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Page 1: N017 - VOL 01 ISSUE 17

Dear Walmart Associates, By now you heard the news that the Board of Directors has given me the honor of succeeding Lee Scott as CEO, effective February 1, 2009. It’s hard to put into words what a privilege it is to lead this great company and to follow in the footsteps of Sam Walton, David Glass, and now Lee. I want to appreciate Lee and his extraordinary leadership over the last nine years. He has made Walmart a better company and he has made me a better leader. I also want to congratulate Eduardo Castro-Wright on his promotion to Vice Chairman. I’m coming into this role confident that we are on the right path. In my travels, I’ve seen how our mission matters more than ever. The mom in Brazil is looking to stretch her budget and build a better life for her family just like the mom in the United States. I’ve been so impressed with how our teams in the US and International have developed the right strategies to serve our customers in this economy and beyond, and we’ll follow through on those strategies. We’ll also continue to be a company that people trust to take on the challenge of our time, like health care and social and environmental responsibility. And we’ll keep expanding opportunity for our associates. Thank you for everything you’ve done and will do for Walmart. Happy Thanksgiving, and to all a great holiday season!

Mike dukeMike dukeMike dukeMike duke CEO-elect

Walmart Stores Inc.

Spot-Light Associate When most people apply for a job at our store and get called back for an interview- the first face they normally see is Diane’s. She has been responsible for hiring most of our associates in the past few years. Diane first started at our store as a Telephone Operator. She worked overnights as a Softlines zoner, and then went into the Accounting Office. In 1999, she became our store’s Training Coordinator. Originally from Detroit- Diane’s first job ever was working at a hospital delivering meals to patients when she was 16 years old. Later she taught painting, and sold several of her creations. She attended college for three years at the School for Creative Arts in Detroit.

Diane’s been married for over 36 years to her husband Dave, and has three adult children. In her spare time she enjoys swimming and hanging out with her kids. Diane wouldn’t mind being the Personnel Manager one day- but believes that the job she has now is a lot less stressful. Her message to all of our associates is to not stress over anything. It’s a waste of time. Just do what you can to fix the situation.


Walmart Stocks

For the dates: 11/12/08 through 11/25/08

High: $54.93 (11/13/08) Low: $51.00 (11/19/08)

Current: $54.68 (11/25/08)


MyMyMyMy$$$$hare Bonushare Bonushare Bonushare Bonus

Finally! My$hare results are in for the 3rd quarter. #1004 earnered… Full Share of $347.94! Way to go! I want to thank everyone for the hard work you put into achieving our goals. Remember this is not something that comes easy. Some stores were not able to achieve the goals they wanted too. Please maintain your desire to win so we can enjoy this each quarter. We are already half way into the 4th quarter, let’s stay focused.

Ray KorschRay KorschRay KorschRay Korsch Store Manager

# The Squiggly *# The Squiggly *# The Squiggly *# The Squiggly * Issue No. XVII - November 27, 2008 Walmart Store #1004 - Established 1987 Written by : Support Manager Gabor

Page 2: N017 - VOL 01 ISSUE 17

Safety corner By Marilyn H.

Store Safety Coordinator

Let’s prevent the Big 3! Customer and Associate slips, trips and falls. Carry a pocket pad or paper towel ready to use in your pocket. Clean up any wet spill immediately. Remove pallets from the sales floor as soon as they are empty. Remove used shrink wrap, trash, cardboard boxes, and any other trip hazards from the floor immediately.

Fire Safety

� Review our store’s evacuation

routes as well as your associate meeting place.

� Know the location of our store’s

emergency exits, and evacuation map.

� Ensure we are only using approved

extension cords for holiday displays, and that they are not being used for more than 90 days.

� Include checking for blocked

emergency exits in your safety sweeps.

� Notify management immediately if

you notice an emergency exit door that is open, tampered with, going off, or chirping.

A few thoughts The Holiday Season is here. For us that means every second counts: productivity, sales, customer service, etc. We all stay busy here at Walmart. I think it’s important to stop and remind ourselves how fortunate we are here. Banks, automakers, insurers, and many other are in big trouble. Walmart has done very well this year, as well as all of us, My$hare bonus is a direct result of your efforts. Thank you!

Richard Assistant Manager


Notes from Personnel My$hare Bonus will be on our paychecks dated December 11th. We are hiring a lot of new associates. This is a very busy time to start a new job at Walmart. Please take the time to make these new associates feel welcome. Speaking of busy times, please take extra care when clocking in and out. Make sure the time clock reads “Punch Accepted” before you walk away. This will save you a lot of time. When you forget a punch you have to make corrections. This involves seeing Personnel, doing an ETA, acknowledging the punch, etc. Having a great Thanksgiving.

Diane K Training Coordinator

Anniversaries 11/17/2008 - 11/30/2008

☺ 17 Years - Joyce C. ☺ 16 Years - Gail J. ☺ 13 Years - Grace W. ☺ 12 Years - Carole C. ☺ 11 Years - Christiana N. ☺ 8 Years - Debra M. ☺ 8 Years - Jeanine F. ☺ 7 Years - Ricardo F. ☺ 7 Years - Andrea T. ☺ 5 Years - Marsha M. ☺ 4 Years - Theresa D. ☺ 3 Years - Vincent E. ☺ 3 Years - Barbara J. ☺ 1 Year - Leonard F. *****************************

10% Discount10% Discount10% Discount10% Discount Most of you know about this already- but for the three of you that don’t: We will not be receiving an extra 10% off coupon this Holiday Season. In the past we would receive a coupon that we could apply to just one item and save 20% off. What we are getting is something a lot better this year! From now, until the end of the year- we will get 10% off on everything in the store! (excluding alcohol, tobacco products, fuel, and prescription drugs) This is a great deal and will save us a lot of money when shopping for our Thanksgiving Day food, and for the rest of the Holiday Season.

FUN FACT: In 1952 Glenn Bell opened a hot dog stand. He sold chilidogs with a special meat sauce that he created that a lot of his customers loved. He decided to take his chili meat sauce and fry it up in a taco shell to see how it would sell- it sold like crazy. So much, that he stopped selling hot dogs all together and sold strictly tacos. He expanded his hot dog stand and renamed it “Taco Bell”.

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Ginger’s Funny Corner

Two golden-agers were discussing their husbands over tea. “I do wish that my Elmer would stop biting his nails. He makes me terribly nervous.” “My Billy used to do the same thing,” the older woman replied. “But I broke him of the habit.” “How?” “I hid his teeth.” *****************************

CMN Donations Well, we slipped back to seventh place. � By no means does that mean we did bad. Being in 7th Place out of 3,164 stores is a great accomplishment no matter how you look at it- plus we are still the #1 store in the State of Florida. Our December goal: to get into one of the Top 5 positions! Thanks for all your hard work and effort!

Month to Date: $6,432.02 Year to Date: $61,307.06

As of 11:59 PM - 11/23/2008

We are ranked 7th out of 3,164 Walmart Stores

We are the #1 Store in Florida for CMN Donations!

Spot-Light Manager This is Tracy’s second time around with Walmart. She originally started working in the loss prevention field at the original #528 in 1989. Those were the “old school” days where she would chase shoplifters all the way down to the mall on foot. In 1994 Tracy started working for Macy’s as a Loss Prevention Supervisor- and then went on to become the Loss Prevention District Manager for Bealls. She came back to Walmart earlier this year as our store’s Asset Protection Coordinator. Tracy has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from USF- and soon will start working on her Masters. She is certified in criminal interviews and interrogations, and recently completed her handcuffing certification.

In her spare time, Tracy likes to play video games, travel, and watch COPS. She has a 6 year old son, two grown step-children from a previous marriage- and a 3 year old grandchild. She is proud of her stepson who is currently serving in the U.S. Army in Bagdad.

Tracy says she is happy where she is right now and wants all of our associates to make the right decisions- report the wrong decisions made by others. She would also like to thank everyone for making her feel like part of the family. She can see why there are so many associates with tenure and she hopes to one day be among those ranks.


New Faces You may have noticed that we have had a lot of new faces come through our doors these past few weeks. Remember back to your first couple of days- you didn’t know anyone- didn’t really know what was going on- please help us welcome these new associates to our store and make their first couple of days a little more comfortable. If you are one of these new associates- please know that we are here to help you in anyway- in finding your way around, answering any questions you might have. Welcome to our Walmart family.

Christina General Merchandise


FUN FACT: Who is our company’s largest shareholder? All together Sam Walton’s three surviving children Jim, Rob, and Alice Walton along with John Walton’s widow Christy own about 40% of Walmart. This includes stocks and other assets. Their combined net worth is $76.6 Billion!

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History 101

Late in 1620 the English ship “Mayflower” landed in the deserted Plymouth Plantation with 102 Puritan exiles. The Pawtuxet Indians that inhibited this stretch of shoreline had been killed off in great numbers by the original British expedition that had landed there in 1614, and had since left the area. The Puritans (or Pilgrims) rebuilt Plymouth Plantation near the ruins of the Indian village. They ate from the abandoned cornfields that had grown wild. One Pawtuxet Indian named Squanto had survived the raids in 1614. He had spent years as a slave on British ships before escaping and returning to the area to live with the Wampanoag Indian tribe. Squanto ventured near the plantation one day only to learn that the Pilgrims were in big trouble. Winter was soon approaching- but the Pilgrims were short on food and their crops were failing to grow. Squanto had learned English from all his years with the British and slowly made friends with the Pilgrims. He taught them how to plant corn and how to catch fish. He also helped the colonists negotiate a peace treaty with the Wampanoag tribe, led by Chief Massasoit. It was now Fall of 1621- the Puritans had survived their first year and in celebration of their good fortune, the colony's governor, William Bradford, declared a three-day feast to follow after the first Fall harvest. They invited Chief Massasoit and about 90 of his Wampanoag people to the feast to thank them for their help in establishing their new colony. The Pilgrims of the Plymouth Plantation and the Wampanoag people enjoyed almost two decades of peace- but they only ever had that one big “thanks giving” feast in 1621- and never again. The Thanksgiving we know today was established in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln to try to unite a war torn country. This non-religious national holiday slowly evolved over the years to what we know today: turkey, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, ham, corn on the cob, etc. Thanksgiving is a day that families come together to share great food and be with the ones we love. After dinner- some come and stand in line at 3 AM at Walmart to prepare for a fun filled Blitz Day Marathon!!! Ha ha ha

…that need to be asked.…that need to be asked.…that need to be asked.…that need to be asked.

� Do hummingbirds hum because

they don't know the words? � Does a man-eating shark eat

women? � Have you ever imagined a world

with no hypothetical situations? � Where did Webster look up the

definitions when he wrote the dictionary?

� How do they get a deer to cross

at that yellow road sign? *****************************

Bay News Bay News Bay News Bay News 9999 Earlier last week Bay News 9 paid our store a visit to film a special report about pre-Holiday sales. They say that many retailers are marking items down earlier this year to try to catch a few “pre-Blitz Day” sales. They filmed in a few areas of our store including Electronics and the Toy Department. If you looked really close- you could even see Ray in the background for a split-second.

FUN FACT: The domesticated white turkey that most of us eat on Thanksgiving is so overly genetically modified that the bird cannot reproduce naturally. The male turkeys are modified to have really large breast meat- so large in fact that the birds cannot physically mate. Turkey farmers have to artificially inseminate all female turkeys in order for them to produce fertilized eggs.

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New Walmart President Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. today announced that its Board of Directors has elected Mike Duke, 58, as the new president and chief executive officer, effective February 1, 2009. Duke was also elected to the company’s board of directors, effective immediately. Scott will continue serving as chairman of the executive committee of the board. “Mike Duke is a highly-respected executive both domestically and internationally, with broad experience throughout the company, having successfully led Wal-Mart’s Logistics Division, U.S. operations, and International operations,” said Rob Walton. “He understands retail and appreciates the complex global environment in which we operate. He is committed to the culture of Wal-Mart, its mission, and to our associates and customers. He has built strong teams wherever he has led.” “I am looking forward to leading this great company,” Duke said. “Wal-Mart is very well positioned in today’s economy, growing market share and returns, and is more relevant to its customers than ever. Our strategy is sound and our management team is extremely capable. I am confident we will continue to deliver value to our shareholders, increase opportunity for our over 2 million associates, and help our 180 million customers around the world save money and live better.” “Lee Scott has made an extraordinary contribution to Wal-Mart during his almost thirty years of service as an associate, and as our president and CEO for the last nine years,” Walton said. “Lee has led Wal-Mart with humility and grace, and has been a worthy successor to his predecessors, Sam Walton and David Glass.” Walton continued, “Lee has earned the respect and affection of our associates around the world, and of the Walton family. My dad would have been proud of Lee and his accomplishments. Lee brought a remarkable focus to our mission of saving people money so they could live better, and a heightened sensitivity to Wal-Mart’s role in the world. The actions taken during his tenure will benefit the company, our associates and our customers for years to come. We are pleased that Lee will serve as an advisor to Mike for a period of time, much as David Glass did for Lee.” “It has been an honor to serve as the CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and to work with our dedicated Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club associates around the world, and it has been a privilege to lead the company Sam Walton created, a company that continues to live the mission and culture he established.” - Lee Scott

FUN FACT: The Baby Ruth candy bar was not named after baseball legend Babe Ruth. It was named to honor President Cleveland’s baby daughter Ruth that died 17 years prior. Years later it was revealed that the candy bar was named after Babe Ruth- they just couldn’t afford to pay him royalties for using his name. In 1995- they finally paid Babe Ruth’s family for use of this name.

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Blitz: (short for the German word Blitzkrieg), meaning lightening war, very fast, For our new associates this year that have never worked retail- you are in for a shock! Blitz Day will probably be the most craziest couple of hours you will ever experience working here. The store will have hundreds of customers running around- each trying to get to the bargain items they have on their lists. Here is a few things to remember: It will be a fun, exciting day- but you might also get overwhelmed by customers. Stay calm and cool. Fights might break out- both verbal or physical. If you are near one- please use your best judgment and notify the nearest manager of Management or a Loss Prevention associate. Management will be positioned near all the major hot spots.

scorecard The Inventory Management Scorecard provides the Management Team with detailed goal achievement information for the following aspects of the Inventory Management Initiative: � Schedule Adherence � Completion of Autopicks � Exceptions Worked � Bin Audits completed � Active Bins defined and used. � Instock percentage � Percentage of Instock hours used

for regular coverage � Backroom function usage by the

ICS Team. Please do your part in helping us maintain a high level of standards in keeping our Scorecard number high. We all play a part in it. Cashiers, Instock crew, unloaders, ICS team. *****************************

Holiday Party Sign-up sheet is in the break room.

Date: December 11th, 2008

Time: Doors open at 5 PM

Dinner served at 6 PM

Location: Bayside Banquet Hall 4628 119th Street

Bradenton (Cortez Village)

If you are put in charge of a Blitz item pallet- remember- neat, clean, and organized. As the items sells down, make sure you take the empty pallet off the sales floor as soon as you can. Make sure there are no safety hazards that might cause accidents- cardboard pieces on the ground, shrink wrap, merchandise on the floor- keep your area clean so customers don’t get hurt. Blitz items for associates:

Not only are we associates, we are also customers in our store. More then likely there will be a Blitz item that you will want to purchase. Please remember that even though it will be a crazy day- we still have rules to follow. No shopping on the clock! If there is a Blitz item that you would like to purchase- have a friend or family member stand in line to purchase the item. When you are here on the clock- you are here to work- not shop. No hiding items in the stockroom or sale floor. This also includes “saving” or “holding” items behind a counter for later purchase. Don’t put yourself in a bad position. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if you are caught doing anything against company rules.

FUN FACT: In 1924 it was discovered that 120 year old London Bridge in England was in fact “falling down”- or more precisely sinking. The bridge was disassembled and sold in 1968 to the City of Lake Havasu, Arizona for $2.4 million. It took three years ship and to resemble the bridge in Arizona- where it still stands today as a popular tourist attraction.

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