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Page 1: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

Multi Agency Safeguarding

A Good Practice Framework for London

Page 2: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.
Page 3: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

Hackney Partnership Triage

What did we want?

• A whole family approach to safeguarding

• No ‘wasted’ information

• Democratisation of safeguarding

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Hackney Partnership Triage

What did we find?

• Some knowledge/service gaps

• Need for specialised staff training

• Need for common understanding of risk and vulnerability

• Right people are key

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Hackney Partnership Triage

Where are we going?

One Front Door

• Checks for gang links, MAT, Partnership Panel, PSRs

• Involvement of health visitors, midwives and GPs

• Involvement of probation

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Page 7: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

The vision

‘to identify and make safe at the earliest opportunity all vulnerable people in our communities through the sharing of information and intelligence across the safeguarding partnership’

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Why develop the MASH• General acceptance, nationally and

locally that poor information sharing was a problem.– Lord Laming’s recommendations resulting

from the Victoria Climbié case– Lessons from serious case reviews– Outcomes from Devon’s Safeguarding

Children’s Board multi-agency audits

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MASH – Why and what for• MASH was established to;• Early identification and understanding of risk

(Children and adults)• Victim identification and intervention• Harm identification and reduction through

analysis• Enable resources to be targeted against true


Page 10: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

What MASH does in Devon• Manages Police Child Concern referrals• Contact and referrals to Early Years and

Families• Liaison with Early Response Service to

meet Children’s Social Care needs that do not require a social care assessment at level 3.

• Identifies harm to individuals and in communities

Page 11: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.



Probation Youth OffendingTeam

Health & MentalHealth

Children‘s Social Services

Early Years

DecisionSocial Care Manager

121a Enquiry frompublic

s.47 s.17CAF/ERS


Enquiry fromprofessional

MASH Enquiry


Page 12: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

What Now? • Developing analysis to identify harm and vulnerability by

Individual, family and location Recurring re-enquiries! Cameron’s 120000 most needy children.

• MASH Family Profiles meeting. Early Intervention – Do we target the right families? Do they consent to services? Consent vs service redesign?

• Currently working to develop links with– MARAC, MAPPA, IOM, Missing Children investigation and

intervention, ASB, Teenage pregnancy, prevent pathways

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This preliminary work has identified themes for development and implementation…

…each theme has good practice identified, which can be shared to build a common process

Communication and Risk Assessment

Communication and Risk Assessment

Front door for Children’s Services

Front door for Children’s Services

Co-location of professionals to identify risk and manage


Co-location of professionals to identify risk and manage


Co-locate professionals to manage problems

Co-locate professionals to manage problems

Consideration of AdultsConsideration of AdultsIncreased benefits and outcomes for vulnerable people

Increased benefits and outcomes for vulnerable people

Page 14: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

Common process for London: Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub

Key steps needed for success:

•Process for London, incorporating good practice themes into a common process

•Front door for all child referrals

•Co-located professionals and data to identify risk – building the full picture on the child

•Firewall – allows the necessary tension between privacy and sharing information for safety to be exercised in a secure environment. Ownership of information retained by the each agency. Encourages Health to share

•Decision making process based on the full picture – better targeting of resources to those most in need. Problem solving the causes of vulnerability

•Streamlines services, reduces duplication

•Potential adult pathway

Page 15: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

MASH thematic

CYPS Referral

Police referral

Co-located PPD

Build full picture

Assess the riskDecide best intervention

Intervention to best solve problem

Front door



MASHCo-located, social work

led multi agency team

MASHCo-located, social work

led multi agency team







Lambeth Barnet

Lambeth Barnet



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• London

• Nationally

Next Steps:

Page 17: Multi Agency Safeguarding A Good Practice Framework for London.

initial risk assessment/enquiries


Police CYPS HealthMentalHealth

Education Probation Others?

DECISIONBy statutory



NFA For infoAction hand off to the most

appropriate agency


CYPS Adults



solving taskin


Emerging issues


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