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Page 1: Narrative report project nr. 416-025-1014 zg reporting period dec. 1st, 2011 – may 31st, 2012

Reporting Period: Dec. 1st, 2011 – May 31st, 2012

Project Nr. 416-025-1014 ZG

PROJECT NO. 416-025/1014 ZG 2011-2012(3)


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Recapitulation of Work Performance Infrastructure Project Roads & Dykes YSBS - Misereor 1992 - 2012(3)







1 Road 4

2 Canals 5

3 Dykes 5

4 Drainage Projects 5





1 Roads 7

2 Canals, Drainage Channels, Dykes





Project Location



e & F


ce R


t Y


















Newsletter Date


YAYASAN SOSIAL BINA SEJAHTERA CILACAP Gedung AMN Lt 4. Jl. Kendeng 308, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah—Indonesia

Tel /Fax: +62-282-507 000 4. E-Mail: [email protected] . www.ysbs.or.id Prepared by Stephanus Mulyadi


Page 2: Narrative report project nr. 416-025-1014 zg reporting period dec. 1st, 2011 – may 31st, 2012


i. General Information 1 Name of the partner organization YAYASAN SOSIAL BINA SEJAHTERA

Gedung AMN Lt. 4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Cilacap Jawa Tengah – Indonesia Tel. /Fax. +62-282-5070004 e-Mail: [email protected] website: www.ysbs.or.id

2 Project title Protecting reclaimed land and land use for smallholder farming in marginal coastal area affect by flooding around Cilacap, Central Java

3 Project Number 416-025-1014 ZG 4 Reporting Period Dec. 1st, 2011 – May 31st, 2012 5 Total Budget 790.000,00 Euro 6 Donor Agency Misereor - Germany

We report on our efforts in the Cilacap Area to procure land for the Peo-ple’s livelihood. On the island of Nusakambangan, which is a prison island with 7 prison’s and covers 12.000 Hcts. , of which 4.000 Hcts of forest has been destroyed by illegal logging over the years and in one area – Solok Jero - + 250 very poor farmers moved it to make a living from the denuded hillsides. The Dept. of Justice intended to move these people forcibly from the land but through connections we were able to convince their head peo-ple that the denuded land could only be returned to native forest with the help of the farmers, as if someone planted saplings and left them untended they would soon be smothered by weeds. With a win-win solution – the farmers be allowed to plant corn, peas, rice etc. and saplings among their crops - they could look after both crops and saplings. Also they would be allowed to plant 30% fruit trees that they would continue to harvest into the future and then 70% native trees for restoration of the eco-system. They would also protect the forest from illegal loggers and the fauna from unwanted hunters. In recent months this group has planted 170.000 trees and plant 130.000 more shortly. On two occasions, working with the forest rangers, they apprehend two groups of illegal loggers with their chain saws etc. and these are now in jail in Cilacap. Last week we held a meeting of farmers, forest rangers, dept. of correction people etc. and 25 farmers whose lands now totally covered in trees, will begin planting another 25 hcts. We have two other groups who planted 310.000 fast grow-ing trees and we are dialoging on the future of this venture as we wish to harvest these and replace them with Native and fruit trees. Misereor Pro-jects helps in a small way with foot paths, culverts etc. as part of the Com-munity Building Small Projects Section of the Program.

In another area of + 2.000 hcts. which was “sea” + 300 yrs. ago – then with sedimentation became mangrove forest and further sedimenta-tion became wet lands and we built river and sea dykes and it became rice land but as the area was uninhabited (uninhabitable) the land is still con-trolled by the Forestry Dept. and the tenant farmers pay a small rent. However at the moment we support the “FREE FARMERS UNION” to procure rights for this land.

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i. General Information In what was the sea villages the sea was divided up into

family fishing area and as the process of sedimentation con-tinues and becomes “appeared land” and with our road and reclamation program the fishermen have initial rights to this land. The Asia Development Bank funded the dredg-ing of 7.000.000 mts3 of Sediment and we convinced them to put this disposal mud behind our dykes and hence this land is now + 1½ mts. above sea level and safe from cli-mate change increase in sea levels for + 50yrs.

This sedimentation process continues with still many thousands of hectares to become rice lands and needs dykes/road base, hard surfacing, irrigation canals etc. and we would hope to walk with these people in their transition period.

Because of our credibility we are dialoguing with local government, local people and an Australian Chinese Com-pany to dredge part of the lagoon for “free” to ensure fish stocks in the lagoon and sea into the future. There is iron sand and maybe rare earths under the mud.

We continue to work with the “FREE FARMERS UN-ION” in other areas of the Regency where we open up the area with hard surfaced roads.

We enclose drawings of sedimentation expansion in one desa and also stages in road building which takes time due to the nature of the area – lots of “MUD”. We continue to collaborate with Gajah Mada University as a Laboratory for the Post Graduate Management of Infrastructure and Com-munity Development Faculty and when Stephanus . was with you in Aachen Prof.Dr. Usman Sunyoto, his staff, and 10 students spent 3days with us, visiting and studying pro-jects and on June 8th we discuss an assessment they will do on the Misereor Program and on June 15th we attend a presentation by the students who visited here on what they learned from our program.

I believe Stephanus gave you a copy of one stu-dents thesis (Sulistiono – U.G.M.) on Social Capital created by our program and a comparison with an 8 billion dollar Gov. program I also have a copy of a German girl – Ju-dith’s – thesis on inter faith dialogue and the Misereor pro-gram and I believe you will get a copy when she has de-fended the thesis. “SOCIAL CAPITAL” is the secular term for community and the bishops conference here declared “Internally Basic Christian Communities and Externally Basic Human Communities”.

Another development here was on Sat. may 26th I was given the “MA”ARIF AWARD”. This man was head of the Muhamadiyah organization (some 30million members). He is for inclusive religion and pluralism. All the National pa-pers ran the story and Misereor was mentioned by some. We will send you a copy of the English Jakarta Post Arti-cle. Also there has been 2T.V. programs on national T.V. and another planned and I believe the first two are on U.Tube. Some of the quotes are not totally correct but this very commonly happens. E.g. the quote from the new Tes-tament is “meek and humble of heart!! Also “God loves us as we are” This Misereor Program in no small way is the reason for the Award. Of our programs the greatest impact is this infrastructure program as a portal to dialogue, good governance, community building, growth in self esteem etc., has the most impact as it positively affects the lives of + 300.000 people in the remotest areas and the main road to Jakarta was one of our projects some years ago.

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1. The projects continue wih the same procedures i.e. the people a village experience a need for canal, a dyke, a road or the hard surfacing of a dirt road. The villagers gather, discuss and debate ending with a decision to ask the help of Y.S.B.S.

2. The procedure to obtain a project is set by the Regency Government: a) Village Meeting, b) Agreed by Village Chief and Council, c) Agreement of Kecamatan Office (Sub.Regency), d) Regency Planning Board, e) Technical Review by Public Works Dept. or Relevant Gov. Beureucracy.

3. Letters of Recomendation to YSBS from the above offices

4. YSBS field personnel visit the project site an assess compatibility with YSBS criteria

5. Discussion with stake holders and approval from all concerned bodies

6. Meeting to discuss logistics – location of depo-material, drop off locations, billeting of drivers, etc. Addres of Project Holder responsible for receiving and checking materials – quality – volume – etc. Discussion as to Voluntary inputs, special needs and circumstances of each area, etc.

7. Agreement on the rights and duties of each component.

8. Cost of various inputs eg. Rocks at the quarry gravel and sand at the river, movement of earth for earth works. Agree on prices.

9. Permission from Villages, whose roads will be used to reach project location and agreement to repair the damage that may be caused.

10. Maps provided to project sites, phone numbers addreses etc,. to YSBS staff and Vice versa.


A. Road

1. In this period we have implemented projects – Road, dykes and canal’s in the following 30 villages: Rungkang, Sidane-gara, Randu, Jayagiri, Ciwuni, Sidamukti, Wanadadi, Kalibu-lus, Gocea, Cibaok, Caruy, Bojongmeros, Matenggeng, Gadog, Danasri, Jowitan, Ciptosari, Wadas jontor, Kalen-pring, Bulutawan, Igirtugel, Pelindukan, Cibuaya, Cikadu, Kaliwungu, Sekarmayang, Kalenaren, Gurameh, Belut, Bo-jong.

2. The amount of materials we quarried and moved was 15.303 cubic meters of rocks and 3.900 cubic meters of earth.

3. With these materials the villagers built 15.459 metres of hard surfaced road and repaired 1.680 metres of road need-ing rehabilitation. With the earth movement they built 936 meters of dykes and canals.

4. The villagers worked on 14 small community building projects where we provided some small amounts of materials – which was 241 cubic meters of rocks, five cubic meters of sand and 13.000 red bricks – these were used to build path ways, culverts, small bridges, village meeting places, toilets, etc.

5. The local peoples inputs were all the labour which was vol-untary and on these occasions the women cooked meals for the workers, paid for by the wealthier people in the villages who did not take part in the physical work .

6. Our programs were the hard surfacing with big rocks and these are being covered with gravel and compacted with a government Road Roller and some have been bitumened with bitumen supplied by a big oil refinery in Cilacap and some concreted with cement supplied by the Government.

III. Implementing Input

Pre Project

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B. Canals

1. Three villages built canals Pelindukan, Bugel and Penikel so that when the rivers were in full flood the waters carried in mud and raised the wet lands so that rice could be planted and this was very successful as the soil was very fertile – top soil from mountain slopes – and produced very high yields of Padi – rice still on stalks and easily stored for future use – up to 8 tons per hectare. With an input of 70 – 80 million rupiahs per canal produced rice worth 1.6 billion rupiah per canal.

2. There canals will be increased so that more wet lands can become rice fields and help food security for the area as well as increase family incomes.

3. The staff and students from Gajah Mada Uni-versity were very impressed with this program and will continue to monitor progress.

C. Dykes

1. Two villages built dykes – Bringkeng and Ka-libener to stop rivers overflowing their banks and drowning the rice crop.

2. The rivers run through the rice fields as it is a flood plain and constant attention must be given to these dykes.

3. The mud to raise the dykes is taken from the bottom of the river, keeping the depth. of the river constant.

D. Drainage projects

1. The drains were dug in two villages Pahonjean and Bendakulon – an area where five rivers meet and flood almost every year.

2. The drains were lined with rocks and the villag-ers bought cement and sand to keep the rocks in place.

3. All the work done making the drains was done with voluntary labour (Gotong Royong)

IV. OUT PUTS III. Implementing Input

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1. 15.459 meters of road hard surfaced by us and 1.680 meters rehabilitated and these roads are being further enhanced by a government program. Due to the nature of the terrain – sedi-mentation – the input of our rocks is most important to stop sub-sidence and break up of the roads. The compaction caused by our trucks further help the strength of the roads.

2. The drains opened up + 400 hcts. of wetlands become rice fields producing over 1.000 tons of rice for the area.

3. The dykes ensured flood waters did not inundate the rice fields.

4. The drainage program helped rain water reach the rivers more quickly and avoid flooding.


1. Social capital (community). We have passed on the thesis of a student from Program Management of Infrastructur and Community Development (MICD) Gajah Mada University Post Graduate Yogyakarta and the findings seem to be – that by our “non intrusive” approach at the beginnings of the project and hence tottaly controlled and decided upon by vilagers, that this gives them stronger sense of owning the project. The Government intervention from the start of the program which has its strenghts – e.g. more definite gender contribution, but the villagers sense of owning he project is lessened. The greater voluntary input in our program also seems to be more conducive to a positive atmosphere as the project is implemented.

2. Acces to Markets – increased income – many people have begun making red bricks from the sediment in the rivers and the dyke roads make it possible to carry these to markets e.g. the interviewed of Stephanus Mulyadi with a woman whose husband was crippled from falling of a coconut tree. She earned IDR 30 for placing the mud in a cast until it sets and she could make ± IDR 60.000 a day doing this – which is 50% more than craftsman earns.(plus access yang sudah ada dalam laporan terdahulu)

3. A German Girl – Judit Miryam Edelmann has wrote her thesis on YSBS inter faith Dialog and after Defend the thesis, she will give a copy to Misereor. On May 26th I was awarded the “MAARIF’ AWARD for our Pluralistic approach to Social Work (Muhamadiyah Movement). Also being able to include radical groups (FPI) in our programms.

4. Welcoming “Extreamist” that reject violence

5. Strenghtening the hold of villagers on reclaimed land (± 2000 hectares).

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1. Roads

a. What were dirt roads and almost impassible in the wet season are now all weather roads and access for all human activities made easier.

b. Transportation between villages and to the main road is much easier.

c. Land prices adjacent to the road increase by 50% which compensates for the sacrificing of land to make the roads.

d. Various economic activities have appeared small shops, eating places, bike repairs, rice milling and mak-ing red bricks.

e. Small vehicles and motor bikes can safely reach their destination and replacing spare parts less frequent..

f. Children can get to school on time and the journey to school is less tiring.

g. Prices of agricultural products increased as traders come direct to the farmers to purchase produce.

h. An increase in Social Capital and Social cohesion brought about by the community effort to build the road – strengthening the cultural “GOTONG ROYONG” spirit.

i. Increase in village security with increased activities of locals.

j. Many of the roads are also dykes and strengthened by the hard surfacing – also raised 25cms.

k. Villages no longer isolated from development – electric-ity poles – water irrigation in drains dug out to provide soil for the road.

l. Transport costs of farm produce decreased

m. Increase income makes it possible for families to pay school fees.

d. We are looking for funds from Ireland to buy a large water pump so we can produce rice in the dry sea-son (June to December).

e. The number of farm labors increased dramatically – needed to plough, plant, weed, fertilize, spray and harvest the rice crop.

f. Increase in Family income dramatic

g. Access of hand tractors and rice harvesters and rice mills make for more productive results.

h. The road side is also used as a place for drying rice and hence safer storage.

i. Drains lessen impact of flooding and dykes stop river overflow and sea water inundation.


2. Canals, drainage channels, dykes.

a. Areas that were wet lands are now rice fields.

b. Example in Pelindukan Village 97hcts in 2010 is now 500hcts of rice field in 2012

c. Production of unhulled rice in 2010 was 582tons and now in 2012 – 3.000 tons.


1. Gajah Mada University Post Graduate Faculty of Management of Infrastructur and Community Development (MICD), Prof. Sunyoto Usman, his staff and 10 students spent 3 days with us and visited villages, interviewed people, etc. and are analyzing their findings at a presentation on Thursday June 14th, and some board members and YSBS staff members are invited and will report on findings. Findings: (see MICD Report)

2. The National TV station Metro TV spent a week filming our progess and we hope to get copies of the programs aired and will send them to you. We also got a commitment from the Producer to do a program on the “Death Penalty” in the hope of changing attitudes somewhat.

3. All the National Newspapers wrote articels on our work here and we send you a cpoy of the English Newspaper report: The Jakarta Post.

4. Becuse of the influence of our programms we are introducing an Australian/Chinese Company with local Gov. with the possibility of dredging the lagoon and outlet for “free”. The sediment contains “iron sand” etc., and they can sell this to cover their costs.

5. The above will “normalize” shore to take it more conducive for fish and shrimp to spawn affecting the lagoon and open sea fish catches for the better.

6. “VIVAT INTERNATIONAL” used our program with ilegal farmers on Nusakambangan Island as a “Best Practice” approach to be emulated in other areas, etc.

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The process of writing this report has involved many elements under Yayasan Sosial Bina Sejahtera, that were the staff of BPH, all project Staff including the field officer, government officer in the level of village, sub district and district, com-munity leaders, religious leaders, direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project’s outcomes.

The information collected by observe method, direct interview, discussion with the religious and community leaders, also direct visit to the fields.

To support the success of this project, many parties involving, those were project staff, the foreman, local government, religious and community leaders, also the representation of beneficiaries of the project.

Cilacap, 26 June 2012

Fr. Charlie Burrows, OMI


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