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  • Naeklan simbolonby Lala Jelita ananda

    Submission date: 09-Feb-2020 10:14PM (UTC-0600)Submission ID: 1254459287File name: 16356-36458-1-SM.pdf (596.66K)Word count: 2976Character count: 17317





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    Naeklan simbolonORIGINALITY REPORT


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    Lipur Sugiyanta, Moch. Sukardjo. "AdjustedFramework of M-Learning in Blended LearningSystem for Mathematics Study Field of JuniorHigh School Level VII", IOP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering, 2018Publication

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    P I V D Radjibu, H Kuswanto, Sugiharto."Analysis of critical thinking skills and scientificcommunication of students for SHM conceptsassisted by Ispring quiz maker test instrument",Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020Publication

    D Mahdan, M Kamaludin, H F Wendi, M VSimanjuntak. "Blended Learning Implementationin “Guru Pembelajar” Program", IOP ConferenceSeries: Materials Science and Engineering,2018Publication

    Submitted to University of NorthamptonStudent Paper

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    Submitted to University System of GeorgiaStudent Paper

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    Vera Dewi Susanti, Fatriya Adamura, Restu

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    Lusiana, Tri Andari. "Development of learningdevices: brain-based learning and mathematicscritical thinking", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2019Publication

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    A Andriani, I Dewi, P N Sagala. "Developmentof blended learning media using the mentimeterapplication to improve mathematics creativethinking skills", Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries, 2019Publication

    E Ellizar, S D Putri, M Azhar, H Hardeli."Developing a discovery learning module onchemical equilibrium to improve critical thinkingskills of senior high school students", Journal ofPhysics: Conference Series, 2019Publication

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