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Dr Mohit Goel



Grey and white matter of CNS differ in morphology, water content & macromolecular content mainly membrane lipids.

Grey matter primarily contain neurons & their process.

White matter predominantly composed of myelinated axons.

Oligodendroglial cell membrane is the source of the myelin sheath.

Cholesterol, galactocerebrosidase, spingomyelin & phospholipids are found in fully formed white matter and account for stability & strength of the myelin membrane.

Normal myelination… Hyperintense on T1 & Hypointense on T2.

T1W parallel increase in lipids while T2W correlates to the period of maturation of myelin sheath.

General rules of myelination

Caudad to cephalad.

Central to peripheral.

Posterior to anterior.


Dorsal medulla /


Inferior / superior

cerebellar peduncles

Middle cerebellar


Cerebellar white



First appear at

Birth Birth

Birth Birth

1 mth 3 mth

1 – 3 mth 8 – 18 mth


Internal capsule

Posterior limb

Anterior limb


Pre / postcentral gyri

Corpus callosum



Centrum semiovale

Optic radiations

Subcortical U fibers


Birth Birth

3 mth 3 – 6 mth

Birth Birth

1 mth 8 – 12 mth

3 – 4 mth 6 mth

6 mth 8 mth

Birth – 1 mth 3 mth

3 mth 3 mth

3 – 8 mth 8 – 18 mth


Dorsal medulla / mid brain.

Inferior / superior cerebellar peduncles.

Posterior limb of internal capsule.

Ventrolateral thalamus.

One month

Deep cerebellar white matter.

Corticospinal tract.

Pre / post central gyri.

Optic nerve / tracts.

Three month

Cerebellar folia.

Ventral brainstem.

Optic radiation.

Anterior limb of internal capsule.

Occipital subcortical U fibers.

Corpus callosum splenium.

Six month

Corpus callosum genu.

Paracentral subcortical U fibers.

Centrum semioval ( Partial ).

Eight month

Centrum semiovale ( complete except

frontoteporal area ).

Subcortical U fibers ( complete except most

rostral frontal area ).

Eighteen month

Essentially like adult.

Myelination milestones after



3 m cerebellar white


4 m corpus callosum


6 m corpus callosum



6 m corpus callosum


8 m corpus callosum


11 m anterior limb

internal capsule

14 m frontal white


White matter diseases are traditionally divided into two


• Dysmyelinating diseases

• Demyelinating diseases

• Hypomyelinating diseases

Dysmyelinating diseases - also known as leukodystrophies,

result from an inherited enzyme deficiency that causes

abnormal formation, destruction, or turnover of myelin.

Demyelinating diseases - involve destruction of intrinsically

normal myelin.

Hypomyelinating diseases - the WM may partially myelinate

but never myelinates completely).

Classification of Leukodystrophies on the Basis of Organelle Disorder

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

The imaging hallmark of MLD is a rapidly progressive leukodystrophy.

Serial CT scans show centrifugal spread of confluent hypodensity with the

corpus callosum splenium and parietooccipital periventricular WM initially


The disease gradually extends into the frontal and then the temporal WM.

NECT shows symmetric periventricular WM hypodensity

The typical MR appearance is confluent, symmetric, butterfly-shaped

T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the periventricular WM.

The subcortical U-fibers and cerebellum are typically spared until late in the


Islands of normal myelin around medullary veins in the WM may produce a

striking "tiger" or "leopard" pattern with linear hypointensities in a sea of

confluent hyperintensity. No enhancement is seen on T1 C+.

A few cases of MLD have been reported with enlarged, enhancing cranial

nerves and/or cauda equina nerve roots.

Restricted diffusion is common.

MRS typically shows elevated choline with variable increase in myoinositol.

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy

Also called "bronze" Schilder disease

CT findings

NECT scans demonstrate

hypodensity in the corpus

callosum splenium and WM

around the atria and occipital

horns of the lateral ventricles.

Calcification in the affected WM

is common.

CECT may show enhancement

around the central hypodense


MR findings

A posterior-predominant pattern is seen in 80% of patients with X-


The earliest finding is T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the middle of

the corpus callosum splenium.

As the disease progresses, hyperintensity spreads from posterior

to anterior and from the center to the periphery.

The peritrigonal WM, corticospinal tracts, fornix, commissural

fibers, plus the visual and auditory pathways can all eventually

become involved.

The leading edge of demyelination appears hyperintense on

T1WI but does not enhance.

The intermediate zone of active inflammatory demyelination

often enhances on T1 C+.

Diffusion restriction in the intermediate zone of inflammatory

demyelination may be present on DWI.

MRS shows decreased NAA even in normal-appearing WM.

Elevated choline, myoinositol, and lactate are common.

Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy (Krabbe Disease)

GLD is characterized by the presence of unique "globoid" cells in the demyelinating



NECT scans :

Bilaterally symmetric calcifications

in the thalami, basal ganglia,

internal capsule, corticospinal

tracts, and dentate nuclei of the

cerebellum can sometimes be


Classic MR findings in GLD are corticospinal tract hyperintensity on T2/FLAIR

with confluent symmetric demyelination in the deep periventricular WM.

The subcortical U-fibers are typically spared. Bithalamic hypointensity on

T2WI is common.

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) may demonstrate reduced fractional anisotropy

in the corticospinal tracts before other abnormalities appear.

MRS findings of elevated choline and decreased NAA in the hemispheric WM

are characteristic but nonspecific.

Cerebellar findings appear early in the disease course.

Alternating "halo" or ring-like hypointensities on T1WI and hyperintensities

on T2WI can be identified in the cerebellar WM surrounding the dentate


Another distinctive feature of GLD is enlargement of the intracranial optic

nerves and chiasm. Diffusely enlarged, enhancing cranial nerves and cauda

equina nerve roots have also been reported in GLD.

Differential Diagnosis

The WM changes in metachromatic leukodystrophy and vanishing white

matter disease may initially appear quite similar, but these disorders lack

the basal ganglia/thalamic calcifications typical of GLD.

Krabbe Disease

Vanishing White Matter Disease

Characterized by diffusely abnormal white matter that literally "vanishes"

over time.

The deep frontoparietal WM is most severely affected with relatively lesser

involvement of the temporal lobes.

Classic VWM presents in children two to five years of age.


Extensive confluent WM T1 hypointensity with T2/FLAIR hyperintensity is


The disease is initially periventricular but later spreads to involve the

subcortical arcuate fibers. Over time, the affected WM undergoes


Cavitary foci of CSF-like signal intensity may develop.

Diffuse volume loss with enlarged ventricles and sulci is seen on serial


VWM does not enhance.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease

Symptoms usually develop within a few days after birth and

include poor feeding, lethargy, vomiting, and seizures.

In severe cases, the urine smells like maple syrup or burnt


NECT scans

show profound hypodensity in the myelinated WM with

vasogenic edema in the (Areas of early myelination) dorsal

brainstem, cerebellum, cerebral peduncles, and posterior limb

of the internal capsule.

MR scans show striking T2/FLAIR hyperintensity with relatively

crisp margins.

DWI shows restricted diffusivity

Maple Syrup Urine Disease

Maple Syrup Urine Disease

Subcortical White Matter Predominance

Megaloencephalic Leukodystrophy with Subcortical Cyst

It has remarkably slow course of neurologic deterioration.

Age at symptom onset varies widely, ranging from

birth to 25 years, with median age of six months.


A large head with diffuse confluent WM T2/FLAIR

hyperintensity in the subcortical WM is typical.

The affected gyri appear "watery" and swollen.

The basal ganglia are spared; the corpus callosum and internal capsule are

usually normal. The cerebellar WM is generally normal or only mildly


Characteristic CSF-like subcortical cysts develop in the anterior temporal

lobes and then appear in the frontoparietal lobes.

Unlike the "watery" WM, the cysts suppress completely on FLAIR. The

number and size of the cysts may increase over time.

The abnormal WM and cysts do not enhance on T1 C+.

MRS shows mild to moderately decreased NAA and reduced NAA:Cr ratio.

Megaloencephalic Leukodystrophy with Subcortical Cyst

Hypomyelinating Disorders

Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease

X-linked disorder that results in nearly complete lack of myelination.

One of the most common hypomyelinating disorders.

100% of classic PMD cases occur in males.

PMD is typically identified in infants under one year of age.


The typical imaging appearance of PMD is nearly complete lack of


The entire cerebral WM appears strikingly and homogeneously

hyperintense on T2WI.

Preserved myelin around perivascular spaces gives the WM a "tiger"


Hyperintensity of the pyramidal tracts or entire pons is typically present.

Progressive WM and cerebellar volume loss are common.

Disorders Affecting Both Gray and White Matter


Lysosomal storage disorders characterized by incomplete degradation and

progressive accumulation of toxic glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in various


The major features of these disorders are

• Macrocephaly,

• Enlarged perivascular spaces, and

• Pachymeningopathy.



NECT scans show an enlarged head, often with metopic "beaking".

Progressive hydrocephalus and atrophy can be present.

Enlarged Perivascular Spaces

A striking sieve-like cribriform appearance in the posterior cerebral WM

and corpus callosum is characteristic and is caused by numerous dilated

PVSs (peri-vascular spaces)- also called as "Hurler holes," these

enlarged PVSs are typical of both Hurler and Hunter diseases. They are

much less common in the other MPSs.

NECT scans may show decreased density with multifocal CSF-like

hypodensities in the WM and basal ganglia.

T2 scans show CSF-like hyperintensity in the enlarged PVSs. The

surrounding WM may show patchy or confluent hyperintensity. The PVSs

themselves suppress completely on FLAIR.

The enlarged PVSs do not "bloom" on T2* and do not enhance following

contrast administration.


Thickened meninges can compress the medulla or upper cervical cord.

Odontoid dysplasia and a short C1 posterior arch—common in the MPSs—

can exacerbate the craniovertebral junction stenosis, causing progressive


A lumbar gibbus with a "beaked" L1 vertebral body is common in Hurler



MR shows virtually complete absence of myelination with confluent

T2/FLAIR hyperintensity throughout the WM and globi pallidi.

Early in the disease course, the subcortical arcuate fibers are initially

affected and the gyri may appear swollen.

As the disease progresses, diffuse volume loss with ventricular and sulcal

enlargement ensues.

The hemispheric and cerebellar WM, basal ganglia, and cortex are all


MRS - is the key to the definitive diagnosis of CD.

Markedly elevated NAA is seen in virtually all cases.

Cr is reduced. An elevated myoisitol peak is sometimes present.

Canavan Disease

Canavan disease is the only identified genetic disorder caused by a defect in

a metabolite— N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA) —that is produced exclusively in

the brain.

The most common form by far is infantile CD. Infantile CD presents between

three and six months and is characterized by hypotonia, macrocephaly, and


Death between one or two years is typical.


NECT shows a large head with diffuse WM hypodensity in the cerebral

hemispheres and cerebellum.

The globi pallidi also appear hypodense. CD does not enhance.

Canavan Disease

Canavan Disease

Alexander Disease

The infantile form, which is the most common,

patients younger than two years present with megalencephaly, progressive

psychomotor retardation, and seizures.


NECT scans of infants with AxD show a large head with symmetric WM

hypodensity in the frontal lobes that extends posteriorly into the caudate

nuclei and internal/external capsules.

Intense bifrontal periventricular enhancement can be seen on CECT scans

early in the disease course.

MR shows T1 hypointensity and T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the frontal WM,

caudate nuclei, and anterior putamina.

Subcortical U-fibers are involved early in the disease course.

A classic finding is a T1 hypointense, T2 hyperintense rim around the

frontal horns.

FLAIR scans may demonstrate cystic encephalomalacia in the frontal

WM in more severe, protracted cases.

Enlargement of the caudate heads and fornices, which appear swollen

and hyperintense.

The thalami, globi pallidi, brainstem, and cerebellum are less commonly


MRS shows decreased NAA, elevated myoinositol, and variably

increased choline and lactate.

DWI shows normal to increased diffusivity in the affected WM.

Alexander Disease

Zellweger syndrome spectrum (ZSS)


ZSS is characterized by microgyria and pachygyria, often with bilaterally

symmetric parasylvian lesions.

Hypomyelinated WM is seen as confluent T2/FLAIR WM hyperintensity.

Subependymal (caudothalamic) germinolytic cysts are common findings.

Hyperbilirubinemia may cause increased T1 signal intensity in the globi

pallidi of older patients.

Zellweger syndrome spectrum (ZSS)

Leigh Disease

Serum and CSF lactate levels are elevated.


Bilaterally symmetric areas of T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the basal ganglia.

The putamina (especially the posterior segments) are consistently affected, as

are the caudate heads.

The dorsomedial thalami can also be involved whereas the globi pallidi are

less commonly affected.

Mid- and lower brainstem (pons/medulla) lesions are typical.

Leigh Disease

Symmetric lesions in the cerebral peduncles are common, and the

periaqueductal gray matter is frequently affected.

Acute lesions may restrict on DWI but do not enhance.

MRS of the brain parenchyma and CSF typically shows a prominent

lactate peak at 1.3 ppm.

Leigh Disease

Leigh Disease


Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like

episodes (MELAS)

The clinical triad of lactic acidosis, seizures, and stroke-like episodes is the

classic presentation.

Acute MELAS –

often shows swollen T2/FLAIR hyperintense gyri.

The underlying WM is normal

The cortical abnormalities cross vascular distribution territories,

distinguishing MELAS from acute cerebral infarction.

The parietal and occipital lobes are most commonly affected.

Gyral enhancement on T1 C+ is typical.

MRA shows no evidence of major vessel occlusion.

Chronic MELAS-

shows multifocal lacunar-type infarcts,

symmetric basal ganglia calcifications,

WM volume loss, and progressive

atrophy of the parietooccipital cortex.


Two-thirds of cases show a prominent lactate "doublet" at 1.3 ppm in

otherwise normal-appearing brain.

One-third of cases show no evidence for elevated lactate levels in the

brain parenchyma but may demonstrate a lactate peak in the ventricular



Kearns-Sayre Syndrome

KSS typically presents in older children or young adults and is characterized

by short stature, progressive external ophthalmoplegia, retinitis pigmentosa,

sensorineural hearing loss, and ataxia.


CT scans show variable symmetric basal ganglia calcifications.

Mild cortical and cerebellar volume loss is common.

MR shows increased signal intensity in the basal ganglia, WM, and

cerebellum on T2/FLAIR.

The subcortical arcuate fibers, corticospinal tracts, cerebellum, and posterior

brainstem are involved early in the disease course while the periventricular

WM remains relatively spared.

DWI shows reduced diffusivity in the brainstem and subcortical WM.

MRS demonstrates elevated lactate.

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome

Glutaric Aciduria Type 1


The three "signature" imaging findings of classic GA1 are


(2) bilateral widened ("open") sylvian fissures, and

(3) bilaterally symmetric basal ganglia lesions.

Severe GA1 may also cause diffuse hemispheric WM abnormalities.

GA1 infants in metabolic crisis often present with acute striatal necrosis.

Bilateral diffusely swollen basal ganglia that are T2/FLAIR hyperintense and

that restrict on DWI are typical.

Chronic GA1 causes enlarged CSF spaces and atrophy.

The volume loss may tear bridging veins that cross from the brain surface to

the dura, resulting in recurrent subdural hematomas.

GA1 does not enhance on T1 C+ scans.

MRS is nonspecific with decreased NAA, increased Cho:Cr ratio, and

(during crisis) elevated lactate level.

Glutaric aciduria type 2 (GA2)

Imaging studies show symmetric T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the basal

ganglia and hemispheric WM, but the "open" sylvian fissures characteristic

of GA1 are absent.

Glutaric Aciduria Type 1

Glutaric Aciduria Type 1

Glutaric Aciduria Type 1

Glutaric Aciduria Type 1

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