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Page 1: Mrs.Fletcher’s Kindergarteners Meet the Wolves.

Mrs.Fletcher’s Kindergarteners

Meet the Wolves

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Page 3: Mrs.Fletcher’s Kindergarteners Meet the Wolves.

What Do Wolves Eat?

• Wolves eat meat. They eat mostly animals with hooves.

Fun FactA wolf will travel up to thirty miles a day looking for food.

Fun FactWolves are long distance runnersWolves travel about 30 miles a day looking

for food.

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• They eat about twenty pounds of meat at one meal. That’s the same as eighty hamburgers!

Fun FactA wolf can sprint up to 44 miles an hour.

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• They like to eat caribou, buffalo, mountain goats, elk and deer. They also eat hare, fish, birds, lizards, and fruit when they have to.

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• Wolves can be found mostly in the mountains or woods because that is where their food is usually found, but they can be found just about anywhere. They adapt easily.

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• Their home is called a den. When they are looking for a home, a wolf will look for a dark quiet place such as a cave or hollow log. .

Fun Fact

A wolf can make a home just about anywhere but their home must be near water

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• Wolves like to live with other wolves. A group of wolves that live together is called a pack. The leader of the pack is called the alpha.

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• Mama wolves have up to seven pups at a time. The pups are born blind and deaf. Their eyes and ears begin to work when they are three weeks old.

Fun FactBefore wolf puppies are born the wolves in a pack clean the den and do not go back in until the pups are older so that they will be safe from the parasites that the older wolves have.

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• Babies drink milk until they are four weeks old. When they start eating food, the whole pack shares. The entire wolf pack shares their food with the new pups. The grownup wolves in the pack chew up meat and berries and then spit it out on the ground for the pups to eat.Fun FactThe wolf pack cleans The den before the pupsAre born and they do notGo back in until the pups Are older. They do not want To share their parasites with The newborn pups.

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• The babies live with their family until they are two years old then they leave.

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What does a wolf look like?

• Some wolves are red, or brown or black or white. The arctic wolf grows fur on his legs and feet to keep him warm in the winter. Wolves that don’t live there don’t grow extra fur because they don’t need it.

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• Wolves can have yellow or brown eyes. They can be as large as a Saint Bernard dog or a small as a German Shepard.

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• A wolf is only one pound when they are babies but they can weigh over one hundred pounds when they grown.

Fun Fact

A wolf is ten times smarter than a dog.

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• People hunt them for their fur. Many people also think that wolves will hurt their cows and sheep so they shoot them to keep their cows and sheep safe.

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• Pack-A group that takes care of each other.

• Alpha-The leader of a wolf pack.

• Adapt-To get use to.

• Den- A dark quiet hole that makes a wolf feel safe,

• Pup- A baby wolf

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A wolfFirst unable to see or hear

Later, much later a huge powerful meat eating machine

On the look out sniffing, hoping for dinnerHe sniffs the air and smells a deer

He pounces Yum,Yum!

Dinner for tonight

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