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  • 7/30/2019 Molecules Biodiversity Food and Health[1]


    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Biological Molecules

    ProteinsAmino AcidsStructure

    Monomer of proteins Join to form backbone of polypeptide 20 types naturally occurring Differences caused by R-groups


    Plants: Convert nitrates into amino group and bond to organic part made from photosynthesis products Animals: Proteins broken down, 8 essential amino acids - cant be made from materials inside body

    - Can only store certain amount, amino group toxic if too many- Liver breaks amino acids down deamination urea

    Building proteins

    Reaction between carboxyl group and amino group Condensation reaction, bond broken by hydrolysis Forms peptide bond to make dipeptide


    Amino acid dissolves in water Carboxyl group disassociates and releases H+ Amino group receives H+ No net charge

    Protein StructurePrimary structure

    Unique amino acid sequence of a polypeptideSecondary structure

    H-bonds form between amino acids Non-specific, polypeptides can take up same shape


    H-bonds 4 along the chain Small parts of whole polypeptide can take up configuration

    Beta-pleated sheet

    Anti-parallel zigzagging chain Stronger and less elastic than Alpha-helix

    Tertiary structure

    3D structure made in Golgi apparatus H-bonds, Ionic bonds, Disulphide bridges

    Globular proteins

    Irregular, compact shape Soluble hydrophilic outside, hydrophobic inside

    Fibrous proteins

    Long chains rich with hydrophobic amino acids Insoluble, unfolded, non-specific

    Quaternary structure

    How polypeptides link together (prosthetic group) Haemoglobin: 4 polypeptide chains and haem group

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    3 polypeptide chains wound around each other H-bonds between chains = strength Each collagen - strength Collagen fibrilcollagen fibre


    Arteries - collagen layer prevents bursting walls at highpressure

    Tendons mostly made of collagen Bones formed from collagen Cartilage and connective tissue made of collagen


    4 polypeptide chains-

    2 a-chains, 2 b-chains, 1 haem group


    Carries oxygen around the body Bonds to oxygen in lungs, releases in tissues Haem group contains Fe2+ - responsible for colour

    Haemoglobin + oxygen --> oxyhaemoglobin

    (purple-red) (bright red)

    One complete haemoglobin combines to four oxygenmolecules


    General formula: CH2O- 3 carbon atoms = Triose- 4 carbon atoms = Tetrose- 5 carbon atoms = Pentose ribose- 6 carbon atoms = Hexose glucose, fructose

    Glucose can exist as two forms alpha and beta glucose

    Disaccharides 2 monosaccharides joined together by condensation Monosaccharides broken by hydrolysis One monosaccharide loses H atom from C1 and other

    loses OH group from C4, creating a 1,4-glycosidic bond

    Sucrose:glucose + fructose

    Used in plants to transport food reserves

    Lactose:glucose + galactoseSugar in the milk of mammals

    Maltose:glucose + glucose

    First product of starch digestion

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    Polysaccharide Structure Function

    Starch Made of 2 polymers:

    Amylose: polymer of glucoses joined by a-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Forms

    helix with 6 molecules per turn & about 300 per helix

    Amylopectin: polymer of glucoses jonied by a-1, 4-glycosidic bonds but

    with branches of a-1,6-glycosidic bonds. Causes molecule to be branched

    Storage in plants

    Glycogen Similar to amylopectin but with many more branches which are shorter

    Storage in

    animals and fungi

    Cellulose Adjacent chains of long, unbranched polymers of glucose joined with -1,4-glycosidic bonds. The chains form hydrogen bonds with each other to

    form microfibrils which again pack together into macrofibrils

    Structuralconstituent of

    plant cell walls

    LipidsLipids: A diverse group of chemicals that dissolve in organic solvents but not water - includes fatty acids,

    triglycerides and cholesterol.

    Roles of LipidsEnergy store

    Lipids stored in adipocytes Cell designed for continuous synthesis and breakdown of triacyglycerols Provide 9 kcal/gram


    The cuticle of plant leaves are protected against drying out by a lipid layer (waxy cuticle) , as lipids arehydrophobic - limits diffusion of water

    Allows release of volatiles (prevents pests, attracted pollinating insects)Insulation

    Mechanical support around soft organs Electrical insulation around long nerve cells E.g. Whale blubber is lipid that reduces heat loss & helps keep aquatic mammals buoyant

    Shock absorption

    Act as soft barrier to protect vital organs Prevent musculoskeletal system from easily breaking when hit

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Cell membranes

    All biological membranes are made of a phospholipid bilayer Phospholipids have a hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail Partial permeability - substances don't move across the barrier



    Most naturally occurring fats and oils are the fatty acid esters ofglycerol Esters with a low molecular weight are used as fragrances and found

    in essential oils


    3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule- Acids as they contain the carboxyl group -COOH

    General formula C3H8O3

    Condensation reaction bonds the glycerol and fatty acids

    - Carboxyl group reacts with OH of glycerol- Forms ester bond


    Like a triglyceride, but ne fatty acid is replaced by aphosphate group

    Phosphate heads are hydrophilic tiny ve charge- In water, phospholipid heads attracted to water and tails

    repelled, so they form a bilayer

    Cholesterol and Steroids Cholesterol and other substances that are formed from it are called steroids Huge number of different kind in the body testosterone and oestrogen Cholesterol helps regulate the fluidity of the membrane


    2 hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen atomPropertiesHigh specific heat capacity

    Takes a lot of energy to raise the temperature of water Water temp fairly stable when air pressure changes rapidly

    High latent heat of evaporation

    A lot of energy needed to change water vapour Sweating, panting and transpiration effective cooling

    High density

    Maximum density at 4C expands upon freezing ice floats H-bonds form a lattice in ice crystals Water supports organisms with up thrust


    Clingy water molecules rise up vascular tissue of plants in continuous column Surface tension pond skaters can walk on water

    Good solvent

    Water molecule polar other polar molecules attracted Transports substances in solution around body

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    Add solution of potassium iodide to sample If starch is present, the solution changes from yellow-

    brown blue-black

    Reducing sugars

    Monosaccharide and disaccharide (molecule can reactwith other molecule by giving electrons to them

    When reducing sugar is heated to 80 with Benedictssolution, solution changes from blue orange-red

    Non-reducing sugars

    Sucrosewould have no colour change Make sure there are no reducing sugars in sample

    boil with hydrochloric acid

    Hydrolyses any sucrose to glucose and fructose Cool solution and neutralise with sodium


    Carry out Benedicts test again Should now give a positive result

    ProteinsBuiret Test

    Add buiret reagentto a sample Buiret reagent reacts with peptide bonds - pale bluelilac

    LipidsEthanol emulsion test

    Mix sample with ethanol dissolves any lipid Pour liquid into water Cloudy white emulsion near top of water

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Nucleic Acids


    Deoxyribonucleic acid- Phosphate group- Deoxyribose- Organic base

    Base can be a purine two rings- Adenine- Guanine

    Base can be a pyrimidine one ring- Cytosine- Thymine

    These components link together to form longchains calledpolynucleotides

    Two chains of nucleotide lie side by side in anti-parallel

    - Link by hydrogen bonds- Forms a double-helix

    Role of DNA

    A gene is a sequence of DNA that codes for a polypeptide A sequence of 3 bases on the DNA molecule codes for one amino acid Thus, the gene determines the primary structure of a protein

    Complimentary base pairing

    Key to the ability of DNA to hold and pass on the code for making proteins There is just the right amount of space for a purine to link with a pyrimidine A only links with T, C only links with G The code can be copied over perfectly from generations Instructs proteins to construct the exact molecule

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    Ribonucleic acid- Phosphate group- Ribose sugar- Organic base

    Single stranded Contains uracil instead of thymine RNA uses information from the DNA to make


    - Determines the primary structure of aprotein

    DNA replicationSemi-conservative replication

    DNA replication takes place during Interphase Each of the new DNA molecules are made of one old strand and one new strand of DNA1. Hydrogen bonds between bases are broken by DNA helicase2. Free nucleotides (present in the nucleus) pair up with complimentary exposed bases3. New strand is linked together by covalent bonds betweenphosphate and sugars by DNA polymerase4. 2 new DNA molecules, each contains one old strand and one new strand

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    Enzyme actionStructureStructure

    Globular proteins- Specific tertiary structure

    Biological catalystsLocation

    Intracellular- Catalyse reaction in the cell- E.g. hydrolases inside lysosomes

    Extracellular- Released from cells onto food- Break down organisms into nutrients- E.g. amylase which hydrolyses starch to maltose

    How enzymes work Reducingthe required activation energy for a reaction Enzymes contain active sites which have a specific shape

    - Fits with the substrate molecules shape Enzymes can bind reactants to each other

    - Increases reaction chance Enzymes can break substrates apart Enzymes can expose the substrates bonds or create a water-free zone so non-polar reactants can react

    more easily

    The enzyme is unchanged by the processEnzyme-substrate complex

    The theory that an enzymes active site fits perfectlyto the substrate

    - Held by temporary bonds between R-groups The combined structure is called the enzyme-

    substrate complex

    Each type of enzyme will usually only fit to onetype of substrate

    Induced-fit hypothesis

    The theory that when the substrate fits into theactive site, the shape of the enzyme changes slightly

    Allows hold of the substrate in exactly the rightposition

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Changing conditions

    Effect of changing concentrationEnzyme concentration

    As enzyme concentration increases, more active sites becomeavailable

    - A maximum reaction rate will be reached when all the substrate moleculesoccupy active sites

    The substrate concentration becomes the limiting factor

    Substrate concentration

    As substrate concentration increases, collisions increase- A maximum reaction rate is reached when all the active sites

    are occupied

    - Called Vmax

    Effect of changing temperature Higher tempMore kinetic energymore collisions higher rate of reaction

    When they do collide, a higher proportion of them willhave the required activation energy

    Usually 10 temperature rise = double collisions However, increased vibrations put a strain on bonds in

    enzyme- Enzymes progressively and irreversibly denatured

    Each enzyme has an optimum temperature- Close to body temperature in warm-blooded


    - Optimum temp depends on length of time its expected to workEffect of changing pH

    Acids have a low pH high percentage of H+ ions- H+ interferes with negatively charged amino acids in active


    - H+ can also replace H-bonds and ionic bonds in structures likethe alpha-helix

    Optimum pH varies between enzymes- pH range is usually very small

    Measuring reaction rate Collect gas in a gas syringe, measure how much collected over a

    period of time

    - E.g. break down of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen using catalase To investigate the rate that amylase breaks down starch to maltose, measure how much starch

    disappears by taking samples at know intervals and using the iodine test

    - Use a colorimeter to measure the intensity of the blue-black colour- Plot a graph

    The beginning curve is the initial rate of reaction, it is quite steep as the reaction is fastest at thebeginning as more un-reacted reactants are available

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    InhibitorsEnzyme inhibitors

    A substance that slows down or stops an enzyme-controlled reaction It is possible for other molecules to bind with the active site is it is similar to the substrate Creates competition for it and the substrate for the site Inhibitors that seriously disrupt controlled reactions act as metabolic poisons

    - Death cap mushroom toxin called alpha-amanitin inhibits enzymes that catalyse production of RNA,cells are no longer able to synthesise proteinsCompetitive inhibitors

    When the concentration of the inhibitor rises or that of the substrate falls, it becomes more likely thatthe inhibitor will bind with the enzyme, rather that the substrate

    Reversible if the concentration of the substrate is increased Irreversible if the inhibitor bonds permanently to the active site

    - Penicillin permanently binds to the active site of an enzyme essential for the synthesis of bacterialcell walls

    Non-competitive inhibitors When the inhibitor binds to another part of the enzyme Can seriously disrupt the normal arrangement of the bonds holding the enzyme in shape Enzymes function blocked no matter how much substrate is present Reversible if the inhibitor bonds briefly Irreversible if the inhibitor bonds permanently

    - Digitalis binds with the enzyme ATPase, resulting in increased contraction of the heart muscle

    Cofactors and coenzymes Some enzymes require the presence of another substance Briefly bind with the enzyme, some alter its shape so it can bind more effectively with the substrate


    Simple molecule of inorganic ion Many made from vitamins

    - Vitamin B3 is required for the synthesis ofcoenzyme A Cl- cofactor in salivary glands change shape so starch molecules can fit into the active site Ca2+ cofactor for enzyme thrombin changes soluble, globular protein fibrinogen to insoluble, fibrousprotein fibrin


    Larger molecules Coenzyme A needed in many metabolic pathways, including aerobic respiration

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Diet and food production

    NutritionBalanced dietsA balanced diet contains a range of all of the different nutrients in the right proportions

    Food sources

    Animals are heterotrophs- Rely on organic substance that have been made by plants

    Plants are autotrophs- Use inorganic substances to build organic substances

    Nutrient Function Sources Notes

    Carbohydrate Provides energy Bread, rice, potatoes Includes sugars and starches

    Proteins New cells, and components

    e.g. haemoglobin, collagen

    Meat, eggs, fish, dairy 20 amino acids, 8 essential

    amino acids

    Lipids Cell membranes, steroids,

    provide energy

    Dairy, red meat, oils 2 essential fatty acids

    Vitamin A Pigmentrhodopsin in rod

    cells in eye

    Meat, egg yolks, carrots

    Vitamin C Collagen Citrus fruits, blackcurrants,


    Vitamin D Bones and teeth Dairy, oily fish, egg yolks Also made in skin exposed

    to sunlight

    Iron Haemoglobin Meat, beans, chocolate,

    eggs, shellfish

    Shortage = anaemia

    Sodium Bones and blood clotting Dairy, fish Shortage = osteoporosis

    Malnutrition The result of any diet that is unbalanced Obesity, kwakiorshor, anorexia nervosa, marasmus

    Cholesterol Evidence shows that having high cholesterol levels increases CHD risk, diet high in saturated fats

    increases cholesterol levels, other evidence doesnt support this view

    Cholesterol insoluble- Carried in the blood plasma in the form oflipoproteins- Tiny balls made of lipids, cholesterol and proteins

    Come in several varieties- Different proportions of proteins and lipids- The more protein, the greater the density of the lipoprotein

    High density lipoproteins HDLs

    A lot of protein with small amounts of lipids Usually pick up cholesterol from dying body cells and transport it to the liver

    Low density lipoproteins - LDLs

    More lipids and less protein than HDLs Usually carry lipids and cholesterol from liver to other parts of the body


    Contain a lot of lipid and very little protein Formed in the wall of the ileum from digested fats Transport lipids from small intestine to liver

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Obesity When BMI is over 30 (BMI = kg/m2) Constantly eating nutrients that contain more energy than you use

    - Spare energy stored as fat in adipose tissue - underneath skin and around body organs Increases risk of developing heart disease and type II diabetes

    Coronary Heart Disease CHD

    Common disorder of coronary arteries - most common cause of death Cardiac muscles must have a continuous supply of oxygen to contract CHD is caused by atherosclerosis (hardening) in the coronary arteries Become blocked

    - Build up of materials inside walls- Makes the lumen narrower- Increases blood pressure- Can happen in arteries brain stroke

    Can occur naturally with old age Can become worse with tobacco chemicals and LDLs

    - CO damages endothelium of arteries-

    Repaired by WBC that encourage smooth muscle growth & deposit lipids- Deposits known as atheromas / atheromatous plaque Angina occurs when the artery cant keep up with oxygen requirements Blood clots can form

    - Coronary thrombosis CO sticky platelets, increased chance of blood clots- Platelets in blood come in contact with collagen in artery wall- Platelets secrete chemicals that clot the blood, thrombus- Narrows artery and may block vessel, can lead to stroke- Muscle cells diemyocardial infarction

    Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of artery wallsMyocardial Infarction

    Myocardial = heart muscle, infarction = loss of blood flow to tissue 90% of myocardial infarctions caused by coronary thrombosis Severe causes heart to stop beating

    Cardiac arrestcan be very severe or may not even realise it, described ascrushing burning

    Cholesterol and CHD

    LDLs deposit cholesterol in the damaged walls or arteries- Makes up a large proportion ofatheromatous plaque

    HDLs protect from CHD- Remove cholesterol from tissues

    Saturated fats result in more LDLs Not directly linked cholesterol in blood doesnt all come from food Statins (drug) inhibits the enzyme in the liver cells which catalyses one of the

    reactions involved in cholesterol synthesis


    Persons resting blood pressure is persistently high Increases risk of CHD

    - Causes arterial walls to thicken and stiffen- Developed atheromatous plaques- Heart has to pump blood at higher pressures

    High salt content in blood can increase risk- High salt concentration in blood draws water in by osmosis- Increases volume of blood and thus increases pressure

    People with hypertension may be given diuretics- Cause kidneys to excrete large amounts of fluid, reduces volume in body, reduces blood pressure

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Improving food productionPlants

    Done mostly by specialist plant breeders, not farmers Give selectively bred seeds to farmers to grow May be genetically modified

    Improving efficiency

    Improve growth rate of crops Increase yield Reduce losses from disease and pests Standardising plant size to make harvesting easier Improve responses to fertilisers

    Animals Selectively bred by farmers in farms

    Improving efficiency

    Improve growth rate Increase productivity Increase disease resistance

    Selective breeding Breeding animals with desirable traits leads to those traits becoming exaggerated Artificial selection is the intentional breeding of certain traits Three stages:

    - Isolation- Artificial selection- Inbreeding/ Line breeding

    1. Selecting the pair of animals/plants that display the desired characteristics2. Allowed to reproduce3. Offspring sorted into those with best combination of characteristics4. Offspring reproduce

    E.g. Chickens bred for egg production or meat production. Egg-layers can produce over 300 a year, whilemeat-producers have low fat content and a better colour and texture

    Modern methods

    Marker-assisted selection Section of DNA is used as a marker to recognise characteristic Offsprings DNA is checked for the marker

    - Allows selection at a very early stageE.g. Tomatoes a wild tomato variety with good resistance to yellow leaf curl virus was found, the alleleresponsible for the resistance was identified and bred into a domestic variety

    Using chemicalsFertilisers

    Replace minerals in the soil Contain nitrate, potassium, and phosphate Increase growth rate and overall size of crop


    Designed to kill organisms that cause diseases in crops Include fungicides Broad-spectrum insecticides kill all insects, not just pests specific are more expensive


    For infected animals Reduce the spread of disease around animals that are intensively farmed and close to each other

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    MicroorganismsFood spoilage

    Microorganisms obtain nutrition by digesting organic matter around them They leave behind waste products

    How microorganisms spoil our food

    Visible growth of microorganisms on food- Mouldy bread (Penicillium mould is blue-green)

    Releasing enzymes onto the food and absorbing the nutrients external digestion process- Food smells sweet sugars released from carbohydrate molecules- Food eventually reduced to mush

    Producing toxins- Clostridium botulinum produces toxin botulin one of the most toxic substances known

    Cause infection- Salmonella bacteria attacks the lining of the digestive system

    Preventing food spoilage Using food quickly while still fresh Longer kept food must be treated to prevent spoilage

    - Killing microbes already on the food- Preventing them from reproducing

    Food must then be packaged to prevent further contaminationTreatment methods

    Cooking denatures proteins and kills microorganism Pasteurising heating to 72C for 15 seconds and cooling rapidly to 4C, killing harmful microbes Drying, slating, coating in sugar dehydrate microbes Smoking - develops dry hardened outer surface, smoke contains antibacterial chemicals Pickling uses acid pH to kill microorganisms by denaturing enzymes and other proteins Irradiation ionising radiation kills microorganisms by disrupting DNA structure Cooling and freezing retard enzyme activity so metabolism, growth and reproduction is slow

    Packaging methods

    Canning heated and sealed in air tight containers Vacuum wrapping air excluded so microbes cannot respire aerobically Plastic or paper packaging

    Making foodTypes of food made with microorganisms

    Yoghurt - Lactobacillus uses lactose sugar in milk to make lactic acid causes milk proteins to curdle Cheese - Made from curdled milk, acted upon by Lactobacillus, additional flavour by other bacteria Bread - Made to rise by yeast, respires anaerobically to release CO2, bubbles of gas collect in dough Alcohol - Another product of anaerobic respiration of yeast, cereal grains with maltose can be used to

    brew beer, as the yeast respires the sugar

    - Yeast respires fructose and glucose in grapes Quorn Single-cell protein, mycoprotein made by fungus, vegetarian, healthy, cholesterol-free


    Fast protein production Production increased and decreased on

    demand No animal welfare issues Source of protein for vegetarians No animal fat or cholesterol Combined with removal of waste products


    Many dont want to eat fungal protein Microorganisms need to be grown in huge

    fermenters Must be purified Care to prevent infection Not as tasty as traditional protein sources

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Health and Disease

    Parasites and pathogens

    Getting infectedHealth: A state of complete physical, mental & social well being and not merely the absence of disease of


    Disease: A departure from good health caused by a malfunction of the mind of body


    An organism that causes disease Live by taking nutrients from their host but damage it in the process


    An organism that lives in or on another living things, causing harm to the host Usually cause harm by taking nutrition from the host External parasite: Live on the host

    - Head lice Internal parasite: Live in the host

    - Tapeworm Most can go unnoticed for a long time before they cause considerable damage

    - Can cause damage that allows other organisms to invade the host and cause secondary infectionsTransmission of disease

    A pathogen must be able to- Travel between hosts- Get into tissues- Reproduce- Cause damage to tissues

    Most common form of transmission- Means of a vector- Physical contact- Droplet infection


    Cause by eukaryote Plasmodium Spread by vector

    - FemaleAnophelesmosquito Mosquito feeds on blood Plasmodium live in red blood cells and feed on


    1. The mosquito will suck the parasite gametes into itsstomach

    2. Zygotes form in the mosquitos stomach3. Infective stages move to the mosquitos salivary glands4. Mosquito injects saliva into another person as an


    5. Infective stages enter liver, multiply and enter blood again6.

    Enter red blood cells, where gametes are formed

    Global impact

    Kills 3 million a year, 300 million infected 90% of sufferers live in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus enters the body and remains inactive- HIV positive

    When the virus becomes active it destroys T-lymphocytes- T helper cells prevent infection- Ability to resist infection is reduced

    Subject will catch a range ofopportunistic infections Acquired Immune Deficiency


    Transmitted via:- Exchange of bodily fluids (not saliva)- Unsterilized surgical equipment- Unprotected sex- Across the placenta- During childbirth- During breast feeding

    Global impact Pandemic Half of sufferers in sub-Saharan Africa 2005 45 million people living with HIV/AIDS


    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis Usually found in lungs

    - Its inactive in many people or controlled by their immune system Droplet infection

    - Contained in tiny droplets of liquidreleased when an infected person coughs,

    sneezes, talks

    - Takes very close contact with an infectedperson to contract the disease

    Contraction more likely in- Overcrowding- Poor ventilation- Poor health- Poor diet-

    Homelessness- Living or working with infected peopleGlobal impact

    WHO declared TB to be a public health emergency in 1993 Most common in South-east Asia and sub-Saharan Africa Increasing threat of new strains ofMycobacterium being resistance to most of the drugs available

    WHO Health organisations use epidemiology to study the spread of disease They identify risk factors, incidence, prevalence, mortality, morbidity Endemic regularly found among particular people in a certain area, epidemic spreading rapidlyover a large area, pandemic worldwide epidemic They educate, raise awareness, screen people, provide health centres, provide vaccinations, target

    research for cures

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    Immune responseImmune response: A specific response to a pathogen which involves the action of lymphocytes

    Primary defences Pathogens need to enter the body of the host The primary defences are those that prevent pathogens entering the body


    Epidermis consists of layers of cells, mostly called keratinocytes Cells reproduce at base of epidermis, then migrate to surface

    - Cytoplasm dries out and is replaced by keratinkeratinisation- Keratinised layer of dead cells acts as a barrier to pathogens

    Mucous membranes

    Potential for infection high where air and food enters airways, lungs, digestive system Protected by epithelial layer containing goblet cells that secrete mucus Mucus lines passages and traps pathogens Ciliated cells waft layer of mucus to top of trachea where it is swallowed

    - Most pathogens killed by acidity of the stomach, as the pathogens enzymes are denatured Mucous membranes found in gut, genitalia, anus, ears and nose

    Other primary defences

    Eyes protected by antibodies in tears Ear canal lined by wax, traps pathogens Vagina is protected by acidic conditions

    Secondary defences Many trapped pathogens are not killed by conditions in the body Phagocytes kill the pathogens before they reproduce and cause



    Most common Multi-lobed nucleus Made in bone marrow Squeeze out of capillaries in tissue fluid Short lived, released in large numbers as a result of infection


    Larger cells manufactured in bone marrow Travel in blood as monocytes Settle in body organs, particularly lymph nodes

    - Develop into macrophages Specific response to invading pathogens Long-lived Antigen-presenting cells

    - Break particles up into their component molecules andplace some molecules in their plasma membrane

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    How phagocytes work

    Engulf and destroy pathogens

    1. Pathogen recognised by chemical markers on its outer membraneMarkers are antigens

    Specific to the organism

    2. Proteins in the blood called antibodies attach to foreign antigens3. Phagocytes have membrane-bound proteins that act as receptors

    Binds to antibody already attached to pathogenProcess may be assisted by other organisms called opsonins

    4. Phagocytes envelop pathogen by folding in its membranePathogen trapped inside vacuole called phagosome

    Lysosomes fuse with phagosome and release enzymes called lysins digest bacterium

    Ends up as harmless nutrients that can be absorbed by the cytoplasm

    5. Neutrophils die after digesting a few pathogens and may collect in an area to form pusRole of macrophages

    Initiate the specific response to disease immune response- Activation oflymphocytes

    Infected cells release histamines attract neutrophils- Histamine also makes capillaries more leaky- More fluid leaves the capillary in infected areaswelling and redness

    More tissue fluid passes into lymphatic system Pathogens towards macrophages waiting in lymph nodes


    A molecule that stimulates an immune response Any molecule can act as an antigen Detected by immune system, stimulates production

    ofantibodiesspecific to the antigen and pathogen


    A protein that can identify and neutralise antigens(aka immunoglobulin)

    Produced by lymphocytes in response to infection Specific to antigen Attach to antigens and render them harmless


    4 polypeptide chains held together by disulphide bridges Constant region enables antibodies to attach to phagocytic cells Variable region has specific shape that ensures antibody attaches to correct antigen Hinge region allows flexibility and branches to move apart for attachment to more than one antigen

    How they work

    Attaching to antigens on pathogen When the antibody blocks the binding site, the pathogen cant bind to its host cells neutralisation Each variable region can act as a binding site to bind antigen to pathogen

    - Can attach to a number of pathogens at the same time agglutination When the pathogens are stuck together they cannot enter host cells

    Producing antibodies

    When an infecting agent is detected, the immune system produces antibodies May take a few days for numbers to rise enough to combat the infection successfully primary

    immune response

    If the body is infected a second time, the immune system can act more quickly secondary immuneresponse

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Lymphocytes Small white blood cells B-lymphocytes

    - Form in bone marrow T-lymphocytes

    - Develop in thymus gland during childhood- Gland in neck, disappears in teen years

    Stimulated to act when in contact with antigens Each lymphocyte is specific to one antigen Produce antibodies

    Cell signalling

    Achieved through cell surface molecules and through release ofcytokines Target cell has receptor B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes have receptors that are complimentary to the antigen

    - Detection = lymphocyte activated1. Identification

    Pathogen carries antigens on its cell surface Act as markers that say it is foreign Detected by body cells

    2. Distress signals Internal cell organelles e.g. Lysosomes will attempt to fight invader Parts of pathogen cell damaged End up attached to plasma membrane

    - Act as signals that can be detected by immune system- Act as markers to indicate host cell is infected T killer lymphocytes destroy infected cell

    3. Antigens Macrophages in lymph nodes engulf and digest pathogen Separate out antigens and incorporate them into the cell surface membrane

    Antigen presenting cell Finds lymphocytes that can neutralise that antigen

    4. Instructions

    Cytokines released by cells- Act as instructions to target cells by binding to specific receptors on target cell

    Cause release of messengers inside cell which alter its behaviour through gene expression Macrophages release monokines that attractneutrophils


    Movement by chemotaxis (movement of cells towards a chemical) Macrophages release monokines to stimulate B cells to differentiate and release antibodies T and B cells release interleukins that stimulate proliferation and differentiation of T and B cells Many cells release interferon which inhibits virus replication and stimulates activity ofT killer


    Memory cells: cells that circulate the blood after a specific immune response. They speed up the response to a

    subsequent attack by the same pathogen.

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    How lymphocytes respond to antigens

    B lymphocytes T lymphocytes

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health


    VaccinationsVaccination: A deliberate exposure to antigenic material, which activates the immune system to make an

    immune response and provide immunity.

    Controlling disease A person that is vaccinated will have artificial active immunity

    - Deliberate exposure to antigenic material rendered harmless Immune system treats the antigenic material ad a real disease

    Immune system manufactures antibodies and memory cells that provide long-term immunityHerd vaccination

    Using a vaccine to provide immunity to almost all of the population at risk Ifenough people are immune, the disease can not spread To eradicate smallpox, 80-85% of the population had to be vaccinated UK, vaccination programme to immunise children of many diseases

    - TB, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, meningitis, measles, mumps, rubellaRing vaccination

    Used when a new case of disease is reported Involves vaccinating all the people in the immediate vicinity of the new case Such as vaccinating people in the surrounding houses, or a whole town or village Used to control the spread of livestock disease

    Type of vaccines

    Whole, live organisms- Not as harmful as real disease, but with similar antigens- Smallpox vaccine

    Harmless version of pathogenic organism- Measles and TB vaccine

    Dead pathogen- Typhoid and cholera vaccines

    Preparation of the antigens from the pathogen- Hepatitis B vaccine

    Harmless toxin called a toxoid- Tetanus vaccine


    Active immunity: Immunity achieved through activation of the immune system. Lymphocytes in body

    manufacture antibodies and release them from the blood - may last for many years or even lifetime.

    Passive immunity: Provided by antibodies that havent been manufactured by stimulating immune system,

    provided by mother across placenta or breast feeding or intravenous injection, short-lived.

    Natural immunity: Gained through normal living, result of infection that stimulates immune response

    Artificial immunity: Gained by deliberate exposure to antibodies of antigens

    Possible threats Many pathogens can mutate and form new strains resistant to drugs and vaccines

    Influenza Virus that affects the respiratory system People over 65 and with a respiratory tract infection are most at risk Immunisation programme for all those over 65 New strains are used each year, and research determines which strains are most likely to spread

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    Finding new drugsNeed for new drugs

    New diseases are emerging Some diseases have no treatment Diseases mutate and evolve which makes antibiotics ineffective, as the new drugs gives the

    microorganism a selection pressure, so strains of microorganism that are resistant of less susceptible

    to the drug will survive and reproduce, so the next generate will be resistant


    Accidentally, e.g. Alexander Flemings discovery of penicillin Traditional medicines such as plants

    - 80% of the world relies on traditional medicine Anaesthetics

    - Opium, to chloroform Wildlife observation

    - Monkeys and bears rub citrus oils on their coat as antiseptics- Chimpanzees swallow leaves folded in a way to remove parasites from their digestive tract- Elephants use clay to counteract dietary toxins- Birds line their nest with medicinal leaves to protect chicks from blood sucking mites

    Modern research- Antibiotics developed over the last 50 years come from Streptomyces- Pharmaceutical companies make us of receptors, as if it can be blocked then the pathogen cannot

    gain access to the cell

    - Genomic by sequencing the genes of microorganisms, we should find a range of candidates fromwhich vaccines can be made


    EffectsShort term

    Tar settles in the lining of the airways and alveoli- Increases diffusion distance for gas exchange

    Chemicals in the tar may cause an allergic reaction- Smooth muscles contract, lumen narrows, flow or air

    restricted to alveoli

    Tar paralyses and destroys cilia- Unable to move mucus up the trachea- Stimulates more mucus to form- Trapped bacteria is not removed, so they multiply and block


    - Lungs more susceptible to infectionLong term

    Smokers cough- Attempt to shift bacterial mucus- Delicate lining of airways becomes damaged, and will be replaced by scar tissue thicker and less


    - Smooth muscle thickens reduces lumen, flow of air permanently restricted Frequent infections will inflame lining of airways and attracts white blood cells

    - White blood cells release enzymes that digest part of the lining in order to pass through into the airspaces of the lungs

    - Enzyme elastase is used, that breaks down the elastic tissue in the lining of the lungs- Reduce elasticity of the alveoli- Exhaling alveolus walls do not recoil enough to push the air out, the bronchioles collapse, trapping

    air in the alveoli

    - Alveoli may burst as pressure in lungs increases

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    Inflammation of the lining of the airways Damage to cilia and overproduction of mucus

    Mucus collects in the lungs, which causes irritation, continual coughing up mucus filled withbacteria and white blood cells

    Increased risk of lung infectionEmphysema

    Loss of elasticity in the alveoli, causing them to burst Lungs have reduced surface area for gas exchange

    Shortness of breath, harder to exhale, breathing will be shallow and rapid Blood less well oxygenated with causes fatigue

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD

    Combination of diseases that includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthmaLung cancer

    Cigarette smoke contains carcinogens in the tar such as benzopyrene Carcinogens enter nucleus of the cells of the lung tissue and cause a mutation, which may cause

    uncontrolled cell division

    Continual coughing and shortness of breath Pain in chest and blood coughed up in sputum

    Nicotine and carbon monoxide Increase the risk of:

    - Atherosclerosis- Coronary heart disease- Stroke


    Chemical in smoke that causes addiction Body becomes used to the affects over time and smoker no longer feels wells without nicotine Mimics the actions of transmitters in the nerve synapses

    - Makes nervous system more sensitive, smoker feels more alert Causes release ofadrenaline

    - Increases heart and breathing rate- Causes constriction of arterioles raises blood pressure- Decreases blood flow to extremities

    Makes platelets more sticky- Increases risk of blood clot or thrombus

    Carbon monoxide

    Enters red blood cells, combines with haemoglobin more readily that oxygencarboxyhaemoglobin- Reduces oxygen concentration in the blood

    Damages the lining of arteriesRisk factor

    Changes in body leads to serious diseases such as the multifactoral coronary heart disease Increases chance of blood clots because of sticky platelets People in less economically developed countries will be less at risk of developing CHD

    - Eat less fatty foods, less likely to be obese- Less likely to smoke- Shorter life expectancy, wont live long enough to develop CHD- More likely to die from other diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis

    Epidemiology: study of the distribution of a disease in populations, and the factors that influence the spread

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    Habitats and species

    DefinitionsSpecies: A group of individual organisms very similar in appearance, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and

    genetics, whose members are able to interbreed freely to produce fertile offspring

    Habitat: The place where organisms lives, with a specific set of conditions that those organisms are adapted to

    live in

    Biodiversity: The variety of life, the range of living organisms to be found. Biodiversity may be considered at

    different levels

    The range of habitats in which different species live The difference between species; structural and functional Genetic variation between individuals in the same species

    SamplingPlantsRandom sampling

    To measure the biodiversity of a habitat - observe all species, identify and count Too many to count, select small portion and study carefully, multiply to estimate whole habitat

    - Take samples at regular distances- Use random coordinates generated by a computer, use GPS

    The number of samples depends on the time you have and the size of the habitat Record results on a table


    Use quadratto define the size of the sample area Hard to count small herbs and grasses, so measure percentage ground cover

    - Plants that you see but arentfound in random sample recorded as present with no abundance- Measure percentage using a point frame, frame holding a number of long needles or pointers

    ACFOR abundance scale: Abundant, common, frequent, obvious, rare Can use a transect line long rope, take samples along line in habitat

    Animals Animals move, so you need to catch the small animals and estimate numbers

    Sweep netting

    Walking through a habitat with a net, sweeping through vegetation in wide arcs Empty the contents on a white sheet to identify them

    Collecting from trees

    Spread a white sheet under the branch and knock the branch Dislodged animals drop onto the sheet, count them before they fly away

    Pitfall trap

    Small container buried in soil to rim is just below surface Animals moving through the plants will fall into the container, with little

    water or paper to stop them crawling out

    Tullgren funnel

    Place leaf litter in a funnel, light above litter drives animals downwards aslitter dries out

    Fall through mesh screen to be collected in jar underneathLight trap

    To collect flying insects at night Ultraviolet light attracts insects, under light is collecting vessel containing alcohol Moths and insects attracted to light and fall into alcohol

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    Measures of biodiversity

    Species richness and evenness

    Species richness

    Number of species present in a habitat Make observations within habitat and record all different species you see Not a measure ofdiversity

    Species evenness

    A measure of the relative abundance of individuals of a species Habitat with even numbers is more diverse than when one species outnumber all the others Plants: use the sampling technique, then measure percentage cover Animals: mark and recapture technique

    - Number captured first x number captured second time / number recaptured

    Simpsons Index of Diversity Measure of diversity in a habitat Takes into account species richness and evenness

    D = 1 [(n/N)2]

    n is the total number of a particular species N is the total number of all individuals of all species High value indicates diverse habitat

    - Place for many different species and organisms- Small change to the environment may affect a species- Total number of individuals affected is a small proportion so the effect is small on the whole habitat

    Low value = habitat dominated by a few species- Habitat dominated by a few species- Small change to environment affects one of those species could destroy whole habitat

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    Types of classificationDefinitionsBiological classification: is the process of sorting living things into groups. Natural classification does this by

    grouping things according to how closely related they are, reflecting evolutionary relationships


    Taxonomy: the study of the principles of classification

    The study of differences between species Species usually grouped by physical similarities Modern classification has come to reflect the evolutionary distance between species

    - Any two species will have a common ancestor at some point- The more recent to common ancestor, the more closely related the two species


    Phylogeny: The study of the evolutionary relationships between organisms

    The study of how closely different species are related Humans and gorillas are monophyletic they belong to the same phylogenetic group as they have a

    common ancestor, thus they can be placed in the same taxonomic group

    The thrush is more closely related to snakes than mammals as they have a common ancestor, thus thethrush must be placed in a different group from mammals

    KingdomsThe Five KingdomsProkaryotes

    No nucleus looped and naked DNA - evolved before nucleus became the place for DNA Smaller ribosomes Respiration from mesosomes


    Include all organisms that dont fit into the other four kingdoms Many are single-celled, some are Multicellular Eukaryotes Mostly free living Autotrophic or heterotrophic


    Organisms that are mostly saprophytic (cause decay of organic matter) They consist ofmycelium Walls made from chitin Network of numerous strands called hyphae Has several nuclei


    Multicellular Autotrophic Surrounded by cell wall made of cellulose Multicellular embryos from fertilised eggs


    Multicellular Heterotrophic Fertilised eggs that develop into a blastula

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    How organisms are classified

    System of ClassificationThe binomial system

    Two names are used to identify each species- Genus and species

    Typed as Genus species Handwritten as Genus species Latin names, common for every country

    Dichotomous key

    Way of identifying and naming a specimenyou found

    Each question has yes or no, leading toanother question and eventually leads you to

    the name of the specimen

    Helps to identify what species are presentwhen doing an Environmental ImpactAssessment

    - As it is illegal to cause some animals harmor death if they are endangered

    Modern classificationEarly classification

    Based on observable features- No microscopes

    More information from electron microscopes help classify Aristotle classified things as plants or animals Animal kingdom and plant kingdom had single-celled organisms that had features of animals and plants

    Recent classification

    We now use physiology and biochemistry to help classification systems DNA can be used to classify The more similar the sequence, the more

    closely related the two species

    Three domains

    1990, Carl Woese suggested a newclassification system based on a detailed

    study of DNA

    Bacteria- Different cell membrane structure- Different enzymes- Flagella with internal structure- No proteins bound to genetic material

    Archeae- Similar mechanisms to Eukaryotae:- Similar enzymes- Building RNA


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    VariationTypes of variationIntraspecific variation: differences between individuals within a species

    Discontinuous variation Discontinuous variation: variation in which each organism belongs to one of a few clearly defined


    e.g A persons blood group

    Almost always caused by genes with no environmental inputContinuous variation

    Continuous variation: variation in which there is a continuous range of values between two extremese.g. human skin colour, eye colour, leaf length

    May be caused by genes or the environment- Eye colour caused by genes with hundreds of possible combinations of alleles- Skin colour caused partly by genes, partly by the environment- Leaf length caused entirely by environment

    Causes of variationGenetic variation

    Different varieties of a gene for a particular characteristic are called alleles In sexually reproducing organisms, alleles shuffle when a new organism is produced

    - Caused by gamete formation, when meiosis mixes up chromosomes- When fertilisation occurs, an infinite number of possible combinations of alleles can be forms when

    a sperm fuses with an egg

    Also possible for new alleles to be produced occasionally by a mutation- When a mistake is made as DNA is replicated- A nucleotide may be missed out, or an extra one slipped it

    Environmental variation

    Two people with the same combinations of alleles may end up differently because of their environment- People with naturally fair skin may have different colours because of sunbathing- Alleles that allow people to grow tall may not have the same effect because of different


    - Plants with identical genes may differ as one may grow in the shade, or with different nutrients Arise during an individuals lifetime

    - Cannot be inheritedAdaptations

    Types of adaptationsAdaptation: a variation that helps an organism to survive

    Behavioural adaptations

    An aspect of an organisms behaviour that helps it to survive in the conditions it lives inE.g. touching an earthworm makes it contract, earthworms have no eyes

    Physiological adaptations

    One that ensures the correct functioning of cell processesE.g. yeast can respire sugars anaerobically or aerobically, depending on oxygen level

    Anatomical adaptations

    A structural variation that enhances the survival of the organismE.g. Legionellla bacteria have flagella so they can move independently

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Charles DarwinTheory of natural selection

    1856, Charles Darwin (and independently, Alfred Russel Wallace) put forward a new theory- Darwin perhaps more known because he developed the ideas more and wrote On the Origin of


    - He developed logical theories about how and why different areas of biology happenedThe four observations

    All organisms over-reproduce Populations tend to remain fairly constantover long time periods Organisms within a species vary Some of the variations are inherited

    The three deductions

    Theres competition for survival Individuals with the best adapted characteristics for their environment are more likely to survive and


    If the characteristics can be inherited, the organisms will pass the characteristic to their offspring The characteristics of a species would gradually change, as better adapted individuals are more

    likely to survive and pass characteristics on. Species would become better and better adapted to

    their environment.

    Selection pressures Selection pressure: an environmental factor that decreases or increases the chance of survival of

    organisms with particular variations

    Results in natural selection If an individual has beneficial characteristics, it will be selected to survive and pass on its


    Examples of selection pressures:- Availability of suitable food selected organisms will be able to eat the available food- Predators selected organisms can avoid being seen and eaten, or can escape- Diseases - selected organisms will survive a disease- Physical and chemical factors selected organisms will be able to grow in extreme conditions

    SpeciationNew speciesSpeciation: the production of a new species

    A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring

    To produce a new species, a group needs to be produced that can no longer breed with the originalspecies

    - The population must become reproductively isolated Speciation is difficult to study as it takes a long time to happen, but we can look at patterns that tell us

    what may have happened in the past

    Allopatric speciation

    Two populations of the same species may become separated by a geographical barrier, such as wateror mountains

    The environments that they live in are different, so they will have differentselection pressures- Different adaptations will occur- Eventually, the differences may become so great that the populations can no longer interbreed

    Sympatric isolation

    No geographical isolation Possibly a reproductive barrier within the population, from a biochemical change; behavioural change

    e.g. a courtship dance being unrecognisable; physical change, sexual organs incompatible

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    Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health

    Evidence for evolutionFossils

    Fossils are the preserved remains of organisms that lived and died long ago- Many form from hard part of organisms e.g. bone and shells, become mineralised- Soft parts can also become fossils, as well as droppings and worm burrows

    Tiny proportion of organisms fossilise Enough fossils of some organisms give us an idea of how they evolved

    Horse fossils

    Many, dating 55 million years ago to almost present Organised according to age shows changes sequence From the type of rocks found, can deduce environment that the

    species lived, and trace the changes

    - Early species, toes lived in swamps- Modern horses single toes can run fast

    Changes - natural selection favoured characteristic over another Environment changed, the selection pressures caused different

    selected characteristic - succession of different species

    We cant say this evolved into that, only that they are relatedMolecular evidence

    Look at molecular structure of genes, not features they produce - fundamental evidence for evolution Some ancient bones are in such good condition that DNA can be extracted

    E.g. DNA in mitochondria in bones of woolly mammoths found similar to elephant mitochondrial DNA

    Common ancestor about 6 million years ago

    Eye gene

    DNA analysis can sometimes give unexpected results- Animals eyes have structural differences - assumed separate evolution- Insect eyes evolved in line leading to insects, while vertebrate eyes

    evolved in line leading to vertebrates

    E.g. the gene eyfrom a fruit fly was found to have similarities to the gene Pax-6 in vertebrates.

    - Eyis a gene that controls the development of the fruit flys compound eye- Pax-6 is a gene that turns on other genes that cause an eye to develop- Researchers injected Pax-6 into a cell in a larval fruit fly that would

    develop into the wing

    - The wing grew a compound eye Seems as there is a common origin of eyes in all animals, despite different


    ResistanceAntibiotic resistanceAntibiotic: a substance that kills bacteria without harming animal cells

    Example of natural selection- We change the selection pressures by changing the bacteriums environment

    Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics by adapting to produce enzymes that inactivate the antibiotic- Tremendous selective advantage, as those not resistant are killed- Bacteria reproduce very quickly producing huge numbers of resistant descendants- Bacteria can also transfer resistant plasmids from different species

    E.g. MRSA Methicillin-resistantstaphylococcus aureus, is very harmful to those with weak immune systems

    Insecticide resistance Natural selection led to development of insects resistant to insecticides Almost 20% of insecticides used are aimed at getting rid of insects that damage cotton plants

    - Species of moth caterpillar that damage plant have become resistant to many insecticides- Led to use of toxic chemicals that also kill harmless or beneficial organisms

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    Maintaining Biodiversity

    Conservation of speciesHumans affect nature

    We use the environment to our advantage

    We have grown in numbers We are using more and more of the Earths resources Loss of biodiversity and extinction many occur We hunt for food and over harvest We kill for protection We cause pollution We destroy habitats

    Extinction: When the last living member of a species dies and the species ceases to exist

    Loss of biodiversity

    Extinction reduces biodiversity Humans have cleared huge amounts of vegetation to make food Replace with a crop of low diversity a monoculture

    Why we should conserve speciesEconomic reasons

    Evolution has provided us with answers to many technological problems Provide medicines and furniture Grown timber, food and fuel

    Ecological reasons

    Rainforests regulate the atmosphere Purify fresh water Form and fertilise soil Recycle nutrients Pollinate crops

    Ethical reasons

    All organisms have a right to survive and live in the way that they have adapted to Human groups still live in natural habitats

    Aesthetic reasons

    We experience joy and wellbeing when we observe the infinite variations of nature Patients recover more rapidly from stress and injury when they are exposed to pleasing naturalenvironments

    Importance of genetic diversity It is important to maintain the diversity of wild plants and animals because of the potential that exists in

    the wide range of species currently alive

    Without genetic diversity, species will be unable to adapt to changes in the environment A higher proportion of species will get a new disease A reduction in variation because of human activity reduced the gene pool and hinders a species ability

    to evolve

    Wild animals and plants may hold the answers to problems caused by climate change as they haveadapted to these problems

    We would be able to breed new varieties that can cope with conditions Genetic engineering can produce transgenic organisms New medicines can be found in wild plants Range of possible vaccines

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    Climate change

    Movement of species Species with little genetic variation will be less able to evolve when there are changes in temperature Only alternative would be for a species to move Slow migration of populations, communities and whole ecosystems towards the poles Migration obstructed by developments, agricultural land, water and humans

    Effect of agriculture

    Domesticated plants and animals are at potential risk of extinction if the climate changes as they havebeen selectively bred to provide the best yield

    - We have developed crops and animals with little variation- These species will be unable to evolve

    Effect of diseases

    Crops grown in new areas will not be resistant to new diseases and pests Higher temperatures will provide a longer growing season but pests will have more time to increase in


    More diseases and pests will be able to cause greater infestation the next year after the winter as theyare able to survive

    - Less yields for humans Human diseases will migrate to new areas, such as malaria being able to move to hotter areas as the

    world heats up

    Types of conservation

    In situ

    Conserving a species in its normal environment

    Conservation parks

    Possible to stop unacceptable activities by establishing areas specially for conservation of a species In the UK, we have

    - 14 National Parks- National Nature Reserves- Sites of Special Scientific Interest- Local Nature Reserves

    Advantages Disadvantages

    Permanently protects biodiversity andecosystems

    Protects natural and cultural heritage Opportunity for ecological sustainable

    land uses

    Facilitates scientific research Maintains ecological integrity

    Protected animals raid local crops People continue to hunt Illegal harvesting of timber and other


    Tourists feed protected animals


    Possible to rebuild lost biodiversity if crops and animals are reintroduced to their habitats Large areas for grazing are being helped to turn back into traditional meadows

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    Ex situConserving an endangered species by activities that take place outside its normal environment


    Many now prefer to be known as wildlife parks Concentrate on breeding endangered species Enable repopulation into the wild

    Advantages Disadvantages

    Sperm freezing, artificial inseminationused to reproduce

    Reproductive physiology specific Research on domestic species helps the

    whole population

    Saves rare individuals from experiments

    Many fail to successfully breed Decrease genetic diversity Species less able to adapt Species have to survive reintroduction to

    the wild

    Difficulties with accepting wild membersSeed banks

    Many botanical gardens e.g. Kew Gardens Collection of seed samples Seeds stored in dry and freezing conditions Seeds tested at regular intervals to see if they can germinate

    - Seeds planted in petri dishes of nutrient agar in controlled conditions- Germination rate measures- Enabled scientists to monitor the condition of the seeds

    Advantages Disadvantages

    Seeds can be collected without harm to theecosystem

    Seeds are a natural part of a plants lifecycle

    Can be stored in huge numbers withouttaking up too much space

    Plants can often breed asexually Provides large sample for research Can be easily replanted Can remain viable for decades

    Collection of wild seeds may cause somedisturbance

    Collected samples may not berepresentative of genetic diversity

    Seeds may not be viable after a very longtime

    Plants breed asexually so offspring will begenetically identical

    Conclusions reached from research maynot be valid for whole species

    International cooperation

    International problemCITES Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species 1973 to ensure international trade of wildlife does not threaten their survival Regulates and monitors international trade Trade in wild plants is prohibited for commercial purposes Less endangered species allowed to be traded Hard to enforce

    Convention on Biological Diversity

    Promotes sustainable development for our need of food, medicines, shelter and a healthy environment Encourages cooperation between countries and states to share genetic resources and technologies

    EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

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