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History and Memory



Representation: the ways in which ideas are portrayed through texts

Textual integrity: The definition of textual integrity in the Stage 6 English Syllabus is:

"the unity of a text; its coherent use of form and language to produce an integrated whole in terms of meaning and value" (page 143)


Memoir or Autobiography

Memoir comes from the Latin word "memoria" meaning memory.

A biography or autobiography is a person’s life…a memoir is a “slice” of life.


Structural Elements of Memoir









Focus on a brief period of time or series of related eventsNarrative structure (storytelling elements including setting, plot, imagery, characterisation, foreshadowing/flashback, and irony and symbolismRetrospectiveFictional qualityHigher emotional level/more personal reconstruction of the events and their impact


Elements of memoir (cont)

Explores an event or series of related events that remain lodged in memory

Describes the events and then shows, either directly or indirectly why they are significant

WHY do you STILL remember them? ( we will study the concept of memory and how we store memories)

Focused in time (not long – particularly significant in terms of science and then the veracity of memory in memoir)

Focuses on problem/conflict and its resolution and why the resolution is significant in your life


Expectations and Assumptions

The audience makes the assumption that something more visceral is or should be happening when someone sits down to write her own memories of events.

We expect an embodied relationship between memory and the person remembering; the story is already imprinted indelibly, even before it is voiced or linked, in the synapses of the teller, waiting for the appropriate moment to be made visible to another.


Definitions from previous slide

Visceral: characterised by intuition or instinct rather than intellect

Synapse: a region where nerve impulses are transmitted and received, encompassing the axon terminal of a neuron that releases neurotransmitters in response to an impulse, an extremely small gap across which the neurotransmitters travel, and the adjacent membrane of an axon, dendrite, or muscle or gland cell with the appropriate receptor molecules for picking up the neurotransmitters


Definitions you will need

Universalism: Universal characteristics – applies to all

Humanistic: Concern for human affairs, characteristics, values, dignity etc

Chronicling: A chronological record of events; To record or chronicle events

Propagandistic: Pertaining to propaganda or propagandists


Definitions (cont)

Partisanship: Devotes to one party or faction or ideology characterised by emotional or biased allegiance

Supernatural history: Complex phenomena in history that cannot be explained by natural or human events or recall – above nature- not necessarily occult etc, just the history that cannot be explained within the constraints of time, science etc

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Definitions (cont)

Secular: of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal: secular interests.

Naturalistic: imitating nature  or the usual natural  surroundings; pertaining to naturalism,  especially in literature and art.

Philology: the study of literary texts and of written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning; (especially in older use) linguistics, especially historical and comparative linguistics; the love of learning and literature.

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Definitions (cont)

Epistemology: a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.

Fallacy: a deceptive, misleading, or false

notion, belief, etc: That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy; a misleading or unsound argument; deceptive, misleading, or false nature; erroneousness.

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Definitions (cont)

Presentism: theories that suggest the biblical acts leading to the apocalypse are in the course of being fulfilled - that all history is leading to the apocalypse and end of the world and thus has been predetermined – fate and destiny

Dogma: a specific doctrine or theoretical or ideological approach

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Definitions (cont)

Cliometricians: the study of historical data by the use of statistical, often computerized, techniques.

Myopic: Shortsighted- one view, limited view of history

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Definitions (cont)

Deconstruction: a philosophical and critical movement, starting in the 1960s. Applied to the study of literature and history, the theory questions all traditional assumptions about the ability of language to represent reality. Further, the theory emphasises that a text has no stable reference or identification because words essentially only refer to other words; therefore, a reader must approach a text by eliminating any metaphysical or ethnocentric assumptions through an active role of defining meaning, sometimes by a reliance on new word construction, etymology, puns, and other word play.

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Definitions (cont)

  Structuralism: Suggests literature can be interpreted

and analysed in terms of oppositions, contrasts, and hierarchical structures, especially as they might reflect universal mental characteristics or organizing principles

An approach to linguistics that analyses and describes the structure of language, as distinguished from its comparative and historical aspects

Post structuralism: a variation of structuralism, often seen as a critique, emphasizing plurality of meaning and instability of concepts that structuralism uses to define society, language, etc.

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Definitions (cont)

Modernism: as a movement in the arts, 1929, from modern. The word dates to 1737 in the sense of "deviation from the ancient and classical manner" [Johnson, who calls it "a word invented by Swift"]. It has been used in theology since 1901.

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Definitions (cont)

Post modernism: trends or movements in the arts and literature developing in the 1970s; reactions to or rejection of the dogma, principles, or practices of established modernism; encouraging the use of elements from historical vernacular styles and often playful illusion, decoration, and complexity.

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Definitions (cont)

Feminism: The doctrine — and the political movement based on it — that women should have the same economic, social, and political rights as men. Has anthropological, sociological and historical theories underpinning the rise and perpetuation of the theory.

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Introductory Questions

History: record of the past – facts – why is this idea limited or problematic?

Memory: perceptions of events, emotions, reactions – why are these important?

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Introductory Questions

Who records memoir? – Male? Female? – Cultural expectations and roles about who records and perpetuates or owns history or memories that are being recorded – think about the range of histories that converge with memoirs, autobiographies or biographies and who writes them; extremely gendered representation until the 20th century.

Whose perspective of memory and the history they represent is presented in the text?

Whose perspective is silenced? What historical facts are presented? How can the facts be verified? How would we normally assess or evaluate the evidence?

Do we change our expectations due to the cultural separation we have from the content of the text?

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Introductory Questions (cont)

What limitations are evident in the recorded history?

What is the composer’s purpose in relating, perpetuating or manipulating the history whether social, cultural or political?

Can we ever negate the historical context present in the text?

Why do we revise or create revisionist histories? How might the historical context, political

ideologies and cultural markers add to or take away from the textual integrity of the text?

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Introductory Questions (cont)

Who records memory? What differentiates the memories from

history? Is all history memory? What is collective memory? What is national memory? How does national memory differ from

personal memory? Does every individual have the same

memory of history or an historical event?

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Introductory Questions (cont)

Why do we reflect upon our memories? Why do we record our memories? How do memories contribute to identity –

Family? Personal? Gender? Social? Political? Historical?

How could our - or others - interpretation of memory be assessed as unreliable?

How could our – or others – interpretation of history be assessed as unreliable??

Can we have biased memory in the same way that we can have biased history?

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Where to from here?

Critical Reading Theory What is ‘critical reading? Critical reading is a vital part of the writing

process. In fact, reading and writing processes are alike. Both require us to make meaning by actively engaging with the text. As a reader, you are not a passive participant, but an active constructor of meaning. Exhibiting an inquisitive, "critical" attitude towards what you read will make anything you read richer.

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Critical Reading Theory

Prior Knowledge + Predictions = Comprehension When we read, we don't decipher every word on the page

for its individual meaning. We process text in chunks, and we also employ other "tricks" to help us make meaning out of so many individual words in a text we are reading. First, we bring prior knowledge to everything we read, whether we are aware of it or not. Titles of texts, authors' names, and the topic of the piece all trigger prior knowledge embedded in either our learned or semantic memory. The more prior knowledge we have, the better prepared we are to make meaning of the text. With prior knowledge we make predictions, or guesses about how what we are reading relates to our prior experience. We also make predictions about what meaning the text will convey.

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Critically Reading Mao’s Last Dancer

Previewing: Reading around the text – biographical

briefs on who the author or character is, where she/he has come from, why his text might be of value or relevance to us and in what ways can we use the knowledge to learn what we need to develop depth in our reading, interpretation and understanding of text… for this course, for the HSC, for university and, to be more knowledgeable members of a global world.

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Critical Reading

Annotating: The process of annotating allows us to engage fully with text. Using

post-its as you read, using coloured tabs for thematic or specific language foci will allow you to refer back quickly to those areas of the text that inform your study.

As you read the first time you might become aware that some aspects of the text impact on you more than others – place post-its on these pages.

Go back to these pages at the end of your reading session and write down, mark out quotes, place tabs if the writing has something you want to ask a question about, or demands research to fully understand its context. Never gloss over what you do not understand, each time you find yourself not engaging take a break, go back and evaluate what you have read and why you are disengaging and determine whether it is a lack of interest or lack of understanding. Evaluate why you are responding to the text in such a way and reevaluate why you are studying the text and what you need to do as a critical reader.

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Critical Reading

Summarising: At the end of each chapter you should be

writing a summary of what has been divulged to you as the audience – and its effectiveness.

Use the questions for each chapter as a guide here; once the questions have been answered then you will have read the text closely and can determine themes, issues, ideas, specific use of language, historical veracity, use or reliance or veracity of memory etc., which all interrelate and define the textual integrity of the text.

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Critical Reading

Analysing: The questions you have been provided with will

assist you to develop analytical skills. At this stage in your senior studies you are still developing your understanding of why we analyse and knowing what questions to ask of a text are not necessarily in your repertoire.

Use the questions to analyse the text closely and then in future study you will know what questions to ask of a text – especially important when you have to select related material which is not taught in class.

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Critical Reading

Re-Reading You will find you have to go back and reread sections

of the text many times to determine its meaning. Do not miss this step as your reading will change

each time you learn something new. You will find new meanings, have new realisations due to a contextual understanding from research or explication in class. Re-reading must become a routine part of your study, not just for English, but across all subjects. You will never glean full meaning from initial reading or limiting your engagement to a once only glance of the text.

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Critical Reading

Responding: You will be required to respond to this text in

several ways: You have been asked to create a narrative that

has cultural meaning outside of your own experience – this is a response to the learning you have done in reading the text and completing some historical research on the text

The questions in your study guide will allow these aspects of critical reading to be developed.

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