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Page 1: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

Influence Networks:Influence Networks: Measuring the Impact

Presented By: Myra Norton

Page 2: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

What is Buzz and Why Do We Want It?

The dominant influence on business executive decision-The dominant influence on business executive decision-making is WOM recommendation

Top Influences on Work-Related Purchases by Business Executives (2007)y ( )

53%Colleagues’ / friends’ WOM 65%

United States United Kingdom

37%37%Tradeshows / exhibits


Sales representatives 39%38%Meetings / events / conferences





Tradeshows / exhibits

Direct mail / e-mail

Print advertising

TV advertising

Press coverage




Press coverage

Radio advertising


2X the influence WOM has versus advertising, direct mail or press

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2X coverage on executive purchase decisions

Base 288 interviews in US /406 interviews in UK ; Source Keller Fay Group Survey for Jack Morton Worldwide, March – April 2007

Page 3: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

Buzz to Revenue

$76 million in$500,000 IT Budget

$76 million in IT Budgets

! The impact of this one IT Professional is much greater than the $500,000 IT budget she impacts within her company.

! In addition to influencing IT spending within her own firm, her influence impacts more than $200 $200 million in

Community Analytics® CONFIDENTIAL © Community Analytics 2008. All rights reserved.Community Analytics® CONFIDENTIAL © Community Analytics 2008. All rights reserved.

p $million in IT spending at more than 40 organizations.

$200 million in IT Budgets


Page 4: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

Top Purchase Influencer

Word-of-mouth recommendation isWord of mouth recommendation is the top purchase influencer for business decision-makers.

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Source: Keller Fay Group and Jack Morton Worldwide, 2007

Page 5: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

Predictions are Risky

More than 80% of Trusted Advisor Advocates identified by the target audience themselves are either completely unknown or not

tl b i t t d b thcurrently being targeted by the client, according to multiple studies across categories, products, etc.

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Source: Community Analytics 2007

Page 6: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

Empirical Data is Accurate and Insightful

C-Level executives rely on individuals outside of their companies and in

l i iti f d i hless senior positions for advice when evaluating enterprise level technologies.

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Source: Community Analytics 2007

Page 7: Myra Norton, Community Analytics

Influence is Local

More than 75% of these critical relationships are local. In spite of the evolution of the “flat world ” decision makers are more likely toworld, decision makers are more likely to rely on Trusted Advisors they can interact with in person on a somewhat regular basis.

Community Analytics® CONFIDENTIAL © Community Analytics 2008. All rights reserved.6

Source: Community Analytics 2007

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