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Page 1: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Monday, March 10, 2014

H Physics

Warm Up.


Agenda1. Warm Up2. Turn in Last Weeks

Homework3. Finish Kinetic Energy Lab

Building to Standard: 2a: Students know how to calculate kinetic energy by using the formula E=1/2 mv2

Objective: SWBAT finish the Kinetic Energy Lab Describe the transfer of

energy as the truck goes down the hill.

Page 2: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

H Physics

Warm UpA crane lifts up a box 100 m using a 10,000 N force. How much work is done?

How much potential energy does the box gain?

HomeworkP.2 E#5 P.4 E#6

Agenda1. Warm Up2. Conservation of Energy


Standards: Building to Standard: 2a: Students know how to calculate kinetic energy by using the formula E=1/2 mv2

Objective: SWBAT solve conservation of energy problems.

Page 3: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

H Physics

Warm UpA 2kg ball drops from 10,000 m in the air.

What is the ball’s potential and kinetic

energy when it is 2000 m in the air?

Agenda: 1. Warm Up2. Review HW3. Motion Lab Homework

E#6 P.2

Standards: Students know how to calculate kinetic energy by using the formula E=1/2 mv2

Objective: SWBAT understand how to measure the kinetic energy of a moving object.

Page 4: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

H Physics

Warm Up

HomeworkP.4 EH#7Energy Quiz – Conservation of Energy (like the diving board homework problem)

Agenda1. Warm Up2. Review HW3. Continue Energy of

Motion Lab

Standards: Students know how to calculate kinetic energy by using the formula E=1/2 mv2

Objective: SWBAT understand how to measure the kinetic energy of a moving object.

Which person do you think will be moving faster at the bottom of the ramp? Explain why using physics concepts like energy.

Page 5: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Friday, March 14, 2014

H Physics

Agenda:1. Warm Up2. Check HW3. Conservation of Energy Quiz

HomeworkE#8 Energy Review

Standards: Students know how to calculate kinetic energy by using the formula E=1/2 mv2

Objective: SWBAT score 80% on their quiz

Warm UpFind the kinetic energy of a

0.5 kg marble rolling down a ramp if the marble has a speed of 2.5 m/s at the bottom of the ramp.

Page 6: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Symbols, units and equations Study Guide


Constant Velocity

Constant Acceleration



The Two equations of Motion The Two equations of Motion for Falling Objects



Symbol Units

t,T s

v m/s

a m/s2

F kgm/s2 or N

Δx, Δy, r, d m

m kg

p, Δp, Impulse kgm/s,NsEnergy & Momentum

p=mv Conservation of Momentum piT=pFT


Page 7: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Work Stations• Objective• You will derive the essential components of work. 

Engage: Write around each of the following questions.

2. What factors do you think go in to making more or less physical work?

1. What do you think physical work is?

3. If you could guess at what a work equation would equal, what would it be? 1 minutesW =

Page 8: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Work Stations Continued

Station 1 Pulley Station.

Explore: Explore each stations and answer the explain questions for each. 16 min

ExplainAnswer the following questions at each station…

a. How is this a demonstration of work being done?

b. What could be changed so that more work is done?

Station 2 Lever Station.

Station 3 Wheel & Axle Station

Station 4 Pendulum Station

Station 5 Screw

Station 6 Dominoes

Station 7 Elasticity

Page 9: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Work Stations Final

Evaluate5. #E1 Work Practice

Elaborate4. Work Class Discussion

1. Student groups write their equations of Work on the board (from Engage activity)

2. W= FΔx

3. Units: kgm2/s2 or Nm

Page 10: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

E#1 Work

1. A box that weighs 575 N is lifted a distance of 20.0m straight up by a cable attached to a motor. How much work is done by the motor?

2. Murimi pushes a 20 kg box 10 m across a floor with a horizontal force of 80N. Calculate the amount of work done by Murimi.

3. Lake Point Tower in Chicago is the tallest apartment building in the United States. Suppose you take the elevator from street level to the roof of the building. The elevator moves almost the entire distance at constant speed, so that it does 1.15x105J of work on you as it lifts the entire distance. If your mass is 60.0 kg, how tall is the building? Ignore the effects of friction.

4. A hummingbird has a mass of about 1.7g. Supose a hummingbird does 0.15J of work against gravity, so that it ascends straight up with a net acceleration of 1.2m/s2. How far up does it move?

a. W=? F= 20N Δx=30m

b. W=200 Nm F= ? Δx=60m

c. W=0.50 Nm F= 3N Δx=?

Page 11: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Pinning It! Objective:Students will derive the essential components of work and potential energy.  

2. Today we will drive a push pin into a block of wood by dropping a ping-pong ball and a golf ball on it. Predict what will happen in each case, and give reasons based on the physics concepts that you’ve already learned like time, force, acceleration, velocity or momentum.

Engage1. What is energy? Come up with a definition for energy based

on your current understanding of what energy is.

Page 12: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Explore & ExplainExplore and Explain3. Try to drive the push pin into the block then explain…a) How the activity shows connection to work.b) What would you do to do more work on the push pin?

Elaborate Question: What is potential energy? What is kinetic Energy4. Short Lecture: Potential Energy -> Kinetic Energy -> Work

Evaluate7. E#2 Potential Energy & Work

5. Energy is transferred in this example so complete the sentence. Potential Energy is converted to _______ energy as the ball falls towards the pin. When the ball smashes into the pin it does _____ on the pin causing the pin to push into the wood.

6. Draw a diagram of the activity where you will show the energy transfers and work being done.

Page 13: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

EH#2 Potential Energy & Work

1. How much does the potential energy of a 2kg rock increase when you throw a rock straight up in the air and it reaches its maximum height 20 m above your head?

2. How much work did you do in problem 1?3. What is the potential energy of a 400 kg anvil that

is 10 meters above the ground? 4. How much work is done by gravity when a 12,000

kg meteor falls 10,000 m to earth and crashes?

b. Ui=40 J Uf=10 J W=?

c. Ui=80J Uf=? W=20J

d. Ui=80J Uf=30J F=20N d=?

a. m=20kg h=10m U=?

Page 14: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

E#3 Kinetic Energy & Work

1. How much Kinetic Energy is gained when a 0.5 kg acorn drops from a tree branch 10 m high until the instant before it hits a stool 2m above the ground? - KE=39.2 J

2. Find the Force applied by a hammer on a nail if the hammer hits the nail with a Kinetic Energy of 8600 J and and the nail sinks 0.5 m into the wooden beam. - Fap=1.72x104 N

a. Kf=0Ki=100 JW=?

c Kf=50Ki=100 JW=?F=20NΔx=?

b. Kf=0Ki=20 JW=200J

d. ΔK=80 JW=?F=?Δx=20m

Page 15: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

E#4 Work & Energy Conversions

1. Using 1000. J of work, a small object is lifted from the ground floor to the third floor of a tall building. How much potential energy did it gain?

2. A platform diver weighs 500 N. She steps off a diving board that is elevated to a height of 10 meters above the water. The diver will possess ___ Joules of kinetic energy when she hits the water.

3. A ball is projected into the air with 100 J of kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is transformed into gravitational potential energy on the path towards the peak of its trajectory. The kinetic energy at the peak of its trajectory is ______ Joules. When the ball returns to its original height, its kinetic energy is ____ Joules.

4. During a construction project, a 2500 N object is lifted high above the ground. It is released and falls 10.0 meters and drives a post 0.100 m into the ground. The average impact force on the object is ____ Newtons.

5. A 50-kg platform diver hits the water below with a kinetic energy of 5000 Joules. The height (relative to the water) from which the diver dove was approximately ____ meters.

6. Which requires more work: lifting a 50.0 kg crate a vertical distance of 2.0 meters or lifting a 25.0 kg crate a vertical distance of 4.0 meters?

Page 16: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

This Too Shall Pass Picture Analysis

1. For each of the following pictures from the music video you just watched.

b. After drawing, pass your papers clockwise. Comment on the paper passed to you.

ii. Identify one thing on the labeled drawing that you would change. a. Explain why so that it will be easy for the paper’s owner to understand.

i. Identify one thing on the labeled drawing that you think is correct. a. Explain why so that it will be easy for the paper’s owner to understand.

a. Draw the part of the picture where an energy transfer takes place. i. Label the type of energy gained or lost (kinetic, potential, or work


Page 17: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

HW E#5






Potential Energy = 0 Kinetic Energy =6625J

If Mr. A (m=67.6 kg) is standing on a diving board 10 meter above the ground, what is his Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy when he is 10m, 7.5 m, 5.0m, and 2.5m and 0 m from the ground?

Page 18: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

E#5 Conservation of Energy

If Mr. A (m=67.6 kg) is standing on a diving board 10 meter above the ground, what is his Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy when he is 10m, 7.5 m, 5.0m, and 2.5m and 0 m from the ground?


Page 19: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

E#6 Conservation of Energy

1. A 800 kg meteorite falls from the sky, hits the ground and makes a crater 800 m deep.a. How much work was done by the meteorite ?b. How much kinetic energy did the meteorite gain from the long fall?c. How high did the meteorite start out?

2. A car engine does 500 J of work. How much kinetic energy does the car gain if we assume that friction is negligible?

3. A point guard bounces a 2kg basketball from 1.2 meters in the air.a. How much potential energy does it have?b. If the ball bounces back up only 0.7 m, how much energy

was lost to the surrounding area.c. How much force should the basketball player apply in order

to make the ball bounce back up to its initial height?


5m 3m2m


A 70 kg person jumps from one stool to the next. a) Find the potential energy on each stool. The last stool falls down two meters when the person jumps jumps on it. b)How much potential energy did it lose? c) How much force does the person hit the stool with?

Page 20: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Kinetic Energy EH#7

a. m=10kg v=2m/s K=?

b. m=? v=6m/s K=70 J

c. m=20 kg v=? K=100 J

d. What is mechanical energy? What is the equation for Conservation of Mechanical Energy? When is mechanical energy not conserved?

1. Calculate the kinetic energy of a 8kg object moving at a velocity of 4m/s.

2. A 2000 kg car is traveling at 40 m/s, what is its kinetic energy?3. Three marbles (0.05 kg each) roll across the table with a speed of 2

m/s each in different directions. What is the total Kinetic Energy of this three ball system.

4. A helicopter has 20,000 J of kinetic energy with a mass of 2000 kg. How fast is it moving?

Page 21: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

Energy of Motion Lab

Engage 1. What if we lowered the height of your ramp from yesterday. What effect would that have?”

Explore 2. Take at least 5 data points, for different heights of the ramp and find the corresponding velocities at the bottom of the ramp.

Explain3. Graph the data in a way that makes sense to you and explain what knowledge you can get from the data.

Elaborate4. U= mgh, and ∆U = K. So instead of graphing height vs velocity, let’s graph K vs v

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6. What kind of graph is this?

Evaluate7. E#7 on KE = ½ m v2

5. “How does v change with K? L

a. Let’s square v and graph K vs. v2 and see what happens.

a. What does the slope of the graph mean?

Linear y = m x + b K = (½ m) v2 + 0 Therefore, we have modeled that K = ½ m v2.

Note: Our data won’t be perfect because some energy is “lost” to rotation.

Page 23: Monday, March 10, 2014 H Physics Warm Up. Homework E#5 Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Turn in Last Weeks Homework 3.Finish Kinetic Energy Lab Building to Standard:

EH#8 Energy Transfer Practice

A 6 g marble is rolled down a 5 m ramp. Assuming that friction and rotational energy lost are negligible, answer the following questions.1. What is the initial potential energy of the marble?2. What is the Total Mechanical Energy of the system?3. What is the potential energy when the ball is 1.5 m

above the ground?4. What is the kinetic energy when the ball is 1.5 m from

the ground?5. What is the speed of the ball when it is 1.5 m from the

ground?6. What is the final kinetic energy of the ball?7. What is the final speed of the ball?

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