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Page 1: My Stop Smoking [xxxxxxxxxxxxx] NHS Stop Smoking Service ... smo… · Saving you money Using your local NHS Stop Smoking Service isn’t just a good idea when it comes to getting

“�We can help you�quit�for�good!”

Call�your�local NHS Stop Smoking Service on [xxxxxxxxxxxxx]

Because life’s better smokefree.

Welcome�to�your�local NHS Stop Smoking Service

“�My Stop Smoking adviser�helped�me�stay on track.”

1217198_Smokefree Resource Toolkit_A5_6pp_Welcome leaflet_AW.indd 1 25/01/2012 13:01

Page 2: My Stop Smoking [xxxxxxxxxxxxx] NHS Stop Smoking Service ... smo… · Saving you money Using your local NHS Stop Smoking Service isn’t just a good idea when it comes to getting


Here for you every step of the way.Welcome to your local NHS Stop Smoking Service. Getting�help�and�advice�from�our�friendly,�expert�team�will�make�you�up to 4 times more likely to quit for good!

Starting outYour�first�appointment�with�us�will�be�about�tailoring�a�Smokefree�plan�to�suit�you.�You’ll�sit�down�with�an�experienced�Stop�Smoking�adviser�to�decide�the�kind�of�support�you�want.�Perhaps�you’d�like�to�join�a�support�group,�or�have�one-to-one�sessions?�Or�maybe�visiting�one�of�our�drop-in�clinics�would�suit�your�lifestyle�better?�Your�adviser�will�also�help�you�decide�a�quit�date�that�you’re�happy�with�and�discuss�a�range�of�stop�smoking�medicines�which�may�help.

Putting your plans into actionWhatever�type�of�support�you�choose,�you’ll�probably�want�to�attend�6�or�7�sessions,�depending�on�your�current�smoking�habits.�You�will�usually�spend�the�first�two�sessions�planning�and�preparing�to�quit,�and�then�quit�smoking�in�the�third�week.��You’ll�be�able�to�talk�about�how�you’re�getting�on�and�get�lots�of�advice�on�how�to�boost�your�willpower.�You�can�also�book�a�weekly�carbon�monoxide�check�–�a�great�way�to�see�your�body�recovering!

Choosing some extra back-upMany�smokers�quit�successfully�by�using��a�combination�of�support�and�stop�smoking�medicines�to�help�them�cope�with�cravings.�Your�Stop�Smoking�adviser�will�help�you�choose�the�right�type�to�suit�you;�from�nicotine�patches�and�gum,�to�nasal�sprays��and�tablets.


Saving you moneyUsing�your�local�NHS�Stop�Smoking�Service�isn’t�just�a�good�idea�when�it�comes�to�getting�advice�and�your�own�personal�quitting�plan�for�free.�We�can�also�save�you�money�on�the�whole�range�of�‘stop�smoking’�medicines.�Ask�your�Stop�Smoking�adviser�how.

Keeping up the good workOnce�you’ve�quit,�you�can�still�rely�on�us�for�support.�We’ll�give�you�top�tips�on�how�to�cope�with�common�pitfalls,�to�help�you�avoid�a�relapse.�Many�people�also�enjoy�keeping�in�touch�with�friends�they�made�in�their�support�groups�–�the�perfect�people�to�understand�exactly�how�you�feel�and�share�your�triumphs.

Enjoying benefits of life as a non-smoker

20 minsAfter... Your blood pressure and pulse rate will be back to the normal rate of a non-smoker.

Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half and oxygen levels return to normal.

Carbon monoxide will be gone from your body! Your lungs will start to clear out unwanted mucus and smoking debris.

Your body will be nicotine free! Food will start to taste better and your sense of smell will improve too.

Your breathing will become easier. Your bronchial tubes will begin to relax and your energy levels will increase.

Your sleep should noticeably improve.

Your circulation will improve, making your skin look better.

Smoker’s coughs and breathing problems should improve as your lung function increases by up to 10%.

Your risk of a heart attack will fall to about half that of a smoker.

Your risk of lung cancer will fall to half that of a smoker … and your risk of a heart attack should be the same as someone who has never smoked!

8 hours

24 hours

48 hours

72 hours

2-12 weeks

1 week

3-9 months

5 years

10 years

It’s amazing how quickly you’ll notice some really positive changes when you quit smoking and we’re not just talking cash!

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