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Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


MSIF WHO EML APPLICATION – Multiple Sclerosis Disease-Modifying Therapies

1. Summary statement of the proposal for inclusion

In 2015, an application for widening the indication of azathioprine to cover multiple sclerosis (MS) was submitted to the WHO Essential

Medicine List (EML). This application was rejected, but the WHO Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines emphasized

the public health relevance of MS and suggested a full review of MS treatments to identify which medicines should be put forward for the

WHO EML (1).

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF), a non-state actor in official relations with WHO, convened a taskforce of global experts in

MS research and care to submit an application for Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs) for the treatment of MS to be added onto the WHO

EML. This taskforce included experts from around the world, national MS organisation, people affected by MS and worked closely with the

regional MS clinical networks, i.e. Committees for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (TRIMS) and the World Federation of


The recommendation of the WHO Expert Committee, following the 2015 application, has been taken in to consideration. All approved DMTs

used for the treatment of MS are summarized by comparative effectiveness in a variety of clinical settings based on the recently published

ECTRIMS/EAN (European Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis/European Association of Neurology) Guidelines on

the pharmacological treatment of people with MS (2). This application is produced in collaboration with University College London National

Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH), which analysed the data for the ECTRIMS/EAN guidelines. A comparison and consultation

were also made with the American Academy of Neurology guidelines on disease modifying therapies in MS (3) to ensure there were no

discrepancies. Appendix 1A and 1B contains these 2018 guidelines.

Multiple sclerosis is an immune-mediated disorder of the central nervous system (gray and white matter) characterized by inflammation,

demyelination, and degenerative changes including neuroaxonal loss and progressive brain and spinal cord atrophy. Approximately 85% of

those with MS initially experience relapses and remissions of neurological symptoms, known as relapsing-remitting MS, with relapses often

associated with new areas of central nervous system (CNS) inflammation. Gradual worsening in this population, with or without additional

inflammatory events, is known as secondary progressive MS. Progressive changes can occur at any time in the disease course, but usually

become more prominent over time. Approximately 15% of people diagnosed with MS have a progressive course from disease onset, known

as primary progressive MS. Some with primary progressive MS may have typical relapses later in their disease course, after a progressive

course has been established (4,5).

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Despite significant research efforts, the exact etiology of MS remains unknown. A number of factors have been identified that contribute to

the risk of developing MS. There is a genetic contribution to risk and studies indicate genetic variations within the major histocompatibility

complex (MHC) likely contribute the greatest amount of genetic risk, and studies also indicate >100 genetic variants that each contribute a

small amount of risk. More recently, environmental factors have been identified as contributors to risk of MS including previous Epstein-

Barr virus infection, low serum vitamin D, cigarette smoking, childhood obesity, head injury and solvent exposure (6).

Once diagnosed with MS, progression of MS is influenced by several factors including cigarette smoking and certain comorbid conditions. In

a large cohort study using the North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis Registry vascular comorbidities appeared to

contribute to the risk of MS progression (7).

In 1993, interferon beta-1b was the first DMT for multiple sclerosis to receive regulatory approval (Table 1). Since then, more than 15 DMTs

have been approved for the treatment of relapsing forms of MS. The approved therapies target various immune cells that contribute to the

inflammatory cascade identified in MS. These therapies have been shown in large, well-designed clinical trials to reduce annual relapse rate,

limit new areas of CNS damage (measured by MRI), and delay disease progression (measured by sustained change in Expanded Disability

Status Score [EDSS]). One therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of progression in primary progressive MS. Table 1 shows the list of MS

DMTs and their year of US Food and Drug Administration approval.

Table 1 - Year of approval of the different MS DMTs by the US FDA

MS disease modifying treatment Approval US Food and Drug Administration

Interferon beta-1b (Betaseron®) 1993

Interferon beta-1a (Avonex®) 1996

Glatiramer acetate (Copaxone®) 1996

Interferon beta-1a (Rebif®) 2002

Natalizumab (Tysabri®) 2004 (removed temporarily in 2005 reintroduced in 2006)

Interferon beta-1b (Extavia®) 2009

Fingolimod (Gilenya®) 2010

Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera®) 2013

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Teriflunomide (Aubagio®) 2012

Interferon beta 1a (Plegridty®) 2014

Alemtuzumab (Lemtrada®) 2014

Glatiramer acetate (Glatopa®) 2015

Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus®) 2017

None of these medications has yet been shown to be curative. All medications may have adverse effects (AEs), which vary from mild to life-

threatening (3). Real world effectiveness varies substantially from one person to another and for each individual over time. The goal of

treatment is to control disease activity as quickly and effectively as possible with the aim of preventing irreversible damage in the CNS. The

American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 2018 Practice Guideline states that the evidence on the use of MS DMTs in people with relapsing

forms of MS can reduce relapses and MRI activity (3). Based upon the evidence, the guideline makes the recommendation that “clinicians

should offer DMTs to people with relapsing forms of MS, with recent clinical relapses or MRI activity” (3). Similarly, European Committee on

Treatment and Research in MS (ECTRIMS)/European Academy of Neurology (EAN) guidelines recommend that early treatment with MS

disease modifying therapies should be offered to patients with active relapsing remitting MS as defined by clinical relapses and/or MRI

activity” (2). In addition, the MS Coalition DMT Consensus paper on the use of disease modifying therapies for MS also recommends early

and ongoing treatment with a disease modifying therapy (8).

MS is a heterogeneous disease and is characterized by highly variable degrees of disease activity in the relapsing phase and by varying rates

of worsening during the progressive phases (3). Due to wide variability in response to DMTs, differing mechanisms of action of the available

DMTs, the risks of the treatments, contraindication to specific agents, and side effects, access to more than one DMT is essential. Both the

AAN and the ECTRIMS/EAN guidelines make specific recommendations for switching therapies based upon several characteristics including

MS disease activity contraindications and safety.

Access to more than one DMT is essential - selection of three disease-modifying therapies

Although there are multiple effective therapies for MS, this application is requesting that three separate medications indicated for treatment

of MS be added onto the WHO EML. The three therapies were prioritized based on their efficacy/safety profiles, tolerability/liveability,

monitoring needs, route of administration, licensed use in paediatric-onset and primary progressive MS, safety profile in pregnancy,

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availability of generic and/or biosimilar substitutes, and to ensure that at least one therapy would be appropriate for the majority of persons

with MS. The proposed medications have been selected based on extensive clinical and post-marketing data, which support their use across

the varied disease courses of individuals diagnosed with MS and include treatments considered safe during pregnancy and the paediatric

and primary progressive MS populations.

MSIF and the taskforce strongly believe that in an ideal world all people with MS should have access to the full repertoire of approved DMTs.

MS is a complex disease and the disease course can be very different due to a number of variables, e.g. age at disease onset, disease activity,

sex and personal circumstances. The WHO EML is a limited list of medicines and the taskforce recognises that at present not all DMTs can be

listed. This application of three DMTs is based on the hope of acknowledging that MS has an unmet need in terms of treatment and

increasing the number of countries with reasonable access to treatment where these treatments are not readily available.


a) For reasonable care for people with MS (pwMS) there needs to be a choice of DMTs. As a minimum one DMT should be available in each of these categories: 1. Moderate efficacy/high safety (i.e. IFN, glatiramer acetate) 2. Moderate to high efficacy oral therapy (i.e. dimethyl fumarate, teriflunomide, cladribine and fingolimod) 3. High efficacy monoclonal therapy (i.e. natalizumab, alemtuzumab, ocrelizumab)

b) Within these categories we considered the following criteria:

1. Risk of adverse events (includes tolerability and liveability) and feasible monitoring needs (important in resource-poor environments).

2. Different populations of pwMS: ensuring we cover main sub-populations of pwMS, e.g. use in pregnancy, family planning, use in

paediatrics and potential for PPMS.

3. Price: if there is no clear advantage on the other criteria, we considered price; including patent status, available and/or emerging

generics/biosimilars and off-label alternatives currently in use and supported by evidence published in peer-reviewed journals.


It is proposed that the Expert Committee members consider the addition of glatiramer acetate, fingolimod and ocrelizumab to the

complementary list in a new section dedicate to multiple sclerosis.

Glatiramer acetate is recommended based upon Phase III trial results and subsequent MRI trial (see Table 5). Glatiramer acetate has more

than 20 years of established safety evidence, with no emergence of serious side effects or risks. In addition, there have been no risks

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associated with conception or fetal development. Glatiramer acetate requires minimal post-dose monitoring. Head-to-head comparison

trials of glatiramer acetate and interferons demonstrated similar efficacy in relapse reduction. Neutralizing anti-drug antibodies have not

been shown to be a problem with glatiramer acetate, which are a problem with the interferons.

Fingolimod is recommended based upon Phase III data demonstrating superiority over placebo and interferon beta 1a (see Table 5).

Fingolimod has received regulatory approval for treatment of relapsing forms of MS for individuals 10 years and up.

Ocrelizumab is recommended based upon Phase III clinical trials that demonstrated superiority of ocrelizumab over placebo and interferon

beta 1a (see Table 5). In addition, ocrelizumab has received regulatory approval for the treatment of primary progressive MS; the only

therapy approved for this type of MS. Recent long-term follow-up data has reassuringly shown persistent efficacy (9) without any new safety

signals (10).

The treatment of MS has been revolutionised in the last 30 years. The positive impact of effective immunomodulation is supported by

reduction in relapse rates, and by prolonged time from onset to development of disability. Treatment may also be associated with an

improvement in quality of life, and the potential for personal and financial benefit. At present, there are no medications listed on the WHO

EML to treat MS. Given that MS is one of the few neurological diseases with highly effective treatment, we suggest that the present

application is timely and with the rising incidence and prevalence in low- and middle-income countries addresses an important unmet need.

2. Name of the focal point in WHO submitting or supporting the application (where relevant)

- WHO Secretariat of the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines

- WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

- WHO Gender, Equity and Human Rights

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


3. Name of the organization(s) consulted and/or supporting the application

This application is submitted by Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF).

The following organisations were represented on the MSIF EML taskforce or consulted during the drafting of the application:

Regional organisations:

World Federation of Neurology (WFN)

European Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)

American Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (ACTRIMS)

Latin-American Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (LACTRIMS)

Middle East North Africa Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (MENACTRIMS)

Pan Asian Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (PACTRIMS)

Russian Committee for Treatment and Research for Multiple Sclerosis (RUCTRIMS)

National MS organisations:

National MS Society, United States

MS Society of Canada

MS Ireland

Iranian MS Society

All-Russian MS Society

4. International Nonproprietary Name (INN, generic name) and Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code of the medicine

INN: glatiramer acetate [Copaxone®], ATC: L03AX13

INN: fingolimod [Gilenya®], ATC: L04AA27

INN: ocrelizumab [Ocrevus®], ATC: L04AA36

5. Formulation proposed for inclusion; including adult and paediatric (if appropriate)

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Table 2 - Drug Formulation, dosing schedule and indication

Drug classification Agent, Dose and administration Disease classification(s)

Glatiramer acetate immunomodulator (glatiramer acetate)

Glatiramer acetate 20mg subcutaneous injection qd Glatiramer acetate 40mg subcutaneous injection tiw No dosing adjustment required for paediatric MS

Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) Relapsing multiple sclerosis

Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulator (fingolimod hydrochloride)

Fingolimod 0.25mg – 0.5mg orally qd Fingolimod 0.25 mg for patients < 40 kg

Relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis in adults and children 10 years of age and older.

CD20 monoclonal antibody (ocrelizumab) Rituximab – off-label

Ocrelizumab First dose 300 mg IV day one followed by 300 mg IV on day 14. Then 600mg intravenous infusion, every six months Paediatric dosing has not been established Rituximab Induction 500-1000mg 2 weeks apart than every 6 months 500 -1000 mgs (11). For paediatrics, doses of 750 mg/m2 per infusion, to a maximum of 1000 mg 2 weeks apart.

Ocrelizumab - CD20-directed cytolytic antibody indicated for the treatment of patients with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis. Rituximab – an alternative CD20 directed antibody, licensed for a number of diseases, is used off-label for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis in many regions (12), and in pediatric MS (13).

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International availability - sources of possible manufacturers and trade names

Glatiramer acetate 20mg and 40mg (trade name COPAXONE®) is registered in many high and middle-low income countries. The manufacturer of

glatiramer acetate is Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Inc. Generic options are available for this drug; dosage, price and availability of glatiramer

acetate products will vary globally.

Fingolimod 0.25mg and 0.5mg (trade name GILENYA®) is registered in many high and middle-low income countries. The manufacturer of

fingolimod is Novartis International AG (Basel, Switzerland) price and availability will vary globally. Generic options are available for this drug;

dosage, price and availability of fingolimod products will vary globally.

Ocrelizumab 600mg (trade name OCREVUS™) is registered in 68 high and middle-income countries. The manufacturer of ocrelizumab is F.

Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Basel, Switzerland).

Rituximab (500mg – 1,000mg (trade name RITUXAN®) Rituximab is registered for non-MS indications in high and middle-low income countries

and the manufacturer is F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Basel, Switzerland). Biosimilar options are available for rituximab; dosage, price and

availability of rituximab will vary globally.

Patent landscape and follow-on products – patent information courtesy of the Medicines Patent Pool

Full patent landscape can be found in Appendix 2.

Generic versions of glatiramer acetate are available in some countries – for example, in the US, Russian Federation and India. Secondary patents

concerning glatiramer acetate are active in some jurisdictions (generally, method-of-use patents expiring in 2030), but these may not be blocking

generic entry (14,15).

The main product patent on fingolimod appears not to have been filed in the low and middle income country (LMIC) jurisdictions surveyed and

expires between 2016 and 2018 in some European countries and 2019 in the USA. However, two formulation patent families, expiring in 2024

and 2032, have been widely granted, with the exceptions of ARIPO [African Regional Intellectual Property Organization], OAPI [Organisation

Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle], and Vietnam. Several of the secondary patents have been challenged in the US by generic companies.

Further consultation would be necessary to establish whether the secondary patents on fingolimod represent a true block to generic market

entry. This may depend on whether it is possible to develop non-infringing alternative formulations while achieving bioequivalence. There are

several follow-on products currently available in different countries.

Ocrelizumab is protected by a product patent expiring in 2023 in many jurisdictions (please see table in Appendix 2). It has generally been filed

or granted in the countries/regions surveyed except in ARIPO, OAPI, and Guatemala. It is likely that biosimilar ocrelizumab cannot enter the

market where this patent has been granted before 2023. A secondary patent family, expiring 2029, is granted in China and South Africa, and

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


pending in Brazil and Thailand, but has not been filed in other LMIC jurisdictions that were surveyed. It is not possible yet to comprehensively

assess coverage by a secondary patent family expiring 2035/36 and further consultation would be necessary to establish whether these

represent a true block to generic market entry. This may depend on the practical enforceability of method-of-use patents in each jurisdiction.

Biosimilar versions of rituximab have been approved in numerous countries, including, for example, the European Union, South Korea, Bolivia,

Chile, Peru, India, and Australia. Secondary method of use patents concerning rituximab have been filed or granted in some jurisdictions,

including in China, Malaysia, Mexico, and South Africa (expected to expire in 2019). Apart from these, there do not appear to be active patents

covering the intravenous formulation of rituximab. Secondary formulation patents for a subcutaneous administration form of rituximab have

been filed or granted in some jurisdictions, including Canada, the US, and European Union, China, Morocco, Ukraine or Vietnam (expected to

expire in 2030) (16).

Please note that MSIF believes that people with MS should have access to safe and effective treatments which meet high standards of proof for

quality. The development of generics and biosimilars is an important process that can make treatments available more widely at a more

affordable cost to health systems and people with MS. Exchange between biological medicines requires adequate clinical monitoring, detailed

record-keeping for traceability (product and batch), clear and balanced information and consent by the person with MS. MSIF believes that all

treatments (proprietary, generic or biosimilar) need to meet, and be able to demonstrate, stringent safety and efficacy data and be properly

assessed by independent regulators. MSIF does not support the use of substandard medicines or copies that have not passed stringent tests for

quality, efficacy and safety.

6. Whether listing is requested as an individual medicine or as an example of a therapeutic group

■ Individual medicine

7. Treatment details (requirement for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring)

Diagnosis of MS

There is no single diagnostic test for multiple sclerosis and the diagnosis remains essentially clinical, supported by MRI, cerebrospinal fluid

analysis and other paraclinical tests. The key requirements for the diagnosis are at least two neurological events, each of which is consistent with

a demyelinating attack, supported by objective findings, that are disseminated in space (i.e. involving more than one region of the central

nervous system) and time (arbitrarily defined as either new episodes of neurological impairment separated by more than 30 days; or progressive

neurological impairment sustained over 6 months). The diagnosis of MS was reliably ascribed using these clinical criteria, aided by the presence

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in CSF of oligoclonal bands, prior to the advent of MRI, and remain robust when clinical evaluations are carefully adjudicated (17). Key to the

diagnosis of MS is the exclusion of other diagnoses. The differential conditions that may mimic MS have regional implications, most significantly

influenced by risk for specific CNS infections, by genetically-defined disorders with population-based differences in frequency and clinical

expression, and by other inflammatory demyelinating conditions distinct from MS (Table 3) - the population prevalence of which differs across

the world.

The McDonald Diagnostic Criteria, revised in 2017, provide criteria for both clinical features and paraclinical tests to expedite a diagnosis of MS

(18). The criteria include the ability to render a diagnosis of MS in an individual who has a first neurological event with neurological findings

consistent with MS, provided specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features are also present on the baseline MRI scan. Spinal fluid

oligoclonal bands may also contribute to MS confirmation.

In addition to consideration of infection and genetic aetiologies, clinicians must also consider inflammatory demyelinating conditions that are

distinct from MS. A key responsibility is to exclude other aetiologies (see Table 3), as reviewed by an international expert panel (19). Prompt

diagnosis is imperative, given the large body of evidence supporting early intervention with disease modifying treatments (18).

Table 3 - Summary of common MS mimics - probability of each will vary by patient age and world region

Autoimmune/inflammatory conditions

CNS infections Metabolic conditions Vascular conditions Other

- Neuromyelitis

optica spectrum

disorder (NMOSD)

- Acute




- Myelin





- CNS Syphilis

- Lyme disease

- Human T


virus (HTLV)


- Vitamin B12


- Copper


- Mitochondrial


- Leukodystrophies

- Small vessel


- Stroke

- Susac syndrome


- Antiphospholipid






- Paraneoplastic


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- Sjogren’s


- CNS lupus

- Sarcoidosis

- Behçet’s disease

- CNS vasculitis

Investigation of individuals manifesting with incident CNS demyelination typically includes neuroimaging of the brain, and when

indicated, of the spine and optic nerves. Spinal fluid analysis to exclude infection, malignancy, and paraneoplastic syndromes is

performed as indicated, and for the detection of oligoclonal bands (present in over 95% of adults with MS). Serological testing for

antibodies against aquaporin 4 (AQP4) assist in the identification of patients with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD).

Other evaluations, based upon the history, presenting symptoms, patient characteristics and other factors should be individually

determined to exclude other possible diagnoses.

Treatment of MS

The AAN guidelines (3) conducted a systematic review similar to the EAN guidelines (2), to establish efficacy of DMTs in the treatment of

multiple sclerosis, please see Appendix 1A and 1B.

Glatiramer acetate (20mg or 40mg) is recommended as treatment for relapsing multiple sclerosis, including patients who have experienced a

single demyelinating event and have lesions typical of multiple sclerosis on brain MRI (known as clinically isolated syndrome or CIS). Based on its

favorable safety profile, glatiramer acetate is used off-label as treatment option in special populations including pediatric multiple sclerosis

(20,21) and pregnant women (22).

Although interferon preparations were considered for the moderate efficacy/low risk for long-term risk category, due to the requirement for

liver function monitoring, as well as the common experience of flu-like side effects, interferon therapies were not selected.

Fingolimod is proposed based on its efficacy, as shown in the AAN and EAN guidelines and its concurrent relevance in treatment in paediatric

populations (23,24).

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Several other oral therapies were considered. At present, neither dimethyl fumarate nor teriflunomide are approved across the age-span, and

teriflunomide has a black box warning in the USA due to its potential risks to the fetus.

Both the AAN and EAN guidelines recommend ocrelizumab for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, both for primary-progressive MS (as the only

DMT to shown to alter disease progression) and its demonstrated benefits in relapsing remitting MS (25).

Due to significant safety concerns and monitoring requirements, both natalizumab and alemtuzumab were not considered for inclusion of this

application. Both of these disease modifying therapies have increased safety concerns associated with their use, which require ongoing strict

clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging data to monitor for PML (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy -particularly for natalizumab) ,

hepatic dysfunction, other autoimmune conditions or malignancies, which require additional resources and financial costs to health care systems

and patients (26).

Pertaining to PML, the AAN guidelines state that due to its risk of PML (3), natalizumab should only be recommended “when there is a

reasonable chance of benefit compared to the low but serious risk of PML”. The known risk factors of natalizumab-induced PML is highest for

patients with anti-JCV antibody-positive status; prior treatment with an immunosuppressant (regardless of duration or point in time); and

treatment with natalizumab for <24 months. The estimated incidence for natalizumab-induced PML in patients with all three risk factors is

11/1,000 (27). Monitoring recommendations for patients treated with natalizumab include testing anti-JCV antibody index each six-months and

after 12 months, annual MRI imaging is recommended. Patients with an anti-JCV antibody positive index requires further monitoring ranging

from MRI scans every six months to every 3-4 months, depending on the index (27). Natalizumab is the only DMT listed as Class 1, ‘high potential

risk of PML’ whereas fingolimod and dimethyl fumarate are listed as Class 2 ‘low potential risk for PML’, and alemtuzumab, rituximab,

mitoxantrone and teriflunomide are listed as Class 3 ‘no or very low risk for PML’ (28).

Comparatively aligned with the AAN guidelines, a Cochrane Review of natalizumab as treatment for relapsing multiple sclerosis suggests that

though proven highly effective in managing disease activity, due to significant safety concerns related to PML it should be used only by ‘skilled

neurologists in MS centres under national or international surveillance programs’ (29).

Cost and access to medical equipment and expertise in diagnosing PML in low to middle resource countries is unknown. Well-established pharmacovigilance programs in low to middle resource countries are also unknown. This speaks only to resources available to manage monitoring patients for risk of PML. The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) 2016 published a Draft Evidence Report: DMTs for RRMS and PPMS reporting the cost associated with PML as an adverse event, is approximately $23,444.88 USD (30).

As of August 2017, there were 749 cases of confirmed PML in patients treated with natalizumab worldwide. PML is not isolated to treatment with natalizumab, though it carries the highest risk. PML has been reported in patients treated with fingolimod, dimethyl fumarate and ocrelizumab. As of August 2017, 15 cases of PML were reported in patients treated with fingolimod. The risk of PML in patients treated with

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fingolimod who were natalizumab-naïve is low with an estimated risk of 0.069/1,000 (95% CI: 0.039–0.114), and an estimated incidence rate of 3.12/100,000 patient-years (95% CI: 1.75–5.15) (31).

As of August 2017, there were five confirmed cases of PML in patients treated with dimethyl fumarate (31).

A of September 2018, six cases of PML have been reported in patients treated with ocrelizumab. All cases have been reported as carry-over from previous treatment with natalizumab (five cases) and fingolimod (one case). Due to its relatively recent marketing, PML risk in patients treated with ocrelizumab has not yet been well-established (32). No cases of PML were reported throughout ocrelizumab clinical trials (32).

All long-term immunosuppressive therapies are associated with PML and other opportunistic infections. The PML risk with fingolimod and ocrelizumab are very low (less than one case per 10,000 treated patients) in comparison to natalizumab, which has a risk that it is two orders of magnitude higher in patients who are infected with JCV.

Many off-label treatments have been promoted and used in multiple sclerosis, these include azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine,

leflunomide, fludarabine. methotrexate, mitoxantrone (licensed in some countries), mycophenolate, rituximab and tacrolimus. Apart from the

evidence-base for rituximab, supported by data from ocrelizumab a licensed disease-modifying therapy in the same class (anti-CD20), the

committee did not feel the data justified including any of these on the EML. Azathioprine was submitted in the past for the treatment of MS to

the EML, but as that application was unsuccessful, we did not feel it warranted that it should be proposed again.

The following Table 4 provides the approved marketed dose, administration, pre-dose testing and post-dose monitoring for each of the

proposed medications based on each medication’s product monograph. Depending on the DMT, additional tests may be warranted to assess for

infections and immunization status based on local guidelines. The duration for which patients should remain on the prescribed DMT will vary

depending on the disease course and several other factors outlined below as per AAN Guidelines:

“No RCTs have directly addressed the question of whether, when, or why to discontinue DMTs in an individual with relapsing-remitting MS

(RRMS) who has no evidence of relapses or disability progression and has stable brain imaging. The natural history of untreated RRMS is for

relapses and disability accumulation to occur. Early studies suggest that most individuals with RRMS ultimately advance to secondary progressive

multiple sclerosis (SPMS) if observed for long enough intervals, although disease course is highly variable. People with MS who are stable on

DMTs may question the continued value of using DMTs. If people with MS on DMTs stop these medications, continued monitoring may show

subclinical disease activity or relapse activity that would indicate a possible need for treatment resumption (33).

None of the available DMTs is completely effective against relapses and MRI activity. When a patient shows breakthrough disease activity

(continued relapses, MRI activity), trying a medication with a different mechanism or efficacy profile may be beneficial. Although all possible

clinical scenarios cannot be answered by drug trials, current evidence supports higher efficacy of alemtuzumab, natalizumab, fingolimod, and

ocrelizumab compared with previously approved self-injectable DMTs. Tolerability and likelihood of adherence are other factors that are

important in decisions about switching DMTs. Physician judgment and patient preferences are critical in this process (33).”

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Table 4 – Approved marketed dose, administration, pre-dose testing and post-dose monitoring

Medicine Dosing Administration Pre-dose testing Post – dose monitoring

Glatiramer acetate Indication: Relapsing forms of MS including clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)

20mg 40mg

Self administered subcutaneous once per day (20mg) or three times weekly (40mg)

No routine tests are recommended.

No routine tests are recommended.

Fingolimod Indication: Relapsing forms of MS

0.5 mg for patients >40 Kg 0.25 mg for patients <40 Kg

Oral self-administration Daily

Serum VZV IgG CBC Hepatic function Eye exam including macular examination Cardiac evaluation in patients with pre-existing cardiac conditions *Additional screening as appropriate for infectious diseases and to establish immunization status as per local guidelines.

First dose: Monitor heart rate and blood pressure hourly for 6 hours after the first dose administration (or if restarting therapy after 14 days or more since last dose) 12-lead EKG prior to and following the first dose or redosing Post-dosing: Skin evaluation yearly for potential malignant lesions Eye exam to evaluate for macular edema 3-4 months after treatment initiation and again if any visual change Periodic monitoring of CBC and hepatic function Regular BP check

Medicine Dosing Administration Pre-dose testing Post – dose monitoring

Ocrelizumab Indication: Relapsing forms of MS

First dose: 300 mg day one and 300 mg day 14 Thereafter 600 mg

Intravenous every 6 months under close supervision of an experienced healthcare professional with access to appropriate medical support to

Hepatitis B screening Administration of all immunizations at least 6

Premedicate 30 min prior to each infusion with IV methylprednisolone 100 mg

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Primary progressive MS manage severe reactions such as serious infusion reactions.

weeks prior to initiation of ocrelizumab Assess for infection prior to initial and subsequent dosing *Additional screening as appropriate for infectious diseases. and to establish immunization status as per local guidelines.

Premedicate 30-60 min prior to infusion with an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine My also consider an antipyretic prior to infusion Infuse first 2 doses each over 2.5 hours and thereafter infuse over 3.5 hours Observe the patient for at least one hour after infusion for infusion related reactions

References: US Product monographs Copaxone 2018, Gilenya 2016, Ocrevus, 2017

8. Information supporting the public health relevance (epidemiological information on disease burden, assessment of current use, target

population, likely impact of treatment of disease)

In 2013, it was estimated that there were more than 2.3 million people with MS worldwide (34,35). The incidence and prevalence of MS are

rising, with studies published and due to be published showing significantly larger numbers than was previously estimated (36–43). Women are

disproportionally affected, with female prevalence 2-3 times that for male (35,44). Caucasians of old European origin have been thought to be

affected most, having a concentration of genetic risk. However studies show that other racial groups are affected too, and the research shows

that MS may be more aggressive (or progressive) in the African-American and British black Caribbean populations (45,46). Although the cause is

not fully understood, MS is considered to have complex causality blending genetic risk and environmental factors. People can be diagnosed

throughout the age range, though MS is most often diagnosed between the ages of 20-50. MS is of particular relevance to women due to the

higher incidence rate and that MS is diagnosed during the reproductive age. The onset of MS may also occur in childhood, and it is estimated

that 3%-10% of all individuals with MS experience their first attack prior to age 18 years (47). The incidence of pediatric-onset MS in North

American and European studies has been reported to be between 0.13 to 0.6 cases per 100 000 children (48).

MS produces numerous symptoms based upon the location of CNS damage. Symptoms can be temporary, associated with relapses, or

permanent and progressive. Symptoms negatively impact functional abilities and quality of life, and often include overwhelming fatigue, mood

and cognitive changes, mobility impairment, sensory impairment, visual disturbances, sexual dysfunction, and impaired bowel and bladder


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People with MS report lower health-related quality of life compared to other populations – including those with other chronic illnesses.

Depression is one of the factors that contributes to a lower health-related quality of life (49). Mood disorders are a significant co-morbidity in

MS (50). There is estimated to be 70% prevalence of depression in MS (51). Suicidal ideation and completed suicides are of higher likelihood in

the MS population with anxiety plus depression increasing the risk for self-harm (52). Disease modifying therapies limit new inflammation and

disease activity and have a favorable impact on health-related quality of life. These effects may have a favorable impact on mood issues in MS.

Though there is significant variance globally, a North American study suggested that approximately 60% of people with MS are unemployed (53),

accounting for about one third of the total economic burden of MS (54). In addition to a loss in productivity, people with MS will have additional

care needs with advancing age and disease severity. The economic burden of MS per patient and year ranges from approximately $24 666 to

$51 678 USD (55). These amounts represent direct costs, which include in and out patient care, medications, medical procedures and social

services as well as indirect costs related to loss of employment, disability benefits, early pension plans, and loss of productivity for spouses or

family members providing informal care and death. Given the most frequent age of presentation (young adults), it is important to note that MS

has both physical and cognitive impact, and also impacts the family development of the patients, as well as, determines a socio-economic impact

on society as a whole.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that a person with disabilities should have the ability to live in equal dignity and

rights as others. Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in

interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Article 25 on Health in

section (b) states: “Provide those health services needed by persons with disabilities specifically because of their disabilities, including early

identification and intervention as appropriate, and services designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and

older persons;”(56). Given the proven positive impact of DMTs on reduction of disability in MS, we respectfully suggest that the present

application to the EML addresses a fundamental right of people with MS.

Likely impact of treatment of disease is to reduce the long term burden of the disease, i.e. to delay disability progression and to prevent

secondary progressive MS (57). Quality of life and socioeconomic burden of MS is very closely linked to disability, therefore, delaying and

preventing disability worsening will have a major impact for individuals with the disease and for society (58).

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9. Review of benefits: summary of evidence of comparative effectiveness

Efficacy data for all DMTs:

The pivotal trials for the currently approved DMTs were based on primary endpoints that represent measurable clinical disease activity (i.e. time

to first relapse and annualized relapse rate), with secondary endpoints that either included other clinical metrics (i.e. time to sustained disability

progression), and/or MRI measures of disease burden and accrual of new MRI changes over time. Trial endpoints, both primary and secondary

are variable among the trials, which make cross -trial comparisons difficult. Recent studies have also evaluated the concept of “no evidence of

disease activity (NEDA)”. Achievement of NEDA requires cessation of all clinical relapses, absence of clinical disease progression, and serial MRI

studies demonstrating no new T2-bright or gadolinium-enhancing lesions. Some studies have expanded NEDA to also include normalisation of

progressive brain atrophy to less than is considered abnormal for age-expected annual change. Table 5 provides a summary of the Phase III

clinical trial data for the disease modifying therapies with indications for MS treatment. The outcome measurements of greatest interest are the

primary outcome measurements; however, the secondary outcomes of MRI (gadolinium enhancement and T2 lesions and/or lesion volume) and

disability progression are considered important to the understanding of overall disease activity. MRI outcomes generally include gadolinium

enhancement, a marker of active inflammation and T2 lesions or lesion volume, a measure of overall disease burden. Disability progression is

generally measured using the expanded disability status score (EDSS), a score calculated from individual scores of pyramidal, visual, brainstem,

cerebellar, sensory, elimination, and cerebral (mental) function.

Table 5 - Summary of Phase III Clinical Trial Data for all Disease Modifying Therapies Indicated for Multiple Sclerosis.

Agent Effect on Relapse Rate Effect on Disability Progression

Effect on Gd+ lesions Effect on New or Enlarging T2 lesions

Glatiramer acetate (GA) Study: GA 20 mg SC injection daily vs placebo injection daily. N=251 Primary endpoint: difference in relapse rate at 24 months Neurology 1995;45:1268-1276 (59)

Relapses - primary 29% reduction in relapse rate over 24 months+: mean relapse rate -1.68 placebo; 1.19 GA (p=0.007) Number of relapses during 2-year study – placebo 210; GA 161; Annualized relapse rates 0.84 placebo; 0.59 daily GA

Disability - secondary Proportion of progression free patients at 24 months: 75.4% placebo; 78.4% GA (N.S.)(this was not found to be statistically significant) Proportion of patients with a change in disability between baseline and conclusion: Improved - EDSS GA

No MRI outcomes in the

Phase 3 trial

No MRI outcomes in the Phase 3 trial

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24.8%; placebo 15.2%. Unchanged-GA 54.4%; placebo 56%. Worsened- GA 20.8%; placebo 28.8% (p=0.37 categorical repeated measures EDSS change from baseline to Mo24 (mean ± SD) GA -0.05 ± 1.13; placebo 0.21 ± 0.99 (p=0.023 (repeated measures ANCOVA)

Interferon beta-1a subcutaneous Study: Interferon beta 1a SC (44mcg or 22 mcg) three times weekly or placebo. N=560 Primary endpoint – mean number of relapses at 2 years

Lancet 1998;352:1498-1504 (60)

Relapses - primary Mean number of relapses at 2 years in the 44mcg dose against placebo was 33% (95% CI 21–44%) and the 22 mcg dose against placebo was 27% (95% CI 14–39%)

Disability - secondary Time to sustained progression (defined as an increase in EDSS of at least 1 point sustained over at least 3 months): 11.9 months (RR 1.00) placebo; 18.5 months 22 mcg (RR 0.68 (CI: 0.48-0.98); 21.3 months; 44 mcg (RR=0.62, CI:0.43-0.91, p<0.05 compared to placebo)

MRI outcomes - secondary Median # of active lesions per patient per scan: 2.25 placebo; 0.5 44mcg dose (p<0.0001)

MRI outcomes - secondary Median % change of MRI PD-T2 lesion area at two years: 11% placebo; -3.8% 44mcg dose (p<0.0001)

Interferon beta-1a intramuscular Study: Interferon beta-1a intramuscularly 30 mcg or placebo N=301 Primary outcome- time to sustained progression of disability

Relapses - secondary 18% reduction mean number relapses per patient year: 0.82 placebo; 0.67 treated (p=0.04)

Primary Endpoint - Progression of disability Proportion with progres- sion of disability by 104 weeks estimated from Kaplan- Meier curves was 34.9% in placebo recipients and 21.9% in interferon beta-la recipients (p=0.02)

MRI outcomes - secondary Proportion of gadolinium positive scans - Treated- 29.9%; placebo- 42.3% (p = 0.05). This group difference persisted at year 2

MRI outcomes - secondary Median % change T2 lesion volume from study entry to year 2: -6.5% placebo; -13.2% treated (this was not found to be statistically significant)

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Annals of Neurology 1996;39(3):285-294 (61)

Interferon beta-1b Phase III Study: Interferon beta-1b (8 MIU or 1.6 MIU subcutaneous injection every other day vs placebo. N=372 Primary outcome- Annual relapse rate Neurology 1993 Apr;43(4):655-61 (62)

Relapses - primary Annualized relapse rate at 2 years: 1.27 placebo; 1.17- 1.6

MIU; 0.84- 8MIU; (p=

0.0001 for placebo vs

8MIU; 0.01 for placebo vs

1.6 MIU; 0.0086 for 8 MIU

vs 1.6 MIU)

Disability - secondary Disability measured as stable or worsened by 1.0 in EDSS score over baseline (consecutive EDSS measurements separated by 90 days: Confirmed endpoint Stable 88 (72%) placebo ; 90 (72%) 1.6 MIU; 97 (80%) 8 MIU (placebo vs 8 MIU p=0.161) Worsened: 34 (28% placebo; 35 (28%) 1.6 MIU; 25 (20%) 8 MIU (placebo vs 8 MIU p=0.161)

No Gd MRI outcome measurements in the Phase III study

MRI outcomes - secondary %change in mean MRI lesion area at 2 years: 20% increase placebo; 10.5% increase 1.6 MIU; 0.1% decrease 8 MIU.

Peginterferon beta-1a Study: Pegylated interferon beta-1a 125 micrograms subcutaneous injection every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks or placebo N=1512 Primary endpoint: Annualized relapse rate at 48 weeks Lancet Neurology 2014 Jul;13(7):657-65).

Relapses - primary 36% reduction annualized relapse rate at 48 weeks: 0.397 (CI 0.33-0.48) placebo; 0.256 (CI 0.21-0.32) treated every 2 weeks(p=0.0007), RR=0.64 (CI 0.50-0.83) and treated every 4 weeks 0·288 (CI 0·234-0·355)

Disability - secondary Proportion of patients who had had 12 weeks of sustained disability progression at 48 weeks was 0·105 (SE 0·0142) in the placebo group and 0·068 (SE 0·0119) in both intervention groups

MRI outcomes - secondary Mean number contrast enhancing lesions at 48 wks: 1.4 (0.17 SE) placebo; 0.2 (0.05 SE) treated (p<0.0001)

MRI outcomes - secondary Mean number new or newly enlarging T2 lesions at 48 wks: 10.9 (CI: 9.6-12.5) placebo; 3.6 (CI: 3.1-4.2) treated (p<0.0001)

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Dimethyl fumarate (DMF Phase III Studies: Study 1 24-month DMF 240 mg twice daily or 3 times daily or placebo N=1237 Primary endpoint-proportion of patients who had relapse by 2 years NEJM 2012;367(12):1098-107) (64) Study 2 24-month DMF 240 mg (2or3 times/day) or placebo or glatiramer acetate (GA) (as a reference comparator) N=1430 Primary endpoint- annualized relapse rate over 2 years NEJM 2012;367(12):1087-1097) (65)

Relapses - Primary Study 1: 49% reduction in proportion relapsing within two years+: 46% placebo; 27% treated twice daily and 26% treated 3 times daily (twice daily OR= 0.42, 95% CI: 0.31-0.57, p<0.001 and 3 times daily 0.41 (0.30-0.56)) Study 2: 44% reduction in annualized relapse rate at two years: 0.40 (95%CI: 0.33-0.49) placebo; 0.22 (CI: 0.18-0.28) 240 mg DMF twice daily (p<0.001) 0.20 (CI:0.16-0.25) 240 mg DMF 3 times daily and 0.29 (CI:0.23-0.35) daily GA

Disability - secondary Study 1: 38% decrease in risk of disability progression at 2 years, confirmed at 12 weeks , 27% placebo; 16% twice daily and 34% in the 3 times daily (twice daily-HR= 0.62, 95% CI:0.44-0.87, p<0.005 (3 times daily-HR=0.66; 955 CI:0.48-0.92 p=0.01) Study 2: Estimated proportion of patients with progression at 2 years (confirmed at least 12 weeks later) 17% placebo; 13% 240 mg DMF twice daily (HR= 0.79, 95% CI:0.52-1.19)

;13% 240 mg DMF 3 times daily (HR 0.76 (0.50-1.16); 16% daily GA HR 0.93 (0.63-1.37)

MRI outcomes - secondary Study 1: mean number Gd+ lesions at two years: 1.8 (SD:4.2)placebo; 0.1 (SD:0.6) 240mg bid dose (OR= 0.1, 95% CI:0.05-0.22, p<0.001) and 0.5 (SD±1.7) 3 times daily (OR: 0.27, 95% CI: 0.15-0.46) Study 2: number Gd+ lesions at two years: 2.0 (± 5.6) placebo; 0.5 (±:1.7) 240mg DMF twice daily dose (OR vs placebo : 0.26, 95% CI:0.15-0.46, p<0.001); 0.4 ±1.2 240 mg DMF 3 times daily (OR vs placebo 0.35 CI:0.20-0.59 p<0.001); 0.7±1.8 daily GA (OR vs placebo 0.39 (0.24-0.65 p<0.001)

MRI outcomes - secondary Study 1: mean number new or enlarging T2 lesions at two years: 17 (95% CI:12.9-22.4) placebo; 2.6 (CI: 2.0-3.5) 240mg twice daily ; 4.4 (CI: 3.2-5.9) Study 2: mean number new or enlarging T2 lesions at two years: 17.4 (95% CI:13.5-22.4) placebo; 5.1 (CI:3.9-6.6) 240mg DMF twice daily dose ; 4.7 (3.6-6.2) 240 mg DMF 3 times daily; 8.0 (6.3-10.2) daily GA

Fingolimod Study 1: 24 months Oral fingolimod 0.5

Relapses - primary Study 1: 54% reduction in annualized relapse rate

Disability - secondary Study 1: Probability of disability progression

MRI outcomes - secondary Study 1: mean number T1 Gd+ lesions at month 24:

MRI outcomes - secondary Study 1: mean # new or newly enlarging T2 lesions over 24 months:

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mg or 1.25 mg daily or placebo. N=1272 Primary endpoint- Annualized relapse rate

NEJM 2010 Feb4;363(5):387-401) (66)

Study 2: 24 months Oral fingolimod 0.5 mg or 1.25 mg daily or placebo. N=1083 Primary endpoint: Annualised relapse rate at month 24 Lancet Neurology 2014;13:545-56. (67) Study 3: 12 months Oral fingolimod 1.25 mg or 0.5 mg or intramuscular interferon beta-1a Primary endpoint: annualized relapse rate NEJM 2010 Feb 4:362(5):402-15. (68)

over two years+: 0.40 (CI:0.34-0.47) placebo; 0.18 (CI:0.15-0.22) 0.5mg dose (p<0.001); 0.16 with 1.25 mg dose (CI: 0.13 to 0.19) p<0.001 Study 2: 48% reduction in annualized relapse rate over two years+: 0.40 (CI: 0.34-0.48) placebo; 0.21 (CI:0.17-0.25) 0.5mg dose (p<0.0001)) Study 3: annualized relapse rate over 12 months+: 0.33 (CI:0.26-0.42) IFN; 0.16 (CI: 0.12-0.21) 0.5mg dose (p<0.001)

confirmed at 3 months 17.7% 0.5mg; 16.6% 1.25 mg and 24.1% with placebo (NEJM 2010 Feb4;363(5):387-401. Study 2: confirmed disability progression (hazard rate 0.83 with fingolimod 0.5 mg vs placebo; 95% CI 0·61–1·12; p=0·227) S tudy 3: % with absence of disability progression at three months: 92.1% (CI:89.4-94.7) IFN; 94.1% (CI: 91.8-96.3) 0.5mg dose (p=0.25)

0.2 (SD: 1.1) placebo; 0.2 (SD: 0.8) 0.5mg dose (p<0.001) Study 2: mean # T1 Gd+ lesions at month 24: 1.2 (SD: 2.97) placebo; 0.4 (SD: 1.84) 0.5mg dose (p<0.0001) Study 3: mean # T1 Gd+ lesions at 12 months: 0.51 (SD: 1.86) IFN, 0.23 (SD: 0.97) 0.5mg dose (p<.001)

9.8 (SD: 13.2) placebo; 2.5 (SD:7.2) 0.5mg dose (p<0.001) Study 2: mean # new or newly enlarging T2 lesions over 24 months: 8.9 (SD: 13.86) placebo; 2.3 (SD:7.26) 0.5mg dose (p<0.0001) Study 3: mean # new or newly enlarging T2 lesions at 12 months: 2.6 (SD:5.8) IFN, 1.7 (SD: 3.9) 0.5mg dose (p=0.004)

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Teriflunomide Study 1: 2-year study teriflunomide 7 mg or 14 mg or placebo N=1088 Primary endpoint Annualized relapse rate NEJM 2011;365:1293-303. (69) Study 2: 2 -year study teriflunomide 7 mg or 14 mg or placebo N=1169 Primary endpoint: Annualized relapse rate (number of relapses per patient year) Lancet Neurology 2014 Mar;13(3):247-56. (70)

Relapses – primary Study 1: 31% reduction in annualized relapse rate over two years+: 0.54 (95% CI: 0.47-0.62) placebo; 0.37 (CI: 0.32-0.43) for 7mg and 0.37 (CI: 0.31-0.44) 14mg doses (p<0.001) Study 2: Annualized relapse rate over two years+: 0.50 (CI: 0.43-0.58) placebo; 0.39 (CI: 0.33-0.46) for 7mg dose (p<0.0183) and 0.32 (CI: 0.27-0.38) for 14 mg dose (p<0.0001)

Disability – secondary Study 1: Proportion with confirmed disability progression ≥12 weeks: 27.3% (95% CI: 22.3-32.3) placebo; 21.7% (CI:17.1-26.3) 7mg dose (N.S.); 20.2% (CI:15.6-24.7) 14mg dose (p=0.03) Study 2: Risk of sustained accumulation of disability compared to placebo: HR 0.95 [0.68-1.35; log-rank p=0.7620 7mg dose (N.S.); HR 0.68 (95% CI 0.47-1.00; log-rank p=0.0442 14mg dose (p=0.04)

MRI outcomes – secondary Study 1: Estimated number Gd+ lesions per scan: 1.33 (95% CI: 1.06-1.67) placebo; 0.57 (CI: 0.43-0.75) 7mg dose (p<0.001); 0.26 (0.17-0.41) 14mg dose (p<0.001) Study 2: No MRI outcomes

MRI outcomes – secondary Study 1: Volume of T2 lesions change from baseline (ml) 1.67 ±6.47 placebo; 0.81±6.18 p=0.04 7 mg dose; 0.39±6.90 p<0.001 14 mg dose. Study 2: No MRI outcomes

Oral cladribine Study: 96-week trial cladribine 3.5 or 5.25 mg/kg or placebo N=1326 Primary endpoint: Relapse rate at 96 weeks NEJM 2010;362(5)416-26 (71)

Relapses - primary Annualized relapse rate 96 weeks 0.33 (CI: 0.29-0.38) placebo; 0.14 (CI: 0.12-0.17) 3.5mg/kg (p<.001); 0.15 (CI: 0.12-0.17) 5.25mg/kg (p<0.001)

Disability - Secondary Relative reduction in risk of 3-month sustained progression of disability 33% reduction Cladribine 3.5-mg/kg (HR: 0.67; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.93; P=0.02); 31% reduction cladribine 5.25-mg/kg (HR:

MRI outcomes – secondary Mean number Gd lesions 0.91 placebo;0.12 3.5 mg/kg ; 0.11 5.25 mg/kg

MRI outcomes – secondary Mean number of active T2 lesions 1.43 placebo; 0.38 3.5 mg/kg; 0.33 5.25 mg/kg

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0.69; 95% CI, 0.49 to 0.96; P=0.03)


Study 1: Alemtuzumab 12 mgday or interferon beta-1a SC three timew weekly (Interferon beta 1a was given three-times per week and alemtuzumab was given once per day for 5 days at baseline and once per day for 3 days at 12 months) N=563 Coprimary endpoints were relapse rate and time to 6 month sustained accumulation of disability in all patients who received at least one dose of study drug Lancet. 2012 Nov 24;380(9856):1819-28 (72) Study 2: 2-year Ifn beta 1a three times weekly or alemtuzumab 12 mg/day or alemtuzumab 24 mg/day N=628.

Relapses - primary Study 1: 55% risk reduction in annualized relapse rate over two years+: 0.39 (CI:0.29-0.53) IFN; 0.18 (CI: 0.13-0.23) alemtuzumab (p<0.0001) Study 2: 49% risk reduction in annualized relapse rate over two years: 0.52 (95% CI:0.41-0.66) IFN; 0.26 (CI: 0.21-0.33) alemtuzumab

Disability - primary Study 1: sustained disability accumulation confirmed over six months: 11.12% (95% CI: 7.32-16.71) IFN; 8% (CI: 5.66-11.24) alemtuzumab (p=0.22) HR=0.70 (CI: 0.40-1.23) Study 2: sustained disability accumulation confirmed over six months: 21.13% (CI: 15.95-27.68) IFN; 12.71% (CI:9.89-16.27) alemtuzumab ) HR: 0.58

MRI outcomes - secondary Study 1: Patients with Gd lesions at 24 months: 34/178 (19%) IFN; 26/366 (7%) alemtuzumab p<0.0001 Study 2: Patients with Gd lesions at 24 months: 44/190 (23%) IFN; 38/410 (9%) alemtuzumab p<0.0001

MRI outcomes - secondary Study 1: patients with new or enlarging T2 lesions: 99/172 (58%) IFN; 176/363 (48%) alemtuzumab p=0.04 Study 2: patients with new or enlarging T2 lesions: 127/187 (68%) IFN; 186/403 (46%) p<0.0001

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Interferon beta 1a was given three-times per week and alemtuzumab was given once per day for 5 days at baseline and for 3 days at 12 months. NOTE: 24 mg per day group was discontinued to aid recruitment Coprimary endpoints: were relapse rate and time to 6 month sustained accumulation of disability, comparing alemtuzumab 12 mg and interferon beta 1a Lancet. 2012 Nov 24;380(9856):1829-39 (73)

(0.38-0.87) (42% risk reduction -p=0.0084)

Natalizumab Study: Natalizumab 300 mg IV infusion or placebo infusion every 4 weeks for 2 years N=942 Primary endpoints: relapse rate at 1 year and rate of sustained disability progression at 2 years.

Relapses - primary 1 year: 0.78 (CI:0.64-0.94) placebo; 0.27 (CI: 0.21-0.33) natalizumab (p<0.001) 2 year: 0.73 (CI: 0.62-0.87) placebo; 0.23 (CI: 0.19-0.28) treated (p<0.001)

Disability - primary Cumulative probability of sustained progression at 2yrs: 29% placebo; 17% treated (HR=0.58, 95% CI: 0.43-0.77) (p<0.001)

MRI outcomes - secondary Mean # Gd+ lesions at two years: 1.2 (±3.9) placebo; 0.1 (±1.4) natalizumab

MRI outcomes - secondary Mean # new or enlarging T2 lesions at two years: 11.0 (±: 15.7) placebo; 1.9 (±: 9.2) treated

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NEJM 2006;354(9):899-910. (74)

Ocrelizumab Study 1 and 2 in relapsing MS: intravenous ocrelizumab 600 mg every 24 wks or interferon beta 1a three times weekly for 96 weeks. N=821; N=835 Primary endpoint Study 1 and 2: Annualized relapse rate NEJM 2017; 376:221-234 (25) Primary Progressive MS Study: Intravenous ocrelizumab 600 mg or placebo every 24 weeks for at least 120 wks Primary endpoint: Percentage of patients with disability progression confirmed at 12 weeks in time-to-event analysis

Relapses - primary Study 1: Annualized relapse rate at 96 weeks: 0.29 (CI: 0.24-0.36) IFN; 0.16 (CI: 0.12-0.20) ocrelizumab (p<0.001) Study 2: 0.29 (CI:0.23-0.36) IFN; 0.16 (CI: 0.12-0.20) ocrelizumab (p<0.001) Primary Progressive MS: Relapses not a reported outcome measurement

Disability - secondary Study 1: 12.2% IFN;7.6% ocrelizumab HR 0.57 (95% CI 0.37-0.90)p<0.001 Study 2: 15.1% IFN;10.6% ocrelizumab HR 0.63 (CI: 0.42-0.92) p=0.02 Primary progressive MS: Confirmed disability progression for ≥12 wks: 96/244 (39.3%) placebo; 160/487 (32.9%) HR 0.76 (95% CI:0,59-0.98) p+0.03

MRI outcomes – secondary Mean # of T1 Gd+ lesions per scan: Study 1: 0.29 IFN (CI: 0.20-0.41); 0.02 ocrelizumab (CI: 0.01-0.03):RR: 0.06 (CI 0.03-0.10) p<0.001) Study 2: 0.42 IFN (95% CI: 0.31-0.56); 0.02 ocrelizumab (CI: 0.01-0.04): RR 0.05 (CI 0.03-0.09 (p<0.001) Primary progressive MS: Gd not a reported outcome measurement

MRI outcomes - secondary Mean # of new and/or enlarging T2 lesions per scan: Study 1: 1.41 (CI: 1.12-1.78) IFN; 0.32 (CI:0.26-0.41) ocrelizumab: RR 0.23 (CI: 0.17-0.30) (p<0.001) Study 2: 1.90 (CI: 1.54-2.36) IFN; 0.33 (CI: 0.26-0.41) ocrelizumab: RR 0.17 (CI 0.13-0.23) (p<0.001) Primary progressive MS: Adjusted geometric mean % change in volume of T2 lesions from baseline to week 120: 7.43 (95% CI 4.97-9.94) placebo; -3.37 % (CI:-4.99 to -1.72)p<0.001 Secondary outcome – brain volume: Mean % change in brain volume from week 24 to 120: -1.09 (CI: -1.24 to -0.95) placebo; -0.90 (CI: -1.00 to -0.80) treated (p=0.02)

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NEJM 2017;376:209-20 (75)

Table 6 – Head-to-head trial Summaries

Study Agents Findings

REGARD (76) Glatiramer acetate vs. IFNB-1a tiw No significant difference between GA and INFB 1a relapse rate (hazard ratio 0.94, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.21; p=0.64) or the number and change in volume of T2 active lesions or volume of gadolinium-enhancing lesions.

TRANSFORMS (68) Fingolimod vs. INFB-1a weekly A prospective, 12-month, double-blind, randomized trial of 1153 RRMS patients demonstrated superior efficacy in favour of fingolimod with respect to relapse rate (p<0.001) and MRI outcomes (p<0.001).

OPERA I and II (25) Ocrelizumab vs. IFNB-1a tiw Demonstrated the superiority of ocrelizumab in annualized relapse rate and MRI outcomes, as well as disability progression (pooled analysis).

PARADIGMS (24) Fingolimod vs. INFB-1a weekly Among pediatric patients (10-17 years, mean age 15.3 years) with relapsing multiple sclerosis, fingolimod was associated with a lower rate of relapse (p<0.001) and less accumulation of lesions on MRI (p<0.001) over a 2-year period than interferon beta-1a but was associated with a higher rate of serious adverse events.

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Identification of clinical evidence (search strategy systematic reviews identified, reasons for selection/exclusion of particular data)

The evidence outlined above was identified as part of a systematic review and meta-analysis, conducted to inform the ECTRIMS/EAN Guideline

on the pharmacological treatment for people with multiple sclerosis (2). To identify systematic reviews and clinical trials of disease modifying

therapies for MS, the following databases were searched (inception – December 2015): Central, Embase, MEDLINE and PsychINFO. Terms used

included ‘multiple sclerosis or myelitis’, ‘Disease modifying agents or immunosuppressants’, and known drug names. Appendix 3A (RRMS) and

3B (PPMS) contains the GRADE tables from the analysis.

Summary of available data: appraisal of quality, outcome measures, summary of results

The quality appraisal process was conducted using the Cochrane collaboration's’ tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials (77). The

GRADE approach was used to assess the quality of evidence for each outcome, taking into account the following items: study design, risk of bias,

inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision (78).


Summary of available data: Glatiramer Acetate

RRMS Three trials (N=3217) compared glatiramer acetate with placebo with length of follow up ranging from 52 to 104 weeks (59,65,79).

Compared to placebo, glatiramer acetate lowers annualized relapse rates for follow ups of 52-96 weeks (MD=-0.14, 95% CI: -0.21 to -0.06,

moderate quality evidence, n=2117, K=2) and results in more patients free from relapse at 1-2 years follow up (RR=1.17, 95% CI: 1.10-1.24,

moderate quality evidence, n=2360, K=3). Glatiramer acetate was also shown to result in a lower number of cumulative gadolinium enhancing

(GAD) lesions (MD=-0.73, 95% CI: -1.15 to -0.31, high quality evidence, n=1325, K=1) and new or newly enlarging T2 lesions at 6 and 12 months

follow up (MD=-1.94, 95% CI: -3.03 to -0.85, high quality evidence, n=1325, K=1)). Low quality evidence showed a non-statistically significant

effect on disability at 2 years follow up (RR=0.86, 95% CI: 0.66 to 1.11, n=964, K=2).

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Number of participants relapse free 52-104 weeks follow up

Annualized relapse rate 52-96 weeks follow up

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Comparative effectiveness. Glatiramer acetate was compared to interferon in 4 trials (76,80–82). At 2 years’ follow up, the number of

participants free from relapse did not significantly differ (RR=0.98, 95% CI: 0.90-1.06, moderate quality meta-analysis, n=2175, K=3), nor did

extent of disability worsening (RR=1.07, 95% CI: 0.83-1.31, K=1).

PPMS One trial compared glatiramer acetate to placebo for patients with primary-progressive MS (n=970) (83). There was a non-significant

effect on the number of participants with disability worsening (RR=0.87, 95% CI: 0.75-1.02) and longer time to disability worsening (HR=0.87,

95% CI: 0.71-1.07) in the glatiramer acetate group.


Summary of available data: Fingolimod

RRMS Two trials compared fingolimod with placebo, with two years follow up (66,67). A larger proportion of patients were free from relapse at

two years in the fingolimod arm (RR=1.44, 95% CI: 1.28-1.63, moderate quality evidence, n=2355, K=2). Annualised relapse rate was also lower in

the fingolimod arm (MD=-0.21, 95% CI: -0.25 to -0.16, moderate quality evidence, n=2355, K=2). Fingolimod put participants at a lower risk of

disability worsening compared to placebo (RR=0.71, 95% CI: 0.56-0.90, moderate quality evidence, n=2355, K=2). Patients also had fewer new or

newly enlarged T2 lesions (RR=2.16, 95% CI: 1.77-2.63, moderate quality evidence, n=1192, K=2) and fewer GAD lesions (MD=-0.87, 95% CI: -1.10

to -0.64, moderate quality evidence, n=1216, K=2) at two years follow up. According to one study, fingolimod reduced percent change in brain

volume at 1-2 years follow up (MD=0.3, 95% CI: 0.16-0.44, moderate quality evidence n=685, K=1).

Number of participants relapse free: 104 weeks follow up

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Annualized relapse rate: 104 weeks follow up

Comparative effectiveness One trial compared fingolimod with interferon (68). Moderate quality evidence showed that participants in the

fingolimod arm had lower annualized relapse rates (MD=-0.17, 95% CI: -0.26 to -0.08, moderate quality meta-analysis, n=860), and more

participants were free from relapse at 1 year (RR=1.19, 95% CI: 1.11-1.29, moderate quality meta-analysis, n=860) than the interferon group.

Fingolimod was also associated with fewer new or newly enlarged T2 lesions (MD=-0.90, 95% CI: -1.62 to -0.18, moderate quality meta-analysis,

n=733) and GAD lesions (MD=-0.28, 95% CI: -0.50 to -0.06, moderate quality meta-analysis, n=728). There was no significant difference in extent

of disability progression between fingolimod and interferon in the trial.

A phase III trial PARADIGMS, investigating the safety and efficacy of fingolimod vs. interferon beta-1a, in children and adolescents (ages 10 to 17)

with multiple sclerosis found that fingolimod significantly reduced annualized relapse rates by 82% (p<0.001) over a period of up to two years

compared to interferon beta-1a; reduced the number of new or newly enlarged T2 lesions up to 24 months by 53% (p<0.001) and reduced the

average number of gadolinium-enhancing T1 (Gd+) lesions per scan at 24 months by 66.0% (p<0.001) (24).

PPMS One trial compared fingolimod with placebo (84) in patients with primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (n=970). There was no difference

in disability progression at 156 weeks follow up between fingolimod or placebo (RR=0.93, 95% CI: 0.80-1.08, moderate quality evidence).

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Summary of available data: Ocrelizumab

RRMS There were no trials that met the inclusion criteria comparing ocrelizumab with placebo. The main exclusion criteria of Kappos et al. study

was insufficient follow-up of 48 weeks as it switched both arms to ocrelizumab after 24 weeks (85).

Comparative effectiveness Two trials compared Ocrelizumab with interferon with follow up of two years (25). Participants receiving Ocrelizumab

showed a significantly lower annualized relapse rate compared to interferon (MD=-0.13, 95% CI: -0.18 to -0.08, high quality meta-analysis,

n=1656, K=2). The Ocrelizumab group had fewer participants with disability progression confirmed at 12 weeks (RR=0.65, 95% CI: 0.49-0.86, low

quality evidence, n=1578, K=2), and mMore participants on Ocrelizumab showed a disability improvement, confirmed at 12 weeks (RR=1.32,

95% CI:1.04-1.68, moderate quality meta-analysis, n=1242, K=2).

PPMS One trial compared Ocrelizumab to placebo in patients with primary progressive MS (75). The Ocrelizumab group had a greater time to

disability progression at 120 weeks follow up when confirmed at both 12 weeks (HR=0.76, 95% CI:0.59-0.98, high quality evidence, n=732) and

24 weeks (HR=0.75, 95% CI: 0.58-0.97, high quality evidence, n=732).

Summary plots of the remaining DMTs and head-to-head comparisons can be found in Appendix 4.

NOTE: While this application is not formally requesting to expand the current EML indication of rituximab to include treatment of multiple

sclerosis, it should be noted that rituximab is currently used off-label as monotherapy for treatment of multiple sclerosis. In counties without

access to ocrelizumab, rituximab may provide a high efficacy treatment option for patients with multiple sclerosis.


RRMS Rituximab is similar to ocrelizumab, both target CD20 B-cells. Rituximab is a chimeric antibody whereas ocrelizumab is a humanized

antibody (85). Rituximab binds a similar epitope of the CD20 protein and has quite comparable biological effects. The side effect profile is similar

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


and long-term safety data are available from other autoimmune diseases. Rituximab is not FDA approved for MS as phase III trials do not

currently exist.

A Cochrane review found one trial comparing rituximab to placebo (12). The mean number of total GAD enhancing lesions, the primary endpoint

of this double-blind phase 2 trial, was significantly decreased after 12, 16, 20 and 24 weeks (-5.0, 95% CI: -9.99 to -0.01, n=104). The proportion

of patients with relapses was significantly reduced in the rituximab group, both after 24 weeks (14.5% vs. 34.3% in the placebo group; P=0.02)

and 48 weeks (20.3% vs. 40.0%, P=0.04) (86). A phase-II open label study of 26 patients with RRMS receiving rituximab at baseline and 6 months

found that mean annualised relapse rate reduced from 1.27 to 0.23, and mean number of GAD lesions reduced from 1.31 to 0.05 at week 48 and

0.0 at week 72. Mean number of new or newly enhancing T2 lesions also decreased from 0.92 at week 4 to 0.0 at week 72 (87).

PPMS Rituximab has also been investigated in a RCT of primary progressive MS (PPMS) (88). A total of 439 PPMS patients were randomized (2:1)

to receive two intravenous doses (2 weeks apart) of rituximab (n=292) or placebo (n=147) infusions every 24 weeks, through 96 weeks (a total of

4 courses). Results showed that fewer in the rituximab group (30.2%) experienced 12 weeks CDP during 96 weeks compared to 38.5% in the

placebo group, but the difference did not reach statistical significance (p= 0.14). However, in a predefined subanalysis, RTX showed a significant

effect in patients with active MRI lesions or <51years. This effect was quite comparable with the effect seen in the Ocrelizumab trial, which only

included patients below the age of 55.

Real-world experience from rituximab therapy in MS

The most extensive real-world data on treatment with rituximab in MS came from a study which examined the disease course of 822 MS-

patients, 557 with relapsing remitting MS (RRMS), 198 with secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and 67 with primary progressive MS (PPMS), who

were followed for a mean of 22 months (11). RRMS patients treated with rituximab had a yearly relapse rate of 0.044 during the study period. In

total, 5.2 % of the patients stopped treatment because of side effects or disease activity. The ratio of gadolinium enhancing lesions per MRI

dropped significantly from approximately 3 months after treatment initiation, and was in total 0.054, present in 2.2% of MRIs. Moreover, the

registry data suggest that the treatment efficacy of rituximab in RRMS could exceed the effect of fingolimod, DMF and beta-interferons. In

addition, adherence was higher and side effects were comparable all other drugs (89,90).

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


10. Reviews of harms and toxicity: summary of evidence of safety

• Estimate of total patient exposure to date

■ Glatiramer acetate - >1 million patient-years of exposure (91) and is approved in 50+ countries worldwide (92)

■ Fingolimod - 231,000 patients in both clinical trials and the post-marketing setting, approximately 536,000 patient-years of

exposure (93)

■ Ocrelizumab 50,000 patients treated globally, 9,474 patient years of exposure and approved in 67 countries (94)

Table 7 - Description of the adverse effects/reactions and estimates of their frequency (table adapted from MS Coalition DMT Consensus 2017


Estimated frequencies of adverse effects are defined as: very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100);

rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000); not known. Adverse effects are reported from clinical trial data using prescribing

information for healthcare professionals published on the electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) (95).

Agent Side Effects Warnings/Precautions

Glatiramer acetate


20mg SC daily

40mg SC three times


Indication: relapsing

forms of MS/CIS

Pregnancy Cat: B

-injection-site reactions ≥1/10 (96)

-lipoatrophy ≥1/100 to <1/10

-vasodilation, rash, dyspnea ≥1/10

-chest pain ≥1/10

-lymphadenopathy ≥1/100 to <1/10 (97)

-immediate transient post-injection reaction (flushing,

chest pain, palpitations, anxiety, dyspnea, throat

constriction, and/or urticaria) ≥1/1,000 to <1/100

- skin necrosis ≥1/1,000 to <1/100

-potential effects on immune response

Fingolimod (98)

(Gilenya®) 0.5mg PO


Indication: relapsing

forms of MS

Pregnancy Cat: C

-headache ≥1/10

-influenza ≥1/10

-diarrhea ≥1/10

-back pain ≥1/10

-↑hepatic enzymes ≥1/10

-cough ≥1/10

-bradyarrhythmia and/or atrioventricular block following

first dose ≥1/100 to <1/10;

-risk of infections including serious infections

– monitor for infection during treatment and for 2 months

after d/c

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-bradycardia during first dose ≥1/100 to

<1/10-macular edema ≥1/1,000 to <1/100

-lymphopenia ≥1/100 to <1/10

-bronchitis ≥1/100 to <1/10

-pneumonia ≥1/1,000 to <1/100

-avoid live attenuated vaccines during treatment and for 2

months after d/c

-PML (not known, 15 cases reported worldwide)

-cryptococcal infections (not known)

-macular edema ≥1/1,000 to <1/100

-posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES)

≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000

↓pulmonary function tests (FEV1)

-hepatic injury


-basal cell carcinoma ≥1/100 to <1/10

-fetal risk: women should avoid conception for two months

after treatment d/c

-↓lymphocyte counts for 2 months after drug d/c

-seizures ≥1/1,000 to <1/100 (99)

- Seizures has been reported as a serious adverse event in

children treated with fingolimod (24)

Ocrelizumab (100)

(Ocrevus™) 600mg IV

every 6 months

Indication: relapsing or

primary progressive

forms of MS

Pregnancy Cat: No

category assigned due

to changes to FDA

labeling procedures for

pregnancy and

-infusion reactions ≥1/10

-infections ≥1/10

-possible increased risk of malignancies

(including breast cancer, which occurred in 6

of 781 treated patients and no placebo


-infusion reactions (potentially life-threatening), which can

include: pruritus, rash, urticaria, erythema, bronchospasm,

throat irritation, oropharyngeal pain, dyspnea, pharyngeal

or laryngeal edema, flushing, hypotension, pyrexia, fatigue,

headache, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia; premedication

and observation period recommended

-infections including respiratory tract infections, herpes

and potentially PML (no cases of PML were reported

during clinical trials; 6 cases reported worldwide as carry-

over from previous drug therapy)

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


lactation. No human

data: in monkeys,

administration during

organogenesis and

continuing through the

neonatal period

resulted in perinatal

deaths, renal toxicity,

lymphoid follicle

formation in the bone

marrow and severe

decreases in circulating

B lymphocytes in


-hepatitis B reactivation (did not occur in ocrelizumab

clinical trials however has been reported in other anti-

CD20 antibodies)

-possible increased immunosuppressive effect if

immunosuppressant used prior to or after ocrelizumab

-administer all vaccinations at least 6 weeks prior to

administration of ocrelizumab; no live-attenuated or live

vaccines during treatment and until B-cell repletion

-malignancies (increased number of malignancies were

observed in clinical trials in patients treated with

ocrelizumab vs control groups; incidence of malignancies

was within the background rate expected for an MS


Pregnancy There are currently no double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in women with multiple sclerosis who are pregnant or wishing to

conceive (2). However, observational evidence has been outlined below.

A pregnancy registry maintained by the marketing company of branded glatiramer acetate (Copaxone®) captured over 7,000 pregnancies

exposed to glatiramer acetate did not find an increase in spontaneous abortions, premature births, neonatal complications, or birth defects (22).

No significant differences were observed in birth weight to babies born to mothers exposed to glatiramer during pregnancy compared with

mothers not exposed to glatiramer acetate during pregnancy. Furthermore, a wash-out period is no longer necessary for women treated with

branded glatiramer acetate prior to or following conception. Evidence supports the use of branded glatiramer acetate in pregnant women who

are recommended to remain on treatment to manage disease activity. In 2016 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd removed the pregnancy

contraindication from the European label for branded glatiramer acetate injection 20 mg/mL (101).

Fingolimod is a teratogen class C agent and should be considered an absolute contraindication in pregnancy and breastfeeding based on its

known teratogenicity in animal studies and post-marketing data (102).

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Ocrelizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody of an immunoglobulin G1 subtype and immunoglobulins and known to cross the placental

barrier. Ocrelizumab should be avoided during pregnancy unless the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

There are no adequate data on the developmental risk associated with use of ocrelizumab in pregnant women. There are no data on B-cell levels

in human neonates following maternal exposure to ocrelizumab. However, transient peripheral B-cell depletion and lymphocytopenia have been

reported in infants born to mothers exposed to other anti-CD20 antibodies during pregnancy. In clinical trials, the rate of induced abortion

reported was 16.7% (8/48). In the general population worldwide, the overall rate of pregnancies ending in induced abortion is 20% and in MS

patients it is 26.5% as reported in literature. The overall rate of birth defects (defined as any abnormality affecting body structure or function)

was 12.5% (6/48) and the rate of structural malformations was 6.3% (3/48). The background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the

indicated population is unknown (103).

Paediatrics While data on paediatric treatment of MS is limited at present, there have been some cohort studies (104). The first randomised

clinical trial, PARADIGMS, has recently been published which demonstrated superior efficacy of fingolimod as compared to interferon-beta 1a

intramuscular injection. The PARADIGMS study randomised 190 patients (mean age 15.3 years) from 101 centres in 26 countries to receive

either fingolimod or interferon beta 1a (23,24). Relapse rate was found to be 80% lower in the fingolimod group at 2-year follow up. This

suggests fingolimod could be even more efficacious in paediatric populations than in adults (105).

Table 8 - Summary of Additional Safety Data from EAN Guidelines (2)

DMT Side effects


Moderate efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 104 weeks FU: RR=1.72, 95% CI: 1.04-2.86, K=4, n=1630 (favours placebo)

Jacobs 1996 IFNb-1a (30 µg)

PRISMS 1998 IFNb-1a (22 µg)

PRISMS 1998 IFNb-1a (44 µg)

Vollmer 2014 IFNb-1a (30 µg)

Discontinuation for any reason 104 weeks FU: RR=0.84, 95% CI: 0.65-1.07, K=3, n=1458 (favours interferon)

PRISMS 1998 IFNb-1a (22 µg)

PRISMS 1998 IFNb-1a (44 µg)

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Vollmer 2014 IFNb-1a (30 µg)

Mortality NR

Risk of Cancer NR

Risk of Infection NR

Glatiramer Acetate

Moderate efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 96-104 weeks FU: RR=2.63, 95% CI: 1.17-5.90, K=2, n=1655 (favours placebo)

Johnson 1995 (Glatiramer acetate 20mg qd)

Fox 2012 (Glatiramer acetate 20mg qd)

Discontinuation for any reason 96-104 weeks FU: RR=0.86, 95% CI: 0.88-1.11, K=2, n=974 (favours glatiramer acetate)

Johnson 1995 (Glatiramer acetate 20mg qd)

Fox 2012 (Glatiramer acetate 20mg qd)

Mortality NR

Risk of Cancer NR

Risk of Infection NR

Dimethyl Fumarate

Moderate efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 104 weeks FU: RR=0.97, 95% CI: 0.78-1.21, K=2, n=1546, non-significant

Fox 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Gold 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Discontinuation for any reason 104 weeks FU: RR=0.97, 95% CI: 0.80-1.16, K=2, n=1546, non-significant

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Fox 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Gold 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Mortality RR=1, 95% CI: 1-1, K=2, n=1546, non-significant

Fox 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Gold 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Risk of Cancer RR=1 95% CI: 0.99-1.01, K=1, n=818, non-significant

Gold 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Risk of Infection RR=1.16, 95% CI:0.88-1.51, K=1, n=722, non-significant

Fox 2012 (Dimth Fum 240mg; bid)

Oral Cladribine

Moderate efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 96 weeks FU: RR=1.13, 95% CI: 0.43-2.94, K=2, n=1327, non-significant

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 3.5mg/kg)

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 5.25mg/kg)

Discontinuation for any reason 96 weeks FU: RR=0.72, 95% CI: 0.53-0.99, K=2, n=1327, favours cladribine

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 3.5mg/kg)

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 5.25mg/kg)

Mortality NR

Risk of Cancer Risk Difference: 0.01, 95% CI: 0.00-0.02, K=2, n=1320, non-significant

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 3.5mg/kg)

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Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 5.25mg/kg)

Risk of Infection RR= 1.41, 95% CI: 0.64-3.13, K=2, n=1320, non-significant

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 3.5mg/kg)

Giovannoni 2010 (Cladribine 5.25mg/kg)


Moderate efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 108 weeks FU: RR=1.33, 95% CI: 1.33, 95% CI: 0.84-2.11, K=1, n=721, non-significant

O'Conner 2011 (Teriflu 14mg)

Discontinuation for any reason 48-108 weeks FU: RR=1, 95% CI: 0.86-1.16, K=2, n=1482, non-significant

Confavreux 2014 (Teriflu 14mg)

O'Conner 2011 (Teriflu 14mg)

Mortality RR=1, 95% CI: 0.99-1.01, K=1, n=761, non-significant

Confavreux 2014 (Teriflu 14mg)

Risk of Cancer RR=1, 95% CI: 0.99-1.01, K=2, n=1482, non-significant

Confavreux 2014 (Teriflu 14mg)

O'Conner 2011 (Teriflu 14mg)

Risk of Infection RR=0.85, 95% CI: 0.75-0.98, K=2, n=1482, (favours teriflunomide)

Confavreux 2014 (Teriflu 14mg)

O'Conner 2011 (Teriflu 14mg)

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High efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 104 weeks FU: RR=1.42, 95% CI: 0.92-2.17, K=2, n=1556, non-significant

Calabresi 2014b (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Kappos 2010 (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Discontinuation for any reason 104 weeks FU: RR=0.75 95% CI: 0.57-0.99, K=2, n=1556 (favours fingolimod)

Calabresi 2014b (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Kappos 2010 (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Mortality NR

Risk of Cancer RR=0.84, 95% CI: 0.21-3.34, K=2, n=1556, non-significant

Calabresi 2014b (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Kappos 2010 (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Risk of Infection RR=1.04, 95% CI: 0.99, 1.09, K=2, n=1556, non-significant

Calabresi 2014b (Fingolimod 0.5mg)

Kappos 2010 (Fingolimod 0.5mg)


High efficacy


Versus Interferon

Discontinuation due to side effects NR

Discontinuation for any reason RR=0.60, 95% CI: 0.48-0.75, K=2, n=1656 (favours ocrelizumab)

OPERA I 2016


Mortality RR=1, 95% CI: 1.00-1.01, K=1, n=1651, non-significant

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OPERA I & II 2016 (combined)

Risk of Cancer NR

Risk of Infection RR=1.11, 95% CI: 1.02-1.22, K=1, n=1651, (favours interferon)

OPERA I & II 2016 (combined)


High efficacy


Versus placebo

Discontinuation due to side effects 104 weeks FU: RR=1.26, 95% CI: 0.49-3.21, K=1, n=942, non-significant

Polman 2006 (Natalizumab 300mg q4w)

Discontinuation for any reason 104 weeks FU: RR=0.84, 95% CI: 0.55-1.29, K=1, n=942, non-significant

Polman 2006 (Natalizumab 300mg q4w)

Mortality RR=1, 95% CI: 0.99-1.00, K=1, n=942, non-significant

Polman 2006 (Natalizumab 300mg q4w)

Risk of Cancer RR= 1, 95% CI: 0.99-1.00, K=1, n=942, non-significant

Polman 2006 (Natalizumab 300mg q4w)

Risk of Infection RR=1.23, 95% CI: 1.13-1.34, K=1, n=942, favours placebo

Polman 2006 (Natalizumab 300mg q4w)

Note: NR=not recorded

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


11. Summary of available data on comparative cost and cost-effectiveness of the medicine

A significant number of cost-effectiveness studies have been undertaken on disease modifying therapies in MS. These have been the subject of a

number of systematic reviews (106–109). The number of studies reviewed in these reviews varied from 23 to 51; in all cases these studies were

confined to high income countries principally in Europe and North America. The studies reported that DMTs (including those drugs covered in

this review) were potentially cost-effective but several studies reported costs which were likely to be above particular countries’ willingness to

pay thresholds. Limitations of these studies noted in these reviews included the lack of head-to-head comparisons between different DMTs,

variation in time-horizons, and variation in end-points. There were no cost-effectiveness studies identified from low or middle-income countries

and therefore no studies which were directly relevant for this review.

Table 9 - Summary of available data on approximate comparative annual cost within the pharmacological class (USD*) 2017/2018.


(Brand name only)

United States Canada Argentina Russia Iran Brazil India Norway

Glatiramer acetate


$86,554/$75,816 $12,360 $46,344


$4,222/$4,630 $3,600** $18,324


$5,051** $10,900/$12,150

Fingolimod $86,966 $23,585 $47,976 $17,024 $9,600 $29,280 Not


$ 28,900

Ocrelizumab $65,000 $24,809 Not




$32,000*** Data not




Not available

Rituximab $19,786 $15,000 $10,800 $1,000 -


$7,500 $7,000 -


$2,260 $3,100

* exchanged to USD

** generic glatiramer available only

***ocrelizumab not available in Iran, patients obtain ocrelizumab from Dubai

Rituximab is already listed on the WHO EML and part of WHO’s prequalification pilot project on biotherapeutics (110).

Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


12. Summary of regulatory status and market availability of the medicine

Table 10 - Summary of regulatory status for glatiramer acetate, fingolimod and ocrelizumab

Agent United States (FDA) Health Canada EMA Australia Russian Federation



Approved branded glatiramer

acetate 20mg as monotherapy

for the treatment of patients

with relapsing forms of MS in in

1996; approved branded

glatiramer acetate 20mg as

monotherapy for clinically

isolated syndrome in 2009;

approved branded glatiramer

acetate 40mg as monotherapy

for relapsing forms of MS in


Approved generic formulations

of glatiramer acetate 20mg and

40mg as monotherapy for

treatment of relapsing forms of

MS between 2015 and 2018.

Approved branded glatiramer

acetate 20mg as monotherapy

for the treatment of patients

with relapsing-remitting MS in

1997; approved branded

glatiramer acetate 20mg as

monotherapy for clinically

isolated syndrome in 2009;

approved branded glatiramer

acetate 40mg as monotherapy

for relapsing remitting MS in


Approved non-biological

complex drug glatiramer

acetate 20mg for relapsing

remitting MS including clinically

isolated syndrome in 2017

Approved branded

glatiramer acetate 20mg as

monotherapy for relapsing

forms of MS including

clinically isolated syndrome

in 2001

Approved branded

glatiramer acetate 40mg as

monotherapy for relapsing

forms of MS in 2015

Approved generic

glatiramer acetate 20mg

and 40mg as monotherapy

for relapsing forms of MS in

2016 and 2017 respectively.

Approved branded glatiramer

acetate 20mg as monotherapy

for relapsing remitting MS

including clinically isolated

syndrome in 2003

Approved branded glatiramer

acetate 40mg for relapsing

remitting MS including clinically

isolated syndrome in 2014

Approved branded glatiramer

acetate 20mg as

monotherapy for relapsing

forms of MS in 1997

Approved branded glatiramer

acetate 40mg as

monotherapy for relapsing

forms of MS in 2015

Approved several generic

forms of glatiramer acetate

20mg as monotherapy for

relapsing forms of MS in


Multiple Sclerosis International Federation December 2018


Fingolimod Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients with

relapsing forms of MS in 2010

Approved as monotherapy in

patients with relapsing MS ages

10 years and older in 2018

Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients with

relapsing-remitting MS in 2011

-generally recommended in MS

patients who have had an

inadequate response to, or are

unable to tolerate, one or more

therapies for multiple sclerosis

Approved as monotherapy

for the treatment of

patients with highly active

relapsing-remitting MS who

have already undergone

treatment with beta

interferon, or have a rapidly

evolving severe form of the

condition in 2011

Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients with

relapsing remitting MS and

secondary progressive MS with


relapses to delay the

progression of physical

disability and reduce

the frequency of relapse in


Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients

with highly active relapsing-

remitting MS who have

already undergone treatment

with beta interferon or

glatiramer acetate, or have a

rapidly evolving severe form

of the condition in 2010

Ocrelizumab Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients with

relapsing or primary

progressive forms of MS in


Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients with

relapsing remitting MS with

active disease in 2017

Conditionally* approved for

adult patients with early

primary progressive MS in 2017

Approved as monotherapy

for the treatment of

patients with active

relapsing forms of MS and

for patients with early

primary progressive forms

of MS in 2018

Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients with

relapsing forms of MS; and

treatment of patients with

primary progressive MS in 2017

Approved as monotherapy for

the treatment of patients

with relapsing forms of MS

and for patients with primary

progressive forms of MS in


Rituximab Not officially approved for treatment of MS – used off-label for relapsing forms of MS. Rituximab is part of WHO’s prequalification pilot project on biotherapeutics


13. Availability of pharmacopoeial standards (British Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopeia, United Stated Pharmacopoeia)

Pharmacopoeial standards Glatiramer Acetate Fingolimod Ocrelizumab

British Pharmacopoeia Yes Yes Yes

European Pharmacopoeia Yes Yes Yes

United States Pharmacopoeia Yes Yes Yes

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