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From the Rector...

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A new year has come! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone

for their support of St. Christopher’s and our ministry and mission over the

past year.

Recently, some questions have arisen regarding charitable contributions to

the church. All contributions made by check are recorded on your individual

account. If you make a cash contribution and place it in an envelope with

your name, it is also recorded. You then become “Giver of Record.”

However, if you place loose bills or coin in the offering plate, there is no way

to identify the giver. Those contributions are recorded as “Plate Offering”.

Last week, boxed offering envelope sets for 2018 were given to all who have

account numbers. It is important to use these envelopes for your pledge and

other contributions made by check or cash. That makes it easy for our tellers

to record your contributions accurately. If you, for any reason, do not wish to

use the boxed set, you can place your offering in a plain envelope with your

name on the outside. If you have not received a boxed set, please let us

know, and an account number will be assigned and you will be given a box.

Individual statements are available at any time upon request. At the end of

the year, Individual Account Statements are given to all givers of record,

usually no later than the second week of the new year. Please check your

statement carefully and notify the Church Office as soon as possible if you

note any errors so that corrections can be made.

Recently, some questions have arisen regarding donations, For non-monetary donations, such as to Good Samaritan, Soup Kitchen, and other ministries, the church can issue a Letter of Charitable Contribution. If you have actual receipts for an item or items given, you may submit them to the Church Office. If you have donated clothing or other items, you may submit a list of what you have given, and a letter will be issued. However, we cannot assign a monetary value to those items. Also, any money given where you have received goods or services, such as quinceañeras, items from Jessie’s Corner Donation Room, rental of Rice Hall for parties, etc. do not qualify as charitable contributions.

When in doubt, as to whether or not your contribution qualifies, always consult the IRS or other professional.

On Sunday, January 14, we will hold the Annual Church Meeting and

Potluck Lunch after the 10:00 a.m. service. This is a very important meeting

for all at St. Christopher’s! I hope to see you there!

Blessings for the New Year, Fr. Bernal +


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Another year has come and gone, and now we start anew. It seems not that long ago that we celebrated

Epiphany, had some Rosca bread at Coffee Hour, and attended the Annual Parish Meeting; and that time is here again. Just as the liturgical cycles of the church keep going every year, so do our duties and obligations to “go in peace to love and serve the Lord”. The Lord’s work for us is never done so long as we are alive and

able to serve Him.

In the children’s Sunday School lesson last Sunday, the theme was “Keeping our Promises”, and it told the story of how God kept his promise to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. It posed a

question for the children of how they could make and keep a promise to change something in their lives for the better and if it they thought that it would be easy or hard to keep that promise. The lesson asked them to think if keeping that promise would be easier if it was made with God in mind.

This is the time of year that many people make New Year’s resolutions of every kind, and some are kept, and some are not. Many of them having to do with physiological, psychological, and financial health are within

one’s control, and some may not be. Some may fall in those categories of “things done, or left undone, and things said, or left unsaid”. Life is not easy with its ups and downs, and knocks and bumps, but it is easier if we have God in our corner. We can make it easier for ourselves and those around us if we remember to “treat

others like we would like to be treated”, if we love God above all else, love ourselves and our neighbor, and if we help those in need when we can. With this this in mind, let us pray that we can keep our promise of Stewardship for the good of our parish and our many ministries.

I have enjoyed teaching the lessons to the children at Sunday school, and I encourage parents to bring their children to class every Sunday even if they have been baptized, received the Holy Eucharist for the first time, or have been confirmed. Receiving the sacraments is not the end of a person’s religious education, it is just

the beginning. Just as a child who, after time passes, tries to put on their suit or dress that they used when they received the sacraments, and find they have outgrown them, so too will they find that what they learned about their religion as little children will not serve them well into their teen and adult years. Just as a child goes

through elementary, middle, and high school, and hopefully to college; the continual study of the Word of God is essential for a healthy spiritual life. There are too many pitfalls such as TV, music, peer pressure, and apps on electronic devices that can induce a child, teenager, or young adult to become separated from the right path.

Again, I wish to thank everyone for the fulfillment of their stewardship pledge and their continued involvement in our many ministries. I invite all men ages 15 and above to join our Men’s Group; there is much to be done about our church grounds and other activities.

It is my wish that everyone has very happy, healthy, prosperous, and spiritual New Year!

Yours in Christ,

Tony Moreno, Senior Warden

Page 2

From the Senior Warden...

The Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ / Circumcision

The first day of the year in our Church we celebrate the feast of "The Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ" or

the circumcision of Jesus, in which the Gospel we read where it is remembered that Mary and Joseph "At the

end of eight days it was time to circumcise the child and name him Jesus, as the angel had said "(Lk 2, 16-21).

Fulfilling the law and the religious tradition of their people, Joseph and Mary presented the child Jesus in the

temple eight days after being born so that he would be circumcised. Circumcision was practiced to remember

the covenant established between Yahweh and Abraham, in which he would be made "the father of a multitude

of nations" (Genesis 17: 4-12). According to this text, Abraham and his family were the first circumcised, as

soon as God manifested himself to him and indicated the conditions of his covenant with the Jewish people:

"Here is my covenant with you: you will be the father of a multitude of peoples, from which will come kings.

You and your offspring, will circumcise every male, circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and that will be the

sign of my covenant with you. At eight days of age every male among you will be circumcised, from

generation to generation, both the one born at home and the one bought for money from any foreigner who is

not of your lineage. "

And if the Lord Jesus was circumcised, why are children in our Church not circumcised eight days after birth?

The answer is simple, because they are baptized. Circumcision was replaced by baptism, with baptism

Christians made a new covenant between God and his people. To make this covenant we use the sign of water

in baptism, and we proclaim the profession of faith with the Apostles' Creed.

The Book of Common Prayer explains what the New Covenant is in the part Outline of the Faith: "The New

Covenant is the new relationship with God, given by Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the apostles and, through them,

to all who believe in him. What did the Messiah promise in the New Covenant? Christ promised to take us into

the kingdom of God and give us life in all its fullness. What response did Christ demand? Christ demanded that

we believe in him and keep his commandments. What are the commandments taught by Christ? Christ taught

us the Summary of the Law and gave us the New Commandment. What is the Summary of the Law? You shall

love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.

This is the first and the great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as

yourself. What is the New Commandment? The New Commandment is that we love one another, as Christ

loved us. Where may we find what Christians believe about Christ? What Christians believe about Christ is

found in the Scriptures and summed up in the creeds. "

With this covenant in baptism, as San Pablo says, we will be circumcised in our hearts and not the foreskin.

El santo nombre de nuestro Señor Jesúcristo / La Circuncisión

El primer día del año en nuestra Iglesia se celebra la fiesta del “El santo nombre de nuestro Señor Jesúcristo” o

la circuncisión de Jesús, y en el que se lee el Evangelio donde se recuerda que María y José “Al cumplirse los

ocho días tocaba circuncidar al niño y le pusieron por nombre Jesús, como lo había llamado el ángel ” (Lc 2,


Cumpliendo pues con la ley y la tradición religiosa de su pueblo José y María después de ocho días de haber

nacido el niño Jesús lo presentaron en el templo para que fuera circunsidado. Esta circuncisión se practicaba

para recordar el pacto establecido entre Yavé y Abraham, en el que éste sería hecho «padre de muchedumbre

de gentes» (Génesis 17:4-12). Según este texto, Abraham y su familia fueron los primeros circuncidados, a

partir de que Dios se manifestase a éste y le indicara las condiciones de su alianza con el pueblo judío : «He ,

From Padre Miguel...

Page 3

aquí mi pacto contigo: serás padre de una muchedumbre de pueblos, de los que saldrán reyes. Tú y

tu descendencia, circuncidad a todo varón, circuncidad la carne de vuestro prepucio y esa será la

señal de mi pacto para con vosotros. A los ocho días de edad será circuncidado todo varón entre

ustedes, de generación en generación, tanto el nacido en casa como el comprado por dinero a

cualquier extranjero que no sea de tu linaje».

¿Y si el Señor Jesus fue circuncidiado, por que los niños en nuestra Iglesia no lo son a los ocho dias

de haber nacido?. La respuesta es sencilla, porque son bautizados. La circunsión fue sustituida por

el bautismo, con el bautismo los cristianos realizamos el nuevo pacto de Dios y su pueblo. Para re-

alizar este pacto usamos como el signo del agua en el bautismo, y proclamamos la profesión de fe

con el Credo de los Apóstoles.

El Libro de Oración Común nos explica qué es el Nuevo Pacto en la parte del Bosquejo de la Fe: “

El Nuevo Pacto es la nueva relación con Dios, dada por Jesucristo, el Mesías, a los apóstoles y, por

ellos, a todos los que creen en él. ¿Qué prometió el Mesías en el Nuevo Pacto? Cristo prometió

llevarnos al Reino de Dios y darnos vida en toda su plenitud. ¿Qué respuesta exigió Cristo? Cristo

nos exigió que creyéramos en él y guardáramos sus mandamientos. ¿Cuáles son los mandamientos

enseñados por Cristo? Cristo nos enseñó el Sumario de la Ley y nos dio el Mandamiento Nuevo.

¿Cuál es el Sumario de la Ley? Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con

toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas. Este es el primero y el grande mandamiento.El segundo es

éste: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. ¿Cuál es el Mandamiento Nuevo? El Mandamiento

Nuevo es que nos amemos los unos a los otros, como Cristo nos ha amado. ¿Dónde podemos encon-

trar lo que los cristianos creemos acerca de Cristo? Lo que los cristianos creemos acerca de Cristo

se encuentra en las Sagradas Escrituras y se resume en los credos.”

Con este pacto, como dice San Pablo, estaremos circunsidando el corazón y no el prepucio.

En nombre de Cristo,

In the name of Christ,

Padre Miguel Ramirez Centeno



Registration will be on Sunday, January 7 at 9:00 a.m.

To register for classes, please see Fr. JJ Bernal

First Communion/Sunday School will be held in the Sunday School room and taught by Tony Moreno

Confirmation/Reception Classes will be held in the Founders’ Room and taught by Padre Miguel, Augie Vega, Carlisle Navidomskis,

Joe Maldonado, Alex Reyes, and Katie Hudak

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January at St. Christopher’s

Page 5

Saturday, January 6

9:30 a.m. VESTRY MEETING Final meeting of the 2017 Vestry

Sunday, January 7



11:15 a.m. Epiphany Observance in Rice Hall after the service Rosca ~ Piñata ~ Activity for Kids

Saturday, January 13 11:00 a.m. SOUP KITCHEN

12:30 p.m. SOUP KITCHEN and KITCHEN CREW MEETING in the Founders’ Room

Sunday, January 14


and Potluck Lunch

Everyone bring your favorite dish to share

at this most important congregational meeting!

Saturday, January 20

8:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. VESTRY and LEADERSHIP RETREAT

with The Very Rev. Canon Scott Ruthven, Dean, and Fr. JJ

Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be provided

Morning Sessions: Leadership and Spirituality

Afternoon Session: Vestry Planning for 2018

Coming in February

THE EUCHARIST OF CANDLEMAS The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

10:00 a.m. Sunday, February 4

Candlight Procession ~ Litany for Candemas ~ Blessing of Candles

Bring your new household candles to be blessed



Augie Vega 5 Carol Garcia 15

Ethan Li 29

VESTRY MEETING 9:30 a.m. Saturday, January 6


7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 10th & 24th

MEN’S GROUP No meeting this month


12:30 p.m. Saturday, January 13


11:00 a.m. Sunday, January 14


8:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 20


Page 6



11:15 a.m. Sunday, January 14

Please submit a signed copy of your 2017 written report to Holly for our files

Reports may be given orally at the meeting

Rector’s Report: Fr. JJ Bernal

Senior Warden’s Report: Tony Moreno

Financial Report & 2018 Church Budget: Bruce and Holly Truesdale

2017 Individual Contribution


will be available,

in envelopes arranged

alphabetically, in the

narthex as of Sunday, January 7

Those not picked up will be

snail-mailed on Monday, January 8

Please notify Holly as soon as possible to report any errors or omissions on

your statement

Thank you!

Acolyte Report: Heather Bishop

AG Report: Carlisle Navidomskis

Admin Report: Holly Truesdale

AG Report: Carlisle Navidomskis

EM Report: Augie Vega

Lector Report: Alex Reyes

1st Comm/SS Report: Tony Moreno

Music Report: Holly Truesdale

Outreach/Grants: Katie Hudak

PreK Report: Carlisle Navidomskis

Pastorela Report: Katie Hudak

WL Report: Bruce Truesdale

Page 7

JANUARY PRAYER LIST Please keep these members and friends of St. Christopher's in your daily prayers...

Laura Salcido (Member), Mary Hernandez (Member), The Martinez family, Betty and Jim Holley (Members), Luis Garcia (Member), Dorothy Muller (Member), Mary Reyes (Cano), Ray Vega (Vega), Nora Butler (Gilbreath), Gary Welsh, Benjamin Gonzalez (Perez), The Schofill Family (Truesdale) Kevin Salcedo, Joe Heidrick (Shinn), Christie Lechuga (Perez), Fernando Peña, Max & Levi Moreno (Moreno), Christy Darling, Leo Luevano (Maldonado), Jerry Brown (Shinn), Flor Alvarado (Bernal), Ruby Carr (Brooks), Tamara Banda (Brooks), Octaviano Tavares (Rodriguez), Donna Hvizdos (Hudak), Maria Morgan (Anderson), Erika Boone (East), Irma Lopez (Mowad), John Hudak (Hudak), Keni Langberg (Brooks), Mary Jensen (Brooks), David White (Brooks), Amanda Vallejo (Brooks), Skip Bambrook, Nancy Loiselle (Borrett), James Mowad (Mowad), Jo Ann Orr (Brooks), Bill Fields (Fields), Heather (Navidomskis) , Merle Ipson (Brooks)

Almighty God, we commend to your care and keeping all of the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad:

Sgt. Charles Barden, Matthew Barnes, Jerry Carreon, Sgt. Jean-Louis Bishop, Army, Adam Garcia, Navy, Magie Gonzalez, Lt. Jody M. Daniels, Navy, Roberto Salgado, Mark Logan, USAF, PFC Jose Gonzalez, Oscar I. Gonzalez, Comd. Darren Rich, SP Woody Needler, SST. Tim Hayes and the families and friends of all who are serving at home and abroad

We are updating our Prayer List for the new year. Please contact Holly to add or delete names



Total Sales 153 dozen @ $14.00

Total Funds Raised $2,137.00

Expenses for Ingredients (450.17)

Total Profits as of 12/31/2017 $1,686.83 (For Fund-raising Fund)

A heartfelt thank-you to Julie Fuller who organized and promoted St. Christopher’s Tamale Ministry Fund-raising Event that ran from late October to mid-December!

And to Rosario Bernal, Martha Cano, Diana Marquez, Gloria Rodriguez, Vanessa Garza, Carol Garcia, and Monica Morales who toiled (seemingly endlessly!) in the kitchen preparing ingredients and making over 1,800 delicious tamales to fill orders

Also to Maria and Tony Moreno for designing the flyers and order forms in English and Spanish!

Thanks to all of you, the Tamale Ministry Fund-raiser was a huge success!

Christmas Eve Pastorela

Our thanks to Katie Hudak, Heather Bishop, Virgie Shinn, Padre Miguel Ramirez, Carlisle Navidomskis, and Patty Mowad for all of their hard work on the Pastorela performed on Christmas Eve during the Festive Holy Eucharist! And our thanks to all of the teens and children who participated!





Rector 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday through Friday Fr. Bernal will be also available on Saturdays by appointment.


and Church Office 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday

Administrator in Office at home on

Monday and Wednesday 852-3954 or 252-2475

Church Offices Closed on Friday


The Reverend Canon José J. Bernal Rector

The Reverend Miguel Ramirez Associate Priest

The Reverend Kenneth Anderson Deacon (Ret.)

Holly Truesdale

Parish Administrator

VESTRY Tony Moreno - Senior Warden

Denise Anderson Katie Hudak

Carlisle Navidomskis



Our Mission, as vessels indwelt

by the Holy Spirit, is to proclaim

the Gospel and teach the Faith;

to bring Christ ’ s healing power to

those who are wounded and hurting;

to share our blessings with those in

need; to administer the Holy

Sacraments; and to live our lives to

God ’ s glory, sharing the love of

Jesus Christ with all people.


300 Riverside Drive El Paso, Texas 79915

Church Office: 915 859-9329



[email protected]





Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m.


Eucharist & Healing 10:30 a.m.

St. Christopher’s

Soup Kitchen


at 11:00 a.m.

2nd and 3rd Saturday of each month

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