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  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


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    Samir Raiyani

    Email:[email protected]

    Phone: +1-650-425-6772

    Fax: +1-866-690-7517

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical Field

    [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis



    Nanoscience is an emerging area with a lot of potential. Economists and scientists

    have equated that technology enabled nanoscience and developments might aswell create an economy similar to the petro-economy of this generation.

    Global medical market for nanotechnology applications was worth $1.7 billion in

    2007 and is estimated to be nearly $9.4 billion in 2018.

    Nano-fiber based adhesion is expected to play a vital role in medical field in near

    future. Nano-fiber adhesion based devices are expected to play a vital role in drug

    delivery, wound repair, implants etc.

    3Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical Field

    [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    HAWT Taxonomy


    A detailed taxonomy is

    presented covering

    methods of


    applications amongothers

    See the detailed HWAT taxonomy here

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    S.NO IPC Cl ass ific ation Des c ription

    1 F03D Windmotors

    2 F16C Shafts;flexible shafts;elements ofcrankshaftmechanisms;rotary bodies other thangearing elements;bearings

    3 F16H gearing

    4 F03B Machines orengines forliquids

    5 H02K Dynamo-electric machines

    6 H02P Control orregulationofelectric motors, generators, ordynamo-electric converters;controlling transformers, reactors orchokecoils

    7 H02M Apparatus forconversionbetweenac andac, betweenac anddc, orbetweendc anddc, andforuse withmains orsimilarpower supply systems;conversionofdc orac inputpowerintosurge outputpower;control or regulation

    8 H02J Circuitarrangements orsystems forsupplying ordistributing electric power;systems forstoring electric energy

    9 G06F Electric digital data processing

    10 G05F Systems forregulating electric ormagnetic variables

    11 H02H Emergency protective circuitarrangements



    Different classes related to Nanotechnology and related adhesion are identified

    See the detailed classifications here

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    S. No. Patent/Public ation No.PublicationDate

    (mm/dd/yyyy)As s ignee/ Appli cant Ti tl e

    1 US6278211 0 8/0 2/ 01 S we oE dwi n Br us hl es s do ub ly -fe di ndu cti on ma ch in es e mp lo yi ng dua l c age r ot ors

    2 US6954004 10/11/05 Spellman Hi gh Vol tage El ectron Doubl y fed induction machi ne

    3 US7411309 0 8/1 2/ 08 X an tre x Te ch no lo gy C on tro l s yst em for do ubl y f ed in duc ti on ge ne ra to r

    4 US7485980 02/03/09 H itachi Power converter for doubly-fed power generator system

    5 US7800243 0 9/ 21 /1 0 V es ta s W in d Sy st em s V ar ia bl e s pe ed w in d tu rb i ne w it h do ub ly -f ed i n du ct io n ge ne ra to r c om pe ns at ed f or v ar yi ng r ot or s pe ed

    6 US7830127 11/09/10 Wind to Power System Doubl y-control led asynchronous generator

    Control Patents


    Highly relevant patents are used for extracting keywords and ensuring the

    quality of the search query

    See the detailed table here

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis




    Different relevant classes related to Medical field are identified.

    These classes are used in searches with keywords

    See the detailed table here

    S.No. IPC/ECLA Definition

    1 F03D9/00 Machines orengines forli quids; wind, spring, orweight motors; producing

    mechanical poweror areactive propulsivethrust, not otherwiseprovided

    for/ Windmotors / Adaptationsofwind motorsforspecial use;Combination ofwind motorswith apparatusdri ven thereby (aspectspredominantlyconcerni ng driven apparatus)

    2 F03D9/00C Machines orengines forli quids; wind, spring, orweight motors; producing

    mechanical poweror areactive propulsivethrust, not otherwiseprovided

    for/ Windmotors / Adaptations ofwindmotors for special use;Combinationof windmotors withapparatus driven thereby (aspectspredominantly concerningdriven apparatus)/ The apparatusbeing an

    electrical generator3 H02J3/38 Generation, conversion, ordistribution ofelect ric power / Circuit

    arrangements orsy stems forsupplying ordistributing electric power;

    systems forstoring electric energy / Circuit arrangements forac mains orac distributionnetworks / Arrangementsfor parallely feeding a singlenetworkby two ormore generators, convertersor transformers

    4 H02K17/42 Generation, conversion, ordistribution ofelect ric power / Dynamo-electricmachines / Asynchronous inductionmotors; Asynchronous induction

    generators /Asynchronous induction generators

    5 H02P9/00 Generation, conversion, ordistribution ofelect ric power/ Control orregulationof electric motors, generators, or dynamo-electric converters;

    controllingtransformers, reactors orchoke coils /Arrangementsforcontrolling electricge neratorsfor the purpose ofobtaining adesired output

    S.No. US Class Definition

    1 290/044

    Prime-moverdynamo plants / electric control / Fluid-current motors

    / Wind

    2 290/055 Prime-moverdynamo plants / Fluid-current motors / Wind

    3 318/727 Electricity: motivepowersystems / Induction motorsystems

    4 322/047

    Electricity: singlegeneratorsystems / Generatorcontrol / Induction


    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis






    Doubly Fed Induction Generator

    1 doubly fed induction generator

    2 doubleoutput asynchronous machines

    3 dual fed systems

    4 dual feed

    5 dual ouput

    Search Concepts


    Concepts used to search patent literature

    See the detailed table here

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    S.No Concept Scope SearchString No. of Hits

    1 Doubly-fedInducti on Ge ne ra to r K e yw or ds C l ai m s, T i tl e , Ab st r ac t ( ( (( ( do ub l *3 OR dual*3OR two)ADJ3 (power*2O R output*4 OR control*4 OR fedOR feed*3))N EAR5 (inductionOR asynchronous))N EAR5 (generat*3 OR machine*1 OR dynamo*1))OR dfigordoig) 864

    2 D o ub ly -f e d I nd u ct io nGe ne ra to r K ey wo rd s F ul l S pe c. ( (( (( do ub l*3 OR dual*3OR two)ADJ3 (power*2O R output*1 OR control*4 OR fedOR feed*3))N EAR5 (generat*3 OR machine*1 OR dynamo*1)))OR dfigordoig)


    3 I n du c ti o nM ac h in e C la ss e s U S ,I P C a ndECLA classes ((318/727 OR322/047)OR (H02K001742))


    4 BroadClasses of Generators US,IPC andEC LA c las ses ( (29 0/ 044 OR 290/055)OR (F03D000900C OR H02J000338 OR F03D0009* OR H02P0009*))


    5 CombinedQuery

    - 2AND 3


    6 CombinedQuery

    - 2AND 4


    7 F r en c hK e yw or ds C l ai m s, T i tl e , Ab st r ac t ( ( (( do ub l *3 OR dual*3OR ADJtwoOR deux)NEAR4 (nourris OR feed*3 OR puissanceOR sortie* 1 OR contrle*1))N EAR4 (induction OR asynchrone* 1)N EAR4(gnrateur*1 OR generator*1 OR machine*1 OR dynamo*1)) OR dfig ordoig) 257

    8 Ge rm an K e yw or ds C l ai m s, T i tl e , Ab st r ac t ( ( (( ( do pp el *1 OR dual OR twoOR zwei)ADJ3(AusgangOR AusgngeOR Kontroll * OR control* 4 OR gesteuertOR MachtOR feed*1 OR gefttertOR gespeiste* 1)) OR (doppeltgefttert OR doppeltgespeiste* 1))N EAR4 (((InduktionOR asynchronen)NEAR4(generator*2OR Maschine*1 OR dynamo*1))OR (induktion?maschinenOR induktion?generatorenOR AsynchronmaschineOR Asynchrongenerator)))ORdfig)


    9 D o ub ly -f e d I nd u ct io nGe ne ra to r S p ec i fi c K e yw or ds F ul l S p ec . ( ( (( ( (( do ub l *3 OR dual*3)ADJ 3 (power*2OR output*4 OR control*4 OR fedOR feed*3) ) )NEAR5(generat*3 OR machine*1 OR dynamo*1) ) )SAMEwind)OR (dfigSAME wind)) 1358

    10 C om bi n ed Q ue ry

    - 1OR 2OR 3OR 4OR 5OR 6

    1807 (916 UniqueFamilies)

    Keyword Search



    Patent Coverage: US EP WO JP DE GB FR

    See the detailed table here

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    Patent Analysis


    Problem solution approach enables to map different problems and the

    available solutions

    Sample Patent Analysis

    S.No Patent/PublicationNo.PublicationDate

    (mm/dd/yyyy)Assignee/Applicant Title


    Problem Solution

    1 US20100117605 05/13/10 W o od w ard

    Methodofandapparatus foroperatingadouble-fedasynchronous machine

    intheeventoftransientmains voltagechanges

    Theshort-circuit-likecurrents inthecaseoftransientmains voltagechanges leadtoacorrespondingairgaptorquewhichloads thedrivetrainandtransmissionlines candamages orreduces thedrivetrainandpowersystemequipments.

    Themethodpresents thatthestatorconnectingwiththenetwork andtherotorwithaconverter.Theconverteris formedtosetareferencevalueofanelectrical amplitudeintherotor,by whichareferencevalueoftheelectrical amplitudeis settedintherotorafterattainingatransientmains voltagechange,suchthattherotorflux approaches thestatorflux.

    2 US20100045040 02/25/10 Vestas WindSystems

    Variablespeedwindturbinewith doubly-fedinductiongeneratorcompensatedfor


    TheDFIG systemhas poordampingofoscillations withintheflux dynamics duetocrosscouplingbetweenactiveandreactivecurrents,whichmakes thesystempotentially unstableundercertaincircumstances andcomplicates thework oftherotorcurrentcontroller.Theseoscillations cadamagethedrivetrainmechanisms.

    A comprensationblock is arranged,which feeds acompensationcontrol outputtotherotorofthegenerator.Thecomputationunitcomputes thecontrol outputduringoperationoftheturbinetocompensatepartly fordependencies onarotorangularspeedoflocations ofpoles ofageneratortransferfunction,sothatthetransferfunctionis madeindependentofvariations inthespeedduringoperationoftheturbinewhicheliminates theosicllations andincreases theefficinecy ofthewindturbine.

    3 US20090267572 10/29/09 WoodwardCurrentlimitationforadouble-fedasynchronous machine

    Abnormal currents candamagethewidingsinthedoubly-fedinductiongnerator.Cntrollingthesecurrents withthesubordinatecurrentcontrollers cannotbeanefficientway toextractthemaximumamountofactivepower.

    Themethodinvolves deliveringorreceivingofamaximumpermissiblereferencevalueofanactivepowerduringanoperationofadouble-fedasynchronous machine,wherepredeterminedactivepowerandreactivepowerreferencevalues arelimitedtoacalculatedmaximumpermissibleactiveandreactivepowerreferencevalues,andhenceensures reliableregulatedeffectandreactivepowerwithoutaffectingthepoweradjustment,therotoris electrically connectedtoapulse-controlledinverterby sliprings withastatic frequency changer,andthus atensionwithvariableamplitudeandfrequency is imposedintherotor.

    4 US20090008944 01/08/09UniversidadPublicaDeNavarra

    Methodandsystemofcontrol oftheconv erterofanelectricitygenerationfacil ity

    connectedtoanelectricity network inthepresence ofvoltagesags i nsaidnetwork

    Double-fedasynchronous generators arevery sensitive tothefaults thatmay ariseintheelectricity network,suchas voltagesags.Duringthesagconditions thecurrentwhichappearsinsaidconvertermay reachvery highvalues,andmay evendestroy it.

    Duringtheeventofavoltagesagoccurring,theconverterimposes anew setpointcurrentwhichis theresultofaddingtotheprevious setpointcurrentanew term,calleddemagnetizingcurrent,Itis is proportional toavalueoffreeflow ofageneratorstator.A differencebetweenavalueofamagnetic flow i nthestatorofthegeneratorandavalueofastatorflow associatedtoadirectcomponentofastatorvoltageisestimated.A valueofapresetcalculateddifferenceis multipliedby afactorforproducingthedemagnetizingcurrent.

    5 US7355295 04/08/08 Ingeteam Energy

    Variablespeedwindturbinehavinganexcitermachineandapowerconverter not

    connectedtothe grid

    a)Theactiveswitchingofthesemiconductors ofthegridsideconverterinjects undesirablehighfrequency harmonics tothegrid.b)Theuseofpowerelectronic converters (4)connectedtothegrid(9)causes harmonicdistortion ofthenetwork voltage.

    Providingtheway thatpoweris only deliveredtothegridthroughthestatorofthedoubly fedinductiongenerator,avoidingundesiredharmonic distortion.GridFlux Orientation(GFO)is usedtoaccurately control thepowerinjectedtothegrid.Anadvantageofthis control systemisthatitdoes notdependonmachineparameters,whichmay vary significantly,andtheoretical machinemodels,avoidingtheuseofadditional adjustingloops andachievingabetterpowerquality fedintotheutility grid.

    6 US20080203978 08/28/08 Semikron

    Frequency converter foradouble-fedasynchronous generatorwithvariablepower

    outputandmethodforits operation

    Optislipcircuitwitharesistoris usedwhenspeedis abovesynchronous speed,results inheatingtheresistorandthus thegeneratorleads tolimitationofoperationinsupersynchronousrangewhichresults towerfluctions.

    Providingaback-to-back converterwhic contains theinvertercircuit has directcurrent(DC)inputs ,DC outputs,andarotor-rectifier connectedtoarotorofadual feedasynchronous generator.A mains inverter is connectedtoapowergrid,andanintermediatecircuitconnects oneoftheDC inputs withtheDC outputs.Theintermediatecircuithas asemiconductorswitchbetweentheDC outputs,anintermediatecircuitcondenserbetweentheDC inputs,andadiodeprovidedbetweenthesemiconductor switchandthecondenser.Thus thesysemis allowedforany speedofwind andreduces thetowerfluctuations.

    7 US20070210651 09/13/07 Hitachi

    Powerconverterfordoubly-fedpowergeneratorsys tem

    Duringtheground faults, excess currents is inducedinthesecondary windings andflows intopowerconverterconnectedosecondarsideandmay danagethepowerconverter.Conventionalmethos ofincresingthecapacity of thepowercnverterincreases systemcost,degradethesystemandtakes timetoactivatethesystemtosupply poweragain.

    Thegeneratorprovidedwitha excitationpowerconverterconnectedtosecondary windings ofadoubly-fedgeneratorviaimpedancee.g.reactor,andadioderectifierconnectedinparallel tothesecondwindings ofthedoubly-fedgeneratorviaanotherimpedance.A directcurrent link oftherectifieris connectedinparallel toaDC link oftheconverter.A controller outputs anon-commandtoapowersemiconductorswitchingelementoftheconverterifa valueofcurrentflowinginthepowersemiconductorswitchingelementis apredeterminedvalueorlarger.

    8 US20070132248 06/14/07 General Electric

    Systemandmethodofoperatingdouble fedinductiongenerators

    Windturbines withdoublefedinductiongenerators aresensitivetogridfaults.Conventionalmethods arenoteffectivetoreducetheshaftstress duringgridfaults andslow responseandusingdynamic vltagerestoreer(DVR)is costexpensive.

    Theprotectionsystemhas controlledimpedancedevices.Impedancedevicehas bidirectional semiconductors suchtriac,assemblyofthyristors oranti-parallel thyristors. Eachofthecontrolledimpedancedevices is coupledbetweenarespectivephaseofastatorwindingofadoublefedinductiongeneratorandarespectivephaseofagridsideconverter.Theprotectionsystemalsoincludes acontrollerconfiguredforcouplinganddecouplingimpedanceinoneormoreofthecontrolledimpedancedevices inresponsetochanges inutility gridvoltageandautility gridcurrent.Highimpedanceis offeredtothegridduringnetwork faults toisolatethedual fedwindturbinegenerator.

    9 US20060192390 08/31/06 GamesaInnovationControl andprotectionofadoubly-fedinductiongeneratorsys tem

    A short-circuitinthegridcauses thegeneratortofeedhighstator-currents intotheshort-circuitandtherotor-currents increasevery rapidly whichcause damagetothe power-electroniccomponents oftheconverter connecting therotor windings withtherot or-inverter.

    Theconverter is providedwith aclampingunit whichis triggeredfromanon-operationstatetoanoperationstate,duringdetectionofover-currentintherotorwindings.Theclampingunitcomprises passivevoltage-dependentresistor elementforprovidingaclampingvoltageovertherotorwindings whentheclampingunitis triggered.

    10 US20050189896 09/01/05 AB BResearchMethodforcontrollingdoubly-fedmachi ne

    Controllingthedoublefedmachines onthebasis ofinvetercontrol toimplementthetargets setforthemachi ne,thi s model is extremely complicated andincludes numerous parameters thatareoftento bedetermined.

    A methodis providedtouseastandardscalar-controlledfrequency converterformachinecontrol.A frequency referencefortheinverterwithacontrol circuit,andreactivepowerreference aresetforthemachine.Anrotorcurrentcompensationreferenceis setbasedonreactivepowerreferenceandreactivepower.A scalar-controlledinverteris controlledforproducingvoltagefortherotorofthemachine,basedonthesetfrequency reference androtorc urrent compensation reference.

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    S. No. Company P roduct Specifications

    1 Vestas V 80 RatedPower: 2.0MW, Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz, Number ofPoles: 4-pole, OperatingTemperature:- 30C to40

    2 Vestas V90 RatedPower: 1.8/2.0MW, Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz, Number ofPoles: 4-pole(50 H z) /6-pole(60 H z) , OperatingTemperature:- 30C to 40

    3 Vestas V90Offshore RatedPower: 3.0MW, Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz, Number ofPoles:4-pole, OperatingTemperature: -30C to40

    4 NorthHeavy Company 2MW DFIGRatedPower: 2.0MW,RatedVoltage: 690V, RatedCurrent: 1670A,Frequency: 50Hz, Number ofPoles: 4-pole, Rotor RatedVoltage: 1840V, Rotor RatedCurrent 670A, RatedSpeed: 1660rpm; Power SpeedRange: 520-1950rpm, InsulationClass: H,ProtectionClass: IP54, Motor TemperatureRise ==9 6%

    13 Tecowestinghouse TW500XX(1-2KW) RatedPower: 1-2kW, RatedVoltage: 460/ 575/ 690V, Frequency: 50/60Hz, Number ofPoles: 4/6,AmbientTemp.(C):- 40to 50;SpeedRange(% ofSynch.Speed): 68to134%, Power Factor(Leading): -0.90to+0.90, Insulation Class: H/F, Efficiency: >=96%

    14 Tecowestinghouse TW560XX(2-3 KW) RatedPower: 2-3kW, RatedVoltage: 460/575/ 690V, Frequency: 50/60Hz, Number ofPoles: 4/6,Ambient Temp(C): -40to 50, SpeedRange(% ofSynch.Speed): 68to134%, Power Factor(Leading): -0.90to +0.90, InsulationClass: H/F, Efficiency:>=96%.

    15 Acciona AW1500RatedPower: 1.5MW, RatedVoltage: 690V, Frequency: 50Hz, Number ofPoles: 4, RotationalSpeed: 900:1,900rpm(rated 1,680 rp m) ( 50Hz), RatedStator Current: 1,500A @ 690V, ProtectionClass: IP54, Power Factor(standard): 0.98CAP -0.96 IND atpartial loadsand1atnominal power, Power factor(optional): 0.95CAP -0.95 IND throughoutthe powerrange

    16 Acciona AW3000RatedPower: 3.0MW, RatedVoltage: 690V,Frequency: 50Hz, Number ofPoles: 4, RotationalSpeed: 900:1,900rpm(rated 1,680 rp m) ( 50Hz), RatedStator Current: 1,500A @ 690V, ProtectionClass: IP54, Power Factor(standard): 0.98CAP -0.96 IND atpartial loadsand1atnominal power, Power Factor (optional): 0.95CAP -0.95 IND throughoutthepower range

    17 General Electric GE1.5/2.5MW RatedPower: 1.5/2.5 MW, Frequency(Hz): 50/60

    Product Analysis


    See the detailed table here

    Few sample products in development and already being produced are

    identified and analyzed.

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    Insights: Major Players

    University of California, Nanosys,Inc, 3M Innovative Properties are the major

    players in Nano-Fiber based adhesion in Medical field.

    12Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    Insights: Key Patents

    Key patents in the field are held by Nanosys,Inc.

    13Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

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    Insights: Year wise IP activity

    Year wise IP activity based on priority years

    14Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

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    Insights: Year wise IP activity

    Year wise IP activity based on publication years

    15Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    Insights: Geographical Distribution

    Geographical distribution of patents

    16Nano-fiber based Adhesion inMedical [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Nanofiber Based Adhesives in Medical Field - Competitor and Patent Landscape Report - Key Players, Innovators and Industry Analysis


    Insights: Others

    Most of the patents are held by universities, medical research institutions with

    few nanotechnology based companies and FMCG companies showing interest.

    Most patents are regarding application of nano-fiber adhesion in medical

    applications, areas of applications and methods of usage.

    Launched products and products in the pipeline are mostly by special purposefoundations/companies like which have been established by companies which

    have collaborations with universities specifically for utilizing nano-fiber adhesion.

    17Nano-fiber based Adhesion in

    Medical [email protected]

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    This is only a sample report with brief analysis. Purchase the complete

    report here. Price: $999

    Dolcera can provide a comprehensive report customized to your needs

    Samir Raiyani

    Email:[email protected]

    Phone: +1-650-425-6772Fax: +1-866-690-7517

    Nano-fiber based Adhesion in

    Medical [email protected]

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