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Page 1: Mordheim - Nosferatu



Nosferatu Mordheim

Whispers from the Underverse

Page 2: Mordheim - Nosferatu



osferatu are among the oldest

vampires in existence. Their

lineage dates back to W’soran,

the elder Nosferatu. They are a

cryptic and enigmatic species of Vampire

who prefer the academia and study of magic

to the martial art of combat. Their obsession

with Necromancy attracts them to deep

crypts where they may set upon their studies

unencumbered by the bustle of life. This

practice has left their bodies withered and

decrepit, often mirroring the state of the very

corpses they raise up from the earth.

Special Rules

Gift of W’soran – Branched even in

Undeath as a ghastly, ever-growing

organism, the mind of a Nosferatu vampire

continues to cultivate knowledge. When

generating a spell, the vampire may reroll

once, but must accept the second result. All

members of the warband with access to the

Nosferatu bloodline abilities and

Necromantic magic have the Gift of


Jealous Minds – Nosferatu vampires are

hardly considered to have amiable relations

with any other vampire, including those of

their own species. Due to the antagonistic

nature of their endeavors, they view each

other as competition in their struggle for

power and often mentally invade each

other’s minds with the intention to steal

away thoughts, or otherwise harm their rival.

On any roll of 1 in an attempt to cast a spell,

if there are other vampires of the Nosferatu

bloodline in the warband who have not been

taken out of action, the caster must roll a D6

and consult the following chart to see what

has befallen him.

1-2. A rival of the caster has invaded his

mind and inflicted a mental attack. The

caster must roll on the Injury chart, treating

1-4 as knocked down, and 5-6 as stunned.

3-5. A rival of the caster has invaded his

mind and stole away with his thoughts. The

caster fails in casting his spell as he tries to

remember what he was doing, but may

proceed with further actions as normal.

6. A rival of the caster attempts to invade his

mind, but is thwarted by the caster’s

powerful mental defense, built up from

years of competing with other magic users.

The caster may cast his spell as normal, but

still includes the result of 1 towards the

possible success of the cast.

Gaze of Nagash – Nosferatu vampires are

already immensely dreadful, and so do not

bother learning the spell, Death Vision.

This spell is replaced with the spell, Gaze of

Nagash, which has a range of 24” and

causes D3 Strength 4 hits to one target, with

a difficulty score of 8. Armour saves are

taken at -2.

Choice of Warriors

A Nosferatu warband must include a

minimum of three models. You have 500

gold crowns available to build your

warband. The maximum number of models

in the warband begins at 15, but may be

increased with certain skills and abilities.

Nosferatu: Each Nosferatu warband must

have one Nosferatu, no more, no less!


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Necrarch: Your warband may include a

single Necrarch if you wish.

Neophytes: You warband may include up to

two Neophytes. Each Neophyte choice

replaces a Cultist choice.

Cultists: Your warband may include up to

two cultists.

Abomination: Your warband may include a

single Abomination.

Stunted Grotesques: Your warband may

include up to three Stunted Grotesques.

Ghouls: Your warband may include up to

three Ghouls.

Blood Pets: Your warband may include up

to four Blood Pets.

Skeletons: Your warband may include any

number of Skeletons.

Zombies: Your warband may include any

number of Zombies.

Starting Experience

A Nosferatu starts with 20 experience.

A Necrarch starts with 12 experience.

A Neophyte starts with 8 experience.

A Cultist starts with 0 experience.

An Abomination starts with 12 experience.

Nosferatu Skill Tables

Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed

Nosferatu √ √ √

Necrarch √ √ √

Neophyte √ √ √

Cultist √ √ √

Abomination √ √ √

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Nosferatu Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons Missile Weapons

Dagger……………………1st free/2 gc Short bow……………10 gc

Club, Mace, Hammer…….3 gc Bow………………….15 gc

Axe……………………….5 gc

Sword…………………….10 gc Armour

Double-handed Weapon….15 gc Light Armour………...20 gc

Spear………………………10 gc Shield………………..5 gc

Buckler………………5 gc

Helmet………………10 gc

Nosferatu Bloodline Abilities and Skills

The Nosferatu, Necrarch, Neophytes, Abomination, and turned Cultists may choose from the

following list of skills in addition to those normally available to them. The Abomination(s) may

only choose Regeneration, Stony Hide, and, Horned One, which are likewise unavailable to the

other heroes of the warband.

Blood Magic: The vampire may sacrifice a wound in order to add D6 to his casting attempt for

any spell.

Blood Sacrifice: The vampire may sacrifice a wound in order to cast an additional spell this turn.

Blood Absolution: The vampire’s magical blood serves as a ward against magical attacks and

spells, including the effects of the ‘Jealous Minds’ special rule, affording the vampire a 4+ ward

save against any and all such dangers.

Hollow Gaze: The vampire stares deep into the soul of his opponent. May target any enemy

model within 6”. If the enemy does not pass a leadership test with a -1 penalty to its leadership,

it becomes petrified, unable to do naught but stare back at the vampire. The vampire may decide

to maintain this gaze during each of its Recovery Phases. While gazing, neither model may

move, nor take any action, and are automatically hit by close combat attacks. If the vampire

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suffers a wound, he must break his gaze, thereby releasing his victim. Hollow Gaze may be used

during the Shooting Phase, after spells have been cast, and may also be used if in statue form.

Summoner: The vampire delights in raising dead, and increases the maximum size of the

warband by 2. This skill may be taken by multiple heroes, but may not be used to increase the

maximum warband size above 21.

Become Statue: The vampire freezes, becoming as a horrific gargoyle where he was once

positioned. The vampire may elect to become a statue during his Shooting Phase, and may do so

after running, moving as normal, or casting a spell, but may not charge, or use a ranged weapon

and become a statue. If the vampire becomes a statue, he may not make any further actions in

the remainder of the turn. This ability may not be used while in close combat. While in statue

form, the vampire is, for all intents and purposes, hidden. He may only be detected if an enemy

model within 3” passes an initiative test. This model may then point out the terrible reality to

any models friendly to it within 6”.

Shuddering Glance: The vampire shudders as he reels his mind headlong into the very near

future. If the vampire passes a leadership test taken at any point during his turn, he may reroll

one dice for the remainder of his turn, but must accept the second result. If this leadership test is

failed, the vampire is struck with a stony pause, and may not cast spells for the remainder of the

turn, slowly regaining its bearings as it reforms its mind in the present.

Regeneration: The vampire possesses a great constitution, readily capable to metabolize and

grow skin, sinew, and bone, redressing injury with body anew. During the Recovery Phase, the

vampire may roll a D6, and on a 4+, regains a wound lost earlier.

Stony Hide: The hide of the Abomination shines like obsidian, hardened and sheer. The

Abomination benefits from a 5+ armour save which may be modified as normal. This skill may

be taken again for an armour save of 3+.

Horned One: Like the mighty Beastmen, the Abomination has developed a massive, rock-like

horn from the top of his head, granting him an additional attack at his Strength value on the turn

in which he charges.

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Dread Return: Such is the everlasting will of the Nosferatu vampire that it may repossess itself

even beyond Undeath. If this vampire rolls ‘Dead’ on the Injury chart, he is reborn a Liche,

using the profile given below. He retains all of his experience and characteristic values, though

any characteristics higher than the maximum are reduced to the maximum. The Liche may

continue to advance as normal. The newly risen Liche forgets D4 of its previous skills, chosen

by the player, but retains its spells; still attuned to Necromantic magic, the Liche generates a

new, random spell, and may continue to learn new spells as usual. The Liche may not equip

itself with any weapons or armour (these are lost), however his attacks are not penalized for

being unarmed, rather, these attacks extinguish life with a potency of their own. The Liche’s

close combat attacks count as poisoned, and wound automatically on a roll of 6 to hit. The Liche

may continue to roll to wound as normal, however, treating another 6 as a critical hit. The

Liche’s body swirls with dark energy, and thus has a 3+ ward save against any and all attacks.

Besides protection, this resonating energy also grants the Liche a natural +1 for all attempts to

cast spells. Due to the overly desiccated composition of his mortal coil, a Liche may never use

the skills, Blood Magic, Blood Sacrifice, or Blood Absolution. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

5 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 9

Max 6 5 5 5 5 4 6 4 10

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1 Nosferatu

120 gold crowns to hire

Nosferatu build up their warband from the

ashes of warriors past, and the bones of

heroes old. Their necromantic prowess

maintains the vigor and strength of the


Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

5 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 9

Max 6 7 6 7 6 4 9 4 10

Weapons/Armour: The Nosferatu may be

armed with weapons and armour chosen

from the Nosferatu Equipment List.

Special Rules

Leader: Any models in the warband within

6” of the Nosferatu may use his leadership

instead of their own.

Cause Fear: Nosferatu are terrifying

Undead creatures and therefore cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Nosferatu are not

affected by psychology (such as fear) and

never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Nosferatu is not

affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Nosferatu treats a stunned result

on the Injury chart as knocked down.

Wizard: The Nosferatu is a wizard and so is

able to use Necromantic magic.

Studious: In addition to the typical

randomly generated spell, the Nosferatu also

knows the spell, ‘Call of Vanhel’.

Progenitus Gene: The Nosferatu is one of

the earlier vampires among his line and so

begins with one of the Nosferatu bloodline

abilities, chosen by the player.

0-1 Necrarch

105 gold crowns to hire

Necrarchs have immense capabilities,

second only to those of the Nosferatu.

Many Nosferatu have come to the

realization that their experiments have

attracted the wandering eye of a Necrarch,

usually coming upon a gout of risen zombies

within a corner of their crypt. They may

allow the stay of the Necrarch if they prove

somewhat trustworthy and help bolster the

Nosferatu’s budding army. Although this

relation is certainly fraught with paranoia,

they are often safer under one another’s

scrutiny than that of a marauding Vampire


Weapons/Armour: The Necrarch may be

armed with weapons and armour chosen

from the Nosferatu Equipment List.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

5 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

Max 6 7 6 7 6 4 9 4 10

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Special Rules

Cause Fear: Necrarchs are terrifying

Undead creatures and therefore cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Necrarchs are not

affected by psychology (such as fear) and

never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Necrarchs are not

affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Necrarchs treat a stunned result on

the Injury chart as knocked down.

Wizard: The Necrarch is a wizard and so is

able to use Necromantic magic.

0-2 Neophytes

55 gold crowns to hire

Neophytes are newly turned, eager to study

the dark secrets of Necromancy. Though at

first unskilled, they may become learned in

their dark passions remarkably quickly, and

can individually pose a great threat to an

entire village.

Weapons/Armour: Neophytes may choose

from the Nosferatu Equipment list.

Special Rules

Cause Fear: Neophytes are terrifying

Undead creatures and therefore cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Neophytes are not

affected by psychology (such as fear) and

never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Neophytes are not

affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Neophytes treat a stunned result

on the Injury chart as knocked down.

Abecedarian: Upon taking the Arcane Lore

skill, the Neophyte becomes capable of

Necromancy and will generate one

Necromantic spell immediately.

0-1 Abomination

105 gold crowns to hire

An unfortunate individual stricken with

vampirism, turned to the hideous fastness of

a Nosferatu, but abruptly mutated before the

disease could settle with his immune system.

These Abominations as they are known,

have a much greater ferocity than their

brother Nosferatu, but lack their

counterparts’ magical prowess. However,

trapped within their husk of a body is yet a

sharp mind, suffering not of a detriment to

intellect, but of a rage and torture made

manifest by the caprice of their very own

and unique unstable dreadfulness. As

enraged as they are, they may never have the

focus to cast magic, and so may not choose

the majority of the skills available to others

of their bloodline, but may still choose the

Regeneration skill.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

5 3 3 4 4 1 4 1 7

Max 6 7 6 7 6 4 9 4 9

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

5 4 0 4 4 2 4 2 7

Max 6 8 0 7 6 4 9 5 9

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Weapons/Armour: An Abomination never

uses weapons or armour, instead choosing to

fight with his own clawed might.

Special Rules

Cause Fear: Abominations are terrifying

Undead creatures and therefore cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Abominations are

not affected by psychology (such as fear)

and never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Abominations are not

affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Abominations treat a stunned

result on the Injury chart as knocked down.

Mutations: An Abomination may start the

game with one or more mutations for their

respective costs. It may choose from the

same list as that used by Cult of the

Possessed as found in the Mordheim


0-2 Cultists

25 gold crowns to hire

Human sycophants who pride themselves on

their fearless, if foolish integration within an

Undead society. Hoping beyond all else to

gain favor in the eyes of the Nosferatu for

providing menial tasks as a gofer, some are

eventually turned when a Nosferatu deems

them worthy. Be careful what you wish for!

Weapons/Armour: Cultists may equip

themselves from the Nosferatu Equipment


Special Rules

Habituation: Being among and familiarized

with the undead of the Nosferatu’s risen,

Cultists feel no fear for these types of

Undead, but feel fear for other types of fear-

inducing creatures as normal.

Sycophant: The sycophantic tendencies of a

Cultist may seem misplaced, however, to the

wizened mind, the sickeningly obvious

actions of a Cultist belie his true intention of

ingratiating himself with the Nosferatu in

hopes of being turned to vampirism. A

Nosferatu may turn a Cultist into a vampire

if he is deemed worthy to share

bloodlineage. A Cultist may thus become a

vampire, begrudgingly gifted his desire of

immortal knowledge by his master

Nosferatu. After his second advance, if ever

the Cultist should gain a skill advance, they

may instead opt to join with the Nosferatu

bloodline. He must roll a D6 to determine

what exactly becomes him.

1. The Cultist twists with agonizing pain,

realizing with terror that the Nosferatu has

cursed him into malformation, sprawling

with flesh and sinew, becoming a Stunted

Grotesque. He is still a Hero and does not

count towards the maximum number of

Stunted Grotesques the warband may have.

He gains +1 Movement, Strength,

Toughness, and Attack, and shares the

profile of a Stunted Grotesque.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7

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2-3. The Cultist writhes among fresh corpses

brought as a final boon to his master, slowly

mutating into an Abomination. With wicked

irony, the Nosferatu has cursed the Cultist

into continued servitude. He may not

purchase mutations as other Abominations

may, but may in future beseech the

Shadowlord for his dark gifts, following the

‘Rewards of the Shadowlord’ special rules.

He gains +1 Movement, Strength,

Toughness, Initiative, and Attack, and shares

the profile of an Abomination.

4-6. The Nosferatu transfers complete

potency of his power to the Cultist, who

becomes a Nosferatu vampire. He changes

his race and profile to that of a Nosferatu

Neophyte, and in addition, gains +1

Strength, Toughness, and Movement, and

may cast Necromantic spells, generating one

random spell immediately.

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0-3 Stunted Grotesques

60 gold crowns to hire

Stunted Grotesques are the malformed

experiments of a Nosferatu. In an attempt to

hybridize and create a stronger, faster breed

of zombies, these abominable flesh

constructs are often the result. Vampiric

though they are, they are detested by all

others of their kind.

Weapons/Armour: Stunted Grotesques

never uses weapons or armour, instead

choosing to fight with their own clawed


Special Rules

Cause Fear: Stunted Grotesques are

terrifying Undead creatures and therefore

cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Stunted

Grotesques are not affected by psychology

(such as fear) and never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Stunted Grotesques are

not affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Stunted Grotesques treat a stunned

result on the Injury chart as knocked down.

Mutations: Stunted Grotesques may start

the game with one or more mutations for

their respective costs. It may choose from

the same list as that used by Cult of the

Possessed as found in the Mordheim


0-3 Ghouls

40 gold crowns to hire

Descended from flesh-eating men, these evil

creatures naturally meander in their feedings

to the crypts of Nosferatu.

Weapons/Armour: Ghouls do not equip

themselves save with the bones they

scavenge from the dead corpses on which

they feed, utilizing these as primitive


Special Rules

Cause Fear: Ghouls are terrifying Undead

creatures and therefore cause fear.

0-4 Blood Pets

20 gold crowns to hire

Vampiric creatures kept as pets by many

wizards wishing to utilize their longevity for

their own supplement while delving into

dark arts, Blood Pets are a common sight for

an adventurer to find within a crypt.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

5 3 0 4 4 1 4 2 7

Max 6 7 0 7 6 4 9 4 9

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 0 3 3 2 2 1 5

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 5

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Weapons/Armour: Blood Pets may never

equip themselves and so do not use any form

of weapon or armour.

Special Rules

Tranfusion: The Blood Pet may transfer

one of its wounds to a friendly magic user

within 6”. This may not be done if the

Blood Pet has only one wound remaining.

This may only be used once per turn of the

Blood Pet during the Recovery Phase. This

may be used to increase the number of

wounds of a model above its starting

number of wounds for the duration of the


Hardy Mutation: Blood Pets prized for

their ability to sustain loss and regain their

constitution are sought by many wizards

with dubious or otherwise unworldly habits.

A Blood Pet may begin with the

Regeneration skill for an extra 30 gold


Bloody Vitality: Some Blood Pets are

extremely vigorous, capable of sustaining

multiple transfusions to their wizard master.

A Blood Pet may begin with 1 extra wound

to its profile for an extra 20 gold crowns.

Animal: Blood Pets never gain experience

as they are only animals.

0+ Skeletons

20 gold crowns to hire

These bone servants are commonplace

among the ranks of a Nosferatu’s army.

They serve as the main foot soldier. As

unthinking and fearless, they are the perfect

warrior to push an advance, never to retreat.

Weapons/Armour: Skeletons may be

equipped from the Nosferatu Equipment list.

Special Rules

Cause Fear: Skeletons are terrifying

Undead creatures and therefore cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Skeletons are not

affected by psychology (such as fear) and

never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Skeletons are not

affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Skeletons treat a stunned result on

the Injury chart as knocked down.

May Not Run: Skeletons are slow undead

creatures and may not run, but may charge


No Brain: Skeletons never gain experience

as they do not have a brain.

0+ Zombies

15 gold crowns to hire

The shambling horde. The mainstay of an

undead force, Zombies overrun the

Nosferatu’s enemies with fear and an

unending tide of flesh.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 5

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Weapons/Armour: Zombies may not have

any weapons or armour and suffer no

penalties for this.

Special Rules

Cause Fear: Zombies are terrifying Undead

creatures and therefore cause fear.

Immune to Psychology: Zombies are not

affected by psychology (such as fear) and

never leave combat.

Immune to Poison: Zombies are not

affected by any poisons.

No Pain: Zombies treat a stunned result on

the Injury chart as knocked down.

May Not Run: Zombies are slow undead

creatures and may not run, but may charge


No Brain: Zombies never gain experience

as they do not have a brain.

The Lad’s Got Talent

Stunted Grotesques may choose from

Combat, and either Strength or Speed Skill

lists. Even though these creatures are of the

Nosferatu bloodline, they may not choose

from the Nosferatu Bloodline Abilities and

Skills list.

Ghouls may choose from Combat, and

either Strength or Speed Skill lists.

The Nosferatu, the Necrarch, Neophytes, the

Abomination, and turned Cultists may

choose from the Nosferatu Bloodline

Abilities and Skills, if appropriate.

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