [email protected].

Jeanne: I believe there's a link on the general ReCode page.

Christa: Yeah. There's a link on the portal. Yeah so if you want to do a 30 minute consult and you just feel like that would help kick you off and lift some of the cobwebs, go ahead and do that. [01:16:30] Janelle, if collagen is considered a protein, do we need to calculate that with the carb, fat protein aspect? Absolutely. It is a protein. It has nine grams per scoop. If you're using one of those scoopers.

Jeanne: I think there were a lot of questions about I had mentioned a free food. So, your non starchy vegetables are essentially free foods. You're going to notice that eating a half a cup or a cup, you're only going to get 5 to 10 grams of

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carbohydrates. So, although it's important again [01:17:00] it's still not providing that metabolic carbohydrate that we're looking for. It's in such small amounts that we still want you to identify it on your log, but to not give it a lot of energy when you're creating your plate. You really want to define that metabolic carbohydrate.

Christa: Right. You don't need if you're making a salad with six different vegetables, you don't need to look up the carbs for each one of those. That would make any of us go crazy. So, you just put it on your logs and log the fruits and the roots and those types of carbs. Jenny [01:17:30] says can I have beets juiced or do they have to be cooked? Prefer that they're cooked because they're higher in sugar without the fiber.

Jeanne: Exactly. Anybody that is juicing again if you're going to be doing any type of juice, very, very small amounts. Maybe two to four ounces and that is with a meal and should be included as a carbohydrate but again it's not going to give you that density that you may be looking for so just be aware of that.

Christa: Yep. Yep. Thank you Nicole. Nicole [01:18:00] just posted at the top of the chat if you wanted to book a session with Jeanne you can do that there. Okay. Gustavo says are there any brands in particular you can recommend for magnesium glycinate? That's probably my favorite form of magnesium for adrenal fatigue. My favorite is the one by Premier Research Labs. It's just a black and white bottle. It's PRL. Premier Research Labs. Stephanie, this is good. So a lot of people are going to be like Stephanie. What do you do if pulse and body temperature are low all day?

Jeanne: [01:18:30] Well, again you have to look at your food to see if you're getting the right balance of carbohydrates. So, by customizing your macros or by starting to plug in some value to your foods, you're going to start to see where you're at. A lot of you are going to be very surprised. Well you've had some opportunity because we kind of premade these meals that are somewhat within the ranges, but what I see a lot of is a lot of fat. That's what's really fueling the system. Some of you may find that that's true as it is. Those carbohydrates are going to play a role, but as I mentioned earlier, [01:19:00] if you're including the carbohydrates and you're still seeing your body temperature stay relatively low and it's kind of flat lining all day long, you may want to get some further lab testing done for your thyroid and get all those levels checked.

Yep. Because that could potentially mean that you would be somebody who would benefit from a little bit of thyroid support.

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Christa: Yeah. That's a really good thing to know. It's like, "Okay. Is the thyroid medication that I'm taking, is it revving my system further or is it something that is going [01:19:30] to help supplementally help me get up there to get the energy?" Or you might benefit from using a thyroid glandular and not necessarily ... that's something that we could be able to guide you where you don't necessarily need the medication but a glandular during times of stress to help get you over the hump. Same thing with the adrenals.

Jeanne: Yeah but get a little bit more familiar with your food and what you're doing. I'm not sure exactly how much you've applied or what you've noticed so far but I think that would be a really good step. There was one other thing I wanted to say. I've lost [01:20:00] it, but if it comes back to me I will definitely make sure.

Christa: Okay. Let's say, Lana we're so glad. Sleeping so so much better. Awesome. Still having a super hard time waking up. Find myself pushing the snooze button three to five times each morning.

Jeanne: Got a lot of making up to do, Alana. Maybe.

Christa: I want to say just kind of give you permission to sleep in if you have that luxury that the magic healing time, with the adrenals to really heal and nourish if you are asleep between 7:00 and 9:00 AM, [01:20:30] that is the magic healing time. So, you work out a partner deal with your husband, your partner, whoever you live with. Take care of the kids two mornings a week, but don't feel guilty about sleeping in. Especially you're catching up and your body is doing a lot of repair. But over time that's going to get a lot better. So, we're only a couple weeks in. Then it's going to be harder to initially wake up, but then you still want to be able to get up and get the food in your system.

Jeanne: Absolutely.

Christa: [01:21:00] Patricia, no problem to do a rife machine with The Adrenal ReCode program on it. That's completely fine. Okay, Raina, I have a headache at the base of my neck. Similar to what I feel when I do a cleanse. Could that be happening? My body is detoxifying? Your body is changing at the cellular level and depending on what you have been doing before this with the foods, we did incorporate just the gentle spices, the microbiome balancer, your microbiomes changing. [01:21:30] You could be releasing some toxins, but on a very gentle way so increase your water and you could also take some magnesium. That might help. Anything else Miss Jeanne?

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Jeanne: That's good.

Christa: Okay. Yeah so go ahead.

Jeanne: Yes. The tightness of the fascia is what makes it hurt so much to be touched. This is something I actually want to touch on. So, your fascia [01:22:00] can lock up for a lot of different reasons, guys. Okay? So, if you have specific injuries, real life that your fascia will tighten up to protect you. So, be aware of that as you begin to foam roll. If an area is very, very sensitive, kind of back off a little bit and move into another area. Because what you don't want to do is destabilize something that's trying to secure you. That's just something I wanted to speak [01:22:30] to but yes. I'm super sensitive when pressure put on my skin. So notice that and foam rolling again very gently. There's also a roller that you can hand roller that you can [inaudible 01:22:42] I forget exactly what the name of it is but that allows you to be a little bit more intentional with the amount of pressure you want to apply.

So, you can kind of work through at layers versus putting the weight of your body on it. Yeah.

Christa: Yeah I'll show you next week. I have one in my garage. Yeah. I'll show you what those look like. Okay. [01:23:00] Joanna. Is toasted sesame oil for foot rubs? Great question and the answer is no. You gotta just use regular sesame oil. Plus toasted sesame oil is a lot more expensive. Maybe that's all you have in the house. You can use it one night, but then get it the next time you go to the grocery store. Okay. Easier foam rollers to use are the blue ones or the white ones.

Jeanne: I think the blue is even lower than the white. I think it's a lot more gentle.

Christa: Okay. All right. Nancy, what [01:23:30] time do you two gear up and finally get to bed then to sleep since you are our beautiful examples?

Jeanne: 10:00.

Christa: Yeah. 10:00 or for me it's been earlier. I've always gone to bed from 11:00 to 7:00 but since having a little one who he's going to get up at 6:00 no matter what so I'm usually in bed now by 9:30. All right. See, Susan Erica. Thank you guys. Can you please share the macronutrient gram cheat sheet. I didn't see coconut yogurt, coconut milk, and [01:24:00] coconut water. Please provide those amounts. Oh. All right. Well, I will check that out and we will add coconut.

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Jeanne: On the grams sheet?

Christa: Yeah. On the grams chart cheat sheet. Okay. Coconut water, milk, and yogurt.

Jeanne: But just realize that any foods that you don't see on the grams sheet, if you Google a food, there will be a whole nutritional panel that comes up on the right side of your screen on Google so you can get that information from there or if you're doing coconut yogurt instead of purchasing, pull it right off the package. Make it a little simple.

Christa: Yeah make it simple. [01:24:30] Also just print off your grams chart cheat sheet. This doesn't mean you can only eat the foods that are on there and then if there's things that you're finding you're eating, just write it down so it's all in one place and just stick it on your refrigerator and maybe make a copy of it if you're at work during the day so it's with you there too. Oh good. I'm glad this was incredibly helpful Cheryl, thank you. All right. Alicia. I feel cold and chilled sometimes 20 to 30 minutes after eating but find that my temperature is higher. Oh, that's a good riddle. What does that mean? [01:25:00] Okay.

Jeanne: I don't know. Actually to be perfectly honest with you. Typically if you're feeling cold and chill and your temperature is normal, what's your pulse? Yeah if your pulse is dropping I'd be curious to see that. Any kind of that cold chilliness is probably showing you that there's some ... Okay. So, here's the deal. This is what it is. It's the type of food that you're eating. You guys pay attention. So, not all carbohydrates, proteins and fats affect your system in the same way. That's why [01:25:30] I keep coming back to sustenance. Some of you are going to find that you need that density to really ground that energy for a longer period of time. So, you could be taking in the sugar which we've mentioned a couple webinars before.

Sugar is always going to elevate your body temperature but this is why we want to know whether or not that meal feels good for you for a period of time. Yeah. Great question.

Christa: Okay. Diana is in tier two. I drink the golden milk an hour before bed and it helps me fall asleep but then I wake up multiple times to pee. I don't drink any other liquids [01:26:00] after 7:00 PM. What do you recommend? Do the adrenals cause frequent peeing? Yes. So being in adrenal fatigue causes a lot of peeing.

Jeanne: Because of the inability to regulate your blood sugar. Absolutely.

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Christa: Right. Yeah. So you're kind of at a chicken or egg issue here because the golden milk is working for you. So I would maybe just do two to three ounces less of golden milk and when you're drinking water throughout the day you can pick up something called concentrated trace mineral drops at the health food store and just put two to three drops each time in each glass [01:26:30] of water and that will help you retain your hydration so you're not just peeing and effectively rinsing yourself out versus hydrating yourself. But as you heal from adrenal fatigue, all these symptoms are going to start to go away.

We're just getting started. Okay. All right. Jenny. I have been eating cold carbs like leftover parsnip mash. Should I reheat it before eating it to keep my body temp up?

Jeanne: It depends on what feels better for you but I think the fact that it is a root vegetable that you should get enough [01:27:00] heat from that. Absolutely. I don't think you need to reheat it. It's just what your preference is.

Christa: Yeah. What's going to make you feel nourished?

Jeanne: Exactly.

Christa: That's the thing. I'll say for me I [inaudible 01:27:10] and so if i just pull a meal out of the fridge and I eat it, I just do it to stay alive but I'm not going to enjoy it. I want it to be hot. Smell it. All right. So, Anya, just to be clear, does elevated temp and pulse after a meal indicate that the meal worked energy wise? [01:27:30] Yes.

Jeanne: Yes. As long as you can sustain it for a period of time. If it rises and then falls very soon thereafter like the question we just answered, then you're seeing something very different.

Christa: Yeah so if you see consistent elevated temperatures, because we just want to get you stable. That's it. So, if you see look for meal to meal what's happening and then you'll be able to know. Oh good. Okay. Heidi says that presentation was a fascinating. [01:28:00] You're so cute. Thanks for all of your support. You're so welcome. All right.

Jeanne: Britney. Beautiful.

Christa: Go ahead. Britney. I had no idea my heart was jumping up to 95 to 105 throughout the day. Anything I need to know about this? I have Hashimoto's.

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My mom and her siblings have afib. I'm tier two, 46 post ovulation this month. Thank you for all the details.

Jeanne: Yeah. I think that it's informing you. Again any time your heart rate is elevated to that degree again it is showing you cortisol in [01:28:30] the system. Making you again with the Hashi's we know there is a compromised system there. Immune system. There's stress in the body. Your mom and your siblings have afib. I don't know if you have been checked for a-fib, but that might be something to look further in to, but again just work with your breathing. This is where breath is such a powerful tool to help regulate those pulses.

Christa: Great. Tracy is asking if you can drink coconut water by itself or is it considered a carb? Should it be paired with a protein and a fat?

Jeanne: [01:29:00] It's not enough carbohydrate to stand alone. It's going to need a little bit more to support that balance.

Christa: Yeah. So have it with a meal. Have it with a meal. Ruby, we will end here. Amazing. So excited. All right. Tier one. Low pulse, low temp regularly but emotions are more stable. What a great sign. What about using a far infrared sauna? I saw another one about a sunlight and infrared sauna. Is this going to add more stress?

Jeanne: It is going to require more energy. [01:29:30] So, again it's going to be similar for some. If you're constantly in that low body temperature pulse state. It's similar to exercising. You're going to want to prepare yourself pre and support yourself post. Then again be aware of the amount of time that you're spending there. This would be a good time. Anybody that's doing exercise, if you want to know the effect the exercise is having on you, take a reading 30 minutes post exercise and see what you're noticing there in comparison to the rest of your patterns. You'll start to see if [01:30:00] you're recovering or not from the exercise that you're going.

Christa: Yes. That's going to help you customize.

Jeanne: Absolutely.

Christa: Last thing she says is can I do power proteins eggs, broth, collagen, organ meats as my main proteins each day?

Jeanne: Absolutely.

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Christa: Absolutely. Yes. The meat feels harder to digest to just sit. So you are on the right track. See you're listening to your body. Great. Taking broth helps with the muscle meats. Yes that's why we included it there. You guys are getting a hang of it.

Jeanne: Yeah they really are.

Christa: Yeah this is [01:30:30] so good. All right. Well listen we are sending you lots of love and you know what? Let's see. All right. We're sending you guys all lots of love. Whatever questions we don't answer here Jeanne you're going to be in the Facebook group tomorrow. Wednesday. I will see you there on Friday. Jeanne will be back to do log reviews on Monday. You've got a ton of support. So, go slow because that's the fastest way to get there and just know that we will be thinking [01:31:00] about you and we're proud of you and we know it's not easy but it's so worth it. Okay. Lots of love everybody. Have a great night.

Jeanne: Bye.

Christa: Bye bye.

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