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2. Italian Team: meat and fish POSITION IN THE PYRAMID: 3. The word MEAT is commonly used to mean the edible parts of warmblooded animals, bred or wild, and can also include internal organs, rentails or offal and blood. 4. Common meat After the slaughter of animals (no stressed) and a period of maturation, muscle becomes meat There are two kind of meat: Red meat is from cattle, horse, sheep, pork and game White meat is from rabbits and poultry 5. Both are important for diet thanks to high content and biological value of proteins, B-group vitamin, iron and mineral salts. AVERAGE MEAT COMPOSITION 75% WATER 19% PROTEINS 5% FATS 1% MINERAL SALTS 6. HOW TO COOK? Grilled (or broiled) Roasted Boiled Stewed (braised or stewed) Stuffed IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO EAT NOT COOKED MEAT AS TARTARE OR CARPACCIO BUT MIND THE HYGIENE ! 7. CURED MEATS They can be: SAUSAGE SSAUSAGES and SALAMI CURED MEATSAre obtained from minced meat, with the addition of pork fat, salt, spices and herbs. They are then stuffed into casings, traditionally gut 8. Types of sausages Fresh: sausages and fresh sausages Cooked and/or smoked : Bologna, Frankfurters Seasoned : salami (Soppressa from Vicenza, Milan, Naples, Feline, Cacciatorino, etc.). 9. CURED MEATS Are obtained from the flesh subjected to salting and seasoning. The best known derive from pork, but some can derive from other kinds of animals. 10. Types of cured meats Baked ham Ham Cooked shoulder Bacon Speck Bresaola 11. Negative characteristics of cured meats ADDITIVES: nitrite, nitrate, POLYPHOSPHATES Excessive SALT Excessive cholesterol (except ham) 12. It is proved that there are several diseases related to a high consumption of meat, such as cancer, atherosclerosis, myocardial, gout, metabolic syndrome, BSE, etc. Meat is not essential in the diet, in fact the number of vegetarians is increasing, also for environmental reasons, but it is equally true that the inclusion of animal products makes it easier to achieve the daily doses of different nutrients. Anyway doctors recommend to consume less than 70 g daily of meat and it should be better to choose the white one 13. FISH FISH is divided into two categories: SALT FISH : sea bream, sea bass, swordfish, cod, sole FRESHWATER FISH : trout, carp TO EAT AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK! 14. NUTRITIONAL Proteins of high biological value Lipids rich in omega-3 Phospholipids Minerals (calcium, iodine, phosphorus) Vitamins B, PP, A, D 15. BLUE FISH It has a dark blue color on the back and silvery on the belly And it is mall It abounds in the Mediterranean Sea. The most popular: Sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring, gar fishvalue milkcontains: Proteins of high biological Calcium: there is more than Iron Omega-3 16. Nutritional Characteristics High water content Good proteins A few fats High cholesterol Discrete vitamins and mineral salts 17. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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