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    MSE 303

    Thermodynamics & Equilibrium Processes

    Solution Theory (Gaskell Chapter 9)

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    Liquid A


    Vapor Pressure

    Pressure gauge


  • 4

    At equilibrium

    Rates of Evaporation & Condensation for Single Component

    0)( AAc kpr

    0)( AAe kpr

    Eqn 9.1

  • 5

    Rates of Evaporation & Condensation for Single Component

    )()( BcBe rr

    0')()( BBcBe pkrr


  • 6

    Rates of evaporation & condensation for a solution

    If the mole fraction of A in the solution is XA and the atomic

    diameters of A and B are similar, then assuming that the

    composition of the surface of the liquid is the same as that

    of the bulk liquid, the fraction of the surface sites occupied

    by A atoms is XA.

    Liquid A B

    PA PB

    Kuang-Hui Li

  • 7

    As A can only evaporate from surface sites occupied by A atoms, the rate of evaporation of A scales by a factor XA

    Also, since at equilibrium, the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal to one another, the equilibrium vapor pressure of A exerted by the A-B solution is decreased from pA0 to pA.

    AAAe kpXr )(

    BBBe pkXr'


    Eqn 9.3

  • 8

    Eq 9.5

    Eq 9.6

    Raoults Law

    0AAA pXp

    0BBB pXp

  • 9

    So far we made the assumption that

    Deviation from Raoults Law

    are independent

    A B B

    A A B


    B A B


    Kuang-Hui Li

    Kuang-Hui Li

    Kuang-Hui Li

  • 10


    AAAe kpXr'

    )( Eqn. 9.7 (See Eqn 9.3)


    B A B


  • 11

    0)( AAe kpr AAAe kpXr



    AAA XkpHenrys Law:


  • 12

    Liquid A B

    PA PB


  • 13


    )( AeAe rr

  • 14


    0 ofactivity i

    ii f



    the fugacity of a real gas is an effective pressure which replaces the true mechanical pressure in accurate chemical equilibrium calculations.

    At constant T,

    Kuang-Hui Li

  • 15

    Activity for ideal solutions


    ii p

    pa Eqn 9.12

    ii Xa

    which is an alternative expression of Raoults law

  • 16

    Basically, the introduction of activity normalizes the vapor pressure-composition relationship with respect to the saturated vapor pressure exerted in the standard state


    ii p

    pa iii Xkpiii Xka

  • 17

    Gibbs-Duhem Equation

    Let Q be a thermodynamic properties

    At constant T and P, the variation in Q with the composition of the solution



  • 18

    kth component entire solution

  • 19

    How is this useful?

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    Gibbs Free Energy formation of a Solution AAG

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    Example: The vapor pressures of ethanol and methanol are 44.5 mm and 88.7 mm Hg respectively. An ideal solution is formed at the same temperature by mixing 60 g of ethanol with 40 g of methanol. Calculate the total vapor pressure for solution and the mole fraction of methanol in the vapor.

    Mol. mass of ethyl alcohol = C2H2OH = 46 No. of moles of ethyl alcohol = 60/46 = 1.304 Mol. mass of methyl alcohol = CH3OH = 32 No. of moles of methyl alcohol = 40/32 = 1.25 Then, XA, mole fraction of ethyl alcohol = 1.304/(1.304+1.25) = 0.5107 XB, mole fraction of methyl alcohol = 1.25/(1.304+1.25) = 0.4893 Partial pressure of ethyl alcohol = XA. pA0 = 0.5107 44.5 = 22.73 mm Hg Partial pressure of methyl alcohol = XB.pA0 =0.4893 88.7 = 43.73 m Hg Total vapour pressure of solution = 22.73 + 43.40 = 66.13 mm Hg Mole fraction of methyl alcohol in the vapour = Partial pressure of CH3OH/Total vapour pressure = 43.40/66.13 = 0.6563


  • 23

    Change in Gibbs Free Energy Due to the Formation of a Solution

    dpPRTdG i





    And Recall 0i

    ii p


    iiii aRTpureGsolutioninGG ln)()(

    The difference between the two Gs (solution vs pure) is the change in the Gibbs free energy accompanying the introduction of 1 mole of component i into the solution

  • 24

    Is there any change of volume in mixing?

    For binary A-B solution,


  • 25

    The change in the volume in the formation of an ideal solution is zero

  • 26

    Heat of formation of ideal solutions

    Heat of formation of ideal solutions i

    Mi XRTG lnFor an ideal solution

  • 27

    Entropy of formation of ideal solutions

  • 28

    With Sterlings approximation

  • 29

    Substitute for nA and nB

    Term inside brackets is always negative So Sconf is always positive during the formation of a solution

  • 30

  • 31

    Non-ideal Solutions

    Non-ideal Solutions


    ii p


  • 32

    Statistical Model for Regular Solutions



  • 33

    Statistical Model for Regular Solutions

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    Statistical Model for Regular Solutions


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  • 37

    Of course


  • 38 This is also equal to GXS, the excess Gibbs free energy of the solution

  • 39

    From the Gibbs-Duhem equation,


  • 40

    On the other hand, according to the definition of activity,

  • 41





  • 42

    From Table A-4, Gaskell

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