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Page 1: Mtn types

WHAT IS OROGENY?Processes of mtn building

Distinctive patterns of depositioneugeocline, miogeocline

DeformationFolding and thrust-faulting


Intrusions: batholiths, etc

Volcanic Activity

Page 2: Mtn types


• Volcanic: Shield and composite

• Fault-block: normal faulting and tension

• Folded: reverse faults and compression

• Complex: mixture of most of the above

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Mauna Kea

Shield volcanoHot SpotBasalt

Mauna Loa inBackground

Kilaeua is Behind MaunaLoa

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KilaeuaNewest ground inThe world

Asthenosphere comingTo the surface

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Composite VolcanoMt Rainier

Compressive forcesSubduction zonesAndesitic composition

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Guagua Pichincha, EcuadorQuito in foregroundComposite volcanoes explosive

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Normal fault

Footwall moves Up relative toHanging wall

Tension forces



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Tilted fault-block range: Sierra Nevada from east,Steep side of block fault; Ansel Adams photo

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Tilted Fault-blockSierra Nevada from westSide, low angle

Yosemite valley the result Of glaciation on low-anglerelief

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Wasatch RangeFrom Salt Lake City

Typically fault-Block system

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Grand Tetons: Another fault-block system

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Alternating normal faults lead to a characteristic pattern called aHorst and Graben system. An area under tension will often haveMultiple mountain ranges as a result.

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Basin and range province: tilted fault-block mountains in Nevada.The results of a horst and graben system. Nevada is under tension Because of rising magma which is unzipping the system, all the wayFrom Baja California

Sierra Nevada and Wasatch Ranges part of this system

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REVERSE FAULTS: Hanging wall moves up relative to footwallResult of compression: plates collidingTwo types: low-angle or thrust faults, and high-angle reverse faults

Individual layers can move 100’s of kilometersAlps are a great example

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Thrust faults main cause Of folded mountains

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Appalachian Mountains of the US

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Atlas Mountains, Northern Africa

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Classic folded terrain: well-developed anticline

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AlternatingAnticlines andSynclines

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High-angle reverse faultsForms “Sawtooth Mtns”

Flatirons classic example

Sawtooth effect result ofDifferential erosion

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White Cloud peak


Alice Lake

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Tend to have a little ofEverything: volcanoes,Folds, thrust faults, normalfaults



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