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Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

NAP Expo 2015: Realizing the NAP process

14 – 15 April 2015, Bonn, Germany

Session I: Introductory presentations

Overview of the NAP process and

LEG support and guidance to


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Established in December 2010

As part of the Cancún Adaptation Framework (CAF)

Decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 15 - 18

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Objectives of the NAP process (decision 5/CP.17, paragraph 1)

a) To reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change,

by building adaptive capacity and resilience;

b) To facilitate the integration of climate change

adaptation, in a coherent manner, into relevant new and

existing policies, programmes and activities, in

particular development planning processes and

strategies, within all relevant sectors and at different

levels, as appropriate.

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Guiding principles of the NAP process (decision 5/CP.17)

Continuous planning process at

the national level with iterative

updates and outputs

Country-owned, country-driven

Not prescriptive, but flexible

and based on country needs

Building on and not duplicating

existing adaptation efforts

Participatory and transparent

Enhancing coherence of

adaptation and development


Supported by comprehensive

monitoring and review

Considering vulnerable groups,

communities and ecosystems

Guided by best available


Taking into consideration

traditional and indigenous



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• Initial guidelines are contained in

decision 5/CP.17, annex

• Technical guidelines for the NAP

process, developed by the LEG

in response to decision 5/CP.17

paragraph 15 are available at


The guidelines provide the basis for the formulation

and implementation of NAPs

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D. Reporting, Monitoring and Review

1. Monitoring the NAP process

2. Reviewing the NAP process to assess progress, effectiveness and gaps

3. Iteratively updating the national adaptation plans

4. Outreach on the NAP process and reporting onprogress and effectiveness

A. Laying the groundwork and addressing gaps

1. Initiating and launching of the NAP process

2. Stocktaking: identifying available information onclimate change impacts, vulnerability andadaptation and assessing gaps and needs of theenabling environment for the NAP process

3. Addressing capacity gaps and weaknesses inundertaking the NAP process

4. Comprehensively and iteratively assessing development needs and climate vulnerabilities

C. Implementation Strategy1. Prioritizing climate change adaptation in national


2. Developing a (long-term) national adaptation implementation strategy

3. Enhancing capacity for planning and implementing adaptation

4. Promoting coordination and synergy at the regional level and with other multilateral environmental agreements

B. Preparatory Elements1. Analysing current climate and future climate

change scenarios

2. Assessing climate vulnerabilities and identifying adaptation options at the sector, subnational, national and other appropriate levels

3. Reviewing and appraising adaptation options

4. Compiling and communicating national adaptation plans

5. Integrating climate change adaptation into national and subnational development and sectoral planning

See page 23 of the technical guidelines

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Support to the NAP process

Technical support

• Convention: LEG, Adaptation Committee

• UN organizations and specialized agencies,

multilateral and bilateral agencies, regional centres

and networks: NAP Global support programmes,

other programmes

Financial support

• Convention: LDCF, SCCF, GCF.

• UN organizations and specialized agencies,

multilateral and bilateral agencies, regional centres

and networks

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Communicating on the process to formulate and implement NAPs

Several countries have embarked on the NAP process according to:

- Information provided to the LEG at a formal launch event,

- Through presentations made at the NAP global support programme

workshops held respectively in March, April and July 2014,

- Last year’s NAP Expo held in August 2014, and

- The LEG regional training workshops on NAPs held respectively in

November 2014 for Pacific countries and February 2015 for eastern and

southern African countries.

Countries can share information on their NAP activities with

the rest of the world through the NAP Central

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Modalities used by the LEG to support LDCs 1/2


1. Guidelines and technical papers such as the technical guidelines for the

NAP process

2. Thematic working groups and advisory groups composed of LEG

members and other relevant stakeholders

3. Regional training workshops

4. Close work with the GEF and its agencies during LEG meetings and

related activities – this help to address bottlenecks faced by LDCs during

the preparation and implementation of NAPAs, and recently on NAPs

5. Meeting organized in LDCs to facilitate direct engagement and tailored

support to adaptation country teams

6. Databases on adaptation

7. Compilation of case studies

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8. NAP Central - a universally accessible, web-based central repository

and hub for information pertinent to the NAP process

9. Outreach products that provide information on adaptation in LDCs such

as the BP and LL publication for addressing adaptation in LDCs

10. Side events during SB/COP sessions

11. Engagement in other UN processes, including through collaboration

with the UN-OHRLLS

12. Lists of frequently asked questions about the NAP process

13. Collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders on various themes

(in its current mandate, the LEG has engaged with over 50


14. Forums, including virtual ones, to promote South-South cooperation

Modalities used by the LEG to support LDCs 2/2

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Examples of entities the LEG collaborated in its recent activities 1/2


• UNFCCC bodies

Adaptation Committee, TEC, CGE

• GEF and its agencies

• UN organizations and specialized agencies


UNDP, UNEP, FAO, UN-Habitat,


World Bank, WHO, WMO

• Financial mechanism, development banks,



• NAP global support programmes

• NAP technical working group

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Examples of entities the LEG collaborated recently 2/2

• Regional organizations

a) Africa: ACPC,COMESA, AGRYHMET-CILSS, Zambezi River


Asia: ICIMOD, Mekong River Authority, SEA-START-RC;


• Academic and scientific communities

a) PROVIA, World Resources Institute, CGIAR-CCAFs, Michigan

State University

• Bilateral development corporation


• NGOs

a) AFPAT, Care International

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Examples of how the LEG collaborates with other entities

• Engagement of a wide range of organizations in the design

and conduct of the regional training workshops, including the

GEF and its agencies, regional centres and networks, international

organizations, bilateral and multilateral agencies, NGOs and

representatives of the civil society, and individual experts

• LEG has been invited to meetings of various agencies and

organizations – presentation of the results of the LEG work and

further awareness raising about the NAPAs and NAPs (e.g. UN-

OHRLLS events, OECD, NAP global support programme for the

LDCs, FAO work on supplements to the NAP technical guidelines)

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LEG engagement with other bodies and programmes under the Convention

• LEG serves on the Adaptation Committee’s task force on NAPs

• LEG, upon invitation, takes part in meetings of the TEC

• In accordance with the LEG terms of reference, two LEG members are

also members of the CGE

• The Adaptation Committee serves in the LEG advisory group on the

revision of methodologies for best practices and lessons learned in

addressing adaptation in LDCs, and in the support group on the

development of NAP Central

• Engagement of a representative from the LDC Group in the advisory group

on best practices and lessons learned

• The adaptation Committee organizing, in collaboration with the LEG, the

workshop on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and

needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation

plans to be held just after this NAP Expo

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Technical guidance and support to the NAPs by the LEG - outputs

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Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

Supporting NAPs through the NAP Central

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What is the NAP Central?

The main information platform for supporting the NAPs. It provides

• Information to support the NAP process;

• Information on progress made by countries on their national


• A repository of relevant NAP documents for supporting the LDCs,

with links to relevant data, information, and tools for the NAP

process, to be populated with inputs from countries as well as from

relevant organizations, regional centres and networks, and the

research community;

• Information to support COP considerations on NAPs.

• Etc…

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NAP Central




Public Web SiteCountry /

Group Team



National Focal PointsExperts


Contribute Content

Contribute Content


Staff (Editor/Comms)



Other Content

NAP Content

Other Content

NAP Content

NAP Content

Other ContentContribute Content

Review, Approve, Copy Content


n Portal

Find & Consume Content

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Main components



Navigators (tools, data,

etc.)Support Databases

Collaboration NAP events

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Demo of public view of NAP Central


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Front page – timeline of key milestones

URL: www4.unfccc.int/nap

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NAP events (eastern and southern Africa workshop)

URL: http://www4.unfccc.int/nap#NAPRegionalEASAfrica

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Country Portals – private to country teams



Username: ext.unfccc.net\name

Password: xxxxx

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Country specific portals: Example of Malawi

URL: https://process.unfccc.int/sites/napparties/”country”

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The Chair

Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

[email protected]

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