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New technologies and sourcing models are accelerating change in application optimization. Businesses have thrived by continually adopting new technologies that drive automation, unlock hidden value, and deliver products and services in new ways. That reliance also means companies must continually look for ways to make investments that create the next wave of innovation.

It isn’t always easy. CIOs are squeezed between fixed budgets and the growing demand for new applications. Meanwhile, maintenance costs for legacy infrastructure and systems use up most of the available budget. That means companies must continue to find more ways to take out costs consumed by outdated infrastructure, inflated application portfolios and obsolete applications that don’t help the company innovate or improve its competitive advantage.

Shadow IT represents another source of cost savings — and pain. Growth in IT spending outside the CIO’s budget has been driven by business needs that outstrip IT’s ability to respond. Finding ways to meet those needs within IT’s domain represents another significant opportunity for savings.

Issues like these aren’t solved with fast, easy fixes. And once they’ve worked through all the familiar cost-cutting strategies, CIOs are left wondering what new tools are available to produce the next round of savings.

Gordon Moore’s observation in a 1965 paper that famously predicted the growth of computing power has been applied to many fields affected by technology. Optimization is as good a candidate as any. Figuratively speaking, Moore’s Law neatly encapsulates the relentless drive by organizations to identify new ways to optimize information system infrastructure and applications.

New technology-enabled services can help companies realize additional levels of optimization. These services can do more than that. They can also offer cost savings, free up resources for innovation, and even serve as a platform for new products themselves.


A powerful confluence of technologies that include cloud-based architectures, big data, mobility and advanced integration components are making possible a new wave of application optimization and allowing organizations to expand horizontally and vertically into their ecosystems.

One result of this confluence, the as-a-service model, is helping CIOs break away from the tradition of big apps, infrastructure and legacy costs to a consumption-based model of outcome-oriented applications that can be scaled up or down as the business requires.

Sourcing applications to operate as a service in a cloud-based environment helps CIOs focus on managing the results, not the people or the work.

•Modernized applications delivered via the cloud incorporate all of today’s new concepts: integration, improved user experience, consumption-based usage models and more.

•Cloud-based applications can be integrated with legacy applications as well as other cloud services from other providers.

•Applications running in an as-a-service model help companies reduce portfolio complexity and eliminate costly infrastructure expense and complexity.

•Each application running as a service can be priced on the consumption of resources and support required, creating greater cost savings and flexibility.

The range of as-a-service offerings continues to grow to suit the growing complexity of applications that CIOs are seeking to move to this model.


New technology-enabled services can help companies realize additional levels of optimization.


While as-a-service solutions such as Software as a Service (SaaS) can accommodate rapidly changing customer-facing applications, companies that want more than just a Web-based email service or sales force automation are looking for providers that offer industrialized, utility-based support of their core applications.

That’s the role that Management as a Service (MaaS) for applications is designed to fill.


As an innovator in MaaS, CSC has a portfolio of managed application services built on a foundation that sets us apart from other providers.

Application services are outcome focused. This means CSC is accountable not just for providing a specific product or service, but for helping companies achieve specific business outcomes. That has led us to develop solutions that can be scaled up or down to meet the specific response a company needs, freeing them from the need to focus on technology so they can focus on the business instead.

We apply our expertise in modernization to look across portfolios, identifying inefficiencies that can be taken out to enable more agile applications and further cost reductions.

The fact that we perform this process repeatedly for a wide range of customers enables us to do it more efficiently and effectively than many companies can on their own. Our strong heritage in government-based outcome contracts gives us 50 years of experience. The result is a standard process supported by industry-leading tools, as well as leveraged delivery centers that make our resources and expertise available wherever they are needed.

Our global delivery network allows us to deliver a consistent experience. The tools available to one service center are available to all, enabling users to hand off work from one time zone to the next.

MaaS models are customized to fit the technology they serve. CSC offers a tailored MaaS model adapted to SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel and the most relevant databases, as well as custom and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications. This provides the optimal mix of leveraged resources, tools and processes.

Using a shape-transform-manage approach to portfolio management, our methodology makes possible a cradle-to-grave system that ensures our customers get the greatest value from their IT investment.


Many companies are just beginning to discover the cost savings and benefits that MaaS-based solutions can offer, and we believe advances will lead to more breakthroughs in the next few years.

Making the move to MaaS now will let businesses benefit quickly as those advances come online. Companies that plan extended experiments or have yet to take a hard look at MaaS models will be hard-pressed to catch early adopters.

There may be no convenient law that describes optimization as neatly as Moore’s Law predicts computing power, but we do know this: Whenever we think we’ve run out of ways to reduce cost and increase efficiency, something new comes along that changes our whole way of thinking. Today, that’s Management as a Service for applications.

See how CSC can help you optimize your applications portfolio at www.csc.com/maas.

As an innovator in MaaS, CSC

has a portfolio of managed

application services built on a

foundation that sets us apart

from other providers.

We apply our expertise in modernization to look across portfolios, identifying inefficiencies that can be taken out to enable more agile applications and further cost reductions.

© 2013 Computer Sciences Corporation. All rights reserved. Creative Services 8159-20 12/2013

About CSCCSC is a global leader in next-generation IT services and solutions. The company’s mission is to enable superior returns on our clients’ technology investments through best-in-class industry solutions, domain expertise and global scale. For more information, visit us at www.csc.com.

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