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I AM Friendly, inquisitive, hard working, funny, eager and passionate. I’m in excellent health and a non-smoker.

I designed and presented the animation for the category I dent for the 2011 IDI Awards ceremony.

I can use Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, After-effects, Premier pro, Soundbooth, Dream weaver, Adobe Edge, Microsoft office, SQL, JavaScript, PHP, Unity, Blender, 3DS MAX and actionscript.

This project was set by our photography tutor of the time, Peter Morgan, with the objective of working with the camera and the image.

I took this opportunity to reflection my childhood and my relationship with my parents and my grandfather. More work on this project can be found on my website.




This project was based on the brief The Truth given to us during the first semester of our forth year. Our aim was to piece and aspect of the truth that we felt society may not be self aware of and create a packaging solution in printed format to illustrate our findings using our chosen article for the basis of our design.

I chose to examine pylons and their signal strength in today’s world. With the increase of I phones, I pads and other technological devices, there has been an increase in mobile phone masts to hold the data. I wanted to illustrate the impact these vast surreal designs have on our surrounding.





As part of our college photography module we were asked to present two alternative photographs that could be used for the title page of a short story, The Wave, that would appear in a magazine. This was my final chosen image untreated by any programs I took this with basic lighting with a friend in a bath tub. I wanted to convey dreamy melancholy theme the story contained.




Catalogue and advertising campaign created for the 2012 Limerick School of Art & Design fashion show. The theme was based on the final year fashion students embarking on a journey after college, their show is only the beginning of the bright future that lies ahead of them.

A catalogue was created with the students business cards perforated on the inside and revealing an image of the fashion department. A student run blog, email invitations, swing tags and vinyl graphics were created for the campaign along with a You Tube, Twitter and Facebook page.




Inspired by renowned poet Robert Frost, I chose to examine how people relate to poetry today, with an aim to change the traditional perception of poetry.

To capture this I have created a series of animations, an informing poster and a booklet which explores the relationship between poetry and people within an image primary context.

These formats were created in an attempt to encourage alternative considerations and strengthen the effect images can have with words and sounds upon the individual imagination.








I have created various animations for the IDI awards, the film four film noire season and my final year project.

You can view my animations at my website: cargocollective.com/teresaahern





A series of pattern designs I created for my final year project booklet. I created 3 for summer, 3 for autumn and 3 for winter. They were created in response to the poem Chant d’automne (Autumn Song) by Charles Baudelaire.

I took this poem and created an image based booklet expressing the personal feeling and response from reading the poem.PA



My Rational for this project was to create a website which would be easily access from a phone or a tablet but would function on a pc or a mac too.

I chose a single page navigation which had a blog like set up and when people would put in their information about their health the information would be emailed to their phone or their pad to update their application.

I directed the user down the page starting with about the company, then to what they can do which will lead them to their sign up form, then to an app that they can download and finally to a contact form where they can email any further queries.




My character design was a combination of 1940s horror film posters and the charming retro textured style of new stop-motion animation. I was inspired by American Horror Story, Tim Burton and Dkillar Panda illustrations, the Simpson’s Halloween specials and of course Paranorman. Combining these styles I created my own zombie character using the three personality traits that represent me.

My three traits were nature(particularly grave yards), Gothic novels and horror film. I chose these things because not only did I feel they represented me the best but they tied in very well with each other giving me creative freedom and the ability to use as many technical tools I wanted to create the effects necessary to bring my character to life.

I created my character using adobe illustrator and my own hand drawn elements. I used a lot of copy and paste, object reflect, stylise, opacity and pan tone swatches. I didn’t use many tutorials to create my character and my background, most of my work was my own intuition. I am pretty pleased with the result. I chose the square format for my final hand up to reflect almost a nursery book style.

I wanted to create a funny, spooky, scary and outrageous character - bringing a unique angleTo the horror genre.





As a group we created a video for the drink aware competition which sowed a series of interviews with different people talking about their response to and their feelings about drink.

It was a great opportunity to explore the editing process of video.






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