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Page 1: MongoDB

MongoDB Rawin Viruchpintu

Creative Technology Leader Spriiing Telecom Co.,Ltd.

July 20, 2012

Page 2: MongoDB

Outline • MongoDB

• Installation & start

• Using Mongo

Page 3: MongoDB

• Document-oriented

• Dynamic queries

• Full dynamic index support

• Efficient binary large-object storage

• Built for speed

• Replication and Auto-failover

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Installation & start

• Download http://www.mongodb.org/downloads

• Unzip into a folder for example /some/path/mongodb

• Run $bin/mongod --dbpath=/some/path/mongodb

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Installation via Rails • $ gem install mongo

Successfully installed mongo-1.6.4 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for mongo-1.6.4... Installing RDoc documentation for mongo-1.6.4...

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Database structure

• Separate DBs

• Organized into Collections Top-level key -> Document

• Collections

– Group things into logical classes

– Indexable by one or more keys

– Schema-free!

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Database structure • Document

– Always contains key_id

– Creating Relationships: subdocument, shared key, or DBRef

– Native storage and transfer: BSON

• BSON – is a binary encoded serialization of JSON-like

documents. http://bsonspec.org/

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Using Mongo D:\mongodb\bin>mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.6

connecting to: test

> show dbs local (empty)

test (empty)

> use test switched to db test

> db.test.find()

> db.test.save({ name:'windy' , skills: 'blackberry, perl, php' })

> db.test.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5008eb49839a10d95a068a01"), "name" : "windy", "skills" : "bl

ackberry, perl, php" }

Page 10: MongoDB

Using Mongo >use things switched to db things

>for ( var i=1; i<10; i++) db.things.save( {x: 'No.'+i, counter: i } ) >db.things.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a02"), "x" : "No.1", "counter" : 1 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a03"), "x" : "No.2", "counter" : 2 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a04"), "x" : "No.3", "counter" : 3 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a05"), "x" : "No.4", "counter" : 4 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a06"), "x" : "No.5", "counter" : 5 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a07"), "x" : "No.6", "counter" : 6 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a08"), "x" : "No.7", "counter" : 7 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a09"), "x" : "No.8", "counter" : 8 } { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a0a"), "x" : "No.9", "counter" : 9 }

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Using Mongo > db.things.find({x: 'No.4'}) { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a05"), "x" : "No.4", "counter" : 4 }

> db.things.find({x: 'No.33'})


> db.things.find( { counter : { $gt : 5, $lte : 8} }) { "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a07"), "x" : "No.6", "counter" : 6 }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a08"), "x" : "No.7", "counter" : 7 }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5008f81d839a10d95a068a09"), "x" : "No.8", "counter" : 8 }

Page 12: MongoDB

Using Mongo > show dbs local (empty)

things 0.078125GB

> use foo switched to db foo

> db.foo.save( { name: 'windy', age: 18 } )

> db.foo.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5008fa33839a10d95a068a0b"), "name" : "windy", "age" : 18 }

> db.foo.update( {name: 'windy' }, { $set : { age : 21 } } )

> db.foo.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5008fa33839a10d95a068a0b"), "name" : "windy", "age" : 21 }

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Using Mongo

> db.foo.findOne( { name: 'windy'} )


"_id" : ObjectId("5008fa33839a10d95a068a0b"),

"name" : "windy",

"age" : 21


Page 14: MongoDB

Using Mongo > use teams

switched to db teams

> db.teams.save({ team: 'A' , member : [ 'Kai'] })

> db.teams.find()


"_id" : ObjectId("5008fc13839a10d95a068a0c"),

"team" : "A",

"member" : [ "Kai” ]


> db.teams.update({ team: 'A' },{ $push : { member : 'Windy' } })

> db.teams.findOne()


"_id" : ObjectId("5008fc13839a10d95a068a0c"),

"member" : [ "Kai",

"Windy" ],

“team" : "A"


Page 15: MongoDB

Using Mongo

> use simple

switched to db simple

> db.members.save( { name:"Windy", skill: ["java", "php"] } )

> db.teams.save({ team: 'A' })

Members Teams

Windy Project A

Page 16: MongoDB

project_a =

Using Mongo > windy = db.members.findOne( {name: "Windy"} )


"_id" : ObjectId("50090510839a10d95a068a0f"),

"name" : "Windy",

"skill" : [





> project_a = db.teams.findOne( { team : "A" } )

{ "_id" : ObjectId("50090533839a10d95a068a10"), "team" : "A" }

Project A

Windy windy =

Page 17: MongoDB

Using Mongo > project_a.members = [] [ ]

> project_a.members.push (new DBRef ('members', windy._id) ) 1

> db.teams.save(project_a) > project_a { "_id" : ObjectId("50090533839a10d95a068a10"), "team" : "A",

"members" : [ { "$ref" : "members", "$id" : ObjectId("50090510839a10d95a068a0f") } ] }

Project A

windy = DBRef( )


Page 18: MongoDB

Using Mongo > project_a.members [ { "$ref" : "members", "$id" : ObjectId("50090510839a10d95a068a0f") } ]

> project_a.members[0] { "$ref" : "members", "$id" : ObjectId("50090510839a10d95a068a0f") }

> project_a.members[0].fetch() { "_id" : ObjectId("50090510839a10d95a068a0f"), "name" : "Windy", "skill" : [ "java", "php" ] }

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