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Page 1: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Nairn Academy

Maths Department

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52 Mathematics

Homework Booklet


Page 2: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =o//o

1 4.2+1.653 6 3.6, 3'9, ......., 4.2, 4.4

2 2.09 - 1,.6 7 Simplify:2x+3+6x-7

J 21 -36 8 Solve:2x+1=x+3

4 e - (-12) 9 Write 23 000 in scientific notation.

5 15% of 80 10 Round 429 613 to 2 significant figures.

Parent Signature

Page 3: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework


1, What two numbers does JSO he between?

2 The average temperature in town A in the winter is -15"C. In the summer this increases by31'C. What is the average flrruner temperature?

.,) In Tree High School, the school day is made up of 5 minutes for registration, a 15 minutebreak, a t hour lunch and six 50 minute periods.How long is the school day?

4 If the school in Q3 began at 9.00am, what time did it finish?

5 IA/hat is the perimeter of a shape which has length 2.4 cm and breadth 1.9 cm?

Score = out of Percentage Result = _1o

Numeracy 2

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Page 4: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework


1 (-6)2 6



$44 .7Factorise 12x + 8

-2- 11 8 Remove the brackets 9(x + 4)

4 4+ (-9) 9 Write 0.00014 in scientific notation.

5 L ofg10

10 Round 0.010936 to 3 significant figures.

Score =_ out of Percentage Result =



Numeracv 3

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Page 5: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =

-YoNumeracv 4um

1 An airplane left Aberdeen at2'l. }.Its flight took 4hours 30 minutes. \A/hat time did it arrive at

its destination?

2 \A/hat two numbers does JgO he between?

J George went to a shop with a €5 note. He bought 3 cans of Im Bru and received f,3'05 change.

How much was a can of lrn Bru?

4 \Atrhat is the area of a triangle with base 6cm and height 12crn?

5 There is a group of 100 pupils going on a school trip. Howevet there is only 1 bus whichholds 28 people. How many trips will the bus driver need to make?

Parent Signature

Page 6: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework


1 Witelasamixednumber.4

6 List the first 3 prime numbers.

2 Simolifv 19tr637 4-2x6

J 2l-+-99

8 Solve 3x+1>13

4 41-x-53

9 Multiply out the brackets: -4(x + 6)

5 List the factors of 12- 10 What is the sum of the angles of atriangle?

Score = out of Percentage Result = _o/o

Numeracv 5

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Page 7: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score=_outof Percentage Result = _o/o

Numeracv 6umer

1 If I was traveling south west, what bearing would I be traveling on?

2 The ratio of boys to girls in a class is7.4.I|there was 33 in the class, how many boys werethere?

3 The temperature of a freezer was -6"C. It was turned off and the temperature increased to14"C. How much had the temperature increased by?

4 Ben went shopping with a €20. He spent €4'95 in the first shop and f,1.1.-60 in the second shop.How much change did he have after going to the second shop?

5 VVhat is the area of a rectangle with length 60m and breadth 41m?

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Page 8: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result = o//o

Write 71 as an improper fraction.'1,,2,4,.........,'1.6

Solve3x -4=2x+5

Simplify 2x + 6y + 4x - 7y + x


Round I 476 209 to 3 significant figures.

Write 910 000 000 in scientific notation.

Parent Signature

Page 9: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework


Score = _out of Percentage Result =o//o


A football team had the following attendance s 4 321,,4 008, 3 912, 4 850, 4 344.

What was the average attendance?

If a: 6, b : 4, calculate the value of 2az - 6b.

The area of a square is 100cm2. What is the length of one side?

Steve measured the temperature at night as -18'C and during the day as -4'C. \Alhat was the

difference in temperature?

If I was traveling NE what bearing would I be traveling on?

Parent Signature

Page 10: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Find 35% of 300.

-12+ (-2) Factorise 48v -24


3.261- 2.19 Solve 6x+3<x+8

Score = out of Percentage Result =o//o

Parent Signature l0

Page 11: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =o//o


If a bus was traveling at 65 mph for 8 hours, how far did it travel?

\A/hat two whole numbers does Jl38 lie between?

The perimeter of a rectangle is 14.2cm.If the length of this rectangle is 4'8cm, what is the


The ratio of sugar to flour in a recipe was13:17. if there was 7809 of sugar, how much flour is


A train leaves Glasgow at14'1.2 and arrives in Invemess at 18.08. How long was the joumey?

Parent Signature

Page 12: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Percentage Result =o//o

Find'14"/" of 20.

Factorise 32y+24

Remove the brackets x(y + 2x)

Solve y+3=6y-22

Parent Signature 12

Page 13: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =o//o

If I was traveling North-west, what bearing would I be traveling on?

A big jug containsl0litres of juice. As many 300m1 cups as possible are to be filled from one

jug. How many cuPS will get filled?

Lucy went to the shop with a €10 note. She bought 3 notebooks and got f,1'33 change' How

much was each notebook?

If the perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 19'35cm what is the length of one side?

If a=12,b = 7 and c:3, calculate the value of a2 -2bc2'

Parent Signature l3

Page 14: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Percentage Result =o//o


Change 4hours 1Omins to hours only.

Find 42"/" of 50.How many minutes in 6hours 24minutes?

Express 12 out of 20 as a percentage'

How many metres in 3'Skilometres?

Remove the brackets -Y(Y - 1)

Parent Signature L4

Page 15: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result = _o/o

Numeracv 14ume

1 The volume of a cuboid is 560cm3. Calculate the height if the length is 10cm and the breadth is8cm.

2 If I am traveling at a speed of 40m/s for220m, for how long did I travel?

J lf 9 boxes cost f,62'9L, how much would 8 cost?

4 The following heights were taken from eight pupils in a class: 165cm, 1.42cm, 154cm, 1.6Lcrn,'J.41.crn,150cm, 148cm, 155cm. Calculate the average height.

5 A train left Invemess at 0640 and took 3hours 36minutes to get to Aberdeen. At what time didthe train arrive?

Parent Signature l5

Page 16: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Percentage Result =o//o

tz * (-6)

Round 4'68901to 3 significant figures.

Round 98 976 to 2 significant figures.

Write four hundred million in numbers.4+ (-17)

Calculate the time between 2105 and

2313-4x (-6)

Parent Signature l6

Page 17: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result = _o/o

Numeracy 15umer

I A building was 12m high. Philip needed to get onto the roof, so he put his 13m ladder againstthe top of the wall. How far away from the base of the building did the ladder have to be?

2 If I am traveling on a bearing of 135", what direction am I traveling in?

.1 Simon traveled 333km in t hours. How fast was he traveling?

4 The ratio of girls to boys in a group was 11: 14. If there were 250 people, how many boys werethere?

5 Calculate the area of a circle that has diameter 10cm.

Parent Signature t7

Page 18: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =o//o

Write as a mixed t r^b". ' a8

Find 12% of 30.

Write as an improper fraction: 729



Parent Signature l8

Page 19: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result = o//o

John traveled at a speed of 4Skmih for 7 hours. How far had he traveled?

Calculate the circumference of a circle that has radius 20cm.

If 21 sweets coslf,21,'42, how much would 9 cost?

The volume of a cube is 512cm3. \A/hat is the height of the cube?

A train left Aberdeen and traveled to Edinburgh. The journey took 2hours 4Sminutesand the

train arrived at'1,620. At what time did the train leave Aberdeen?

Parent Signature 19

Page 20: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

0z ampu86luand

(e + V)-:sla>IJerq ar{l alorua}I xZ+ L-xL-V + xg :d111durrg

(d + x)x7 :sla{Jerq aql a^owaU q.<zI - ql :a^Ios

zxg + xZ :aSIJolJ€C VI>? + eOI :a^IoS

xv + zx :asuolJPJ x - 0z-- 0I - x9 :a^Ios

8I+d=7-d71:a.r.1ogV -xL+ (t + x)e :$11drurg

o//o = llnsau ageluarra4 Jo lno = OIOJ$

Page 21: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =o//o







If I am traveling on a bearing of 000", in what direction am I traveling?

h a right-angled triangle the two shorter sides measure 20m and 15m' \zVhat is the length of

the longest side?

Andrew traveled 60miles at a speed of 8mph. How long did it take him? Answer in hours and


The circumference of a circle is 314'16cm. \A/hat is the diameter?

Harry went to the shop with a f20 note. He bought 7 packets of cakes and received f,7'12

change. What was the cost of one packet of cakes?

Parent Signature 21

Page 22: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score=_outof Percentage Result =o//o

3-7 +2.08

List the factors of 30.7.3 - 2.'t6

Write 3'1 X 10s out in full.L4 + (-5)

Write 926 000 000 in scientific notation.

Round 625.193 to 1 significant figure.!_?59

Parent Signature 22

Page 23: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result =

-o/oNumeracy 22umer

1' In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse measures 9'5cm and the height is 3'5cm. \A/hat is

the length of the triangle?

2 The volume of a cube is 125m3. \A/hat is the length of one side?

J A flight leaves London Heathrow at 0355 and arrives in Spain at0623. How long was the


4 A box of sweets contains 800 sweets. The box of sweets is to be split into bags of 7 sweets

each. How many bags can be filled?

5 The area of a square is 81cm2. \A/hat is the length of one side?

Parent Signature 23

Page 24: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of Percentage Result = _%o

Change 2hours 45minutes to hours.

Find62% of 75.

-12- (-6) Findl9o/" of 20.

Write2.6 x 10-s out in full.

Write 0.0102 in scientific notation.

Parent Signature 24

Page 25: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = _out of Percentage Result =o//o

The perimeter of a square is76cm. What is the length of one side?

The following were attendances at a school play:967,625,812,824. What was the average


The ratio of sugar to flour in a recipe is 4:9. If there is 5859 of flout how much sugar is


\ /hich two whole numbers does..6 he between?

A car traveled for 6hours 30minutes at a speed of 56mph. How far had the car traveled?

Parent Signature. 25

Page 26: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

out of Percentage Result =o//oScore =


1 Find (-3)3 6 Solve 2x - 9 =7x+ 17

2 37_+-424

7 48 550 to 2 significant figures.

J r1*1258 Write 4'7 x 107 out in the normal form.

4 Simplify 5(2x - 3) + 6x. 9 Solve 5-7x>-9

5 Factorise 15xy -20Y2 10 Write 17'5"/" as a decimal.

Parent Signature 26

Page 27: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Score = out of

A car bought for f,13 000 fell in value by 20"/"in its first year. \A/hat is its value after one year?


The volume of a cylinder is rcr2h. Find the volume if n : 3'1'4, r = 10cm and h = 8cm'

The equation of a straight line is y = 4x - 3' Write down the gradient and y intercept'

The hourly pay rates of ten workers are as follows, f,5'60, L5'05, f,5'05, f,5'50, €'5'05' €5'80'

€5'05, f,5'80, f6'50 and €8'80.

Find (a) the median, (b) the modal pay and (c) the range'

Percentage Result =o//o

Parent Signature 27

Page 28: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Factorise 1.8rt2 + 24rz-3+5x(-2)

Solve -6 - 8x ( 18.

Solve 5 -x=17 -3x.

Increase f,450 by 5 "/".Simplify 1a - (6x - s).

Write 9.8 x 10-3 out in full.Round 0'0967 to 1 significant figure.

score = _out of Percentage Result = o//o

Parent Signature 28

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Percentage Result =o//o

ff 000 is invested in a bank for 1 year at a rate of 3o/o pa. \A/hat is the interest after 1 year?

Find the area of the circle with diameter 8cm taking n= 3"1'4'

The formula for the volume of a cone;' y=!""1'3


Find the volume if n : 3'1'4,r : 3cm and h =

The temperature in a Scottish town was measured at mid-day every day for one week during

the winter. The temperatures were as follows: -5"C, 3"C, -4"C, -2"C,0'C, 3"C and -2'C'

Find a) the median b) the range'

The equation of a straight line is y - 5x=7. Write down the gradient and y intercept'

Parent Signature 29

Page 30: Nairn Academy S2 Green Numeracy Homework

Percentage Result =o//o

Solve 8x - 5: f,1 + 45+- Z6 + (-6)

Round 586 475 to 3 significant figures'

Factorise 48m2n - 20rrt1:2ll _ 1

- : l-123

lf a= -2 and b = 3 find 3a2b.Simplify 8x - 3(5 + 2x)

Write 0'000674 in scientific notation'Findg% of f,12'50.

Parent Signature. 30

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Percentage Result =ol/o

Score = out of

A car bough t for f20000 fell in value by 15"/"in its first year' what is its value after 1 year?

Find the area of the quarter circle with radius 2cm taking n=3'14'

The volume of a sphere is v= 1nrr. Find the volume If n = 3.1,4and r = 3cm.


The mean weight of a group of 4 girls is 48kg. A fifth girl ioins the group' she weighs 53kg'

Find the mean weight of the group now'

The equation of a straight line is 3x + 4y = 8'Write down the gradient and y intercept'

Parent Signature 31

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