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  • Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)

    In LISP, the function returns the list that results after the first element is removed (the rest f the

    list), is __________

    a) car

    b) last

    c) cons

    d) cdr

    Which of the following contains the output segments of Artificial Intelligence programming?

    a) Printed language and synthesized speech

    b) Manipulation of physical object

    c) Locomotion

    d) All of the mentioned

    LISP was created by?

    a) John McCarthy

    b) Marvin Minsky

    c) Alan Turing

    d) Allen Newell and Herbert Simon

    Expert Ease was developed under the direction of __________

    a) John McCarthy

    b) Donald Michie

    c) Lofti Zadeh

    d) Alan Turing

    An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an interactive

    dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.

    a) SHRDLU

    b) SIMD

    c) BACON

    d) STUDENT

    MLMenu, a natural language interface for the TI Explorer, is similar to __________

    a) Ethernet

    b) NaturalLink

    c) PROLOG

    d) The Personal Consultant

    Strong Artificial Intelligence is __________

    a) the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer

  • b) a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect

    intelligence if it were generated by humans

    c) the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer

    d) all of the mentioned

    The traditional way to exit and LISP system is to enter __________

    a) quit

    b) exit

    c) bye

    d) ok

    In which of the following situations might a blind search be acceptable?

    a) real-life situation

    b) complex game

    c) small search space

    d) all of the mentioned

    . What is Artificial intelligence?

    a) Putting your intelligence into Computer

    b) Programming with your own intelligence

    c) Making a Machine intelligent

    d) Playing a Game

    Which search method takes less memory?

    a) Depth-First Search

    b) Breadth-First search

    c) Optimal search

    d) Linear Search

    A heuristic is a way of trying __________

    a) To discover something or an idea embedded in a program

    b) To search and measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be from a goal

    c) To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than the other is

    d) All of the mentioned

    How do you represent “All dogs have tails”?

    a) ۷x: dog(x) àhastail(x)

    b) ۷x: dog(x) àhastail(y)

    c) ۷x: dog(y) àhastail(x)

    d) ۷x: dog(x) àhasàtail(x)

    . Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?

    a) Representational Verification

  • b) Representational Adequacy

    c) Inferential Adequacy

    d) Inferential Efficiency

    A series of Artificial Intelligence systems, developed by Pat Langley to explore the role of

    heuristics in scientific discovery is ________

    a) RAMD

    b) BACON

    c) MIT

    d) DU

    A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not

    demonstrate the artificial Intelligence, Presently, this technique is called __________

    a) Turing Test

    b) Algorithm

    c) Boolean Algebra

    d) Logarithm

    A Personal Consultant knowledge base contain information in the form of __________

    a) parameters

    b) contexts

    c) production rules

    d) all of the mentioned

    Which approach to speech recognition avoids the problem caused by the variation in speech

    patterns among different speakers?

    a) Continuous speech recognition

    b) Isolated word recognition

    c) Connected word recognition

    d) Speaker-dependent recognition

    Which of the following, is a component of an expert system?

    a) inference engine

    b) knowledge base

    c) user interface

    d) all of the mentioned

    A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is __________

    a) edge detection

    b) binocular vision

    c) model-based vision

  • d) robot vision

    DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American Artificial Intelligence research, is

    part of the Department of __________

    a) Defense

    b) Energy

    c) Education

    d) Justice

    . Which of these schools was not among the early leaders in Artificial Intelligence research?

    a) Dartmouth University

    b) Harvard University

    c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    d) Stanford University

    A certain Professor at the Stanford University coined the word ‘artificial intelligence’ in 1956 at

    a conference held at Dartmouth college. Can you name the Professor?

    a) David Levy

    b) John McCarthy

    c) Joseph Weizenbaum

    d) Hans Berliner

    In LISP, the function (copy-list )

    a) returns a new list that is equal to by copying the top-level element of

    b) returns the length of

    c) returns t if is empty

    d) all of the mentioned

    Who is the “father” of artificial intelligence?

    a) Fisher Ada

    b) John McCarthy

    c) Allen Newell

    d) Alan Turning

    In 1985, the famous chess player David Levy beat a world champion chess program in four

    straight games by using orthodox moves that confused the program. What was the name of the

    chess program?

    a) Kaissa


    c) Golf

    d) DIGDUG

  • . The explanation facility of an expert system may be used to __________

    a) construct a diagnostic model

    b) expedite the debugging process

    c) explain the system’s reasoning process

    d) expedite the debugging process & explain the system’s reasoning process

    A process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined is called __________

    a) diagnostic

    b) descriptive

    c) interpretive

    d) iterative

    Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include __________

    a) color and motion

    b) depth and texture

    c) height and weight

    d) color and motion, depth and texture

    The conference that launched the AI revolution in 1956 was held at?

    a) Dartmouth

    b) Harvard

    c) New York

    d) Stanford

    Texas Instruments Incorporated produces a low-cost LISP machine called __________

    a) The Computer-Based Consultant

    b) The Explorer

    c) Smalltalk

    d) The Personal Consultant

    When a top-level function is entered, the LISP processor do(es)?

    a) It reads the function entered

    b) It evaluates the function and the function’s operands

    c) It prints the results returned by the function

    d) All of the mentioned

    One method of programming a computer to exhibit human intelligence is called modeling or


    a) simulation

    b) cognitization

    c) duplication

    d) psychic amelioration

  • Graphic interfaces were first used in a Xerox product called __________

    a) InterLISP

    b) Ethernet

    c) Smalltalk

    d) ZetaLISP

    The Al researcher who co-authored both the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and The Fifth

    Generation is __________

    a) Bruce Lee

    b) Randy Davis

    c) Ed Feigenbaum

    d) Mark Fox

    Which of the following is being investigated as a means of automating the creation of a

    knowledge base?

    a) automatic knowledge acquisition

    b) simpler tools

    c) discovery of new concepts

    d) all of the mentioned

    The CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) technique based on programmed instruction is


    a) frame-based CAI

    b) generative CAI

    c) problem-solving CAI

    d) intelligent CAI

    A robot’s “arm” is also known as its __________

    a) end effector

    b) actuator

    c) manipulator

    d) servomechanism

    KEE is a product of __________

    a) Teknowledge

    b) IntelliCorpn

    c) Texas Instruments

    d) Tech knowledge

    In LISP, the function X (x). (2x+l) would be rendered as __________

    a) (lambda (x) (+(*2 x)l))

    b) (lambda (x) (+1 (* 2x)

  • c) (+ lambda (x) 1 (*2x))

    d) (* lambda(x) (+2×1)

    A natural language generation program must decide __________

    a) what to say

    b) when to say something

    c) why it is being used

    d) both what to say & when to say something

    The hardware features of LISP machines generally include __________

    a) large memory and a high-speed processor

    b) letter-quality printers and 8-inch disk drives

    c) a mouse and a specialized keyboard

    d) large memory and a high-speed processor & a mouse and a specialized keyboard

    In which of the following areas may ICAI programs prove to be useful?

    a) educational institutions

    b) corporations

    c) department of Defense

    d) all of the mentioned

    A network with named nodes and labeled arcs that can be used to represent certain natural

    language grammars to facilitate parsing.

    a) Tree Network

    b) Star Network

    c) Transition Network

    d) Complete Network

    What is Machine learning?

    a) The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs

    b) The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs

    c) The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs

    d) The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs

    Which of the factors affect the performance of learner system does not include?

    a) Representation scheme used

    b) Training scenario

    c) Type of feedback

  • d) Good data structures

    Different learning methods does not include?

    a) Memorization

    b) Analogy

    c) Deduction

    d) Introduction

    In language understanding, the levels of knowledge that does not include?

    a) Phonological

    b) Syntactic

    c) Empirical

    d) Logical

    A model of language consists of the categories which does not include?

    a) Language units

    b) Role structure of units

    c) System constraints

    d) Structural units

    What is a top-down parser?

    a) Begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting lower level

    constituents until individual preterminal symbols are written

    b) Begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting upper level

    constituents until individual preterminal symbols are written

    c) Begins by hypothesizing lower level constituents and successively predicting a sentence (the

    symbol S)

    d) Begins by hypothesizing upper level constituents and successively predicting a sentence (the

    symbol S)

    Among the following which is not a horn clause?

    a) p

    b) Øp V q

    c) p → q

    d) p → Øq

    The action ‘STACK(A, B)’ of a robot arm specify to _______________

    a) Place block B on Block A

    b) Place blocks A, B on the table in that order

  • c) Place blocks B, A on the table in that order

    d) Place block A on block B

    Which instruments are used for perceiving and acting upon the environment?

    a) Sensors and Actuators

    b) Sensors

    c) Perceiver

    d) None of the mentioned

    What is meant by agent’s percept sequence?

    a) Used to perceive the environment

    b) Complete history of actuator

    c) Complete history of perceived things

    d) None of the mentioned

    How many types of agents are there in artificial intelligence?

    a) 1

    b) 2

    c) 3

    d) 4

    What is the rule of simple reflex agent?

    a) Simple-action rule

    b) Condition-action rule

    c) Simple & Condition-action rule

    d) None of the mentioned

    What are the composition for agents in artificial intelligence?

    a) Program

    b) Architecture

    c) Both Program & Architecture

    d) None of the mentioned

    In which agent does the problem generator is present?

    a) Learning agent

    b) Observing agent

    c) Reflex agent

    d) None of the mentioned

  • Which is used to improve the agents performance?

    a) Perceiving

    b) Learning

    c) Observing

    d) None of the mentioned

    Which agent deals with happy and unhappy states?

    a) Simple reflex agent

    b) Model based agent

    c) Learning agent

    d) Utility based agent

    Which action sequences are used to achieve the agent’s goal?

    a) Search

    b) Plan

    c) Retrieve

    d) Both Search & Plan

    Which element in the agent are used for selecting external actions?

    a) Perceive

    b) Performance

    c) Learning

    d) Actuator

    What is Artificial intelligence?

    a) Putting your intelligence into Computer

    b) Programming with your own intelligence

    c) Making a Machine intelligent

    d) Playing a Game

    Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?

    a) PROLOG

    b) Java

    c) LISP

    d) Perl

    Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application.

    a) Planning and Scheduling

    b) Game Playing

    c) Diagnosis

  • d) All of the mentioned

    What is an ‘agent’?

    a) Perceives its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators

    b) Takes input from the surroundings and uses its intelligence and performs the desired


    c) A embedded program controlling line following robot

    d) All of the mentioned

    Agents behavior can be best described by ____________

    a) Perception sequence

    b) Agent function

    c) Sensors and Actuators

    d) Environment in which agent is performing

    Rational agent is the one who always does the right thing.

    a) True

    b) False

    Performance Measures are fixed for all agents.

    a) True

    b) False

    What is rational at any given time depends on?

    a) The performance measure that defines the criterion of success

    b) The agent’s prior knowledge of the environment

    c) The actions that the agent can perform

    d) All of the mentioned

    An omniscient agent knows the actual outcome of its actions and can act accordingly; but

    omniscience is impossible in reality. Rational Agent always does the right thing; but Rationality

    is possible in reality.

    a) True

    b) False

    The Task Environment of an agent consists of ____________

    a) Sensors

    b) Actuators

    c) Performance Measures

    d) All of the mentioned

  • What could possibly be the environment of a Satellite Image Analysis System?

    a) Computers in space and earth

    b) Image categorization techniques

    c) Statistical data on image pixel intensity value and histograms

    d) All of the mentioned

    Categorize Crossword puzzle in Fully Observable / Partially Observable.

    a) Fully Observable

    b) partially Observable

    c) All of the mentioned

    d) None of the mentioned

    The game of Poker is a single agent.

    a) True

    b) False

    Satellite Image Analysis System is (Choose the one that is not applicable).

    a) Episodic

    b) Semi-Static

    c) Single agent

    d) Partially Observable

    An agent is composed of ________

    a) Architecture

    b) Agent Function

    c) Perception Sequence

    d) Architecture and Program

    _________ allows us to control electronic components

    a) RETful API

    b) RESTful API

    c) HTTP

    d) MQTT

    MQTT stands for _____________

    a) MQ Telemetry Things

    b) MQ Transport Telemetry

    c) MQ Transport Things

    d) MQ Telemetry Transport

  • MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.

    a) True

    b) False

    MQTT is _________ protocol.

    a) Machine to Machine

    b) Internet of Things

    c) Machine to Machine and Internet of Things

    d) Machine Things

    Which protocol is lightweight?

    a) MQTT

    b) HTTP

    c) CoAP

    d) SPI

    PubNub publishes and subscribes _________ in order to send and receive messages.

    a) Network

    b) Account

    c) Portal

    d) Keys

    By clicking which key the PubNub will display public, subscribe, and secret keys.

    a) Pane

    b) Demo Keyset

    c) Portal

    d) Network

    The messageChannel class declares the _________ class attribute that defines the key string.

    a) command_key

    b) command-key

    c) commandkey

    d) Key_command

  • _________ method saves the received arguments in three attributes.

    a) __Init

    b) Init__

    c) __Init__

    d) _init_

    _________ and _________ saves the publish and subscribe keys that we have generated with the

    PubNub Admin portal.

    a) public_key and subscribe_key

    b) Public-key and subscribe-key

    c) publickey and subscribekey

    d) Key_public and key_subscribe

    _________ specifies the function that will be called when there is a new message received from

    the channel.

    a) Reconnect

    b) Error

    c) Connect

    d) Callback

    _________ specifies the function that will be called on an error event.

    a) Callback

    b) Error

    c) Connect

    d) Reconnect

    _________ Specifies the function that will be called when a successful connection with the

    PubNub cloud.

    a) Callback

    b) Error

    c) Connect

    d) Reconnect

    _________ specifies the function that will be called when a successful re-connection is


    a) Callback

    b) Error

    c) Connect

    d) Reconnect

  • ___________ specifies the function that will be called when the client disconnects.

    a) Callback

    b) Error

    c) Connect

    d) Disconnect

    What is the java extension file in IoT?

    a) .jar

    b) .c

    c) .exe

    d) .py

    Do we run our program in the same computer where we have written?

    a) True

    b) False

    c) May or may not

    d) Cannot be determined

    Publish command message is sent from _________

    a) Only publisher to broker

    b) Only broker to publisher

    c) Publisher to broker and broker to publisher

    d) Server to client

    The message is sent to the input queue of a message flow that contains a _________

    a) Subscriber

    b) Server

    c) Publication node

    d) Client

    Does user has authority for all topics.

    a) True

    b) False

    ROSTOPIC uses _________ at the command line for representing the content of the message.

    a) YAML_syntax

    b) rostopic bw

    c) rostopic delay

    d) rostopic echo

  • Which command displays the band width?

    a) rostopic hz

    b) rostopic delay

    c) rostopic echo

    d) rostopic bw

    rostopic delay will provide delay for ___________

    a) Topics which has header

    b) Topics which has tail

    c) Topics which has tail and head

    d) To all topics

    Which command displays messages published to a topic?

    a) rostopic bw

    b) rostopic delay

    c) rostopic echo

    d) rostopic hz

    Which command finds out the topic?

    a) rostopic bw

    b) rostopic delay

    c) rostopic echo

    d) rostopic find

    Publishing messages is handled through ________ Class.

    a) Client()

    b) Server()

    c) Publish()

    d) Batch()

    client() class provides ________ to create topics.

    a) Software

    b) Classes

    c) Methods

    d) Batch

    ________ method publishes messages to pub/sub.

    a) Client()

    b) Publish()

    c) Server()

    d) Batch()

  • How many arguments are accepted by publish()?

    a) 5 arguments

    b) 3 arguments

    c) 1 argument

    d) 2 arguments

    Does publish() method accepts arbitrary arguments.

    a) True

    b) False

    The topic in the publish method is in which form?

    a) Binomial form

    b) Canonical form

    c) Nominal form

    d) Message form

    The message in pub/sub is an opaque blob of ________

    a) Bits

    b) Bytes

    c) Word

    d) Nibble

    ________ error will show if we try to send text string instead of bytes.

    a) TypeError

    b) Error

    c) Linker error

    d) Compiler error

    What do we call string in python 2?

    a) Str

    b) Unicode

    c) Strs

    d) Unicades

    When you publish a message ________ is automatically created?

    a) Client

    b) Server

    c) Batch

    d) Server

  • When the batch is created, it begins a countdown that publishes the batch once sufficient time

    has elapsed.

    a) True

    b) False

    What is the time elapsed after a batch is created?

    a) 0.5 seconds

    b) 0.05 seconds

    c) 1.5 seconds

    d) 1 second

    Every call to publish() will return a class that conforms to the __________ interface.

    a) Batch

    b) Client

    c) Server

    d) Future

    IaaS stands for __________

    a) Infrastructure as a Service

    b) Infrastructure as a Software

    c) Internet as a Service

    d) Internet as a Software

    Mobile cloud computing at its simplest refers to an __________

    a) Intervention

    b) Internet

    c) Infrastructure

    d) Intervention & Internet

    Mobile Cloud applications move the __________ Power and __________ away from mobile

    phone and into cloud.

    a) Computing and internet

    b) Data storage and computing

    c) Computing and data storage

    d) Internet and computing

  • SaaS stands for __________

    a) Service as a Smartphone

    b) Service as a software

    c) Smartphone as a service

    d) Software as a Service

    __________ reduces the development and running cost of mobile applications on smartphone


    a) Infrastructure

    b) Productive business

    c) Software

    d) Services

    PaaS stands as __________

    a) Platform as a Software

    b) Photo as a service

    c) Platform as a Service

    d) Photo as a Software

    The architecture of MCC is such that various mobile devices are connected to their respective

    mobile networks via __________

    a) Software

    b) Satellite

    c) Access point

    d) Base Station

    MCC stands for Mobile Cloud Computation.

    a) True

    b) False

    __________ is the minimum value which an application shall exceed to be offloaded.

    a) Static value

    b) Critical value

    c) Threshold value

    d) Dynamic value

    Offloading decision depends upon __________ to be offloaded.

    a) Size of application

    b) Threshold value

  • c) Critical value

    d) Dynamic value

    The part of the code which involves complex computations and requires more time to execute is

    referred to as __________

    a) Static session

    b) Threshold session

    c) Dynamic session

    d) Critical session

    In __________ offloading application is partitioned during development.

    a) Static offloading

    b) Dynamic offloading

    c) Threshold offloading

    d) Critical offloading

    __________ network environment means changing connection status.

    a) Static offloading

    b) Dynamic offloading

    c) Threshold offloading

    d) Critical offloading

    __________ is defined as delay between the offloading and final result.

    a) Latency rate

    b) Network Bandwidth

    c) Heterogeneity

    d) Migration Cost

    _____________ Depends upon the amount of the code being offloaded.

    a) Latency rate

    b) Network Bandwidth

    c) Heterogeneity

    d) Migration Cost

  • Which one of the following offers CPUs as integrated memory or peripheral interfaces?

    a) Microcontroller

    b) Microprocessor

    c) Embedded system

    d) Memory system

    Which of the following offers external chips for memory and peripheral interface circuits?

    a) Microcontroller

    b) Microprocessor

    c) Peripheral system

    d) Embedded system

    How many bits does an MC6800 family have?

    a) 16

    b) 32

    c) 4

    d) 8

    Which of the following is a 4-bit architecture?

    a) MC6800

    b) 8086

    c) 80386

    d) National COP series

    What is CISC?

    a) Computing instruction set complex

    b) Complex instruction set computing

    c) Complimentary instruction set computing

    d) Complex instruction set complementary

    How is the protection and security for an embedded system made?

    a) OTP

    b) IPR

    c) Memory disk security

    d) Security chips

    Which of the following possesses a CISC architecture?

    a) MC68020

    b) ARC

    c) Atmel AVR

    d) Blackfin

  • Which of the following is a RISC architecture?

    a) 80286

    b) MIPS

    c) Zilog Z80

    d) 80386

    Which one of the following is board based system?

    a) Data bus

    b) Address bus

    c) VMEbus

    d) DMA bus

    VME bus stands for

    a) Versa module Europa bus

    b) Versa module embedded bus

    c) Vertical module embedded bus

    d) Vertical module Europa bus

    Which of the following provides a buffer between the user and the low-level interfaces to the


    a) operating system

    b) kernel

    c) software

    d) hardware

    Which of the following enables the user to utilise the system efficiently?

    a) kernel

    b) operating system

    c) software

    d) hardware

    Which of the following can make the application program hardware independent?

    a) software

    b) application manager

    c) operating system

    d) kernel

    Which of the following speed up the testing process?

    a) kernel

    b) software

    c) application manager

    d) program debugging tools

  • Which of the following includes its own I/O routine?

    a) hardware

    b) kernel

    c) operating system

    d) application manager

    Which forms the heart of the operating system?

    a) kernel

    b) applications

    c) hardware

    d) operating system

    Which of the following locates a parameter block by using an address pointer?

    a) OS

    b) kernel

    c) system

    d) memory

    Which of the following are not dependent on the actual hardware performing the physical task?

    a) applications

    b) hardware

    c) registers

    d) parameter block

    Which of the following bus can easily upgrade the system hardware?

    a) control bus

    b) data bus

    c) VMEbus

    d) bus interface unit

    Which of the following is the first widely used operating system?

    a) MS-DOS

    b) windows XP

    c) android

    d) CP/M

  • Which of the following is an example of a single task operating system?

    a) android

    b) windows

    c) IOS

    d) CP/M

    Which of the following becomes a limiting factor while an application program has to be


    a) memory

    b) peripheral

    c) input

    d) output

    Which of the following cannot carry implicit information?

    a) semaphore

    b) message passing

    c) threads

    d) process

    Which of the following works by dividing the processor’s time?

    a) single task operating system

    b) multitask operating system

    c) kernel

    d) applications

    Which of the following decides which task can have the next time slot?

    a) single task operating system

    b) applications

    c) kernel

    d) software

    Which of the following controls the time slicing mechanism in a multitasking operating system?

    a) kernel

    b) single tasking kernel

    c) multitasking kernel

    d) application manager

    Which of the following provides a time period for the context switch?

    a) timer

  • b) counter

    c) time slice

    d) time machine

    Which of the following can periodically trigger the context switch?

    a) software interrupt

    b) hardware interrupt

    c) peripheral

    d) memory

    Which interrupt provides system clock in the context switching?

    a) software interrupt

    b) hardware interrupt

    c) peripheral

    d) memory

    The special tale in the multitasking operating system is also known as

    a) task control block

    b) task access block

    c) task address block

    d) task allocating block

    Which of the following stores all the task information that the system requires?

    a) task access block

    b) register

    c) accumulator

    d) task control block

    Which of the following contains all the task and their status?

    a) register

    b) ready list

    c) access list

    d) task list

  • Which determines the sequence and the associated task’s priority?

    a) scheduling algorithm

    b) ready list

    c) task control block

    d) application register

    Which can control memory usage?

    a) operating system

    b) applications

    c) hardware

    d) kernel

    Which can control the memory sharing between the tasks?

    a) kernel

    b) application

    c) software

    d) OS

    Which of the following can implement the message passing and control?

    a) application software

    b) operating system

    c) software

    d) kernel

    How many types of messages are associated with the real-time operating system?

    a) 2

    b) 3

    c) 4

    d) 5

    Which of the following can carry information and control task?

    a) semaphore

    b) messages

    c) flags

    d) address message

    What are the essential tight constraint/s related to the design metrics of an embedded system?

    a. Ability to fit on a single chip

    b. Low power consumption

    c. Fast data processing for real-time operations

    d. All of the above

  • Which abstraction level under-go the compilation process by converting a sequential program

    into finite-state machine and register transfers while designing an embedded system?

    a. System

    b. Behaviour

    c. RT

    d. Logic

    Which characteristics of an embedded system exhibit the responsiveness to the assortments or

    variations in system's environment by computing specific results for real-time applications

    without any kind of postponement ?

    a. Single-functioned Characteristic

    b. Tightly-constraint Characteristics

    c. Reactive & Real time Characteristics

    d. All of the above

    Which of the following is not a type of cyber crime?

    a) Data theft

    b) Forgery

    c) Damage to data and systems

    d) Installing antivirus for protection

    Cyber-laws are incorporated for punishing all criminals only.

    a) True

    b) False

    Cyber-crime can be categorized into ________ types.

    a) 4

    b) 3

    c) 2

    d) 6

    Which of the following is not a type of peer-to-peer cyber-crime?

    a) Phishing

    b) Injecting Trojans to a target victim

    c) MiTM

  • d) Credit card details leak in deep web

    Which of the following is not an example of a computer as weapon cyber-crime?

    a) Credit card fraudulent

    b) Spying someone using keylogger

    c) IPR Violation

    d) Pornography

    Which of the following is not done by cyber criminals?

    a) Unauthorized account access

    b) Mass attack using Trojans as botnets

    c) Email spoofing and spamming

    d) Report vulnerability in any system

    What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?

    a) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000

    b) India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000

    c) India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000

    d) The Technology Act, 2008

    In which year India’s IT Act came into existence?

    a) 2000

    b) 2001

    c) 2002

    d) 2003

    What is the full form of ITA-2000?

    a) Information Tech Act -2000

    b) Indian Technology Act -2000

    c) International Technology Act -2000

    d) Information Technology Act -2000

  • The Information Technology Act -2000 bill was passed by K. R. Narayanan.

    a) True

    b) False

    Under which section of IT Act, stealing any digital asset or information is written a cyber-crime.

    a) 65

    b) 65-D

    c) 67

    d) 70

    What is the punishment in India for stealing computer documents, assets or any software’s

    source code from any organization, individual, or from any other means?

    a) 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 50,000

    b) 1 year of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 100,000

    c) 2 years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 250,000

    d) 3 years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 500,000

    What is the updated version of the IT Act, 2000?

    a) IT Act, 2007

    b) Advanced IT Act, 2007

    c) IT Act, 2008

    d) Advanced IT Act, 2008

    In which year the Indian IT Act, 2000 got updated?

    a) 2006

    b) 2008

    c) 2010

    d) 2012

    What type of cyber-crime, its laws and punishments does section 66 of the Indian IT Act holds?

    a) Cracking or illegally hack into any system

    b) Putting antivirus into the victim

    c) Stealing data

  • d) Stealing hardware components

    Accessing computer without prior authorization is a cyber-crimes that come under _______

    a) Section 65

    b) Section 66

    c) Section 68

    d) Section 70

    Cracking digital identity of any individual or doing identity theft, comes under __________ of IT


    a) Section 65

    b) Section 66

    c) Section 68

    d) Section 70

    Accessing Wi-Fi dishonestly is a cyber-crime.

    a) True

    b) False

    Download copy, extract data from an open system done fraudulently is treated as _________

    a) cyber-warfare

    b) cyber-security act

    c) data-backup

    d) cyber-crime

    Any cyber-crime that comes under section 66 of IT Act, the accused person gets fined of around

    Rs ________

    a) 2 lacs

    b) 3 lacs

    c) 4 lacs

    d) 5 lacs

  • How many years of imprisonment can an accused person face, if he/she comes under any cyber-

    crime listed in section 66 of the Indian IT Act, 2000?

    a) 1 year

    b) 2 years

    c) 3 years

    d) 4 years

    Any digital content which any individual creates and is not acceptable to the society, it’s a cyber-

    crime that comes under _________ of IT Act.

    a) Section 66

    b) Section 67

    c) Section 68

    d) Section 69

    IT Act 2008 make cyber-crime details more precise where it mentioned if anyone publishes

    sexually explicit digital content then under ___________ of IT Act, 2008 he/she has to pay a

    legitimate amount of fine.

    a) section 67-A

    b) section 67-B

    c) section 67-C

    d) section 67-D

    If anyone publishes sexually explicit type digital content, it will cost that person imprisonment of

    _________ years.

    a) 2

    b) 3

    c) 4

    d) 5

    Using spy cameras in malls and shops to capture private parts of any person comes under

    _______ of IT Act, 2008.

    a) Section 66

    b) Section 67

    c) Section 68

  • d) Section 69

    Using spy cameras in malls and shops to capture private parts of any person comes under section

    67 of IT Act, 2008 and is punished with a fine of Rs. 5 Lacs.

    a) True

    b) False

    Using of spy cameras in malls and shops to capture private parts of any person comes under

    section 67 of IT Act, 2008 and is punished with imprisonment of ___________

    a) 2 years

    b) 3 years

    c) 4 years

    d) 5 years

    Misuse of digital signatures for fraudulent purposes comes under __________ of IT Act.

    a) section 65

    b) section 66

    c) section 71

    d) section 72

    Sending offensive message to someone comes under _____________ of the Indian IT Act


    a) section 66-A, 2000

    b) section 66-B, 2008

    c) section 67, 2000

    d) section 66-A, 2008

    Stealing of digital files comes under __________ of the Indian IT Act.

    a) section 66-A

    b) section 66-B

    c) section 66-C

    d) section 66-D

  • Section 79 of the Indian IT Act declares that any 3rd party information or personal data leakage

    in corporate firms or organizations will be a punishable offense.

    a) True

    b) False

    Which of the following attach is not used by LC4 to recover Windows password?

    a) Brute-force attack

    b) Dictionary attack

    c) MiTM attack

    d) Hybrid attacks

    ____________ is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner used in companies for checking

    vulnerabilities in the network.

    a) Wireshark

    b) Nessus

    c) Snort

    d) WebInspect

    _____________ is a tool which can detect registry issues in an operating system.

    a) Network Stumbler

    b) Ettercap

    c) Maltego

    d) LANguard Network Security Scanner

    Network Stumbler is a Windows Wi-Fi monitoring tool.

    a) True

    b) False

    5. ToneLoc is abbreviated as __________

    a) Tone Locking

    b) Tone Locator

    c) Tone Locker

  • d) Tune Locator

    __________ is a debugger and exploration tool.

    a) Netdog

    b) Netcat

    c) Tcpdump

    d) BackTrack

    __________ is a popular command-line packet analyser.

    a) Wireshark

    b) Snort

    c) Metasploit

    d) Tcpdump

    ________________ is a platform that essentially keeps the log of data from networks, devices as

    well as applications in a single location.

    a) EventLog Analyser

    b) NordVPN

    c) Wireshark

    d) PacketFilter Analyzer

    ______________ is competent to restore corrupted Exchange Server Database files as well as

    recovering unapproachable mails in mailboxes.

    a) Outlook

    b) Nessus

    c) Mailbox Exchange Recovery

    d) Mail Exchange Recovery toolkit

    . ________________ helps in protecting businesses against data breaches that may make threats

    to cloud.

    a) Centrify

    b) Mailbox Exchange Recovery

    c) Nessus

  • d) Dashline


    __________ is a popular corporate security tool that is used to detect the attack on email with

    cloud only services.

    a) Cain and Abel

    b) Proofpoint

    c) Angry IP Scanner

    d) Ettercap

    _____________ helps in protecting corporate data, communications and other assets.

    a) Snort

    b) CipherCloud

    c) Burp Suit

    d) Wireshark

    _________ framework made cracking of vulnerabilities easy like point and click.

    a) .Net

    b) Metasploit

    c) Zeus

    d) Ettercap

    Nmap is abbreviated as Network Mapper.

    a) True

    b) False

    __________ is a popular tool used for discovering networks as well as in security auditing.

    a) Ettercap

    b) Metasploit

    c) Nmap

    d) Burp Suit

  • Which of this Nmap do not check?

    a) services different hosts are offering

    b) on what OS they are running

    c) what kind of firewall is in use

    d) what type of antivirus is in use

    Which of the following deals with network intrusion detection and real-time traffic analysis?

    a) John the Ripper

    b) L0phtCrack

    c) Snort

    d) Nessus

    Wireshark is a ____________ tool.

    a) network protocol analysis

    b) network connection security

    c) connection analysis

    d) defending malicious packet-filtering

    Which of the below-mentioned tool is used for Wi-Fi hacking?

    a) Wireshark

    b) Nessus

    c) Aircrack-ng

    d) Snort

    Aircrack-ng is used for ____________

    a) Firewall bypassing

    b) Wi-Fi attacks

    c) Packet filtering

    d) System password cracking

    _____________ is a popular IP address and port scanner.

    a) Cain and Abel

    b) Snort

  • c) Angry IP Scanner

    d) Ettercap

    _______________ is a popular tool used for network analysis in multiprotocol diverse network.

    a) Snort

    b) SuperScan

    c) Burp Suit

    d) EtterPeak

    ____________ scans TCP ports and resolves different hostnames.

    a) SuperScan

    b) Snort

    c) Ettercap

    d) QualysGuard

    ___________ is a web application assessment security tool.

    a) LC4

    b) WebInspect

    c) Ettercap

    d) QualysGuard

    Which of the following attack-based checks WebInspect cannot do?

    a) cross-site scripting

    b) directory traversal

    c) parameter injection

    d) injecting shell code

    ________ is a password recovery and auditing tool.

    a) LC3

    b) LC4

    c) Network Stumbler

    d) Maltego

  • L0phtCrack is formerly known as LC3.

    a) True

    b) False

    ___________ is a weakness that can be exploited by attackers.

    a) System with Virus

    b) System without firewall

    c) System with vulnerabilities

    d) System with a strong password

    _________ is the sum of all the possible points in software or system where unauthorized users

    can enter as well as extract data from the system.

    a) Attack vector

    b) Attack surface

    c) Attack point

    d) Attack arena

    ____________ is the cyclic practice for identifying & classifying and then solving the

    vulnerabilities in a system.

    a) Bug protection

    b) Bug bounty

    c) Vulnerability measurement

    d) Vulnerability management

    Risk and vulnerabilities are the same things.

    a) True

    b) False

    _____________ is a special type of vulnerability that doesn’t possess risk.

    a) Vulnerabilities without risk

    b) Vulnerabilities without attacker

    c) Vulnerabilities without action

    d) Vulnerabilities no one knows

  • A/An __________ is a piece of software or a segment of command that usually take advantage

    of a bug to cause unintended actions and behaviors.

    a) malware

    b) trojan

    c) worms

    d) exploit

    There are ________ types of exploit.

    a) 3

    b) 2

    c) 5

    d) 4

    Remote exploits is that type of exploits acts over any network to exploit on security


    a) True

    b) False

    ________ type of exploit requires accessing to any vulnerable system for enhancing privilege for

    an attacker to run the exploit.

    a) Local exploits

    b) Remote exploits

    c) System exploits

    d) Network exploits

    ___________ is a technique used by penetration testers to compromise any system within a

    network for targeting other systems.

    a) Exploiting

    b) Cracking

    c) Hacking

    d) Pivoting

  • A _________ is a software bug that attackers can take advantage to gain unauthorized access in a


    a) System error

    b) Bugged system

    c) Security bug

    d) System virus

    Security bugs are also known as _______

    a) security defect

    b) security problems

    c) system defect

    d) software error

    __________ is the timeframe from when the loophole in security was introduced till the time

    when the bug was fixed.

    a) Time-frame of vulnerability

    b) Window of vulnerability

    c) Time-lap of vulnerability

    d) Entry-door of vulnerability

    ISMS is abbreviated as __________

    a) Information Server Management System

    b) Information Security Management Software

    c) Internet Server Management System

    d) Information Security Management System

    A zero-day vulnerability is a type of vulnerability unknown to the creator or vendor of the

    system or software.

    a) True

    b) False

  • What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system?

    a) To think like hackers and know how to defend such attacks

    b) To hack a system without the permission

    c) To hack a network that is vulnerable

    d) To corrupt software or service using malware

    Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is ____________ ethical


    a) a good

    b) not so good

    c) very good social engineering practice

    d) a bad

    ___________ has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for unethical


    a) Automated apps

    b) Database software

    c) Malware

    d) Worms

    Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of senior authority

    is a crime.

    a) True

    b) False

    _____________ is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT assets.

    a) Ethical hacking

    b) Unethical hacking

    c) Fixing bugs

    d) Internal data-breach

  • The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to __________ of personal data.

    a) stealing

    b) disclosure

    c) deleting

    d) hacking

    Before performing any penetration test, through legal procedure, which key points listed below is

    not mandatory?

    a) Know the nature of the organization

    b) Characteristics of work done in the firm

    c) System and network

    d) Type of broadband company used by the firm

    An ethical hacker must ensure that proprietary information of the firm does not get leaked.

    a) True

    b) False

    After performing ____________ the ethical hacker should never disclose client information to

    other parties.

    a) hacking

    b) cracking

    c) penetration testing

    d) exploiting

    __________ is the branch of cyber security that deals with morality and provides different

    theories and a principle regarding the view-points about what is right and wrong.

    a) Social ethics

    b) Ethics in cyber-security

    c) Corporate ethics

    d) Ethics in black hat hacking

  • . ________ helps to classify arguments and situations, better understand a cyber-crime and helps

    to determine appropriate actions.

    a) Cyber-ethics

    b) Social ethics

    c) Cyber-bullying

    d) Corporate behaviour

    A penetration tester must identify and keep in mind the ___________ & ___________

    requirements of a firm while evaluating the security postures.

    a) privacy and security

    b) rules and regulations

    c) hacking techniques

    d) ethics to talk to seniors

    A ______________ tries to formulate a web resource occupied or busy its users by flooding the

    URL of the victim with unlimited requests than the server can handle.

    a) Phishing attack

    b) DoS attack

    c) Website attack

    d) MiTM attack

    During a DoS attack, the regular traffic on the target _____________ will be either dawdling

    down or entirely interrupted.

    a) network

    b) system

    c) website

    d) router

    The intent of a ______________ is to overkill the targeted server’s bandwidth and other

    resources of the target website.

    a) Phishing attack

    b) DoS attack

    c) Website attack

  • d) MiTM attack

    DoS is abbreviated as _____________________

    a) Denial of Service

    b) Distribution of Server

    c) Distribution of Service

    d) Denial of Server

    A DoS attack coming from a large number of IP addresses, making it hard to manually filter or

    crash the traffic from such sources is known as a _____________

    a) GoS attack

    b) PDoS attack

    c) DoS attack

    d) DDoS attack

    DDoS stands for _________________

    a) Direct Distribution of Server

    b) Distributed Denial of Service

    c) Direct Distribution of Service

    d) Distributed Denial of Server

    Instead of implementing single computer & its internet bandwidth, a ____________ utilizes

    various systems & their connections for flooding the targeted website.

    a) GoS attack

    b) PoS attack

    c) DDoS attack

    d) DoS attack

    There are ______ types of DoS attack.

    a) 2

    b) 3

    c) 4

  • d) 5

    Application layer DoS attack is also known as _______________

    a) Layer4 DoS attack

    b) Layer5 DoS attack

    c) Layer6 DoS attack

    d) Layer7 DoS attack

    ___________ is a type of DoS threats to overload a server as it sends a large number of requests

    requiring resources for handling & processing.

    a) Network Layer DoS

    b) Physical Layer DoS

    c) Transport Layer DoS

    d) Application Layer DoS

    Which of the following is not a type of application layer DoS?

    a) HTTP flooding

    b) Slowloris

    c) TCP flooding

    d) DNS query flooding

    Network layer attack is also known as ________________

    a) Layer3-4 DoS attack

    b) Layer5 DoS attack

    c) Layer6-7 DoS attack

    d) Layer2 DoS attack

    Which of the following do not comes under network layer DoS flooding?

    a) UDP flooding

    b) HTTP Flooding

    c) SYN flooding

    d) NTP Amplification

  • Which of the following do not comes under network layer DoS flooding?

    a) DNS amplification

    b) UDP flooding

    c) DNS query flooding

    d) NTP Amplification

    DDoS are high traffic events that are measured in Gigabits per second (Gbps) or packets per

    second (PPS).

    a) True

    b) False

    A DDoS with 20 to 40 Gbps is enough for totally shutting down the majority network


    a) True

    b) False

    ______________ is an internet scam done by cyber-criminals where the user is convinced

    digitally to provide confidential information.

    a) Phishing attack

    b) DoS attack

    c) Website attack

    d) MiTM attack

    In _______________ some cyber-criminals redirect the legitimate users to different phishing

    sites and web pages via emails, IMs, ads and spyware.

    a) URL Redirection

    b) DoS

    c) Phishing

    d) MiTM attack

  • Phishers often develop ______________ websites for tricking users & filling their personal data.

    a) legitimate

    b) illegitimate

    c) genuine

    d) official

    Which of the following type of data, phishers cannot steal from its target victims?

    a) bank details

    b) phone number

    c) passwords

    d) apps installed in the mobile

    Algorithm-Based Phishing was developed in the year __________

    a) 1988

    b) 1989

    c) 1990

    d) 1991

    ______________ was the first type of phishing where the phishers developed an algorithm for

    generating random credit card numbers.

    a) Algo-based phishing

    b) Email-based phishing

    c) Domain Phishing

    d) Vishing

    Email Phishing came into origin in the year __________

    a) 1990

    b) 2000

    c) 2005

    d) 2015

    _________________ type of phishing became very popular as if it has been sent from a

    legitimate source with a legitimate link to its official website.

  • a) Algo-based phishing

    b) Email-based phishing

    c) Domain Phishing

    d) Vishing

    _____________ refers to phishing performed over smart-phone by calling.

    a) Algo-based phishing

    b) Email-based phishing

    c) Domain Phishing

    d) Vishing

    _____________ = voice + phishing.

    a) Algo-based phishing

    b) Vishing

    c) Domain Phishing

    d) Email-based phishing

    Victims of phishing are mostly ___________________

    a) Tech enthusiast

    b) Professional computer engineers

    c) Lack of computer knowledge

    d) Lack of management skill

    ___________________ is usually targeted by nature where the emails are exclusively designed

    to target any exact user.

    a) Algo-based phishing

    b) Vishing

    c) Domain Phishing

    d) Spear phishing

    . ____________ or smishing is one of the simplest types of phishing where the target victims

    may get a fake order detail with a cancellation link.

    a) Algo-based phishing

  • b) SMS phishing

    c) Domain Phishing

    d) Spear phishing

    ________________ phishing is that type of phishing where the construction of a fake webpage is

    done for targeting definite keywords & waiting for the searcher to land on the fake webpage.

    a) Voice

    b) SMS

    c) Search engine

    d) Email

    Which of the following is not an example or type of phishing?

    a) Spear phishing

    b) Deceptive phishing

    c) Whaling

    d) Monkey in the Middle

    Which of the following is not an example or type of phishing?

    a) Tracking

    b) Vishing

    c) Smishing

    d) Pharming

    _____________ is data interception method used by hackers.

    a) Phishing

    b) DoS

    c) Sniffing

    d) MiTM

    Sniffing is also known as ___________________

    a) network-tapping

    b) wiretapping

    c) net-tapping

  • d) wireless-tapping

    _____________ are programs or devices that capture the vital information from the target

    network or particular network.

    a) Routers

    b) Trappers

    c) Wireless-crackers

    d) Sniffers

    Which of them is not an objective of sniffing for hackers?

    a) Fetching passwords

    b) Email texts

    c) Types of files transferred

    d) Geographic location of a user

    Which of the following tech-concepts cannot be sniffed?

    a) Router configuration

    b) ISP details

    c) Email Traffic

    d) Web Traffic

    Which of the following tech-concepts cannot be sniffed?

    a) Cloud sessions

    b) FTP passwords

    c) Telnet passwords

    d) Chat sessions

  • Which of the below-mentioned protocol is not susceptible to sniffing?

    a) HTTP

    b) SMTP

    c) POP

    d) TCP

    Which of the below-mentioned protocol is not susceptible to sniffing?

    a) NNTP

    b) UDP

    c) FTP

    d) IMAP

    There are __________ types of sniffing.

    a) 2

    b) 3

    c) 4

    d) 5

    Active sniffing is difficult to detect.

    a) True

    b) False

    Which of the following is not a sniffing tool?

    a) Wireshark

    b) Dude Sniffer

    c) Maltego

    d) Look@LAN

    A sniffer, on the whole turns your system’s NIC to the licentious mode so that it can listen to all

    your data transmitted on its division.

    a) True

    b) False

  • A ______________ on the whole turns your system’s NIC to the licentious mode so that it can

    listen to all your data transmitted on its division.

    a) Phishing site

    b) Sniffer tool

    c) Password cracker

    d) NIC cracker

    In _____________ sniffing, the network traffic is not only supervised & locked but also be can

    be altered in different ways to accomplish the attack.

    a) passive

    b) signal

    c) network

    d) active

    __________________ are those devices which can be plugged into your network at the hardware

    level & it can monitor traffic.

    a) Hardware sniffers & analyzers

    b) Hardware protocol analyzers

    c) Hardware protocol sniffers

    d) Hardware traffic sniffers and observers

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