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  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    CSR has gone mainstream. Many

    stakeholders have an interest in

    corporate sustainability performance.Celesa Horvath

    A magazine from Nynas on refining your business with naphthenic



    Ata w

    which one are yo

    The warof currents

    mAschinenfAbrik reinh



    The tide isturning in favouof direct current

    CSRGReenis the new black

    Science& nature

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    Pr Dastdt

    Vie Preident Nn

    Hed f Nphtheni

    6CSR s r s

    There i till lt f

    wrk t be dne.

    editorialPer Dahlstedt

    The world isa better place today


    2taking oil fuRtheR 3-2013

    The only Thing constant in the world is change.

    Over the past 50 years, we have seen tremendous

    development all over the world regarding child

    mortality (its gone down), increased lie expectancy

    and reduced poverty. And while we have a long way

    to go, we are nevertheless in the midst o a signicantprocess in which the world is becoming more equal

    or everyone, in terms o possibilities to develop. And

    that, we can all agree, is change we can be proud o.

    The electrication o the world is a clear refection

    o this positive and on-going development. Electric-

    ity creates the means to develop, and high-voltage,

    direct current power systems in particular make

    electricity available or a signicant part o the

    worlds population. In this issue you will see how

    Nynas contributes to that development by providing

    qualitative insulating oils or the electricity sec-

    tor. This issue also eatures many other specialty

    oils that are used in various applications that are

    helping to positively change the world we share.

    Even though the news is rie with conficts and cri-

    sis, the world has never been as peaceul and healthy

    as it is today. O

    course, there is

    still a lot o work

    to be done. For our

    part, Nynas will

    continue to develop

    specialty oils that

    positively contrib-

    ute to the develop-

    ment o

    society and


  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012



    Naphthenics Magazine is a reely distributed market magazine published by Nynas AB.address: Nynas AB, PO Box 10701, S-121 29 Stockholm, Sweden telephone: +46 8 602 12 00website: www.nynas.comeditor-in-chief: Per Dahlstedt, Nynas AB projectmanager: Staan Ceder, Nynas AB,[email protected]

    editorialadvisoryboard, nynasab: Per Dahlstedt, Hans stlin, Jean-Marie Toullat, Marika Rangstedt,Gunnar Stang, Staan Ceder

    naphthenicsmagazineisproducedby Appelberg Publishing Group AB, Stockholm, Swedenmanagingeditor: Charlotte Meynert artdirectoranddesign: Magdalena Taubert

    contributingeditor: Hannah Kirsebom printing: tta.45, Solna, Sweden.Naphthenics Magazine is published three times a year in eight editions Chinese, English, French, German, Italian,Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. It is printed on Arctic Volume White, which is an FSC-certied paper. Reproductiononly by permission o Nynas AB Corporate Communications. The opinions expressed herein are those o the authorsor persons interviewed and do not necessarily refect the views o the editors or Nynas AB.


    Thee bi-rgni

    inhibitr n be

    ued td.Martina Levin






    nys s r sd


    Rs's s

    bs Rs-

    br, grmy.10

    Notes rom Nynas

    Singapore sales

    Proft rom CSR

    Copper expertise

    Power meet

    Focus on HDVC

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    4taking oil further 3-2013

    notesfrom Nynas


    whn dong watspots. Nynasnaphthnc os hp to p yowam vn n cod wats.We nd dry u ued wen dvn, urfn,

    wkebrdn nd r re cnly bed

    n e lyer lyclrrene, ee l

    clled nerene er ne e fr rde ne

    r e lyer. t en e rubber que

    lr lcer requred. al ccunn r

    el nd ey ec, e cce bece

    que led. hwever, nenc l ln

    ry ue n lcn, ee n

    cbnn w er lcn en uc

    cce (lyered veeble l), cce

    b nn-xc nd benefcl n er ecncl


    A ga vsto e Nyn genbur refnery sweden lde rned rven. te 19-yer-ld brd reurn

    e refnery every yer nd ne bend e crude l nk.

    t yer fve yunln were ced. obvuly n nly

    Nyn elyee w enjy e refnery envrnen.


    Nynas insulates youNw Matng Dcto

    focuses on

    growthD Vantna Sa Hom bned mrken Drecr r Nyn N

    c. serr hl ucceed Jen-mre tu

    wll ke n rle senr advr N

    t bvuly re runy

    cllene r e ernlly. i ee cn

    cu n rw r Nyn nd i wll cn

    renrce e ren ke u u

    dy. our deree ecln

    reence nd ernl rc culed

    deree ecncl knwlede.

    serr hl, w jned Nyn n 200

    n e renbly w v exerenc

    ecly l rke. W pD n ce

    recn enneern r ab akde

    nd pD n cecl ln r plye

    turn, ily, e e knwlede nd

    drve ke Nyn urer.

    Did you know?


    Per WikluND, new Re

    mner Nyn

    an evlvn w

    l need ec

    l de r e nd r

    rw erl

    re ere

    cenfc cl

    cn u nd

    cuer d

    e uure.

    of Nynas mpoysa nvovd n tch-nca sach anddvopmnt.

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012



    As A sAles AdministrAtor in Singapore, Geo

    gina Ng spends much o her time supporting the

    managers and sales consultants on customers qu

    That includes processing purchase orders and en

    on-time delivery to customers sites.

    Ngs customers operate in the Philippines, Vie

    Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

    also handles internal sales or Indonesia and Chi

    enjoy the contact with the customers, she says.

    o them are good-humoured, reasonable and cor

    Some o my customers are truly antastic.

    Ecient tools and systems are crucial or Ng a

    colleagues, along with a passion or problem-solv

    I eel a great satisaction whenever I can solve

    customers problems, says Ng. I also try to be p

    tive and oer alternative solutions i I cant comp

    with 100 percent o a request.

    When asked to describe the Nynas way o working and serving the customers, Ng answers: Trea

    customers wholeheartedly with respect, and gen

    helping them to solve their problems is my defni

    o the Nynas way. As an employee, I like the sma

    oce concept with minimal hierarchy. There isn

    any red tape when it comes to execution o plans



    A passion


    Georginatext:Hannah Kirs

    photo:Mathias Be

    I ej the tt with

    the uter.Georgina Ng

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012



    6taking oil further 3-2013

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012




    The trendis sustainable


    Companies around the world are coming round tthe realisation that conducting their operationsin way that is economically, socially and environ-mentally sustainable can be good for business.


    nly a decade ago, corpo-

    rate social responsibil-

    ity (CSR) or corporate

    sustainability which

    addresses how companies

    manage their economic, social and

    environmental impacts, as well as their

    relationships with their stakeholders

    was a rare topic o conversation in com-

    pany boardrooms. For many today it is a

    regular item on the corporate agenda.

    A recent reportbyMIT Sloan

    Management Review and the Boston

    Consulting Group ound that 70 percent

    o companies have placed corporate sus-

    tainability permanently on the manage-

    ment agenda. More than two-thirds saythat their organisations commitment

    to sustainability has increased in the

    past year and that they plan to increase

    it urther.

    CSR has gone mainstream, says

    Celesa Horvath, a sustainability and

    corporate responsibility consultant

    text:David Wiles illustration: Istockphoto & GettyImages

    based in Alberta, Canada. When I be-

    gan working with this over a decade ago,

    clients main concerns were whether

    investors were talking about it, and why

    they should do anything about it. Now

    there is much broader recognition that

    there are many stakeholders that have

    an interest in corporate sustainability


    the growing importAnce o CSR

    is partly due to a growing awareness

    among the public at large o CSR is-

    sues the conditions or workers in the

    actories where products are made, or

    example and partly due to new tech-

    nologies, Horvath says. Anyone with

    a smartphone or computer can quicklynd and share inormation about pretty

    much any corporation, she says. Now

    in an instant any kind o noncompliance

    or bad behaviour will be documented

    and communicated globally. This

    instantaneous transparency has orced

    corporations to consider their corporate

    The dierbetwee

    d pp

    it i t

    e pe


  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    8taking oil further 3-2013

    responsibility perormance much more


    Along with this push rom the

    outside is also a pull rom the inside. I

    think companies believe in corporate

    sustainability because they see positive

    outcomes rom it, says Knut Haanaes,

    head o the Boston Consulting Groups

    global sustainability practice and co-

    author o the report. Driving sustain-

    ability strategies is very much linked to

    being more efcient in your value chain,

    reducing waste, being more efcient

    in your use o resources, recycling and

    so on. It is about good management


    Being A good citizen can help bolster

    a companys brand image both with the

    public and with its employees. The role

    that good corporate responsibility per-

    ormance plays in attracting and retain-

    ing and motivating employees is known,

    but it is more difcult to quantiy, says


    Interestingly, theMIT Sloan Manage-

    ment Review report ound that many

    companies are increasing their com-

    mitment to corporate sustainability

    initiatives despite the current economic

    turmoil. Companies identiy corporate

    sustainability as a megatrend, some-

    thing that it is worth addressing today

    because waiting until tomorrow might

    be more costly, says Haanaes.

    Within that megatrend, Horvath

    identies a number o other trends such

    as the growing importance o employees

    as a stakeholder group, and social media

    being used more by both companies

    and stakeholders to drive these issues.

    We have also seen a tremendous

    growth over the past decade in the

    number o companies issuing sustain-

    ability reports, she says. That growth

    will continue, but we will also see the

    emergence o more real-time report-

    ing. So instead o waiting or an annual

    report or 2012 coming out sometime

    in mid-2013, you can go onto a com-

    panys website and look at how they are

    perorming right now.

    These trends are consistent with a

    shit in how companies view corporate

    responsibility, says Horvath. The di-

    erence between risk and opportunity

    is oten one o perception, she says.

    Savvy corporations see beyond the

    challenges posed by CSR and sustain-

    ability to the potential value they can

    create or themselves and their stake-


    &cSra a abaF nyas, a sassbly s a ay f l

    From supporting the Swedish SeaRescue Society to being a good citin the communities where it operaNynas takes corporate social respobility seriously.

    We are rather small or an oilcompany, so we dont have a specdepartment working with CSR or a CSR heading on our website, saHans stlin, Communications Direat Nynas. But thinking about the

    ronment and the local communitiwhich we operate comes naturallyus and is very important.

    In Sweden, Nynas provides theSwedish Sea Rescue Society withboth training and unding. ThankNynas, 26 o the organisations restations along the Swedish coast anow equipped with environmentarescue tows that allow ast responenvironmental accidents at sea.

    stlin says that because Nynas big player in the areas in which it operations, the company strives toinorm and build good relations wmunicipalities.

    Other Nynas CSR activities inclu

    research into the health eects ocompanys products and an open at its main Swedish refnery to whstakeholders, including the local cmunity, are invited.

    A clean-up programme aroundNynas refnery in Nynshamn is another part o the companys long-commitment to the local communand the environment.

    The rle tht gd

    rprte repibilit

    perre pl i

    ttrtig d retiig

    d tivtig e-

    plee i kw, but

    it i re difult t

    quti.Celesa Horvath


  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012



    m thei deribe

    the pre f pper

    rrdig i il.Martina Levin

    text:Hannah Kirs

    photo:Peter J


    Martina Lev

    When you read this, Martina Levin will have alread

    deended her dissertation, put on the doctoral hat and t

    o to the Seychelles to celebrate earning her PhD. But e

    in September, she is still busy balancing her job at the N

    R&D department in Nynshamn, Sweden, with studies

    preparations at the Royal Institute o Technology in Sto


    My dissertation describes the process o copper corr

    in oil, Levin says. I have ocused on dierent inhibitor

    ditives that restrain or suppress the corrosion.

    Many inhibitors are toxic, but Levin ound two non-

    toxic, bio-organic substances that work as inhibitors. Th

    bio-organic inhibitors can be used today, meaning that h

    research can have an immediate result.

    Says Levin, It was particularly interesting to see how

    erently the inhibitors worked in oil compared with wat

    Some o those ecient in water had no impact whatsoe

    oil.Combining her job at the Nynas R&D department wi

    preparations or her doctorate has kept Levin busy, but

    glad that it was possible.

    The act that Nynas encouraged me to study or a do

    ate while working here is a clear sign o how highly rega

    the feld o research and development is within this com

    she says.


  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    10taking oil further 3-2012





























    To reduce TesTingtime,whichcan





    Voltage spikes of up to 1.8 millionvolts streak across the test room in amillionth of a second. The source is animpulse generator and the location is theMaschinenfabrik Reinhausen ResearchCentre in Regensburg, Germany.


    t q


    s d


    customerMaschinenfabrik Reinhausen




  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012









































    We puh the

    tet bjet t

    it liit.Dr Thomas Strof


    &Pwer egieerig i t

    Reihue Grup

    buie. It hedqurt

    re i the Reihue

    f Regeburg. It h 2

    ubidirie rud the

    wrld d 2,800 epl

    Grup le i 2011 re

    re th 600 illi

    It uter re u

    fturer f high-vlt

    equipet d te

    pwer utilit pie

    lrge-le idutrie witeive pwer requir


    mR i fil-ru b

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    idepedet ie 186

    I 1926, Berhrd J

    iveted the high-pee

    reitr-tpe tp hg

    tht llwed the tur

    rti f trfrer t

    hged uder ld w

    iterrupti. I per

    with the brther ok

    d Rihrd sheube

    prdut ultitel be

    kw rud the w

    b the e f Reih

    o-ld Tp chger.

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    12taking oil further X-20XX


    12taking oil further 3-2013

    High-voltage direct currenHVDC, is making a comebdue to huge investments renewable energy. HVDC

    the only effective transmsion method from remoteplaced energy sources, suas offshore wind farms.



    Oce upo a tie,

    whe the electricit

    idustr was i its

    iac, there was a war o cur-

    rets. The propoets o direct

    curret (DC) were deeated b

    the alteratig curret (AC)cap ad sice the, AC has

    aitaied its doiace i

    alost all doestic, idustrial

    ad coercial supplies o


    Toda, DC is o the advace

    agai, i the shape o high-

    voltage direct curret

    Icreased ivestet i

    reewable eerg proj

    has heralded dead

    trasissio sstes t

    hadle both high volta

    uschroised electrisuch as that ro idiv

    wid turbies.

    AC systemscaot

    these criteria. There ar

    techical diculties i

    ig the voltage, ad h

    text:Jayme Nunes, Nynas Technical

    Market Support, Electrical Industry

    photo: Istockphoto

    for DC

    Toda HVDC is a

    ature techolog

    with ABB, Siees

    ad Alsto as its

    world leaders.

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    the capacit ad the rage

    o AC trasissio lies. The

    trasport o vast quatities

    o electricit over the great

    distaces required or large-

    scale oshore wid ars, solar

    ars or hdroelectric projects

    i areas quite reote ro their

    load cetres has sipl becoe

    too challegig or AC.

    An overhead DC trasis-

    sio lie ca be desiged to

    cost less per uit o legth tha

    a equivalet AC lie desiged

    to trasit the sae aout

    o electrical eerg over the

    sae distace. However, the

    DC coverter statios required

    at each ed are ore expesive

    tha the terials o a AC

    lie, so there is a break-eve

    distace above which the total

    cost o DC trasissio is lowertha its AC alterative. For

    trasissio b subarie or

    udergroud cable the break-

    eve distace is eve shorter.

    I act, it is ot practical to

    cosider AC cable sstes that

    exceed 50 kiloetres, which

    akes HVDC the ol eective

    wa to coect distat eerg

    sources to a etwork.

    The coectio o AC grids

    with dieret requecies

    also poses a proble or AC.

    For istace, Japa has two

    etworks, oe 60 Hz ad oe

    50 Hz sste, ad it is phsi-

    call ipossible to coect the

    two b direct AC techolog.

    However, with DC coverters i

    each sste ad a iterco-

    ectig DC lik, it is possible

    to exchage electric power

    betwee the two.

    Although these advatages

    were recogised as earl as

    the 1920s, the developet

    o HVDC was held back b

    the lack o suitable techolog

    or the valves that covert AC

    to DC ad vice versa. It tookearl three decades or the

    ercur arc valve techolog to

    ature eough or use i co-

    ercial projects. The alterative

    silico seicoductor thristor

    techolog, still used toda, also

    eerged i the 1950s ad was

    rst used i HVDC applicatios

    i 1970.

    ASEA, the A i ABB, pio-

    eered HVDC i Swede where

    the rst lies were built dec-

    ades ago. However, the ease

    o usig AC overshadowed the

    lower trasissio losses o DC

    i idustrialised Europe ad the

    Uited States, where power

    statios are situated close to

    urba cetres ad idustrial us-

    ers, keepig trasissio lies

    short ad power losses liited.

    Today HVDC is a ature

    techolog with ABB, Siees

    ad Alsto as its world leaders.

    Surgig growth i Chia, Idia,

    Brazil ad other ast idustrialis-

    ig coutries, has propted

    dead or electricit ad or

    HVDC, as i these regios users

    ted to be ar ro powersources, such as river sstes

    ad das.

    I Brazil, ever loger tras-

    issio distaces are beig

    bridged with the developet

    o hdroelectric plats i the

    Aazo regio, ad HVDC has




    ABB has developed and tested a1,100-kilovolt UHVDC (ultra-high-voltage

    direct current) transormer in China thatsets a new record or DC voltage, enabling

    eective transmission o more electric

    power over long distances. Building upon

    the HVDC technology pioneered by ABB

    hal a century ago, this is the greatest

    technical advancement in transmission

    capacity and eectiveness in more than

    two decades.

    This technology enables eective

    and reliable transmission o even more

    electricity at higher levels o voltage, over

    longer distances and with minimal loss,

    says Bernhard Jucker, ABB Head o Power


    The Xiangjiaba-Shanghai power link,

    operated by ABB, is the worlds rst com-

    mercial 800-kV UHVDC link. Extending

    1,240 miles with a transmission capacityo 6,400 megawatts (MW), the link is the

    longest o its kind. The new transormer

    technology enables transmissions o more

    than 10,000 MW and increases the range

    to approximately 1,860 miles.

    Source: "ABB Kunden" Magazine

    AC DC


    AC to DCConverter Stn

    hVDC tsmss ls

    DC to ACConverter Stn



    Homes Busines


  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012



    14taking oil further 3-2013

    bee used or a log tie at a

    record operatig voltage o 600

    kV. I Chia ad Idia, 800 kV

    HVDC trasissio has alread

    bee adopted or several ew

    hdroelectric projects.

    However, oe obstacle is

    ipedig aster growth. HVDC

    lies have bee restricted to

    poit-to-poit coectios,

    the siplest or o HVDC

    trasissio. The electricit

    utilities, however, eed fexibilit

    to ake ultiple coectios to

    trasissio lies, allowig theto switch o or o idividual


    Such fexibilit will ol be

    possible whe eective HVDC

    circuit breakers have bee

    developed. Circuit breakers exist

    or AC, but ot et or HVDC.

    multi-terial HVDC sstes are

    thereore ver coplex, ad rare.

    The eed or DC fexibilit

    is growig because dead

    is spreadig to established

    arkets. The oshore wid

    parks coissioed b the UK,

    Gera ad others ivolve

    trasissio distaces bridge-

    able ol b HVDC. Such reew-

    able power, however, has to be

    itegrated ito existig grids,

    akig circuit breakers essetial.

    Once researchers have

    gured out a wa to adapt thehighl sophisticated power sei-

    coductors used i the coverter

    statios, where AC power is

    tured ito DC ad back, that

    techological hurdle will be

    reoved ad HVDC will be able

    to ull its true potetial.


    need high-quality oilAt the heart of an HVDC transmis-sion system the AC voltage is adapted

    to the DC voltage in the converter

    transormers. These HVDC transormers

    are subject to operating conditions that

    set them apart rom conventional system

    or power transormers. For instance,

    they have to withstand the combined

    load stress o both DC and AC voltage.

    In order to do that, they require the best

    possible insulating oil.

    The most important property to

    consider or the insulating oil in ACtransormers is the relative permittivity, a

    parameter not aected by the oxidation

    products or moisture content o the oil.

    For DC converters, the issues are much

    more complicated, as the resistivity is


    The resistivity can vary widely, or

    example, decrease to hal o the original

    value rom unused and dry transormer

    oil to wet and aged oil. During the ser-

    vice lie o equipment, resistivity changes

    o the fuid cannot be avoided. It is

    thereore important to use high-quality

    mineral insulating oil, since the superior

    oxidation stability o the oil will limit the

    amount o degradation products.

    Due to their outstanding electrical prop-

    erties and superior oxidation stability,

    the Nynas Super Grade oils are consid-

    ered by many transormer manuacturers

    and utilities as the best insulating oil to

    meet and exceed the strict requirements

    o the HVDC units. HVDC equipment

    worldwide relies on these oils to help

    them perorm.


    The nas Super Grade oils

    are cosidered b a

    trasorer auactur-

    ers ad utilities as the best

    isulatig oil or HVDC.

  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012



    columnJean-Marie Tou

    th ew.

    We hve kw

    r er h

    ur reure

    re rug u.

    Ja-Ma TatSenior advisor, Nynas

    notesof knowledge

    PicTure The cowboy o the old American West, ridinacross vast prairies under an innite sky with the horiz

    in the distance. His world is boundless, counted only in

    riding. Wildlie and crystal-clear water are in abundanc

    everything that he needs can be obtained through hard

    Nature is king, he understands, but bountiul.

    Now picture an astronaut. Her world is restricted to a

    square eet where everything ood, water, even the air

    breathes is subject to strict economics. Her lie depen

    upon this limited space, and she cannot leave. Resource

    scarce and everything on the spaceship must be recycle

    reused or saved.

    These stereotypes the cowboy in his boundless wor

    the astronaut in her tightly closed cap

    represent two completely diferent ou

    on lie.

    Our planet is not innite. It is like

    spaceship. There is basically no exc

    with the surrounding environment. A

    resources have suraced. Many o them

    coming to an end. It is time to start ec

    mising, because we cannot leave. We need to master the

    recycling, o using limited resources in an intelligent wa

    we need to nd substitutes or non-renewable resource

    This isnt news. We have known or years that our res

    are running out. Now that time has almost come, and al

    us individuals as well as companies and countries ha

    make a choice between thinking like acowboy or an astronaut. Which do you


    Cowboys& astronauts

    AapastJAnuAry 710, DubAi, uAe

    J n d her prer he rubber d p dur h

    eve Dub. mee ur exper he n d d ge dd

    gh he er. (.aapast.f)

    T TcfFebruAry 57, cologne, gerMAny

    tre beg eg pu pef ded he dur. V u

    he eree cge d er hw n re prve

    ur rg. (.tt-xp.m)

    Mdd east ettMArch 1214, DubAi, uAe

    Eerf he ke devepe, d n ug re e-

    e g e. mee ur exper h reg exhb. (.mddasttt.m)

    uniTiAPril 910, STuTTgArT, gerMAnyth exg eree er ehg devepe ke

    pe sugr. n w be preeg fdg reed pe

    r he be -dur.

    elgi Aap MtAPril 20-23, AMSTerDAM, The neTherlAnDS

    the u Grup meeg r ElGi ke pe he neherd d

    n w be here. Drp b du uure pprue (..)

    cwieMeJune 46, berlin, gerMAnycWiEmE he edg eve r rrer uurer. ce d

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    r du. J u d he eber he trr Grup er

    re bu he ehg requred r p perre d he

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  • 7/28/2019 Naphthenics Magazine Issue 3-2012


    100% Cyan

    100% Magenta

    100% Yellow

    100% Key

    100% Easy handling

    000% Sediment

    000% Worrying about whether youllget a great oil or your inks. Restassured, you will (weve beendoing this or 30 years). We lovesatisfed customers as much asyou do.


    100% Cyan

    100% Magenta

    100% Yellow

    100% Key

    100% Easy handling

    000% Sediment

    000% Worrying about whether youllget a great oil or your inks. Restassured, you will (weve beendoing this or 30 years). We lovesatisfed customers as much asyou do.


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