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My Most Important Thing


. In my life, I have had a lot of important events, and I would need a

timeline to figure out which event is the most important, but I would say that the birth of my daughter Dalia was the most important event in my entire life for different reasons, first of all, because she was the first baby in the

family. Second of all, she was the first girl in the family. I have never had a sister or an aunt. The first time I carried my daughter in my arms, I felt a

special emotion and happiness. My daughter is now nine years old, drawing and painting are her

special interests. Every day, she patiently draws and paints really nice pictures that I am not able to draw as nicely as she does.

The first drawing she did was when she was two years old. I was surprised because she drew a person with eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, a mouth and a nose at the age of two years. She knew what was in a person’s face even then. Since that day, I have known that she will be a special person, and now, I’m thinking to enroll her into art classes in order for her to get better skills in painting.

My daughter is doing well at school, too. Her first grade teacher said that she was a very smart and well-behaved girl, and she added that she wished that all her students Personal photo of Merzouk and Dalia

were like Dalia. If so, life would be easier in the classroom, and she told me also that she couldn’t wait until twenty–five years from now to see what my daughter will be like because she will be somebody special. I’m very proud of her because she is not just good at school. Even at home, she’s very responsible and helpful .She tries to help us with her little brother Rayane by playing with him while my wife and I do our homework, and she helps him with his homework. So having my daughter is a special aspect of my life.

. .

Merzouk  Mokhtari  November  22,  2013  


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