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Page 1: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

Principal’s Message SASS Week This week is School Administrative and Support (SAS) Staff Recognition Week and is a time for us to recognise the wonderful work they do in our school. They are often the first people you see when you enter a school and are essential to maintaining positive relationships with students, parents and the community. SAS staff work in school offices, in classrooms and libraries and maintaining and caring for school grounds and buildings. They are often the ones to tend to students when they unwell and they ensure the efficient management of school financial and administration functions. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our following SAS staff: Helen Barnes (School Administration Manger) Janelle Trigg, Sharon Warbrick, Kirstie Jones (School Administration Officers) Mark Lennon (General Assistant) Jenny Davis, Kristee Carmody, Darlene Lumby, Natalie Jenkins, Jane Farrugia, Nicole Quinton and Michelle Williams (School Learning Support Officers) Htay Nyunt, Nicole Young (Cleaners) Stage 2 Camp Our Year 3 and 4 students jumped on buses this morning, heading off to camp for the next three days. A big thank you to the organising team who put together an action-packed itinerary, one that is certain to keep them entertained. We look forward to hearing all the wonderful stories when they return. Father’s Day Breakfast Don’t forget to send in your RSVP for Fathers’ Day breakfast this Friday. The staff will be busily cooking sausage sandwiches for those special men who are able to join us. We look forward to seeing you there. Central Coast Public Education Awards of Appreciation This Wednesday afternoon Sarah Parker and Mark Lennon will receive their Central Coast Public Education Awards of Appreciation award at Kariong Mountains High School. We would like to congratulate them again on their nominations – your hard work is greatly appreciated! Head Start This Thursday sees the beginning of our Kindergarten Transition Program. We are all very excited to meet our new friends and prepare them for ‘big school’ next year. Again, if you know of anyone who has not yet signed up for Head Start please encourage them to come in and see us.

Narara Public School

Monday Mumbles Weekly Newsletter


Newling Street, Lisarow NSW 2250 Phone: (02) 4328 3024 Fax: (02) 4329 1472

Email: [email protected]: www.narara-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 3, Week 6 Tuesday 26th August 2019

Narara Public School

Dates to Remember 26- 28 Aug Stage 2 Camp 29 Aug Headstart 30 Aug District Athletics Possum Magic Fathers’ Day Breakfast 3 Sep ICAS Digital Tech Competition 5 Sep ICAS Science Competition Year 6 CARES Swim Scheme Headstart 6 Sep Disney Day

Notes You Should Have Swim Scheme Year 2 C.A.R.E.S Excursion Yr 6 Fathers’ Day Breakfast

Page 2: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

Book Fair/Book Parade/Open Day Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout of parents and family members was amazing. A special mention to the wonderful staff of NPS for their fantastic costumes, I think they enjoyed it more than the kids! A big thanks to Mrs McMahon for organising such a great day, and for running such a fantastic Book Fair. The money raised through sales of books will go directly back into resources for the school – thank you for your support!

Kirsty Squires Rel Principal

Page 3: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

Star of the Week 1/2R Avalon S 2S 2C K6B K6C Cooper L

Sport Star of the Week 1/2R Gabrielle P, Byron S 2S 2C K6B K6C Blake D

Merit Awards 3/4M Madison b, Michael F, Bryson R, Wolgang W, Riley E, Amarlie P 3/4F 3/4SA Leah M, Ruby F 3/4P Malakai C, Mackenzie L 5/6R Kiralee R 5/6D Caleb P, Talisa P 5/6J Kellea C, Cooper R 5/6W Gabriella P, Elijah R, Mathew H K6C Eric V

KidsMatter The focus for the next 2 weeks is - It’s important to stay hopeful when you have unhappy times. You will get over unhappy times in your life more easily if you stay hopeful and look on the bright side. Believe that good things will happen again and that things will get better. If you stay hopeful, you don’t give up. Gratitude and appreciation Being thankful for the kind, generous and helpful things that other people do for us and appreciating the good things that happen in our lives helps us feel happier and more on top of things. Letting people know that you are thankful or grateful for how they have supported and cared about you also makes them feel happy. Anne Doherty Coordinator Library News Book Fair Our Book Fair and Book Parade was a huge success due to the work of our teachers, library monitors and all the families who made purchases from the vast selection of books sent to our school by Scholastic. NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Congratulations to all the students who have already completed the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge. Students in K-2 have completed the challenge and have their books entered. Any students in years 3 to 6 that need to complete the challenge must have entered all books themselves this week by Friday 30th, August. The NSW Premier’s reading challenge can be found at https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html Students use their DET username and password to logon and enter books read. Karen McMahon Teacher

Page 4: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

Year 6 C.A.R.E.S Excursion Year 6 C.A.R.E.S program is a combination of classroom lessons and practical activities which provide students with road safety knowledge and an opportunity to develop their practical skills. It sits within the Australian Curriculum which contributes to the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabus. The cost is $9, and is due Friday 30th August. Please complete the permission note on this link http://bit.ly/year6_cares Included in the note is a link to the school website to make a payment online, if you wish. You can still pay at the office if you prefer. Tennis Competition Note Congratulations to the following students for making the school Regional Tennis Team. There is a Competition Tuesday 10th September and requires a note to be completed. The day will start at 9:00am and the students will need to be taken from school to the event, and back again. Parents offering to transport children must have recently completed an Appendix 11 form accompanied with a copy of a Working with Children clearance, drivers licence and a medicare card/key card, as well as their car registration number. Parents who have recently completed an Appendix 11 form please come to the office the day before with your driver’s licence and car registration to get checked. The students have been made aware that any inappropriate behaviour at school prior to the gala day and they will be pulled from the team and replaced by one the reserves. The students that made the team please complete this link http://bit.ly/tennis_competition_note The students that are in the team are: Justin M, Ashton S, Manoa L, Finn L, Lily P, Sukhman D, Olivia C, Kate W, Vinnie S Spelling Bee Regional Finals Congratulations to the following students for making the school Spelling Bee Regional Finals. There is a Competition Tuesday 10th September and requires a note to be completed. The day will start from 9:00am and the students will need to be taken from school to the event, and back again. Parents offering to transport children must have recently completed an Appendix 11 form accompanied with a copy of a Working with Children clearance, drivers licence and a medicare card/key card, as well as their car registration number. Parents who have recently completed an Appendix 11 form please come to the office the day before with your driver’s licence and car registration to get checked. The students that made the team please complete this link http://bit.ly/spelling_bee_regional The students that have made the finals are: Alex E, Spencer D, Beau G, Riley E. Year 2 Swim Scheme Arrangements have been made to include a learn-to-swim program in our school curriculum. This year we are working with 5 Star Swim Schools to deliver an intensive learn to swim program, which develops water confidence and provides students with basic skills in water safety and survival. The Scheme is conducted over 8 weeks. Each daily lesson will be held on Thursday and is 1 hour in duration. It is expected that all Year 2 children will attend. Instruction will take place at 5 Star Swim School, Wyoming. The Scheme will continue each Thursday from Thursday 5th September until Thursday 7th November 2019. Information and the permission note can be accessed via this link http://bit.ly/swim_scheme_2019 Cost of swim school will be $57.00. Thank you to the P & C for subsidising this excursion to keep the cost to a minimum. Possum Magic - 30/08/2019 Kindergarten, Stage 1 and K6B & K6C excursion to Laycock Street Theatre, to see Possum Magic will take place Friday 30th August 2019. Students will be leaving school at 9:45am and return 12:30pm. Students will need to pack their lunch and bring it in a plastic bag to carry.

Page 5: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

Music News Bands playing Friday morning - bring your instruments! The Concert Band, Training Band and Rock Band will play at the Father's Day breakfast on Friday. Please remember to bring your instruments on that day. Each band will play only for a short while, so that the children can still be with their families and have breakfast. Training Band children are welcome to leave their instruments in the music store-room overnight after their rehearsal on Thursday. K-2 Choir performing on Friday morning Our K-2 choir will be singing a song at the Father's Day breakfast as well, so warm up those vocal chords and come to school a little earlier to join this happy band of singers! Estimated performance time is 8am. Showcase - Congratulations! Well done to the 54 Narara PS children who performed so beautifully at Central Coast Showcase last Thursday in the choir and recorder ensemble. We are proud of you. Narara PS Community Choir??? I am just putting this one out there to see what happens. I used to run a community acapella choir, and it was a LOT of fun and I really miss it. Are you a grown-up? Do you like singing in the shower? Do you know all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody? Are you a diva in your own car? Would you be interested in coming to NPS one night a fortnight to have a lovely time singing with like-minded people? There would be no auditions, no need to read music, everything taught by ear. If you are interested , pop your name on the sign-on sheet in the school foyer and if I get enough takers we'll work out the best time to meet. Kerryn Cooper Music Teacher Premier's Public Speaking Competition Congratulations to Lauren M in Kindergarten who went through to the finals of the competition last Thursday and placed second in our Central Coast region. Well done Lauren! Mr Ramm is Razor Ready!! At the end of this term Mr Ramm is going to be cutting his hair as part of the World's Greatest Shave. He is going to donate his hair to Variety and if we raise enough money he may even let us shave off his beard! Please feel free to donate using the link below. https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx?TeamID=115966

Page 6: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

CENTRE FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS AND EVALUATION E [email protected] www.cese.nsw.gov.au

Tell Them From Me student survey: Information and consent form for parents and carers

Page 7: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

CENTRE FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS AND EVALUATION E [email protected] www.cese.nsw.gov.au

Tell Them From Me Student Feedback Survey non-consent form

If you do not want your child to participate in the student feedback survey, please sign this form and return it to the school by 30.08.19

I DO NOT give consent for my child/children to participate in the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. Name of student 1 Roll class of student 1 ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. Name of student 2 Roll class of student 2 ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………….. Name of student 3 Roll class of student 3 ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. Name of student 4 Roll class of student 4 ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………….. Name of parent/carer ………………………………………………………………………... Signature of parent/carer ……………………………………………………………………. Date …………………...................

Page 8: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

The Tell Them From Me student survey (Term 3, 2019) Parent FAQ document for the student survey: I am delighted that this term, our school, like many other public schools in the state, will participate in a Department of Education initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. You may remember that our students also participated in a Tell Them From Me student survey in Term 1 this year. Asking students to complete the survey twice in one year allows us to identify trends in student responses as well as track engagement and motivation across the school year. The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide us with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. More than 6,300 schools in Australia and around the world have used Tell Them From Me to survey 5.4 million students. Capturing the voices of our students will help improve how we do things at our school. More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au I want to assure you that the survey is confidential. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 26 August and 25 October. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by 30.08.19 Copies of the form and FAQs are available from: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents.

The Tell Them From Me parent survey (Term 3, 2019) Parent FAQ document for the parent survey: This Term, our school will be participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement. Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. These include: communication between parents/carers and staff, activities and practices at home and parent/carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical improvements. The survey is conducted entirely online on smartphones, iPads, tablets, laptops or computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted between 26 August and 25 October. Although participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, your responses are very much appreciated.

More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au. To access the survey for our school go to: http://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/6sz3g

Page 9: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout
Page 10: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

- Do I need to participate? No, participation in the survey is optional. Whilst your responses are very much appreciated, if during the survey, you feel uncomfortable, you can stop the survey at any time. The majority of questions in the survey can be skipped. - Will the school be able to identify me or my child from my responses? Survey responses are anonymous so staff in schools will not be able to identify individual parents or students from parent responses. Data suppression rules are applied to the school reporting tools where there are fewer than five responses. In other words, schools only see responses to questions which have been answered by five or more parents.

- What sort of analysis will be done of the survey data? Once the surveys are completed, reports are prepared and in most cases are available to schools within three business days. School leaders can use the data to better understand the experiences and views of parents at their school.

CESE will undertake state-wide analysis of the survey data in conjunction with existing student data held by the department, including performance data. The results will help all schools better understand the relationship betweenparents and students’ engagement, students’ wellbeing, effective teaching and student learning. Results from CESE’s analysis of this data will also help teachers and principals discuss what works to improve student outcomes. This supports the department’s continuing focus on quality teaching and leadership. The data will be retained for future analysis to help us better understand the nature of student engagement and wellbeing over time. 10. When will the Partners in Learning survey happen? The surveys will be conducted in all participating schools between Monday 27th August (Week 6,

Term 3) and Friday 26th October 2018 (Week 2, Term 4).

If you have any questions about the parent survey, please contact CESE via email: [email protected] or by telephone: 1300 131 499.

What is CESE? The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) is part of the Department of Education. CESE has been established to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of education in New South Wales. CESE will identify and share what works, creating new opportunities to improve teaching and learning across all of education. More information about CESE is available at: www.cese.nsw.gov.au

What is The Learning Bar? The Learning Bar is a Canadian education company that specialises in school surveys for both primary and secondary students. Its survey, Tell Them From Me, is the largest national school survey in Canada, used in nine of Canada’s ten provinces. More than 6,300 schools and 5.4 million students have participated in the survey. Australian schools have been participating in the Tell Them From Me surveys since 2012. The Learning Bar is led by Dr J Douglas Willms. Dr Willms is the President of the International Academy of Education, a Member of the US National Academy of Education and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He recently held the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Literacy and Human Development for 14

Page 11: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

If you have any questions about the parent survey, please contact CESE via email: [email protected] or by telephone: 1300 131 499.

Page 12: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout
Page 13: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

The revised Enrolment of Students in NSW Government Schools policy Frequently Asked Questions: August 2019

- I was advised of my school’s enrolment cap. How was the cap determined and what does it mean?

The school’s enrolment cap is the number of students that may be accommodated based on the number of permanent classrooms.

It is an indicator of whether or not a school may have the capacity to accept non-local enrolments.

It is not a target nor a limit on the number of local students that a school may

enrol. It is not intended to reflect staffing, or current or future demand for


- Our local enrolments exceed the cap; what do we do?

Every eligible child is entitled to enrol in their local school. To meet the Department’s obligation under the Education Act 1990, schools that have exceeded their cap will continue to enrol local students.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances approved by the DEL, the school will use the prescribed 100-point residential address check to confirm local enrolment applications.

Schools will continue to be resourced to accommodate current enrolment, including the use of demountable classrooms if appropriate.

Where the school has increased local demand beyond permanent accommodation, the facilities will be assessed as part of the School Infrastructure NSW planning processes.

- Has the intent of the revised enrolment policy changed from the previous one?

Not significantly. The revised policy includes the prioritisation of siblings and clarification for non-local enrolment processes (100-point residential address check and more specific advice on enrolment panel criteria).

The previous policy required each school to have an enrolment ceiling (the equivalent of the cap in the revised policy), that was based on permanent accommodation. The policy made clear that no additional accommodation (permanent or demountable) would be provided to cater for increased enrolments resulting from non-local placements.

In the revised policy, the enrolment cap for a school is established centrally, based on available permanent accommodation. Demountable classrooms are not usually counted towards the enrolment cap unless new or replacement accommodation planned for or under construction. The revised policy makes clear that no additional accommodation (permanent or demountable) will be provided to cater for increased enrolments resulting from non-local enrolments.

Page 14: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

How were the caps calculated? The caps have been designed to take into consideration the average number of students currently in classrooms in our 2,200 schools. The cap does not define the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in a school. Caps were determined by multiplying the number of permanent classrooms with the average number of students currently in classrooms for the school type. The caps take into consideration the range of different classroom spaces in our schools. Schools use a range of strategies when converting their Full Time Equivalent (FTE) into the number of classes.

i. What enrolment rights do siblings of currently enrolled students have?

The revised policy clarifies the enrolment rights for siblings of non-local students in schools with capacity constraints.

• In schools that are allowed to accept non-local students, selection criteria for any non- local enrolment panel will give priority to siblings of existing students, where possible.

• Siblings of currently enrolled students who were local when enrolled but are now non- local because of boundary changes are also entitled to enrol, even if their school is over the buffer or cap.

• Like other non-local students, siblings do not have an entitlement to be enrolled at a school that has reached its cap or local enrolment buffer level.

The revised policy retains its focus on the department’s obligation to give paramount importance to the best educational and wellbeing needs of students. Supporting at-risk students will remain a consideration for principals and DELs in making decisions in relation to families seeking to enrol siblings in an at-capacity non-local school.

ii. We have reached our enrolment buffer. I have already made offers to siblings of current students for 2020. Do I now have to tell those parents that they cannot attend?

No, any enrolment offers already made and/or accepted prior to Term 4 2019 will be honoured.

However, future decisions about siblings of current students need to be managed through the non-local enrolment criteria and panel process at your school.

iii. The policy says that we can enrol students who are out of our local intake area

if there are exceptional circumstances. Is there a definitive list of what circumstances might be considered ‘exceptional’?

No, there is not a definitive list of the circumstances that could be considered exceptional. The policy does not (and should not) define the range and scope of exceptionality. This supports local and sensible decision making by the people who know the families best.

Exceptional circumstances should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the school’s placement panel if the school is near its buffer. If the school is over its buffer level or cap, the decision is made between the principal and DEL. There are subject matter experts in state office who are able to provide advice to support decision making.

Page 15: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

As an example, exceptional circumstances may occur when the safety and wellbeing of students could be compromised. We have an obligation to protect and ensure the wellbeing of our most vulnerable students.

Some examples of exceptional circumstances might include:

7. Families in a situation characterised by domestic violence. The parent may not be able to prove their residential address at point of enrolment. The principal can waive the 100 point residential address check and enrol the child/ren with the approval of the DEL.

8. Sometimes parents with limited resources and support who have a child with unique support needs and who is enrolled in a specialist support class in a mainstream school may seek to enrol their other children in the same school. The opportunity to keep siblings together might be a determining factor in the decision to access support for the child with a disability.

9. Some refugee families are initially placed in temporary housing and enrol as local students. When permanent housing is provided this can be out of the school’s local intake area. Consideration might be given to siblings coming into school at a later date if separating them from their siblings is likely to cause undue stress or trauma.

10. Where a non-local family did not have reasonable expectation that their subsequent children may not have been able to enrol in the same school as their sibling. This expectation should be set by schools at the time of any non-local enrolment, however where that has not previously been the case, this may be considered an exceptional circumstance in consultation with the DEL.

- Can my school accommodate a support class/unit when we are over our cap?

Yes, support classes/units are provisions for local and non-local students, who are identified through the placement panel process. The location of support classes is determined based on the best interests of the students.

Schools will continue to be supported to provide this important service for students and families. Additional demountable accommodation will be provided to enable the support class provision if it is required as a result of the support class establishment. The school’s enrolment cap will be adjusted, if needed.

- We have reached our enrolment cap. Do I have to discontinue a special

program for which we have had a selection process for non-local students, and that includes a partnership with an external organisation?

No, you can continue to offer this type of program, but it would be for your local students to access. Non-local access may need to be grandfathered out, depending on the commitment already made to the program. You could continue to have a selection process for local students to be included in the specialist/extra-curricular program.

Schools will continue to be encouraged to develop and implement special programs, including those that involve partnerships with community organisations, which enhance students’ learning, health, wellbeing and welfare outcomes.

Participation in these programs needs to be inclusive and non-discriminatory and should not be limited by a requirement for the student to be enrolled at the organising school.

Page 16: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

10. How does the cap impact specialist high schools where many of their students are non-


There are currently 33 specialist high schools that have a cap. The types of specialist schools include: - Creative Arts - Sports - Languages - Performing Arts - Visual Arts - Technology - Rural Technology - Marine

If a school is identified by the Department as a specialist high school and has an evidence of enrolment based on specialist programs or provisions, then the principal and DEL should discuss the enrolment profile of the school and how the cap could be adjusted to accommodate the specialist provision.

11. My school operates differently to others. What options do I have to adjust the centrally

set cap for my school?

The policy is being implemented in two phases to provide the opportunity for DELs and principals to discuss the centrally set cap and any adjustments that might be required to account for local factors or differing operating parameters.

The cap can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the number of designated permanent classrooms that are recorded for the school.

Any local adjustments to the cap need to be agreed with the DEL and endorsed by the Executive Director for the approval of the Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance.

12. Has consideration been given to the revised policy’s impact on principal classification and

school staffing?

Concerns regarding the policy’s impact on individual circumstances is understandable.

Principals should be reassured that policy changes are not taken lightly and their potential effects are weighed against the need to manage resources efficiently across the whole school system.

Some schools will see a flow back of local enrolments which may offset the loss of non-local enrolment numbers.

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Year 6 Mini-Fete

Date: Thursday 26th September, 2019 (Week 10) Time: Between lunch and recess Cost: A gold coin donation (Mufti day) and spending money (up to $10)

All proceeds to go to Year 6 Fundraising.


Hairspray Cake Stall Basketball Haunted House Dance Battle Laser Tag Handball Sock Wrestling Whipped Bean

Page 18: Narara Public School Term 3, Week 6 Monday …...Congratulations to everyone for the effort that went into last week’s Book Fair and parade. Everyone looked amazing and the turnout

Father’s Day B

Dear parents/carers, On Friday 6th of September, Stage 3 students and staff have organised a ‘Disney Day’ to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Students are encouraged to dress-up as their favourite Disney characters or in mufti. We are requesting a gold coin donation for this event. Throughout the day, students will be participating in various Disney-themed activities both inside and outside the classroom that some of our wonderful Stage 3 students have developed. Please be mindful of the activities when planning the students dress up/mufti clothes. There will be a cake stall available at lunch time for students

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FATHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST We invite all Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles to our Fathers’ Day Breakfast between 7:30am and 8:25am on Friday 30th August. This year we will be serving Sausage Sandwiches. Please fill out the RSVP and return to the office by Wednesday 28th August. Parents will need to collect tokens for their breakfasts from the desk outside the Office on the day. It is imperative that you return the RSVP as we will be catering based on the number of RSVPs returned and we would not like anyone to be disappointed. Please detach and return to the office by Wednesday 28th August

FATHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST RSVP I would like to RSVP for _______ Adults _______ Child Eldest child’s Name: _____________________________Class: ______________

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Sessions 8:45am-10:15am

Thursday 29th August Thursday 5th September

Thursday 12th September Thursday 19th September Thursday 26th September

See the school office to enroll your child or ring on 4328 3024

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