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Monthly Newsletter of Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Reading, PA

October 2013

Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church

Our Vision: We are called by our Lord Jesus Christ to be united and to strive for Theosis (oneness with God). Our vision at Sts. Constantine and Helen is to see every parishioner recognize and acknowledge his or her calling; and being motivated by love for Christ and faithfulness, live the Orthodox Christian life.

And Our Parish Mission Statement: We affirm that the ultimate and exclusive goal of every Orthodox Christian is Theosis. The mission of our parish is to reach out in love to all faithful members, as well as to the unchurched Orthodox in our community, and to everyone interested in Orthodoxy. We do this to help facilitate spiritual growth while intently focusing on the four pillars of Orthodox Christianity: Leitourgia (worship), Martyria (witness), Koinonia (fellowship), and Diakonia (service).

How to Contact the Church Church’s Telephone Number ................................................................................................ 610-374-7511 Church’s FAX Number .......................................................................................................... 610-374-5890 Church’s E-mail Address ........................................................................... [email protected] Church’s Web Site ............................................................................... http://www.stsconstantinehelen.org

Church Office Hours ............................................................. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday


Church Staff and Volunteers Fr. Thomas Pappalas Home Telephone ............................................................................... 610-779-7356 Fr. Tom’s E-mail address ............................................................................... [email protected] Fr. Spyridon Papademetriou Home Telephone ................................................................. ...610-373-1952 Deacon James Elliker Home Telephone…………………………………………….................610-926-9609 Parish Council President Artie Fecera’s Home Telephone…. ........................................... ..610-670-3434 E-mail address ............................................................................................................... [email protected] Vice-President Chuck Mowbray’s Home Telephone ............................................................ 610-777-0128 Philoptochos President, Des Denne……………………………..………………………………610-678-8006 E-mail address ..................................................................................................... [email protected] Sunday School Director, Tula Donahue ............................................................................... 610-670-9141 Adult Choir Director, Ann Kraras ........................................................................................... 610-376-2184 Junior Choir, Maria Damore .................................................................................................. 610-370-0635 GOYA Co-Advisors, Margaret Phyrillas (610-370-0195) and Sharon Lountzis…………..... 610-779-0479 Greek School Teacher, Sophia Tzinis .................................................................................. 610-823-3120 Greek Dance Troupe, Esther Ganas-Miranda, [email protected] ………………………......610-468-1620 Greek School, Esther Ganas-Miranda, [email protected] ...….…………………………......610-468-1620 Altar Care, Alan Kachel. Chris Carley, Jim Rohm………………….……………. ……………610-929-8545 Children’s Library, Denise Porcaro ....................................................................................... 610-926-2130 Vacation Bible School, Amy Elliker ....................................................................................... 610-913-1223 Church Bookstore, Chris Dialectos (610-373-7702) and Dawn Medaglia ........................... 610-376-3661 Epistle Readers, Karl Krohn .................................................................................................. 610-779-5223 Office Volunteers, Fran Ioannidi ........................................................................................... 610-678-0269 (K. English, B. Futrick, J. Giovanis, L. Goodhart, S. Hatgiannis, S. Ioannidi, E. Ioannidi, G. Karahalias, P. Orphanos, M. Pettis, M/M J. Tsakeris, P. Zampelli and E. Young) Knitting Ministry, Fran Ioannidi .............................................................................................. 610-678-0269 Opportunity House (formerly the Reading Emergency Shelter) Kallie English .................... 610-372-5695 Order of AHEPA, George Giovanis ....................................................................................... 610-775-9602 Habitat for Humanity, Milton Capiotis.................................................................................... 610-670-5842 Kitchen Crew, Steve Lecatsas .............................................................................................. 610-777-0201 Meals on Wheels, Susan Seibert .......................................................................................... 610-678-5907 JOY Advisors, Sophia Westover and Marianthi Caloiero ..................................................... 610-406-5189 OPA Advisor, Amy Elliker…..………………………………………………………………….….610-913-1223 Fellowship Hour Coordinator, Vangie McGowan .................................................................. 610-779-1402 Koleva Coordinator, Mary Pettis………………………………………………………………….610-678-2712

Statement by Heads and Representatives of the Local

Orthodox Churches Assembled for the Celebration of

the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Russia

The Primates and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches, who came to Moscow for the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, adopted the joint Statement. The main theme of the Statement is the situation of Christians in the Middle East. On 25 of July 2013, the Primates and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. On behalf of all those present at the meeting, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia handed over the text of the Statement to Mr. Putin.

We, heads and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches, who have come to Moscow on the occasion of the celebration of the 1025

th anniversary of the Baptism of

Russia at the invitation of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, consider it our duty to raise our voice in defense of our Christian brothers subjected to persecution for their faith in various parts of the world today.

Every day thousands of believers in Christ are being tortured and driven out of their native lands; many people meet their death.

News about tortures and murders are coming from Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. In Kosovo, religious shrines are being defiled, many churches have been destroyed, and many people are deprived of the opportunity to visit the graves of their relatives and to pray to God in the land of their ancestors.

The situation in the Middle East causes deep concern. Many countries of this region are swept with a wave of violence and terror, with Christians falling victims to it. Libya, where there are almost no Christians left, is breaking into warring tribes. Terrorist acts go on in Iraq, where one tenth of the former one and a half million Christians has left. The situation in Egypt is getting more and more alarming as the conflict there has entered into another bloody phase and the Christian population flees the country in a mass exodus. Grief and sufferings have befallen families of thousands of ordinary people. As a rule, the first to suffer from unfolding conflicts are the most unprotected groups of the population including ethnic and religious minorities.

In September 2010, the first meeting of the Orthodox Primates of the Middle East region took place in Cyprus. The Primates

expressed their deep concern over the situation in this region and the future of Christians in the area. The same concern was expressed at the similar meetings in Jordan in August 2011, in Constantinople in September 2011, and in Cyprus in March 2012. The statement in support of suffering Christians in the Middle East was adopted at the meeting of the heads and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches, held in Moscow in November 2011.

The situation in Syria is particularly tragic today. In the heat of the fratricidal war, Christians, as well as representatives of other religious groups, are massacred, driven out of their native cities, towns and villages, out of the places where they used to live for centuries in peace with people of other religious traditions.

Paramilitary groups do not hesitate to use every possible means to achieve their goals. Their radical members carry it too far in their crimes. Horrific scenes of violence, public executions, humiliation against human dignity and violation of human rights have become habitual. Abductions and murders often committed for mercenary ends have become a common occurrence. Extremists do not stop at insulting religious leaders who have always enjoyed respect in the East.

The world mass media, as well as many politicians, are silent about the tragedy of Christians in the Middle East.

We express solidarity with His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Great Antioch and All the East who could not share our joy of celebrations today since he has to stay with his flock at the moment so difficult for them. Our prayers are with him and our brothers in

Christ who are being killed all day long (Rom.



We are grieving together with all the suffering people of Syria. We demand that the outstanding Christian hierarchs of Syria – Metropolitan Paul of Aleppo and Iskenderun and Syrian Jacobite Metropolitan Mar Gregory John Ibrahim of Aleppo be immediately freed.

We make this appeal to all the warring sides and those who can make a political impact on the situation: Stop the wave of violence and extermination of civilians! Impose a moratorium on the military hostilities so that a basis for peaceful settlement of civil conflicts could be worked out at the negotiation table! Free the captured clergy and other civilians!

As servants of the Almighty God, we ardently pray to the Author of Peace, the Lord Pantocrator that peace and love of brothers may be restored in the Middle East, refugees may come back to their settlements as soon as possible, the wounded may be healed and the innocent people who were killed may rest in peace. May the Lord inspire all those involved in the hostilities with wisdom and the good will to stop them!

The Statement was signed by:

His Beatitude Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa;

on behalf of the Patriarchate of Antioch – Metropolitan Antonio of Mexico, Venezuela, Central America and the Caribbean, head of the delegation;

His Beatitude Patriarch Theofilos III of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine;

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia;

His Holiness and Beatitude Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia;

His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia;

on behalf of the Romanian Orthodox Church – Metropolitan Iosif of Western and Southern Europe, head of the delegation;

His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte of Bulgaria;

His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II of New Justiniana and All Cyprus;

on behalf of the Greek Orthodox Church – Metropolitan Prokopios of Philippi, Neapolis and Thasos, head of the delegation;

His Beatitude Metropolitan Sava of Warsaw and All Poland;

on behalf of the Orthodox Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia – Archbishop Rostislav of Prešov, head of the delegation;

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada.

Matthew 25 “I was hungry and you gave me food: I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me…inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me.”

Our Food Pantry continues to minister to our neighbors in need, mostly families from the Oakbrook Housing Development. On August 27th our parish provided food for 151 needy families, which included 450 children and 44 senior citizens. The total number of people served was 807. The Pantry will continue to distribute food on the last Tuesday of the month. Parishioners can help by 1) volunteering to help distribute food in future months by calling the Church Office to sign up, and 2) contributing to the Food Pantry Fund to help cover expenses. Thank you to all the donors, and volunteers who have helped to bring this wonderful ministry to fruition.


The Annual Berks County Crop Walk will be held Sunday, October 13

th. Registration for the

Walk, which raises money to help alleviate both world hunger and hunger in Berks County, will take place in the Church Hall immediately following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 29

th and October 6


Please stop by at the Crop Walk registration table during Fellowship and sign-up. Our parish has been one of the top contributors for many years. Let’s continue that tradition.


Religious Calendar for October

Sunday, 6th Third Sunday of Luke

Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m.

Acolytes: Group 4 (Archangels): A. Phyrillas, N. Waligurski, J. Koumaras, J. Phyrillas, V. Phyrillas, A. Futrick, A. Futrick, Jr., G. Koumaras, Y. Patestas, T. Siegel, T. Hunsicker, A. Karetas, J. Wagner

Sunday, 13th

Fourth Sunday of Luke Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m.

Acolytes: Group 1 (Thrones): S. Lambriodes, M. Toma, G. Caloiero, C. Siozos, C. Sterious, D. Porcaro, M. Faust, A. Sweigart, A. Zeppos, B. Wadsworth, A. Grassley, E. Hansen, S. Elliker

Sunday, 20th

Sixth Sunday of Luke Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m.

Acolytes: Group 2 (Powers): A. Mathews, S. Dikos, E. Hargrave, D. Kyvelos, T. Limberiou, G. Limberiou, K. Mitchell, S. Mitchell, H. Robitzer, D. Scantzos, A. Scantzos, E. Ross, N. Simotas

Saturday, 26th Feast Day of St. Demetrious

Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, 27th

Seventh Sunday of Luke Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m.

Acolytes: Group 3 (Seraphim): Andrew Lountzis, P. Breit, D. Damore, Alex Lountzis, A. Midouhas, A. Marmarou, E. Polyak, N. Lountzis, P. Daglis, J. Radwanski, A. Tilley, A. Lynch, C. Sasaran

Fellowship Hosts

Oct. 6 Mr. & Mrs. John Tripolitis Mrs. Mary Tripolitis Ms. Debra Troutman Mr. & Mrs. James Tsakeris Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Tzinis

Oct. 13 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ulrich Ms. Nikki Ulrich Ms. Ralia Vardaxis Mrs., Vasilia Vardaxis Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Vaughan Mrs. Nadia Kheir

Oct. 27 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Vinteler Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Viscariello Miss Carole Vlastos Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagner

Remember in Prayer

Please remember in prayer parishioners who are in nursing homes and retirement communities, the home-bound, and those convalescing: Ruth Anthony, Helen Arones, Isabel Chaknos, Catherine Daniels, George Dracoules, Georgia Earhart, Caroline Exas, Stella Exas, Katherine Fisher, Frances George, Mary Harris, Helen Hatzas, Rose Kaisoglus, Dorothy Kreisher, Marie Lecatsas, Mary Marmarou, Helen Nicholas, Maria Papoutsis, Helen Psaros, William Thomas, Sebastian Ulrich, Margaret Wesner and Molly Yatron.

And those hospitalized during the month of September: Ruth Anthony, Lula Dastra, Mary Evanoff, Gus Kraras, and Nicholas Simotas.


Bible Study

This year’s Bible Study format will be a combination Bible Study/Book Review of The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity by New York Times bestselling Author Lee Strobel. The objections that Mr. Strobel responses to include Since Evil and Suffering Exists, a Loving God Cannot; Since Miracles Contradict Science, They Cannot Be True; Evolution Explains Life, So God Isn’t Needed; It’s Offensive to Claim Jesus Is the Only Way to God; A Loving God Would Never Torture People in Hell; and I Still Have Doubts So I Can’t Be a Christian. The study will be for six sessions taking place on Wednesday’s from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning on October 23 and ending on December 4. Please call the Church Office to sign up.

Stand Up For Life

And Liberty

At the Berks County Life Chain

Sunday, October 6, 2013

2:00 to 3:30 PM

Penn Avenue, West Reading

(Parishioners of Sts. Constantine and Helen to meet at Fred Astaire Dance Studio, 6

th and Penn Streets)

“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader…If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.” - Sam Adam

Community News

Parish Family Life

Baptism: Ethan Christian Chupak son of Christian and Jennifer Chupak on September 29, with Joshua P. Chupak as sponsor.

~ All baptized in Christ have put on Christ ~

Keeping Posted

“For the third time in a little over a year, our parishioner, Gust Kraras, was the main speaker in a governmental seminar held in Gettysburg, PA for the U.S. Department of Defense. Gust spoke about his World War II Army experiences and focused primarily on his participation with the OSS (The Office of Strategic Services), which was the forerunner of the CIA. “Since Gust does not accept an honorarium personally, our Church received a nice check from the seminar organizers in his name.” Axios!!

Stewardship Ministries Steve Lecatsas, Chairman

“I Chose you and appointed you

that you should go and bear fruit”

We are Called to Bear Fruit

The additional following parishioners have sent in their Stewardship pledge for 2013. To date 218 total pledges have been received totaling $150,470.00. The average pledge per family is $690.23. A very big thank you to all those who have pledged for 2013. If you have not yet pledged, please do so at your earliest convenience.

Angelica Baxewanis Marina Baxewanis Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Flamporis Theodora Griffith William Nikolaides Christopher and Maria Papadakis Harry and Mary Sianis Ralia Vardaxis Thomas Zogas

Many thanks to all the good

Stewards of our Parish


From Our Parish Council Artie Fecera, President

Our last Council Meeting was held Tuesday, September 10, 2013. Members present, President Artie Fecera, Vice-President Charles Mowbray, Secretary Tony Phyrillas, Treasurer Mike Mavreles, Financial Secretary Nick Karetas, Athan Dialectos, Harry Dialectos, Connie Fecera, Frank T. Petrakis, Kim Shunk and Father Thomas Pappalas. Members absent, Gus Kotsakis, Gust Kraras, Stratton Marmarou, Angel Helm and Anthony Koumaras. Jordan Zanetis, our new Lay Assistant, gave us an update on our Church Web-Site. Jordan is working on updating our site so that our parishioners can receive information on our events and other Church functions. Connie Fecera gave us an update on our Church Picnic. Once again we had a nice turnout and plenty of food and made a profit for our Church. All of us Council Members would like to thank all of you who helped and donated food. Without your help we would not have been as profitable. At our Council Meeting there was some discussion about the prior date. Conesus was that we should go back to the Sunday before Labor Day. Your feedback would be appreciated. Just tell a Council Member how you feel about which date you think is better. Chuck Mowbray gave us a report on the Bazaar, and we set the date for our

“Evening in the Greek Isles”, which will be

held on Thursday, October 17, the night before the Bazaar. Again we welcome anyone who would like to help with set-up or assist helping in the kitchen. Just ask a Council Member or Bazaar Chairman, Chuck Mowbray for the times we need help. Nick Karetas gave us an update on our “Abiding In God’s Love – Securing Our Future” Campaign. The summer months were slow. To date we have 111 parishioners’ pledges. Our Church has 300 active families and we would like to make our goal of $500,000. Right now we are $320,000. We need your help to achieve this

goal. Remember, you have 3-years to pay your pledge. If we can get the balance of our Church family to pledge, we can make our goal. Join together as a Church family and secure our financial future for the next generation. See you in Church.

A Special Thank-You

Our Lord this year, blessed our Annual

Church Picnic with beautiful weather. Once again our Annual Picnic was a most enjoyable event attended by approximately 300 parishioners and friends. We enjoyed beautiful weather, delicious food, great music and dancing and most importantly, delightful fellowship with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. A big thank you to all who attended and supported this event.

Many, many thanks to our hard-working parish Social Committee chaired by Connie Fecera, and the many volunteers who served

the food. A very big, big thank you to the

35 individual parishioners who prepared

and donated all the delicious food and

pastries served. Their delicious food is the main attraction to our Annual Picnic. A

special thank you to Phillip and Calipso

Kollintzas of Mt. Penn Family Restaurant

who donated all the chicken. Aleko Zeppos and Berks Beer Mart who donated all the

beverages, Phillip Macaronis and Bill

Sakellaropoulos who covered a large portion of the cost of the band “Atlantis”, the

Skyllas Family of McDonald’s Restaurants for donating all the burgers and buns, the

Asimakoupoulos Family of the Temple

Family Diner, the Antonellos Family of the

Park Place Restaurant, the Limberiou

Family of The Riveredge Restaurant and

George and Eleny Zeppos of the Hitching, Post Restaurant for their donation of various foods.

Mark your calendars for Labor Day Sunday,

August 31, 2014.





Our campaign has picked up some steam this past month with some very generous donations totaling $20,000 for the month of September. If you have not had the opportunity to make your

Campaign Pledge to support our Church, we look forward to hearing from you!

New Pledges:

Stewards ($1 - $2,499)

Patrons ($2,500 - $4,999)

Esteemed Patrons ($5,000 - $14,999) Order of AHEPA - William Penn Chapter #61

George and Angie Barakos George Skyllas

Total pledges received as of September 24, 2013 are $335,765.





Philoptochos News Submitted by Des Denne & Cindy Petrakis

We were encouraged by the lovely turnout for our first general meeting and social on September


. The theme was “A Toast to You”, in recognition of all our members and their dedicated support. After a brief talk by the president about Philoptochos, we enjoyed the camaraderie of old friends, welcomed new members, enjoyed some light snacks, and raised our glasses to toast everyone’s birthday. Many thanks to Kathy Rohm and Joan Giovanis for planning a delightful event and to Olivia Szczawinski for making the delicious cupcakes!

Welcome aboard… Our St. Xenia chapter is pleased to welcome

Olivia Szczawinski as its newest board member. As a young and active parishioner, Olivia will no doubt bring a lot of enthusiasm and new ideas to our organization. Joining Sandy Zervanos on the

Public Relations/Communications committee, Olivia’s role will be to explore new ways to publicize our activities and use social media to reach out to a wider audience. We welcome you, Olivia!

Philoptochos Handbook… The membership handbook for 2013-2014, which was distributed to attendees at the September meeting, is our finest effort ever! Dedicated to our beloved Sts. Constantine & Helen Church in honor of its 100

th anniversary,

the handbook is full of important and useful information about our organization, our chapter’s activities, and our membership. Our sincere

gratitude goes to Paula Berstler and Ann

Kraras who collaborated with Des Denne to produce a truly lovely booklet. [Note: The handbook will continue to be distributed on Sundays during fellowship. Look for Paula, Ann, or Des to receive your copy.]

Community Outreach…

This important committee, co-chaired by Angel

Cammarano and Karen Chaknos, is busy exploring potential philanthropic projects for our chapter to support this year. We will certainly continue our work with the Salvation Army’s

Christmastime “Angel Tree” project, which is always popular with our parishioners and highly successful. Stay tuned for information in future Echo issues about other exciting and worthy community outreach projects.

Social Events... The ladies on this committee need volunteers to assist them at the general meetings and donate baked goods. If you missed the sign-up sheets

at the September meeting, please contact Joan

Giovanis at 610-775-9602.

In the news… It’s official! In early September, the new National Philoptochos “Center of Philanthropy” opened its doors in the Murray Hill district of New York City. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place in early March 2014, after which our chapter plans to organize a day trip to visit our organization’s new home and enjoy the sights of the city. Stay tuned…


Monday, November 11th

– Philoptochos

general meeting. Stay tuned for more

info about an exciting educational

program and speaker!!

Monday, November 18th

– Serving

dinner at the Opportunity House Shelter.

Contact Kally English at 610-372-5695

to help serve, bring a dessert, or make

a monetary donation.

Monday, December 9th

– Mark your

calendar for our annual Christmas

social, to be held at Deluxe Restaurant.

More details to follow in future Echos!


On Saturday, October 12th

, our Metropolis is hosting this National Philoptochos event to raise funds to help critically ill children. Our parishioners have been generous through the purchase of Grand Drawing tickets or other donations, but your help is still needed to ensure the success of this event!

To purchase a drawing ticket, make a

donation, or attend the luncheon, contact

Des Denne at 610-678-8006 or via email to:

[email protected]

Philoptochos Gives…. The following additional contributions were made in June 2013:

$200 to Hellenic College/Holy Cross

(scholarship program)

$100 to the Retired Clergy Benevolent Fund

$350 to Greek Food Bazaar ad book

$100 to Greek Isles Night

SPECIAL REQUEST… As our annual “Greek Food Bazaar” is just around the corner, we encourage everyone to check the baking schedule and help prepare our delicious baked goods. We could use your help in the kitchen as well as in the pastry room. Please give of your time and talent!


Sunday School

Tula Donahue, Director The Sunday School Department is pleased to announce that once again we had record attendance during the month of September. Our parish is blessed to have teachers, parents, and students who are dedicated to our Sunday School program. We are hopeful that parents will maintain the enthusiasm to have

their children arrive on time – by 9:45! During the month of September we also had our class pictures taken, please look for the

Picture Order forms which must be returned

by October 27th

with the payment.

We would like to initiate a computer program in our Parish. The Archdiocese’s website offers many opportunities for the students to engage in their religious learning online. If you have an

old laptop or tablet that is Wi-Fi compatible and you would like to donate it to the Sunday School department, please let Tula Donahue know.

Children’s Library – thank you to Denise Porcaro who once again will spear head the Children’s library. Please take the time to visit this wonderful blessing we have in our parish. Volunteers are always welcomed! A reminder that if your child needs you (or their Grandparent/Godparent) to take Communion,

please wait for your pew to be dismissed, proceed down the center aisle and get your child from his/her pew. After Holy Communion, have your child return to his/her class pew. Using this procedure before and after receive Holy Communion will make for less confusion and a more respectful atmosphere in Church. We do not want parents standing in the aisles as this causes disruption for the students. As we do each month, we spotlight a class; this

month is the 7th

& 8th

grades class. New beginnings are always exciting and so it is with our new 7th & 8th grade Sunday School class. This year it seems we have the most new students for our class in a long time. There are also a strong group of dedicated returning students. It is wonderful to state that the library will be a bit more crowded for class this year. Just as in the past, we will start each class with a review of the gospel reading. From there we will delve into such topics as; peer pressure,

building strong character, feast days and holy days, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, prayer, and Lent. In the time we have we do get much done. We appreciate the importance of teaching to first time teenagers and thank all the parents in advance for getting your children to church and to Sunday School class on time. Chris Dikos, Chris Wagner and Mike Macaronis are looking forward to another productive year as the teachers in this class. – Submitted by Chris Dikos - Lead Teacher


TA NEA Submitted by Esther Ganas-Miranda

We’re excited to have the new school year underway. We are honored to welcome back all the returning families and thrilled to include some new members to our Greek school. It’s truly our privilege and joy to work with the youth of our community to help cultivate their interest in and love for our Greek language and culture as well as the rich traditions of our Greek Orthodox faith. As we always do, we began the school year with the blessing of the Αγιασμό service held on Sunday, September 29


This year we are again offering a PreK class for our youngest learners ages 3, 4 and 5 in addition to our beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. Classes are held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 5:30 – 7:00pm. If you’re interested in joining us, we invite you to visit one of our classes and see if your child would enjoy sharing, learning and growing with us. You can contact us at [email protected] and we will be more than happy to address any questions you may have. Registration forms are available on the Greek school bulletin board. Classes will be suspended the weeks of October 14

th and 21

st due to our annual Greek Food

Bazaar. We encourage all GS families to utilize this time to help with the preparations for our bazaar and make this massive undertaking a little easier for all who are involved in making this event a success.

Καλή επιτυχία!


Memorial Donations

The parish of Sts. Constantine and Helen is extremely grateful to all the people who generously donate money in memory of their loved ones.

In Memory of my sister-in-law Evangeline

(Morris) Cranor Amelia P. Morris

In Memory of my parents Speros and

Efterpy Devedzes Stella Ninfo

In Memory of Stella Hatza John T. and Mary Jane Toggas

In Memory of Emmanuel Karanikas Mrs. Helen Karanikas, Michael and Martha Petry, Mary Karanikas

In Memory of Fotis Katsigiannis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katsigiannis

In Memory of Vaselia and Anthony Kovras,

Gus Johns, Christina Karithraka, Mr. and

Mrs. Skarlotos Orazio and Penny Azzarello

In Memory of Stella Kraras Christos and Valerie Dikos

In Memory of Nicholas Kontaxes Mary Kontaxes

In Memory of Nicholas Kontaxes, Stephen

Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Capiotis and

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Architas Gary and Katherine Kunkelman

In Memory of Stella Zana Lewandowski Stella Ninfo

In Memory of Alexandra Lountzis Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Wentling, Sr.

In Memory of John and Alexandra

Lountzis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katsigiannis

In Memory of Anastasis Phyrillas Leonida and Rhea Antonellos, Apollo Marble and Granite Creations, Scott and Crisanne Bansner, George and Angie Barakos, Joanne Baxewanis, Marina Baxewanis, Marian Cheri, Helen Dalaveris, Salvatore and Mary Caloiero, David and Vlacia Campbell, Christ and Anna Carley, Vanessa (Medaglia) Cicero, Mrs. Maria Daniels, Harry and Christine Dialectos, Joanne Dialectos, Mark and Mary Dialectos, Bernie and Tula

Donahue, Philip and Shelly Edwards, Scott and Susan Egolf, Deacon Jim and Mrs. Argyro Elliker, Artie and Connie Fecera, Robert and Cindy Feryo and family, John and Despina Frangakis, Angeliki Ganas, George and Joan Giovanis, Despina Green, James Happas, Maria Hatzistavrakis, Strato and Rena Hatzistavrakis, Hippocrates and Anna Deligiannis, Andreas and Kathy Ioannidis, Mr. and Mrs. John Ioannidi, Constance P. Johns, Dennis Karahalias, Maria Karahalias, Paul Katsigiannis, Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Katsigiannis, Pavlos and Olga Kitixis, Brian and Joanne Koch and Family, Mary Kontaxes, Dionisios and Maria Kotsakis, Gus and Tess Kotsakis and Family, Mary H. Koursaros, Eva Koutalelis, Esther A. Kovras, Anthony and Marika Krallis, Chris and Ann Kraras, Gust Kraras, Gary and Katherine Kunkelman, George and Aliki Limberiou, Eleni and Manolis Lahaniatis, John and Sharon Lountzis, Michael and Valarie Macaronis, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Macaronis, Steve and Nancy Marmarou, Mr. and Mrs. Stratton Marmarou, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mavreles, Larry and Dawn Medaglia, Larry Medaglia, Jr., Leon and Rosemarie Miller, Joe and Esther Miranda, Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Mitsiopoulos, Mr. and Mrs. Evangelos Moutafis, Charles Mowbray, The Nicholas and Ott Family, Order of AHEPA Chapter No. 61, Vasilios and Anna Panos, Harry and Maria Pappas, Frank T. Petrakis, David and Flora Poloway, Nicholas and Marianthi Porcaro and Family, Mr. and Mrs. William Sakellaropoulos, Katherine A. Savadelis, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shaeffer, Nicholas and Aspasia Simotas, Theodora Siozos, Lambros and Antigone Sotos, John and Samantha Theodossiou, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Theodossiou, William P. and Esther G. Thomas, Blake and Frances Thompson, Shirley Tripolitis, Costas and Sophia Tzinis, John and Karen Tripolitis, Vasilia Vardaxis, George C. and Shirleen D. Yatron, Alex and Filippia Zeppos, Mr. and Mrs. Anastasios Zeppos, George and Diane Zeppos, Peter and Maria Zeppos, Evan and Sandra Zervanos, Stam and Joyce Zervanos

In Memory of Stratton Stefanowicz Ed and Stephanie Breen and Mercena

In Memory of George Tripolitis Joanne Baxewanis, Marina Baxewanis, Mary H. Koursaros


2013 Bazaar News

Our 43rd Year! Chuck Mowbray, Bazaar Chairman

Our 2013 Greek Food Bazaar will be held on

October 18, 19 and 20. All parishioners are needed to participate in the bazaar and in its preparation. One way you can do this is by helping with baking and cooking. The schedules for both are published in this month’s ECHO. Another way you can participate is by helping out during the bazaar. If you’ve been a “regular”, then thanks for your continued involvement. If you’re a first timer or want to expand your involvement, please see Chuck Mowbray or Harry Dialectos. Other ways you can contribute are by selling your bazaar tickets, sponsoring an ad in the bazaar program book and becoming a bazaar “Pillar”.

The income from the Bazaar is critical to the ongoing financial health of our Church. Everyone is encouraged to pitch in and make our 2013 Bazaar a success.

Thank you!

Baking Schedule Tues., October 1 Kourambiedes 9 a.m.

Thurs., October 3 Kourambiedes 9 a.m.

Tues., October 8 Finikia 9 a.m. Mon., October 14 Cupping All Day Thurs., October 17 Galactoboureko 9 a.m.

Cooking Schedule

Fri., October 4 Spanakopita 7 p.m. Prep Sun., October 6 Spanakopita 12:00 Sun., October 13 Bazaar Set-up 12:00

Mon., October 14 Souvlaki Prep 7 p.m. Tues., October 15 Squid/Misc. 7 p.m.

Wed., October 16 Hall Set-up 7 p.m.

Thurs.,October 17 Greek Isles Prep 2 p.m. Re-set Hall 9 p.m.

Fri., October 18 Bazaar/Cooking 8 a.m.

Sat., October 19 Bazaar/Cooking 8 a.m.

Sun., October 20 Bazaar/Cooking 8 a.m.

Bazaar Gift Room Donations Requested Handmade goods/crafts, Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday items, wreaths/floral arrangements, accessories, gift items, etc., may be donated to the Bazaar.

Only new-unused items will be sold (preferably with tags), but we will accept gently used books. Please be a donor! Bring donations to Church on Sunday, October 13

th. Place items to the right of the

beverage counter, on or under the tables. Label the items as Gift Room donations, so they are not misplaced.

Our Greek Isles Night will be held on

Thursday, October 17, 2013. We will be having our Silent Auction again and are planning our items to be auctioned. Please consider donating or getting a business to donate any of the following items to help make our evening successful. Please bring donated items to the Church Office by October 7

th or see Alice Karetas, or Connie


Sports tickets (Eagles, Penn State University, Sixers, etc.)

Kindle Fire

Manicures or Pedicures

Car Washes

Car Detail Packages

Babysitting Donations (3 or 4 hours each)

Lunch Gift Cards

Dinner Cards

Brunch Cards

Quality Liquor Bottles

















1 9:00am Bake Kourambiedes

5:30pm Greek School

2 5:30pm Greek School

3 9:00am Bake Kourambiedes

4 7:00pm Spanakopita Prep

4:30pm Rehearsal

5 1:00pm Wedding

6 Third Sunday of Luke 8:30am Orthros 9:45am Sunday School 9:45am Divine Liturgy

12:00 Cooking Spanakopita

2:00pm Life Chain, 6th & Penn Ave., W. Reading

7 5:30pm Greek School

8 9:00am Bake Finikia

7:00pm Parish Council

5:30pm Greek School

9 5:30pm Greek School

10 6:00pm Cooking for Bazaar

11 9:00am Bake Koulourakia

12 5:00pm Rehearsal

13 Fourth Sunday of Luke 8:30am Orthros 9:45am Sunday School 9:45am Divine Liturgy

12:00 Bazaar Set-up

3:00pm Wedding

14 9:00am Cup/Syrup (all day)

7:00pm Slovakia Prep

15 1:00pm Wedding

7:00pm Cooking Squid and Miscellaneous items

16 7:00pm Hall Set-up

17 9:00am Bake Galactoboureko

2:00pm Greek Isles Prep

7:00pm Evening in the Greek Isles

7 9:00pm Hall Set-up

18 8:00am Bazaar Cooking

12:00-8:00pm Bazaar

19 8:00am Bazaar Cooking

12:00-8:00pm Bazaar


Sixth Sunday of Luke 8:30am Orthros 9:45am Sunday School 9:45am Divine Liturgy

8:00am Bazaar Cooking

12:00-6:00pm Bazaar


9:00 Bazaar Clean-up

5:00pm Cooking for Opportunity House


23 7:00pm Bible Study



26 Feast of St. Demetrious

8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy

1:00pm Baptism

27 Seventh Sunday of Luke 8:30am Orthros 9:45am Sunday School 9:45am Divine Liturgy

28 5:30pm Greek School

29 5:30pm Greek School

6:00pm Food Pantry

30 7:00pm Bible Study


Sunday Monday



Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church

1001 East Wyomissing Boulevard

Reading, PA 19611





PAID Reading, PA

Permit No. 101

Background of St. Luke: The holy Evangelist Luke was born in the Syrian city of Antioch. His parents were not members of the Hebrew race; and the very name "Luke" bears witness to this in part, for it is an abbreviated form of the Latin name "Lucanus." Furthermore, in one passage in his Epistle to the Colossians, the holy Apostle Paul makes a clear distinction between Luke and those "who are of the circumcision," that is, the Jews (Col 4:10-15). In his own writings, however, Luke shows a thorough knowledge of the Law of Moses and the customs of the Jewish people. Hence, we may conclude that Luke had already adopted the Jewish religion before his conversion to Christ. Moreover, in his native land, which was renowned for the flourishing state of the arts and sciences, Luke had developed his intellect with various scholarly studies. From the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians, we learn also that Luke had studied medicine (Col 4:14). Tradition also informs us that he was a painter. He undoubtedly received an excellent education in general, for the quality of the Greek language in his writings is far more pure and correct than that of the other New Testament writers.

The deadline for the November Echo issue is October 19, 2013.

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