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Page 1: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

Module 8

© 2016 English Learning Formula.

Page 2: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

Welcome to Module 8

Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been anincredible journey until now, and there are many things to discover yet, in thefantastic adventure of learning English!

It is possible that, after the first seven modules, you can understand what youare reading right now. Do you understand these lines? If you understand whatyou are reading, it's because you are doing things well!

We need to continue studying vocabulary and grammar. We have studied presentsimple, present continuous, past simple, future simple “will”, future “going to”,and present perfect.

However, we need to study the conditional tenses and many other topics.

Did you make contact with your tutor? If the answer is yes, congratulations! Takethe opportunity to keep contacting your tutor and asking her your questions.Maybe you want to practice your speaking with her.

Did you add the ELF's Whatsapp number to your telephone? If not, add thisnumber as a new contact, and introduce yourself! You will join a great group, andyou will have a new way for asking questions. The number is +56950600363

In order to be added to the group:

1. Add the number as a contact2. Refresh your Whatsapp contacts3. Say your name and ask for being added4. You will be added to the “ELF Alumni Group”

That's it for now, and welcome to a new week at ELF!

Teacher Maximiliano.

Page 3: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

Module 8 ObjectivesObjetivos del Módulo 8

Me encancaría saber cuánto comprendiste de la página anterior. Escribí toda lapágina anterior en inglés, precisamente, para ir poco a poco sumergiéndonos enel inglés escrito y hablado. Si es posible, déjame tu comentario en la página delvideo de introducción del módulo 8. Me harás muy feliz si me entregas feedback.

Los principales objetivos para esta semana, son:

1) Aprender los llamados Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its,yours, y theirs.

2) Aprender los verbos To Make y To Do, y cómo saber utilizarlos sin cometerel error de confundirlos. Cada uno se usa en situaciones específicas, y aquíaprenderás estos secretos para fluir correctamente.

3) Aprender cinco importantes conjunciones: However, Despite, On the otherhand, By the way, y finalmente, Instead of.

Te animo a continuar con constancia y decisión. Los más grandes saltos de nivelvienen después de aparentes estancamientos. Keep up the good work!

Page 4: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

Table of ContentsTabla de Contenidos del Módulo 8


- Conjugations (5 words)However, Despite, On the other hand, By the way, Instead of

- Verbs (2 words)To Make, To Do


7 Words


Possessive Pronouns

• Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Its, Ours, Theis

How to use To Make and To Do• Conjugations

• Differences

• Examples

Item Check:

Page 5: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things


• Sing and Learn with me! Every breathe you take - Sting

• Shadowing with Laura!

• Pronunciation Session with Teacher Maximiliano

• Module 8 Exercises

Item Check:

Page 6: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

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Page 7: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

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Page 8: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things




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Page 9: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things


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Page 10: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

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Page 11: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

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Page 12: Module 8 - 123-ingles.com · Welcome to Module 8 Hello, and welcome to Module 8 at English Learning Formula! It has been an incredible journey until now, and there are many things

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