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  • 1. My preliminary
    Task By
    Megan Allen

2. 3. The Mast head is bold and draws attention. It establishes the colour theme well and the font type is feminine and soft.
The main image has a women smiling, the colours of the makeup and clothing match the colour theme of the magazine. There is less writing used so the emphasis is mostly on the women.
This targets their audience clearly working women because the font size is large and contributes the area of fashion which is the reason the are purchasing the magazine.
These headings show the other features within the magazine to target the mass audience. They draw attention and bring interest.
These are used to show the discounts and exclusive content you can get with purchasing this magazine and makes it more desirable especially as the price of the magazine is relatively cheap.
This is bold and large which shows that this is an important feature, shows the main genre type of the magazine and targets their audience
4. The mast head looks far more professional and formal. The colours are just white and blue which are neutral colours. The mast head is far more smaller. The overall look is professional and is more like a letter and is informative rather than just being aimed at students which would include more pictures and more colourful.
There are no pictures on this first page which shows that the information is important and is for a general more formal audienceand to give them information.
There is no contents page before which indicates what is in this issue, instead there are headings in capitals and bold to break the articles up. Within the articles some text is in bold to highlight its importance.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Evaluation
I started my research by evaluating two magazine covers, one of Marie Claire and the other was the student Newsletter. Marie Claire was a lot more colourful with a main image and less text whereas the student newsletter was more formal. Analysing these mean I could use their conventions and target my audience well. I benefitted greatly from analysing these magazines because it gave me ideas how to layout my magazines and what would appeal to my audience but still cover topics that gave them important information. I used the blue colour scheme which links with The Henley College but I varied in tones in order to attract the students and make it less formal. I wanted the magazine to attract students and be fun but also maintain a formal image for the college. I had to come up with items that I could feature in the contents page which would give the students information and items that will interest them. The contents page is more colourful because I wanted the magazine to seem much more interesting and appeal to students.
This was the first time I had used Indesign and therefore I found it difficult to start off with but once I had gotten started I found the basics easy to learn though at times I did find certain things difficult but managed to quickly change this. I had used Photoshop before however I had not used Quick Mask before but learning that was quite simple and I used that to get rid of the background from the main image. I used my digital camera for my main image and took a picture of a student from the College. The other images were of a poster and a friend that I thought went well with what I was offering in the magazines and these were taken with my phone.
The audience feedback showed that my front cover realism and layout design were proficient along with mode of address, the main image, appropriate for audience and appropriateness for purpose. I got a basic rating for Integration of illustration and text, variety of font and text sizes and following conventions.
I think I have done well with this task. I have targeted the audience well and still made it formal for the College. It was my first time creating a magazine front cover and contents so I used inspiration from what I have seen in magazines before to follow certain conventions and make the magazine look professional. I think I used the programmes well and I can build on the basics I have learnt.

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